23 research outputs found

    Flow-process controls on grain type distribution in an experimental turbidity current deposit: Implications for detrital signal preservation and microplastic distribution in submarine fans

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    Deep-water depositional systems are the ultimate sink for vast quantities of terrigenous sediment, organic carbon and anthropogenic pollutants, forming valuable archives of environmental change. Our understanding of the distribution of these particles and the preservation of environmental signals, in deep-water systems is limited due to the inaccessibility of modern systems, and the incomplete nature of ancient systems. Here, the deposit of a physically modelled turbidity current was sampled (n = 49) to determine how grain size and grain type vary spatially. The turbidity current had a sediment concentration of 17%. The sediment consisted of, by weight, 65% quartz sand (2.65 g/cm3), 17.5% silt (2.65 g/cm3), 7.5% clay (2.60 g/cm3) and 5% each of sand-grade garnet (3.90 g/cm3) and microplastic fragments (1.50 g/cm3). The grain size and composition of each sample was determined using laser diffraction and density separation, respectively. The results show that: (a) bulk grain size coarsened axially downstream on the basin floor challenging the notion that basin floor deposits fine radially from an apex upon becoming unconfined; (b) no sample composition matched the input composition of the flow, indicating that allogenic signals can be autogenically shredded and spatially variable in sediment gravity flow deposits; and (c) microplastic fragments were concentrated in levee and lateral basin floor fringe positions; however, microplastic concentrations in these positions were lower than input, suggesting microplastics bypassed the sampled positions. These findings have implications for: (a) the development of ‘finger-like’ geometries and facies distributions observed in modern and ancient systems; (b) interpreting environmental signals in the stratigraphic record; and (c) predicting the distribution of microplastics on the sea floor. © 2021 The Authors. The Depositional Record published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Association of Sedimentologist

    The influence of basin setting and turbidity current properties on the dimensions of submarine lobe elements

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    Submarine lobes have been identified within various deep-water settings, including the basin-floor, the base of slope and the continental slope. Their dimensions and geometries are postulated to be controlled by the topographic configuration of the seabed, sediment supply system and slope gradient. Ten experiments were conducted in a three-dimensional-flume to study the depositional characteristics of submarine lobes associated with: (i) different basin floor gradients (0 to 4°); (ii) different sediment concentrations of the parent turbidity current (11 to 19% vol); and (iii) varying discharge (25 to 40 m3 h−1). Most runs produced lobate deposits that onlapped onto the lower slope. Deposit length was proportional to basin-floor angle and sediment volume concentration. A higher amount of bypass is observed in the proximal area as the basin-floor angles get steeper and sediment concentrations higher. Deposits of runs with lower discharge could be traced higher upslope while runs with higher discharge produced an area of low deposition behind the channel mouth, i.e. discharge controlled whether lobe deposits were attached or detached from their channel-levĂ©e systems. A particle-advection-length scale analysis suggests that this approach can be used as a first order estimation of lobe element length. However, the estimations strongly depend on the average grain size used for calculations (for example, silt is still actively transported after all sand has been deposited) and the method cannot be used to locate the main depocentre. Furthermore, attempted reconstructions of turbidity current velocities from natural systems suggest that the method is not appropriate for use in inversions from more complex composite bodies such as lobes

    The influence of basin setting and turbidity current properties on the dimensions of submarine lobe elements

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    Submarine lobes have been identified within various deep‐water settings, including the basin‐floor, the base of slope and the continental slope. Their dimensions and geometries are postulated to be controlled by the topographic configuration of the seabed, sediment supply system and slope gradient. Ten experiments were conducted in a three‐dimensional‐flume to study the depositional characteristics of submarine lobes associated with: (i) different basin floor gradients (0 to 4°); (ii) different sediment concentrations of the parent turbidity current (11 to 19% vol); and (iii) varying discharge (25 to 40 m3 h−1). Most runs produced lobate deposits that onlapped onto the lower slope. Deposit length was proportional to basin‐floor angle and sediment volume concentration. A higher amount of bypass is observed in the proximal area as the basin‐floor angles get steeper and sediment concentrations higher. Deposits of runs with lower discharge could be traced higher upslope while runs with higher discharge produced an area of low deposition behind the channel mouth, i.e. discharge controlled whether lobe deposits were attached or detached from their channel‐levĂ©e systems. A particle‐advection‐length scale analysis suggests that this approach can be used as a first order estimation of lobe element length. However, the estimations strongly depend on the average grain size used for calculations (for example, silt is still actively transported after all sand has been deposited) and the method cannot be used to locate the main depocentre. Furthermore, attempted reconstructions of turbidity current velocities from natural systems suggest that the method is not appropriate for use in inversions from more complex composite bodies such as lobes

    Deep-water sand transfer by hyperpycnal flows, the Eocene of Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway

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    Flood-generated hyperpycnal flows are dense, sediment-laden, turbulent flows that can form long-lived, bottom-hugging turbidity currents, which undoubtedly transport large volumes of fine-grained sediments into the ocean. However, their ability in transferring sand into deep-water basins is debated. This study presents sedimentological evidence of sandy hyperpycnal flow deposits (hyperpycnites) in a series of basin floor lobe complexes associated with a progradational shelf margin in the Eocene of Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway. Four coexisting types of sediment gravity flow deposits are recognized: (i) sandy hyperpycnites deposited by quasi-steady hyperpycnal flows; (ii) turbidites deposited by waning, surge-type turbidity currents; (iii) hybrid event beds deposited by transitional flows; and (iv) mass transport deposits emplaced during rare slope failures. The abundance of thick-bedded massive sandstones, frequent bed amalgamation, the distribution of hyperpycnites across the lobes and the abundance and systematic occurrence of plant-rich hybrid event beds and associated climbing ripple cross-laminated beds in the lobe fringes, suggest that hyperpycnal flow was the most important mechanism driving lobe progradation. Shelf-edge positioned fluvial channels linked to the basin floor lobe complexes via deeply incised, sandstone-filled slope channels, suggest that rivers fed directly onto the slopes where their dense, sand-laden discharges readily generated quasi-steady hyperpycnal flows that regularly reached the basin floor. The composite architecture and complex waxing–waning flow facies configuration of the hyperpycnites is consistent with sustained and concomitant suspension and traction deposition under fluctuating subcritical to supercritical conditions. Similar sandstone beds occur on the clinoform slopes, indicating that the hyperpycnal flows operated likewise on the slope. Plant-rich hybrid event beds indicate transformation of initially turbulent flows by relative enrichment of clay and plant material via progressive sand deposition to such an extent that it suppressed turbulence. The multi-faceted character of the hyperpycnites reported here, challenges traditional beliefs that hyperpycnites assumingly preserve the waxing–waning signal of single-peaked floods

    The influence of basin setting and turbidity current properties on the dimensions of submarine lobe elements

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    Submarine lobes have been identified within various deep-water settings, including the basin-floor, the base of slope and the continental slope. Their dimensions and geometries are postulated to be controlled by the topographic configuration of the seabed, sediment supply system and slope gradient. Ten experiments were conducted in a three-dimensional-flume to study the depositional characteristics of submarine lobes associated with: (i) different basin floor gradients (0 to 4°); (ii) different sediment concentrations of the parent turbidity current (11 to 19% vol); and (iii) varying discharge (25 to 40 m3 h−1). Most runs produced lobate deposits that onlapped onto the lower slope. Deposit length was proportional to basin-floor angle and sediment volume concentration. A higher amount of bypass is observed in the proximal area as the basin-floor angles get steeper and sediment concentrations higher. Deposits of runs with lower discharge could be traced higher upslope while runs with higher discharge produced an area of low deposition behind the channel mouth, i.e. discharge controlled whether lobe deposits were attached or detached from their channel-levĂ©e systems. A particle-advection-length scale analysis suggests that this approach can be used as a first order estimation of lobe element length. However, the estimations strongly depend on the average grain size used for calculations (for example, silt is still actively transported after all sand has been deposited) and the method cannot be used to locate the main depocentre. Furthermore, attempted reconstructions of turbidity current velocities from natural systems suggest that the method is not appropriate for use in inversions from more complex composite bodies such as lobes

    Proximal to distal grain-size distribution of basin-floor lobes: A study from the Battfjellet Formation, Central Tertiary Basin, Svalbard

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    The grain-size distribution of sediment particles is an important aspect of the architecture of submarine fans and lobes. It governs depositional sand quality and reflects distribution of particulate organic carbon and pollutants. Documenting the grain-size distribution of these deep-marine sedimentary bodies can also offer us an insight into the flows that deposited them. Submarine lobes are commonly assumed to linearly fine from an apex, meaning there should be a proportional relationship between grain size and distance from the lobe apex. However, not much detailed quantitative work has been done to test this hypothesis. Exposure of a 5 km long dip-section of basin-floor lobes in Clinoform 12, Battfjellet Formation, Spitsbergen, enable the study of basinward grain-size evolution in lobe deposits. Furthermore, the dataset allows testing if there are any documentable grain-size differences between lobe sub-environments. For this purpose, the palaeogeography of Clinoform 12 was reconstructed and the youngest lobe, which was exposed in all collected logs, chosen to be evaluated for its grain-size trends. Photographed thin sections of 66 rock samples were analysed to obtain quantitative grain-size distributions. The results show that fining of lobe deposits occurs predominantly in the most proximal and most distal parts of the lobe, while the intermediate lobe, which is dominated by lobe off-axis deposits, is characterised by a relatively consistent grain-size range. Lobe sub-environments show statistically distinct grain-size distributions from lobe axis to lobe fringe. An explanation for these trends is the interplay of capacity and competence-driven deposition with the grain-size stratification of the flows. The outcomes of this study help to better understand the proximal to distal evolution of turbidity currents and their depositional patterns. They also provide important insights in reservoir potential of basin-floor fans at lobe scale

    Sediment Volume and Grain-Size Partitioning Between Submarine Channel−Levee Systems and Lobes: An Experimental Study

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    The width and depth of submarine channels change progressively as the channels evolve. This is inferred to act as an important control on the rate of sediment loss due overbank and in-channel deposition. Understanding the downstream extraction of sediment from turbidity currents is important for the prediction of grain-size trends and volume distribution in the stratigraphy. However, the partitioning of sediment by individual turbidity currents as a function of channel dimensions has not been investigated previously. We present a series of physical experiments studying the link between channel dimensions and the resulting partitioning of sediment volume and grain size between sub-environments. The experimental set-up consists of a slope (11°) with a straight pre-formed channel and a horizontal basin floor. An identical flow was released repeatedly into channels with different dimensions, resulting in various styles of overspill, erosion, and deposition under varying degrees of channel confinement. The fraction of sediment that was bypassed through the channel to the basin floor varied between 67% and 89%, depending on the amount of levee and in-channel deposition. The volume of levee deposition correlates well with channel depth. A large channel depth relative to flow thickness limits the amount of overspill. The amount of in-channel deposition correlates well with channel width/depth (W/D) ratio, where low-W/D-ratio channels have less deposition. We compare the experiments to natural system to show that the same patterns of volume and grain-size partitioning are present at different scales. The experiments provide snapshots of different phases of evolution of natural submarine channels. Natural submarine channels in an early evolution phase are inferred to be shallow and the experiments demonstrate that this results in significant sediment loss to levee deposition along the channel. The process of levee deposition preferentially extracts the fine-grained sediment fraction, which overspills from the channel. Therefore, we predict that the initial sediment pulse that reaches the basin floor is coarse grained and volumetrically small. As the channel matures and deepens, it will bypass more sediment with a mix of grain sizes to the basin floor

    Proximal to distal grain-size distribution of basin-floor lobes: A study from the Battfjellet Formation, Central Tertiary Basin, Svalbard

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    The grain-size distribution of sediment particles is an important aspect of the architecture of submarine fans and lobes. It governs depositional sand quality and reflects distribution of particulate organic carbon and pollutants. Documenting the grain-size distribution of these deep-marine sedimentary bodies can also offer us an insight into the flows that deposited them. Submarine lobes are commonly assumed to linearly fine from an apex, meaning there should be a proportional relationship between grain size and distance from the lobe apex. However, not much detailed quantitative work has been done to test this hypothesis. Exposure of a 5 km long dip-section of basin-floor lobes in Clinoform 12, Battfjellet Formation, Spitsbergen, enable the study of basinward grain-size evolution in lobe deposits. Furthermore, the dataset allows testing if there are any documentable grain-size differences between lobe sub-environments. For this purpose, the palaeogeography of Clinoform 12 was reconstructed and the youngest lobe, which was exposed in all collected logs, chosen to be evaluated for its grain-size trends. Photographed thin sections of 66 rock samples were analysed to obtain quantitative grain-size distributions. The results show that fining of lobe deposits occurs predominantly in the most proximal and most distal parts of the lobe, while the intermediate lobe, which is dominated by lobe off-axis deposits, is characterised by a relatively consistent grain-size range. Lobe subenvironments show statistically distinct grain-size distributions from lobe axis to lobe fringe. An explanation for these trends is the interplay of capacity and competence-driven deposition with the grain-size stratification of the flows. The outcomes of this study help to better understand the proximal to distal evolution of turbidity currents and their depositional patterns. They also provide important insights in reservoir potential of basin-floor fans at lobe scal

    IGH gene usage for productive IGH for pooled IgG, IgA and IgM

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    <p>IGHV, IGHD and IGHJ gene usage was quantified from pooled IGH rearrangements from 8 subject sampled by pyrosequencing. The pooled data includes IGH associated with all IGHC genes other than IgE and IgD.</p