17 research outputs found

    Stakeholder engagement to ensure the sustainability of biobanks: a survey of potential users of biobank services

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    Biobanks are important infrastructures facilitating biomedical research. After a decade of rolling out such infrastructures, a shift in attention to the sustainability of biobanks could be observed in recent years. In this regard, an increase in the as yet relatively low utilisation rates of biobanks has been formulated as a goal. Higher utilisation rates can only be achieved if the perspectives of potential users of biobanks-particularly researchers not yet collaborating with biobanks-are adequately considered. To better understand their perspectives, a survey was conducted at ten different research institutions in Germany hosting a centralised biobank. The survey targeted potential users of biobank services, i.e. researchers working with biosamples. It addressed the general demand for biosamples, strategies for biosample acquisition/storage and reasons for/against collaborating with biobanks. In total, 354 researchers filled out the survey. Most interestingly, only a minority of researchers (12%) acquired their biosamples via biobanks. Of the respondents not collaborating with biobanks on sample acquisition, around half were not aware of the (services of the) respective local biobank. Those who actively decided against acquiring biosamples via a biobank provided different reasons. Most commonly, respondents stated that the biosamples required were not available, the costs were too high and information about the available biosamples was not readily accessible. Biobanks can draw many lessons from the results of the survey. Particularly, external communication and outreach should be improved. Additionally, biobanks might have to reassess whether their particular collection strategies are adequately aligned with local researchers' needs

    Online insomnia treatment-a review

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    Spiegelhalder K, Acker J, Baumeister H, et al. Digitale Behandlungsangebote für Insomnie – eine Übersichtsarbeit. SOMNOLOGIE. 2020;24(4):106-114.Zusammenfassung Digital angebotene psychologische Interventionen gegen Schlafstörungen sind aktuell ein sehr intensiv bearbeitetes Forschungsthema. In dieser Übersichtsarbeit werden Originalarbeiten und Metaanalysen zu diesem Thema zusammengefasst. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die internetbasierte kognitive Verhaltenstherapie für Insomnie (KVT-I) bei Erwachsenen durchweg sehr effektiv ist mit allenfalls leicht geringeren Effektstärken als die gleiche Behandlung mit physischer Präsenz von Therapeuten und Patienten. Behandlungseffekte zeigen sich dabei auch für sekundäre Outcome-Parameter wie Depressivität, Angst, Fatigue und Lebensqualität. Hingegen lassen die Forschung zur Wirksamkeit der internetbasierten KVT‑I bei Erwachsenen mit komorbiden psychischen Störungen oder körperlichen Erkrankungen sowie die Forschung zur Frage, wieviel Therapeutenkontakt in die Behandlung integriert werden sollte, anscheinend noch keine abschließenden Antworten zu. In diesen Bereichen scheint weitere Forschung notwendig zu sein scheint.Digitally provided psychological interventions for sleep disorders are currently a very intensively researched topic. In this review, original work and meta-analyses are summarized. Thus, it was shown that internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in adults is consistently very effective, with only slightly reduced effects compared with the same treatment with the physical presence of therapists and patients. Treatment effects are also shown for secondary outcome parameters such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, and quality of life. On the other hand, research on the effectiveness of internet-based CGT-I in adults with comorbid mental disorders or physical illnesses, and on the issue of how much contact with therapists should be integrated into treatment, does not seem to provide any conclusive answers. Further research seems to be needed in these areas

    Harmonization of Biobank Education for Biobank Technicians: Identification of Learning Objectives

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    : The quality of biospecimens stored in a biobank depends tremendously on the technical personnel responsible for processing, storage, and release of biospecimens. Adequate training of these biobank employees would allow harmonization of correct sample handling and thus ensure a high and comparable quality of samples across biobank locations. However, in Germany there are no specific training opportunities for technical biobank staff. To understand the educational needs of the technical personnel a web-based survey was sent to all national biobanks via established e-mail registers. In total, 79 biobank employees completed the survey, including 43 technicians. The majority of the participating technical personnel stated that they had worked in a biobank for less than three years and had never participated in an advanced training. Three-quarters of the technicians indicated that they were not able to understand English content instantly. Based on these results and the results of a workshop with 16 biobank technicians, 41 learning objectives were formulated. These learning objectives can be used as a basis for advanced training programs for technical personnel in biobanks. Setting up courses based on the identified learning objectives for this group of biobank staff could contribute to harmonization and sustainability of biospecimen quality

    Harmonization of Biobank Education for Biobank Technicians: Identification of Learning Objectives

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    The quality of biospecimens stored in a biobank depends tremendously on the technical personnel responsible for processing, storage, and release of biospecimens. Adequate training of these biobank employees would allow harmonization of correct sample handling and thus ensure a high and comparable quality of samples across biobank locations. However, in Germany there are no specific training opportunities for technical biobank staff. To understand the educational needs of the technical personnel a web-based survey was sent to all national biobanks via established e-mail registers. In total, 79 biobank employees completed the survey, including 43 technicians. The majority of the participating technical personnel stated that they had worked in a biobank for less than three years and had never participated in an advanced training. Three-quarters of the technicians indicated that they were not able to understand English content instantly. Based on these results and the results of a workshop with 16 biobank technicians, 41 learning objectives were formulated. These learning objectives can be used as a basis for advanced training programs for technical personnel in biobanks. Setting up courses based on the identified learning objectives for this group of biobank staff could contribute to harmonization and sustainability of biospecimen quality

    Harmonization of Biobank Education for Biobank Technicians: Identification of Learning Objectives

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    The quality of biospecimens stored in a biobank depends tremendously on the technical personnel responsible for processing, storage, and release of biospecimens. Adequate training of these biobank employees would allow harmonization of correct sample handling and thus ensure a high and comparable quality of samples across biobank locations. However, in Germany there are no specific training opportunities for technical biobank staff. To understand the educational needs of the technical personnel a web-based survey was sent to all national biobanks via established e-mail registers. In total, 79 biobank employees completed the survey, including 43 technicians. The majority of the participating technical personnel stated that they had worked in a biobank for less than three years and had never participated in an advanced training. Three-quarters of the technicians indicated that they were not able to understand English content instantly. Based on these results and the results of a workshop with 16 biobank technicians, 41 learning objectives were formulated. These learning objectives can be used as a basis for advanced training programs for technical personnel in biobanks. Setting up courses based on the identified learning objectives for this group of biobank staff could contribute to harmonization and sustainability of biospecimen quality

    Harmonization of Biobank Education for Biobank Technicians: Identification of Learning Objectives

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    The quality of biospecimens stored in a biobank depends tremendously on the technical personnel responsible for processing, storage, and release of biospecimens. Adequate training of these biobank employees would allow harmonization of correct sample handling and thus ensure a high and comparable quality of samples across biobank locations. However, in Germany there are no specific training opportunities for technical biobank staff. To understand the educational needs of the technical personnel a web-based survey was sent to all national biobanks via established e-mail registers. In total, 79 biobank employees completed the survey, including 43 technicians. The majority of the participating technical personnel stated that they had worked in a biobank for less than three years and had never participated in an advanced training. Three-quarters of the technicians indicated that they were not able to understand English content instantly. Based on these results and the results of a workshop with 16 biobank technicians, 41 learning objectives were formulated. These learning objectives can be used as a basis for advanced training programs for technical personnel in biobanks. Setting up courses based on the identified learning objectives for this group of biobank staff could contribute to harmonization and sustainability of biospecimen quality

    Microdialysis on Ex Vivo Porcine Ear Skin Can Validly Study Dermal Penetration including the Fraction of Transfollicular Penetration—Demonstrated on Caffeine Nanocrystals

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    Common ex vivo methods for penetration investigations often fail to monitor transfollicular penetration appropriately. In the present investigation, the validity of dermal microdialysis on the ex vivo porcine ear skin to investigate penetration kinetics, including transfollicular penetration, was studied. In setup A, a caffeine nanocrystal formulation was compared to a non-particular caffeine gel formulation. In setup B, two caffeine nanocrystal formulations of different sizes (200 nm, 700 nm) were compared to each other. Microdialysis samples were collected for 46 h. After sampling, the skin layers were separated, homogenized, and caffeine was quantified in all samples. In setup A the area under the curve (AUC) after crystal gel formulation application was 12 times higher than after non-particular formulation application. Setup B showed an increased AUC of 42% in the microdialysis data when the 700 nm caffeine crystals were applied compared to the 200 nm crystals. The microdialysis data was supported by the separation, homogenization and extraction data. Microdialysis performed on ex vivo porcine ear skin is a novel experimental setup. It is of high interest for further investigations since it is able to also capture the impact of follicular and transfollicular penetration kinetics as no other ex vivo setup can