5 research outputs found

    Effect of Public Librairies in the Attainment of Health Millennium Development Goals in Senegal

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    This study surveys the roles of Public libraries in the attainment of health Millennium Development Goals in Senegal. It also identifies the health-information needs of the community and information services rendered by the libraries. The role of public libraries in the attainment of health-MDGs has been a daunting task for public libraries as a result of government negligence. The methodology adopted for the study is the survey design in which questionnaires was used for obtaining data. The target population was public library staff/users in Senegal. The result showed that public libraries have played significant role towards the attainment of health-MDGs and library users make significant demand for all categories of health information especially in the area of maternal and childcare. However, majority of the public libraries have no Internet services. The findings makes it imperative for all other relevant agencies to key into the health-MDGs especially in assisting the Public Libraries. The study will bring to the awareness of users, the roles public libraries plays in supporting local and international policies and the provision of information services for library users.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijphs.v1i1.70

    Evaluation of determinants of the use of health mutuals by the population of the Ziguinchor region in Senegal

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    Access to health services is a concern around the world. Different strategies were developed, but Africa’s rate remains the lowest. This article aims to contribute to the population's access to healthcare, and to assess the determinants of the use of mutual health insurance by the population of the Ziguinchor region in Senegal.    Methods: The study is transversal and descriptive, carried out from July to August 2018. Through the quota method we defined the number of patients to be interviewed. Thus, by a geographic stratification according to the departments and a second-degree stratification taking into account the staff of the different hospital departments, 392 patients were selected.   Results: 73% at the Regional Hospital Center and 27% at the Regional Peace Hospital. Response rate: 97%, women 60% and men 40%. The enrollment for women (24%) is slightly higher than that for men (21%). Socio-economic factors. The rate of adherence is the highest of for patients with university level, followed by high school; income:  the highest rate for patients with a monthly income between 200,000 and 500,000 FCFA, followed by patients with an income monthly between 100,000 and 200,000 FCFA. Factors linked to the provision of care: the rate of Mutual Health Insurance adherence follows distances from patients' homes. Concerning the relation to satisfaction, education, distance and information are more determining than adherence rate.    Recommendations: 1) State: actions on education and distance; 2) Sensitizing the population on mutual health insurance; 3) Urging healthcare providers to reduce waiting times and respect schedules as well as appointments.&nbsp

    Les maladies chroniques non transmissibles chez les militaires sénégalais: étude transversale en 2013

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    Introduction: Les maladies chroniques non transmissibles (MCNT) constituent un problème de santé publique. La transition épidémiologique coexiste avec les maladies infectieuses. En Afrique  subsaharienne, leur ampleur est peu connue et l'OMS recommande aux pays à faible et moyen revenu de réaliser des enquêtes STEPS portant sur les comportements, des mesures physiques et biochimiques.  L'absence de données au niveau national justifie cette étude auprès d'un groupe spécifique. L'objectif de l'étude était de déterminer la prévalence des MCNT et de leurs facteurs de risque chez les militaires  Sénégalais.Méthodes: Une enquête transversale a été réalisée incluant les militaires âgés de 25 à 60 ans. La participation était volontaire et l'accord des autorités hiérarchiques a préalablement été obtenu. Un sondage stratifié à deux niveaux a été utilisé permettant d'avoir un échantillon ajusté de 1513 individus. Les données ont été saisies avec le logiciel EPI Info 6 et analysées à l'aide de R. Un score de risque a été déterminé sur la base de cinq facteurs. Résultats: Les résultats préliminaires concernent 1125 personnes. L'âge moyen était de 39,7 ±9,1 ans et le sex-ratio de 28,6. La prévalence du tabagisme actif était de 17,3% et ne variait pas significativement entre les différentes catégories d'âge. L'âge moyen auquel ils ont commencé à fumer était de 20,8 ±4,05 ans. La consommation médiane de fruits et légumes était de l'ordre de 4 par jour et seulement 5,7% des enquêtés prenaient au moins 5 portions par jour. Environs 72% des enquêtés avaient une activité physique intense ou modérée. Les prévalences de la surcharge pondérale, de l'HTA et du diabète étaient de 30,5%, 28,4% et 3,0% respectivement alors que la maladie rénale chronique était retrouvée chez un seul cas. Le calcul du score de risque cardiovasculaire a montré que 39,1% des militaires étaient à risque élevé (≥3 facteurs de risque) et que ce dernier  augmentait avec l'âge. Conclusion: La prévalence élevée des MCNT dans ce groupe particulier laisse présager de l'ampleur dans la population générale. De ce point de vue, il est urgent de mettre en place un programme de prévention primaire et de dépistage pour anticiper les lourdes conséquences liées à ces maladies.Key words: Epidémiologie, maladies non-transmissibles, militaires, Sénéga

    Communicable and non-communicable disease risks at the Grand Magal of Touba: The largest mass gathering in Senegal

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    International audienceBackground: An estimated 4-5 million individuals gather each year in the holy city of Touba, Senegal during the Grand Magal religious pilgrimage. Pilgrims come from across Senegal and the surrounding countries, as well as from countries outside Africa. It is the largest mass gathering (MG) of the Mouride community and the largest Muslim religious MG in West Africa. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on all patients who attended a public healthcare structure during the November 2015 Grand Magal. Result: Data were collected on a total of 32,229 healthcare contacts. The most frequent reasons for consultation were trauma, followed by fatigue and heatstroke. Infectious diseases were also prevalent with, notably, a high rate of febrile systemic illnesses and malaria, diarrheal diseases, and respiratory tract infections. Such results are likely to be linked to overcrowding and climatic conditions, the relative lack of sanitary facilities, and limited medical resources available during the event. Conclusion: The context of the Grand Magal MG is unique, given its location in a tropical developing country and its international component which may favor the globalization of locally endemic diseases. As such, it warrants investment in modern methods for public health surveillance and planning of the event. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved