783 research outputs found

    Spectral Response of Indium Oxynitride Thin Films

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    In this work we study the electrical properties as spectral response, resistivity and quantum efficiency of nanostructured indium oxynitride deposited by reactive RF magnetron sputtering. This material shows multi-functionality in electrical and photonic applications. It shows transparency in visible range, wide band gap, high resistivity, low linkage current and response for light. The deposition processes were performed in a home build magnetron sputtering system, using a four-inch pure In (99.999 %) target, nitrogen and oxygen as process gases. The pressure was kept constant in 1.33 Pa and the RF power (13.56 MHz) was constant 250 W. The spectral response was estimated for samples deposited with 0 %, 10 %, 20 %, 50 %, 80 % and 85 % of oxygen concentration in the gas mixture. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3508

    Spectral Response of Indium Oxynitride Thin Films

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    In this work we study the electrical properties as spectral response, resistivity and quantum efficiency of nanostructured indium oxynitride deposited by reactive RF magnetron sputtering. This material shows multi-functionality in electrical and photonic applications. It shows transparency in visible range, wide band gap, high resistivity, low linkage current and response for light. The deposition processes were performed in a home build magnetron sputtering system, using a four-inch pure In (99.999 %) target, nitrogen and oxygen as process gases. The pressure was kept constant in 1.33 Pa and the RF power (13.56 MHz) was constant 250 W. The spectral response was estimated for samples deposited with 0 %, 10 %, 20 %, 50 %, 80 % and 85 % of oxygen concentration in the gas mixture. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3508

    Changes in phenolics and fatty acids composition and related gene expression during the development from seed to leaves of three cultivated cardoon genotypes

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    Cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var. altilis) has long been used as a food and medicine remedy and nowadays is considered a functional food. Its leaf bioactive compounds are mostly represented by chlorogenic acids and coumaroyl derivatives, known for their nutritional value and bioactivity. Having antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties, these molecules are used for medicinal purposes. Apart from the phenolic compounds in green tissues, cultivated cardoon is also used for the seed oil, having a composition suitable for the human diet, but also valuable as feedstock for the production of biofuel and biodegradable bioplastics. Given the wide spectrum of valuable cardoon molecules and their numerous industrial applications, a detailed characterization of different organs and tissues for their metabolic profiles as well as an extensive transcriptional analysis of associated key biosynthetic genes were performed to provide a deeper insight into metabolites biosynthesis and accumulation sites. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenylpropanoids profile through UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS analysis, of fatty acids content through GC-MS analysis, along with quantitative transcriptional analyses by qRT-PCR of hydroxycinnamoyl-quinate transferase (HQT), stearic acid desaturase (SAD), and fatty acid desaturase (FAD) genes in seeds, hypocotyls, cotyledons and leaves of the cardoon genotypes “Spagnolo”, “Bianco Avorio”, and “Gigante”. Both oil yield and total phenols accumulation in all the tissues and organs indicated higher production in “Bianco Avorio” and “Spagnolo” than in “Gigante”. Antioxidant activity evaluation by DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays mirrored total phenols content. Overall, this study provides a detailed analysis of tissue composition of cardoon, enabling to elucidate value-added product accumulation and distribution during plant development and hence contributing to better address and optimize the sustainable use of this natural resource. Besides, our metabolic and transcriptional screening could be useful to guide the selection of superior genotypes

    Analisi multitemporale dell’uso del suolo della dorsale appenninica marchigiana nel XIX e XX secolo

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    Questo studio ha permesso di ricostruire, per la prima volta nell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano, l’evoluzione temporale dell’uso del suolo lungo un arco di tempo di 150 anni e su una superficie di vasta estensione (circa 8000 ettari). Il dato principale che emerge è la sostanziale discontinuità ecologica di tutti gli ecosistemi naturali e seminaturali, fatte salve alcune importanti patches pascolive e, in misura molto minore, boschive. In totale neanche il 20% del territorio dell’area considerata è rimasto stabile nel corso degli ultimi 150 anni; queste aree rappresentano, dal punto di vista floristico, dei potenziali siti di rifugio per le specie erbacee di prateria e per quelle sciafile di bosco. Si tratta quindi di siti estremamente importanti per la conservazione della biodiversità e serbatoi genetici da cui può ripartire la colonizzazione degli ambienti antropizzati e non più utilizzati come le aree agricole abbandonate. È interessante annotare, ad esempio, come proprio in corrispondenza della più ampia patch forestale stabile (Monte Fiegni) sia presente una delle più importanti stazioni dell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano di tasso (Taxus baccata) ed agrifoglio (Ilex aquifolium), all’interno di una faggeta basso-montana. Si evidenzia, inoltre, una tendenza alla semplificazione del mosaico ambientale di queste aree montane. Tale semplificazione risulta bene evidente per gli ecosistemi di prateria (stabili e neoformati) che tendono a conservarsi prioritariamente all’interno delle classi di pendenza minore. Questo fenomeno riassume in se il senso dei mutati input che l’economia contemporanea offre alle attività zootecniche; nel corso dei secoli, infatti, si è passati da forme di economia basate sulla transumanza ovina ad un’attività zootecnica di tipo stanziale e dedita soprattutto all’allevamento bovino. Questa differente tipologia zootecnica richiede habitat diversi e, in particolare per quanto concerne i bovini, sono assolutamente indispensabili praterie di elevata produttività e moderata stasi estiva, condizioni che nell’Appennino si verificano solo in corrispondenza delle aree caratterizzate da morfologie a bassa energia di rilievo e in cui si sono anche conservati suoli profondi. Permanendo queste tendenze socio-economiche, dunque, in futuro tenderanno sostanzialmente a scomparire gli ecosistemi di prateria aperta sostituiti da boschi. Questo, se da un lato rappresenta un aspetto che va nel senso della naturale dinamica degli ecosistemi, dall’altro potrebbe comportare dei problemi per la conservazione della biodiversità floristica e faunistica

    Inner radiation belt source of helium and heavy hydrogen isotopes

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    Nuclear interactions between inner zone protons and atoms in the upper atmosphere provide the main source of energetic H and He isotopes nuclei in the radiation belt. This paper reports on the specified calculations of these isotope intensities using various inner zone proton intensity models (AP-8 and SAMPEX/PET PSB97), the atmosphere drift-averaged composition and density model MSIS-90, and cross-sections of the interaction processes from the GNASH nuclear model code. To calculate drift-averaged densities and energy losses of secondaries, the particles were tracked in the geomagnetic field (modelled through IGRF-95) by integrating numerically the equation of the motion. The calculations take into account the kinematics of nuclear interactions along the whole trajectory of trapped proton. The comparison with new data obtained from the experiments on board RESURS-04 and MITA satellites and with data from SAMPEX and CRRES satellites taken during different phases of solar activity shows that the upper atmosphere is a sufficient source for inner zone helium and heavy hydrogen isotopes. The calculation results are energy spectra and angular distributions of light nuclear isotopes in the inner radiation belt that may be used to develop helium inner radiation belt model and to evaluate their contribution to SEU (single event upset) rates

    The Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra measured with the CAPRICE98 balloon experiment

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    A new measurement of the primary cosmic-ray proton and helium fluxes from 3 to 350 GeV was carried out by the balloon-borne CAPRICE experiment in 1998. This experimental setup combines different detector techniques and has excellent particle discrimination capabilities allowing clear particle identification. Our experiment has the capability to determine accurately detector selection efficiencies and systematic errors associated with them. Furthermore, it can check for the first time the energy determined by the magnet spectrometer by using the Cherenkov angle measured by the RICH detector well above 20 GeV/n. The analysis of the primary proton and helium components is described here and the results are compared with other recent measurements using other magnet spectrometers. The observed energy spectra at the top of the atmosphere can be represented by (1.27+-0.09)x10^4 E^(-2.75+-0.02) particles (m^2 GeV sr s)^-1, where E is the kinetic energy, for protons between 20 and 350 GeV and (4.8+-0.8)x10^2 E^(-2.67+-0.06) particles (m^2 GeV nucleon^-1 sr s)^-1, where E is the kinetic energy per nucleon, for helium nuclei between 15 and 150 GeV nucleon^-1.Comment: To be published on Astroparticle Physics (44 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables

    ESCargo: a regulatable fluorescent secretory cargo for diverse model organisms

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Casler, J. C., Zajac, A. L., Valbuena, F. M., Sparvoli, D., Jeyifous, O., Turkewitz, A. P., Horne-Badovinac, S., Green, W. N., & Glick, B. S. ESCargo: a regulatable fluorescent secretory cargo for diverse model organisms. Molecular Biology of the Cell, (2020): mbcE20090591, doi:10.1091/mbc.E20-09-0591.Membrane traffic can be studied by imaging a cargo protein as it transits the secretory pathway. The best tools for this purpose initially block export of the secretory cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and then release the block to generate a cargo wave. However, previously developed regulatable secretory cargoes are often tricky to use or specific for a single model organism. To overcome these hurdles for budding yeast, we recently optimized an artificial fluorescent secretory protein that exits the ER with the aid of the Erv29 cargo receptor, which is homologous to mammalian Surf4. The fluorescentsecretory protein forms aggregates in the ER lumen and can be rapidly disaggregated by addition of a ligand to generate a nearly synchronized cargo wave. Here we term this regulatable secretory proteinESCargo (Erv29/Surf4-dependent Secretory Cargo) and demonstrate its utility not only in yeast cells, but also in cultured mammalian cells, Drosophila cells, and the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Kinetic studies indicate that rapid export from the ER requires recognition by Erv29/Surf4. By choosing an appropriate ER signal sequence and expression vector, this simple technology can likely be used withmany model organisms.This work was supported by NIH grant R01 GM104010 to BSG, by NIH grant R01 GM105783 to APT, by NIH grant R01 GM136961 and American Cancer Society grant RSG-14-176 to SHB, and by NIH grant R01 DA044760 to WNG. JCC was supported by NIH training grant T32 GM007183. AZ was supported by American Heart Association fellowship 16POST2726018 and American Cancer Society fellowship 132123-PF-18-025-01-CSM. Thanks for assistance with fluorescence microscopy to Vytas Bindokas and Christine Labno at the Integrated Microscopy Core Facility, which is supported by the NIH-funded Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA014599. The pUASt-ManII-eGFP plasmid was a gift from Bing Ye, and the Ubi-Gal4 plasmid was a gift from Rick Fehon.2020-12-2