18 research outputs found

    Tetrafluoroazidoaniline and Method of Making and Using the Same

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    The invention is directed to a novel compounds comprising 4-azidotetrafluoroaniline and the alkyl, acyl and sulfonamide derivatives thereof and to methods of making and using the same. The novel compounds are useful as a photoaffinity probe to study protein structure and function. Two methods for preparing 4-azidotetrafluoroaniline are disclosed, each employing a stable carbamate intermediate from which the 4-azidotetrafluoroaniline is derived

    Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Analogs

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    The post-translational addition of a farnesyl moiety to the Ras oncoprotein is essential for its membrane localization and is required for both its biological activity and ability to induce malignant transformation. The present invention describes design and synthesis of a farnesylpyrophosphate (FPP) analog, 8-anilinogeranyl pyrophosphate (AGPP) that is transferred to Ras by farnesyltransferase (FTase), in which the ω-terminal isoprene unit of the farnesyl group has been replaced with an aniline functionality. AGPP potently inhibited FTase activity in vitro (IC50=0.6 μM) and is highly selective showing little inhibitory activity against either geranylgeranyl-protein transferase type I (GGTase I) (IC50=31 μM) or the utilization of FPP by the enzyme squalene synthase (IC50=1000 μM). Kinetic analyses suggest that AGPP acts as a competitive inhibitor of FTase with respect to FPP. In vitro studies using [3H]AGPP show that the analog was appropriately transferred by FTase to Ras. Derivitization of AGPP with a bulky iodo group on the aniline ring does not significantly alter its biochemical properties. These data indicate that the modified molecules are the first truly transferable analogs of FPP and open the door to additional analogs to probe the biological function of protein farnesylation

    Investigation into the bond strength of four ceramo alloy systems related to two different cooling methods

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    PLEASE NOTE: This work is protected by copyright. Downloading is restricted to the BU community: please click Download and log in with a valid BU account to access. If you are the author of this work and would like to make it publicly available, please contact [email protected] photographs included.Thesis (M.Sc.D.)--Boston University, Henry M. Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry, 1981 (Dental Public Health)Bibliography : leaves 61-64.Treatments and preparations of ceramo-alloy systems prior to porcelain bonding has been a conflicting controversy among technologists, researchers and manufacturers. The literature is replete with theories about the natures of the bond between porcelain and ceramo-alloys. The role of specific elements in the bonding is still unknown. The purpose of this investigation was to gain additional insight into a specific aspect of cooling and subsequent bonding. This study was conducted to investigate as to whether quenching of a ceramo-alloy after casting does effect the bonding at the ceramo-metal interface. It was speculated that the specific cooling method prior to the metal surface preparation and porcelain application would affect the micro- structure will special reference to the elements at the surface which, in turn, affects the bonding of porcelain to the alloy. Four ceramo-alloys, a Gold-Platinum, Gold Palladium, Palladium-Cobalt-Indium, and a Nickel-Chromium alloy, were divided into two groups, totaling 80 specimens. One group was subjected to immediate quenching after casting of the specimens in the ceramo-alloy. The second group was left to bench cool at room temperature, served as a control group. Porcelain was applied to the thus-treated specimens. Each alloy received its appropriate porcelain as recommended by the manufacturer, to provide maximum bond strength. After the porcelain was applied and fired, the specimens were subjected to a shear test. They were loaded under compression using a crosshead speed of 0.05 inch per minute. The load at failure (peak load in pounds) was recorded. Analysis of the data demonstrated the following: 1. No significant trend, indicating that either quenching or bench cooling, affect the bonding for the alloys Jelenko "O", Olympia and Chemodent. 2. For the alloy Biobond, a significant difference was observed (p[less than] 0.02). 3. There is a direct relationship of the quenching treatment itself. A significant variation exists between the bond strength among the four alloy systems in Group I. 4. The variation in the results in the bond strength was due to porcelain opaque porosity. During the course of this investigation, valuable information was also collected with respect to testing and specimens fabrication and variables affecting the results. The reader is encouraged to critically study these findings, and to either accept, reject or dispute the results. Only this approach will be beneficial to the dental profession


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    Ein Viertel der in Deutschland installierten Photovoltaikanlagen befindet sich auf Dächern landwirtschaftlicher Gebäude (ima, 2013). Die volatile PV-Leistung ist typischerweise nur selten zu den Zeitpunkten verfügbar, zu denen im Landwirtschaftsbetrieb Lastspitzen erreicht werden. Hier wird als Beispiel die Milchproduktion mit Lastspitzen zu morgendlichen und abendlichen Melkzeiten betrachtet. Die fluktuierende Ein- und Ausspeisung kann zu einer Belastung der vorgelagerten Verteilnetze führen. Ein Ausgleich könnte durch Lastverschiebung oder die Installation eines elektrischen Speichers erfolgen. In den hier vorgestellten Berechnungen wird untersucht, in wie weit sich ein mögliches netzdienliches Verhalten des Landwirtschaftsbetriebes durch eine täglich konstante Austauschleistung mit dem vorgelagerten Netz mit einem wirtschaftlich orientierten Verhalten durch rechtliche Anreizmechanismen deckt. Die Betrachtungen kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass unter wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die Installation eines Speichers nicht sinnvoll ist, jedoch die Steigerung des direkten Eigenverbrauchs durch Verschiebung flexibler Lasten einen Gewinnzuwachs generieren kann. Im Vergleich zur möglichen konstanten Austauschleistung bei netzdienlichen Verhalten weißt die Austauschleistung für die wirtschaftlichen Fälle jedoch höhere Schwankungen zwischen den Extremwerten auf. Treten Einspeisespitzen insbesondere in den Mittagsstunden auf, können sie zusammen mit anderen im gleichen Netzgebiet installierten PV-Anlagen zu einer erhöhten Belastung der Netze und damit einhergehend zur Verletzung von Betriebsgrenzwerten in den Verteilnetzen führen. Einspeisung in den Mittagsstunden tritt in den betrachteten Fällen trotz Eigenverbrauchserhöhung in verschiedener Ausprägung auf, sodass diese Betriebsweise aus Netzsicht keinen Vorteil gegenüber dem unbeeinflussten Betrieb bringt

    A Review of the Implementation of the Embryonic Stem Cell Test (EST)

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    The EST has been developed as an in vitro screening test for evaluating the potential embryotoxic effects of substances, to allow their classification into three major classes: non-embryotoxic; weakly embryotoxic; and strongly embryotoxic). It is biologically based on the assumption that chemicals with an embryotoxic potential will block the spontaneous development of embryonic stem cells into beating cardiac muscle cells within the first 10 days of embryonic development . In 2002, the assay was endorsed by the ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) as scientifically validated and ready to be considered for regulatory acceptance and application. the workshop has reviewed the post validated status of the EST so far.JRC.DDG.I.3-In-vitro method