249 research outputs found

    Cooling electrons from 1 K to 400 mK with V-based nanorefrigerators

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    The fabrication and operation of V-based superconducting nanorefrigerators is reported. Specifically, electrons in an Al island are cooled thanks to hot-quasiparticle extraction provided by tunnel-coupled V electrodes. Electronic temperature reduction down to 400 mK starting from 1 K is demonstrated with a cooling power ~20 pW at 1 K for a junction area of 0.3 micron^2. The present architecture extends to higher temperatures refrigeration based on tunneling between superconductors and paves the way to the implementation of a multi-stage on-chip cooling scheme operating from above 1 K down to the mK regime.Comment: 3+ pages, 4 color figure

    Nernst effect in the phase-fluctuating superconductor InOx_x

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    We present a study of the Nernst effect in amorphous 2D superconductor InOx_x, whose low carrier density implies low phase rigidity and strong superconducting phase fluctuations. Instead of presenting the abrupt jump expected at a BCS transition, the Nernst signal evolves continuously through the superconducting transition as previously observed in underdoped cuprates. This contrasts with the case of Nb0.15_{0.15}Si0.85_{0.85}, where the Nernst signal due to vortices below Tc_{c} and by Gaussian fluctuations above are clearly distinct. The behavior of the ghost critical field in InOx_x points to a correlation length which does not diverge at TcT_c, a temperature below which the amplitude fluctuations freeze, but phase fluctuations survive.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vortex liquid correlations induced by in-plane field in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d

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    By measuring the Josephson Plasma Resonance, we have probed the influence of an in-plane magnetic field on the pancake vortex correlations along the c-axis in heavily underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Tc = 72.4 +/- 0.6 K) single crystals both in the vortex liquid and in the vortex solid phase. Whereas the in-plane field enhances the interlayer phase coherence in the liquid state close to the melting line, it slightly depresses it in the solid state. This is interpreted as the result of an attractive force between pancake vortices and Josephson vortices, apparently also present in the vortex liquid state. The results unveil a boundary between a correlated vortex liquid in which pancakes adapt to Josephson vortices, and the usual homogeneous liquid.Comment: 2 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of M2S HTSC VIII Dresde

    Role of pair-breaking and phase fluctuations in c-axis tunneling in underdoped Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+δ_{8+\delta}

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    The Josephson Plasma Resonance is used to study the c-axis supercurrent in the superconducting state of underdoped Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+δ_{8+\delta} with varying degrees of controlled point-like disorder, introduced by high-energy electron irradiation. As disorder is increased, the Josephson Plasma frequency decreases proportionally to the critical temperature. The temperature dependence of the plasma frequency does not depend on the irradiation dose, and is in quantitative agreement with a model for quantum fluctuations of the superconducting phase in the CuO2_{2} layers.Comment: 2 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of M2S-HTSC VIII Dresde

    Nernst effect as a probe of superconducting fluctuations in disordered thin films

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    In amorphous superconducting thin films of Nb0.15Si0.85Nb_{0.15}Si_{0.85} and InOxInO_x, a finite Nernst coefficient can be detected in a wide range of temperature and magnetic field. Due to the negligible contribution of normal quasi-particles, superconducting fluctuations easily dominate the Nernst response in the entire range of study. In the vicinity of the critical temperature and in the zero-field limit, the magnitude of the signal is in quantitative agreement with what is theoretically expected for the Gaussian fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. Even at higher temperatures and finite magnetic field, the Nernst coefficient is set by the size of superconducting fluctuations. The Nernst coefficient emerges as a direct probe of the ghost critical field, the normal-state mirror of the upper critical field. Moreover, upon leaving the normal state with fluctuating Cooper pairs, we show that the temperature evolution of the Nernst coefficient is different whether the system enters a vortex solid, a vortex liquid or a phase-fluctuating superconducting regime.Comment: Submitted to New. J. Phys. for a focus issue on "Superconductors with Exotic Symmetries

    Characterization and Weathering of the Building Materials of Sanctuaries in the Archaeological Site of Dion, Greece

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    The sanctuaries of Demeter and Asklepios are part of the Dion archaeological site that sits among the eastern foothills of Mount Olympus. The main building materials are limestones and conglomerates. Sandstones, marbles, and ceramic plinths were also used. The materials consist mainly of calcite and/or dolomite, whereas the deteriorated surfaces contain also secondary and recrystallized calcite and dolomite, gypsum, various inorganic compounds, fluoroapatite, microorganisms and other organic compounds. Cracks and holes were observed in various parts of the stones. The influence of specific weathering agents and factors to the behavior of the materials was examined. The particular environmental conditions in Dion combine increased moisture and rain fall, insolation and great temperature differences, abundance of intensive surface and underground water bodies in the surrounding area, an area full of plants and trees, therefore, they can cause extensive chemical, biological and mechanical decay of the monuments. The following physical characteristics of the building materials have been studied: bulk density, open porosity, pore size distribution, water absorption and desorption, capillary absorption and desorption. The chemical composition of bulk precipitation, surface and underground water was investigated. The salts presence and crystallization was examined. The influence of the water presence to the behavior of the materials was examined by in situ IR thermometer measurements. Temperature values increased from the lower to the upper parts of the building stones and they significantly depend on the orientation of the walls. The results indicate the existence of water in the bulk of the materials due to capillary penetration. The existence of water in the bulk of the materials due to capillary penetration, the cycles of wet-dry conditions, correlated with the intensive surface and underground water presence in the whole surrounding area, lead to partial dissolution-recrystallization of the carbonate material and loss of the structural cohesion and the surface stability

    Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in transport through single molecule transistors

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    The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is shown to result in a canting of spins in a single molecule transistor. We predict non-linear transport signatures of this effect induced by spin-orbit coupling for the generic case of a molecular dimer. The conductance is calculated using a master equation and is found to exhibit a non-trivial dependence on the magnitude and direction of an external magnetic field. We show how three-terminal transport measurements allow for a determination of the coupling-vector characterizing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. In particular, we show how its orientation, defining the intramolecular spin chirality, can be probed with ferromagnetic electrodes

    Management Accountant's Role and Functions in the Enterprise Resource Planning Environment - Author's Own Research into Enterprises in Poland

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    This article seeks to answer whether the implementation of an ERP system has an effect on the management accountant's tasks and functions, especially in the field of performance measurement and internal reporting. The ERP impacts on the controller's role in the organization will be evaluated using field studies on six enterprises owned by multinational corporations. The question that should be asked here is whether controller's functions and tasks will also be unaffected.Celem badania jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy zastosowanie zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego w przedsiębiorstwie zmienia zadania i funkcje specjalisty do spraw rachunkowości zarządczej. Na podstawie studium przypadku sześciu przedsiębiorstw będących częścią koncernów międzynarodowych zostaje dokonana ocena wpływu zastosowania ERP na rolę kontrolera w organizacji. Autor odpowiada również na pytanie czy w funkcjach i zadaniach kontrolera nie zaobserwowane zostaną zmiany w związku z implementacją ERP

    S and D Wave Mixing in High TcT_c Superconductors

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    For a tight binding model with nearest neighbour attraction and a small orthorhombic distortion, we find a phase diagram for the gap at zero temperature which includes three distinct regions as a function of filling. In the first, the gap is a mixture of mainly dd-wave with a smaller extended ss-wave part. This is followed by a region in which there is a rapid increase in the ss-wave part accompanied by a rapid increase in relative phase between ss and dd from 0 to π\pi. Finally, there is a region of dominant ss with a mixture of dd and zero phase. In the mixed region with a finite phase, the ss-wave part of the gap can show a sudden increase with decreasing temperature accompanied with a rapid increase in phase which shows many of the characteristics measured in the angular resolved photoemission experiments of Ma {\em et al.} in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8\rm Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 3 PostScript figures uuencoded and compresse