20 research outputs found

    Peanut Allergen Reaction Thresholds during Controlled Food Challenges in 2 Canadian Randomized Studies (Canada-ARM1 and PISCES)

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    In 2 randomized studies addressing peanut allergy (Canada-Food Allergy Risk Management 1 [NCT01812798] and Peanut Immunotherapy Starting in Canada, Evaluation and DiScovery [NCT0 1601522]), we quantified peanut allergen thresholds to food challenge using Bayesian stacked model averaging to inform policy and clinical practice. About 50% of patients tolerated more than 70 mg (~ ÂĽ peanut)

    Contrasting responses of idealised and realistic simulations of shallow cumuli to aerosol perturbations

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    Shallow clouds remain greatly significant in improving our understanding of the atmosphere. Using the Met Office Unified Model, we compare highly idealised simulations of shallow cumuli with those using more realistic domains, with open lateral boundaries and varying large-scale forcing. We find that the realistic simulations are more capable of representing the cloud field on large spatial scales, and appear to limit the aerosol perturbations leading to impacts on the thermodynamic conditions. Aerosol perturbations lead to changes in the cloud vertical structure, and thermodynamic evolution of the idealised simulations; a central feature of behavior seen previously in idealised simulations. Modelling approaches with open boundaries and time-varying forcing may allow for improved representation of shallow clouds in the atmosphere, and greater understanding of how they may respond to perturbations

    The Initiation of Th2 Immunity Towards Food Allergens

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    In contrast with Th1 immune responses against pathogenic viruses and bacteria, the incipient events that generate Th2 responses remain less understood. One difficulty in the identification of universal operating principles stems from the diversity of entities against which cellular and molecular Th2 responses are produced. Such responses are launched against harmful macroscopic parasites and noxious substances, such as venoms, but also against largely innocuous allergens. This suggests that the established understanding about sense and recognition applied to Th1 responses may not be translatable to Th2 responses. This review will discuss processes and signals known to occur in Th2 responses, particularly in the context of food allergy. We propose that perturbations of homeostasis at barrier sites induced by external or internal subverters, which can activate or lower the threshold activation of the immune system, are the major requirement for allergic sensitization. Innate signals produced in the tissue under these conditions equip dendritic cells with a program that forms an adaptive Th2 response

    Écriture de la violence, violence de l'écriture

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    Ce volume de Sillages critiques est le fruit de trois années de réflexion menée par les membres du laboratoire VALE autour de l’écriture de la violence et de la violence de l’écriture, une réflexion qui a trouvé son point d’orgue dans un colloque consacré à cette question en avril 2015. Ce colloque et les séminaires qui l’ont précédé ont été l’occasion d’un questionnement sur la manière dont l’écriture, comprise ici comme représentation graphique, peut-être également comme une inaccessible origine, fait le récit de la violence mais aussi et surtout sur la manière dont la violence informe l’écriture et se loge, au détour d’une phrase, dans un élément lexical, un signe de ponctuation ou une figure de style : une rhétorique de la violence se met dès lors en place