433 research outputs found

    Secular interactions between inclined planets and a gaseous disk

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    In a planetary system, a secular particle resonance occurs at a location where the precession rate of a test particle (e.g. an asteroid) matches the frequency of one of the precessional modes of the planetary system. We investigate the secular interactions of a system of mutually inclined planets with a gaseous protostellar disk that may contain a secular nodal particle resonance. We determine the normal modes of some mutually inclined planet-disk systems. The planets and disk interact gravitationally, and the disk is internally subject to the effects of gas pressure, self-gravity, and turbulent viscosity. The behavior of the disk at a secular resonance is radically different from that of a particle, owing mainly to the effects of gas pressure. The resonance is typically broadened by gas pressure to the extent that global effects, including large-scale warps, dominate. The standard resonant torque formula is invalid in this regime. Secular interactions cause a decay of the inclination at a rate that depends on the disk properties, including its mass, turbulent viscosity, and sound speed. For a Jupiter-mass planet embedded within a minimum-mass solar nebula having typical parameters, dissipation within the disk is sufficient to stabilize the system against tilt growth caused by mean-motion resonances.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    A Magellanic Origin for the Warp of the Galaxy

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    We show that a Magellanic Cloud origin for the warp of the Milky Way can explain most quantitative features of the outer HI layer recently identified by Levine, Blitz & Heiles (2005). We construct a model similar to that of Weinberg (1998) that produces distortions in the dark matter halo, and we calculate the combined effect of these dark-halo distortions and the direct tidal forcing by the Magellanic Clouds on the disk warp in the linear regime. The interaction of the dark matter halo with the disk and resonances between the orbit of the Clouds and the disk account for the large amplitudes observed for the vertical m=0,1,2 harmonics. The observations lead to six constraints on warp forcing mechanisms and our model reasonably approximates all six. The disk is shown to be very dynamic, constantly changing its shape as the Clouds proceed along their orbit. We discuss the challenges to MOND placed by the observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters. Additional graphics, 3d visualizations and movies available at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~weinberg/lm

    Reply to "Comment on 'Scalar-tensor gravity coupled to a global monopole and flat rotation curves' "

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    In Brans-Dicke theory of gravity we explain how the extra constant value in the formula for rotation velocities of stars in a galactic halo can be obtained due to the global monopole field. We argue on a few points of the preceding Comment and discuss improvement of our model.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX4 fil

    Self-gravitating warped discs around supermassive black holes

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    We consider warped equilibrium configurations for stellar and gaseous disks in the Keplerian force-field of a supermassive black hole, assuming that the self-gravity of the disk provides the only acting torques. Modeling the disk as a collection of concentric circular rings, and computing the torques in the non-linear regime, we show that stable, strongly warped precessing equilibria are possible. These solutions exist for a wide range of disk-to-black hole mass ratios Md/MbhM_d/M_{bh}, can span large warp angles of up to ±120deg\pm\sim 120\deg, have inner and outer boundaries, and extend over a radial range of a factor of typically two to four. These equilibrium configurations obey a scaling relation such that in good approximation \phidot/\Omega\propto M_d/M_{bh} where \phidot is the (retrograde) precession frequency and Ω\Omega is a characteristic orbital frequency in the disk. Stability was determined using linear perturbation theory and, in a few cases, confirmed by numerical integration of the equations of motion. Most of the precessing equilibria are found to be stable, but some are unstable. The main result of this study is that highly warped disks near black holes can persist for long times without any persistent forcing other than by their self-gravity. The possible relevance of this to galactic nuclei is briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 21 figures, published in MNRA

    Stellar Bar Evolution in Cuspy and Flat-Cored Triaxial CDM Halos

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    We analyze the evolution of stellar bars in galactic disks in mildly triaxial flat-core and cuspy CDM halos. We use tailored simulations of rigid and live halos which include the feedback from disk/bar onto the halo in order to test the work by El-Zant & Shlosman (2002). The latter used the Liapunov exponents to analyze the fate of bars in analytical asymmetric halos. We find: (1) The bar growth is similar in all rigid axisymmetric and triaxial halos. (2) Bars in live models vertically buckle and form a pseudobulge with a boxy/peanut shape. (3) In live axisymmetric halos, the bar strength varies little during the secular evolution. The bar pattern speed anticorrelates with the halo core size. The bar strength is larger for smaller disk-to-halo mass ratios within disk radii, the bar size correlates with the halo core sizes, and the bar pattern speeds -- with the halo central mass concentration. Bars embedded in live triaxial halos have a starkly different fate: they dissolve on ~1.5-5 Gyr due to the onset of chaos over continuous zones, leaving behind a weak oval distortion. The onset of chaos is related to the halo triaxiality, the fast rotating bar and the halo cuspiness. Before the bar dissolves, the region outside it develops strong spiral structures, especially in the live triaxial halos. (4) More angular momentum is absorbed by the triaxial halos as compared to the axisymmetric models and its exchange is mediated by resonances. (5) Cuspy halos are more susceptible than flat-core halos to having their prolateness washed out by the bar. We analyze these results in terms of the stability of trajectories and development of chaos. We set constraints on the triaxiality of DM halos by comparing our predictions to recent observations of bars out to z~1.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in press, Vol. 637. Updated version (text, references

    The origin of polar ring galaxies: evidence for galaxy formation by cold accretion

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    Polar ring galaxies are flattened stellar systems with an extended ring of gas and stars rotating in a plane almost perpendicular to the central galaxy. We show that their formation can occur naturally in a hierarchical universe where most low mass galaxies are assembled through the accretion of cold gas infalling along megaparsec scale filamentary structures. Within a large cosmological hydrodynamical simulation we find a system that closely resembles the classic polar ring galaxy NGC 4650A. How galaxies acquire their gas is a major uncertainty in models of galaxy formation and recent theoretical work has argued that cold accretion plays a major role. This idea is supported by our numerical simulations and the fact that polar ring galaxies are typically low mass systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, stability of the ring discussed, minor changes to match the accepted version by ApJL. A preprint with high-resolution figures is available at http://krone.physik.unizh.ch/~andrea/PolarRing/PolarRing.p

    Regular Orbits and Periodic Loops in Multiply-Barred Galactic Potentials

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    We show that non-chaotic multiply-periodic particle orbits can exist in a galaxy-like potential where a small fast-tumbling nuclear bar is nested inside a main bar which has a slower pattern speed. We introduce the concept of a loop: a one-dimensional curve such that particles distributed along it at some initial instant return to the same curve (as viewed in the rotating frame of one of the bars) after the bars return to the same relative position. Just as particles following regular orbits in a simply-barred potential are trapped around closed periodic orbits, so regular orbits in a doubly-barred potential oscillate about stable loops. We find both loops which remain aligned with the inner bar and loops aligned with the outer bar: particles trapped around these loops could form the building blocks for a long-lived, self-consistent, doubly-barred galaxy. In a realistic doubly-barred galaxy potential, we demonstrate the existence of stable loops which support the structure of the inner bar. We use the epicyclic approximation to preview the pattern of gas flow in a doubly-barred potential.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Warped Galaxies From Misaligned Angular Momenta

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    A galaxy disk embedded in a rotating halo experiences a dynamical friction force which causes it to warp when the angular momentum axes of the disk and halo are misaligned. Our fully self-consistent simulations of this process induce long-lived warps in the disk which mimic Briggs's rules of warp behavior. They also demonstrate that random motion within the disk adds significantly to its stiffness. Moreover, warps generated in this way have no winding problem and are more pronounced in the extended \h1 disk. As emphasized by Binney and his co-workers, angular momentum misalignments, which are expected in hierarchical models of galaxy formation, can account for the high fraction of warped galaxies. Our simulations exemplify the role of misaligned spins in warp formation even when the halo density is not significantly flattened.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap.J.