5 research outputs found

    Black Mantle Tissue of Endolithic Mussels (Leiosolenus spp.) Is Cloaking Borehole Orifices in Caribbean Reef Corals

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    Bioerosion caused by boring mussels (Mytilidae: Lithophaginae) can negatively impact coral reef health. During biodiversity surveys of coral-associated fauna in Curaçao (southern Caribbean), morphological variation in mussel boreholes was studied. Borings were found in 22 coral species, 12 of which represented new host records. Dead corals usually showed twin siphon openings, for each mussel shaped like a figure of eight, which were lined with a calcareous sheath and protruded as tubes from the substrate surface. Most openings surrounded by live coral tissue were deeper and funnel-shaped, with outlines resembling dumbbells, keyholes, ovals or irregular ink blotches. The boreholes appeared to contain black siphon and mantle tissue of the mussel. Because of the black color and the hidden borehole opening in live host corals, the mantle tissue appeared to mimic dark, empty holes, while they were actually cloaking live coral tissue around the hole, which is a new discovery. By illustrating the morphological range of borehole orifices, we aim to facilitate the easy detection of boring mussels for future research

    Black mantle tissue of endolithic mussels (<i>Leiosolenus </i>spp.) is cloaking borehole orifices in Caribbean reef borals

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    Bioerosion caused by boring mussels (Mytilidae: Lithophaginae) can negatively impact coral reef health. During biodiversity surveys of coral-associated fauna in Curaçao (southern Caribbean), morphological variation in mussel boreholes was studied. Borings were found in 22 coral species, 12 of which represented new host records. Dead corals usually showed twin siphon openings, for each mussel shaped like a figure of eight, which were lined with a calcareous sheath and protruded as tubes from the substrate surface. Most openings surrounded by live coral tissue were deeper and funnel-shaped, with outlines resembling dumbbells, keyholes, ovals or irregular ink blotches. The boreholes appeared to contain black siphon and mantle tissue of the mussel. Because of the black color and the hidden borehole opening in live host corals, the mantle tissue appeared to mimic dark, empty holes, while they were actually cloaking live coral tissue around the hole, which is a new discovery. By illustrating the morphological range of borehole orifices, we aim to facilitate the easy detection of boring mussels for future research

    Host range of the coral-associated worm snail <i>Petaloconchus</i> sp. (Gastropoda: Vermetidae), a newly discovered cryptogenic pest species in the southern Caribbean

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    The presence of associated endofauna can have an impact on the health of corals. During fieldwork on the southern Caribbean island of Curaçao in 2021, the presence of an unknown coral-dwelling worm snail was discovered, which appeared to cause damage to its hosts. A study of photo archives revealed that the species was already present during earlier surveys at Curaçao since 2014 and also in the southern Caribbean island of Bonaire in 2019. It was not found in St. Eustatius, an island in the eastern Caribbean, during an expedition in 2015. The vermetid snail was preliminarily identified as Petaloconchus sp. Its habitat choice resembles that of P. keenae, a West Pacific coral symbiont. The Caribbean species was observed in 21 host coral species, more than reported for any other vermetid. Because Petaloconchus sp. is a habitat generalist, it is possible that it was introduced from an area with another host-coral fauna. The unknown vermetid is considered to be cryptogenic until future studies reveal its actual identity and its native range

    Morphological modifications and injuries of corals caused by symbiotic feather duster worms (Sabellidae) in the Caribbean

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    Some coral-associated invertebrates are known for the negative impact they have on the health of their hosts. During biodiversity surveys on the coral reefs of Curaçao and a study of photo archives of Curaçao, Bonaire, and St. Eustatius, the Caribbean split-crown feather duster worm Anamobaea sp. (Sabellidae) was discovered as an associate of 27 stony coral species (Scleractinia spp. and Millepora spp.). The worm was also found in association with an encrusting octocoral (Erythropodium caribaeorum), a colonial tunicate (Trididemnum solidum), various sponge species, and thallose algae (mainly Lobophora sp.), each hypothesized to be secondary hosts. The worms were also common on dead coral. Sabellids of the genera Bispira and Sabellastarte were all found on dead coral. Some of them appeared to have settled next to live corals or on patches of dead coral skeleton surrounded by living coral tissue, forming pseudo-associations. Associated Anamobaea worms can cause distinct injuries in most host coral species and morphological deformities in a few of them. Since Anamobaea worms can form high densities, they have the potential to become a pest species on Caribbean coral reefs when environmental conditions become more favorable for them

    Best Practices of Blood Cultures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

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