179 research outputs found

    Patterns in fish assemblages in the Loire floodplain: the role of hydrological connectivity and implications for conservation

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    Hydrological connectivity is known to determine biodiversity patterns across large river floodplains, but it is often greatly altered by human activities. Indicators and predictors of the response of river alteration or restoration are therefore needed. Recent papers suggested that fish environmental guilds – based on species flow preferences – could be used as a tool to assess ecological status of rivers. In the Loire floodplain, we described fish assemblages across the floodplain at the onset of the dry season and we determined whether observed spatial patterns could be related to environmental variables, especially connectivity. Based on specific composition of 46 electrofished waterbodies, a hierarchical typology of the Loire floodplain assemblages was built using self-organizing maps. Each assemblage of the typology was characterized by a set of species using the indicator value method. These species sets and the composition of the assemblages revealed a gradient of flow preferences in the different assemblages identified. A stepwise discriminant analysis showed that the most important variable determining assemblage composition was the hydrological connectivity. Finally, the conclusion was made that a high connectivity level is needed to conserve native fish diversity in the Loire floodplain, notably because the number of protected and native species increased with connectivity, and because the number of exotic species increased with isolation

    Predicting Stream Nitrogen Concentration From Watershed Features Using Neural Networks

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    The present work describes the development and validation of an artificial neural network (ANN) for the purpose of estimating inorganic and total nitrogen concentrations. The ANN approach has been developed and tested using 927 nonpoint source watersheds studied for relationships between macro-drainage area characteristics and nutrient levels in streams. The ANN had eight independent input variables of watershed parameters (five on land use features, mean annual precipitation, animal unit density and mean stream flow) and two dependent output variables (total and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the stream). The predictive quality of ANN models was judged with “hold-out” validation procedures. After ANN learning with the training set of data, we obtained a correlation coefficient r of about 0.85 in the testing set. Thus, ANNs are capable of learning the relationships between drainage area characteristics and nitrogen levels in streams, and show a high ability to predict from the new data set. On the basis of the sensitivity analyses we established the relationship between nitrogen concentration and the eight environmental variables

    Is scuba sampling a relevant method to study microhabitat in lakes? Examples and comparisons for three European species

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    We compared fish microhabitat use patterns in the littoral zone of a lake using a new direct method (i.e. Point Abundance Sampling by Scuba, PASS) and the widely used Point Abundance Sampling by Electrofishing technique (PASE). We collected microhabitat data for age 0+ roach (Rutilus rutilus L.), perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), and pike (Esox lucius L.). The two methods yelded different results for fish assemblage structure and microhabitat patterns. Using PASE, fish were mainly found in "shelter habitats" such as shallow waters and dense vegetation. It is likely that this behaviour is caused by the disturbance of the observer stamping around. Using PASS, fish escapement behaviour was rarely observed. Therefore, we concluded that this direct and non-destructive sampling technique is able to provide an accurate microhabitat estimation of a fish community and is assumed to be more suitable than PASE for fish habitat studies

    Spatio-temporal co-occurrence of alien and native molluscs : a modelling approach using physical-chemical predictors

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    The invasion of alien species can have serious economic and ecological impacts. Ecologically, invasions often lead to an increased rate of native species replacement and decreased biodiversity. A critical step in the dominance of alien species is their successful co-occurrence with native species. In this study, we assessed the occurrence of alien molluscs and their co-occurrence with native molluscs and identified the determining physical-chemical variables. We expected that a combination of some key variables of water quality could provide suitable conditions promoting alien molluscs to occur and to co-occur with native molluscs. The analyses were based on 20-year data, collected from river systems across Flanders (Belgium). Classification Trees (CTs) were used to perform the analyses and to develop the predictive models. Based on CT models, the co-occurrence of alien and native molluscs could be reliably predicted based on physical-chemical variables. However, there was insufficient data to determine the environmental conditions in which alien taxa dominate. From the past to the present, spatial co-occurrence significantly increased. Sinuosity, ammonium and nitrate concentrations, chemical oxygen demand, pH and conductivity were the key determining variables. Our findings suggest that the co-occurrence of alien and native molluscs mainly occurs in straight rivers with good chemical water quality. These results provide insights into the ecology and behaviour of alien species which could support management practices and priority setting for conservation planning in surface waters of Flanders and Europe

    Species-specific responses to landscape fragmentation: implications for management strategies

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    Habitat fragmentation affects the integrity of many species, but little is known about species-specific sensitivity to fragmentation. Here, we compared the genetic structure of four freshwater fish species differing in their body size (Leuciscus cephalus; Leuciscus leuciscus; Gobio gobio and Phoxinus phoxinus) between a fragmented and a continuous landscape. We tested if, overall, fragmentation affected the genetic structure of these fish species, and if these species differed in their sensitivity to fragmentation. Fragmentation negatively affected the genetic structure of these species. Indeed, irrespective of the species identity, allelic richness and heterozygosity were lower, and population divergence was higher in the fragmented than in the continuous landscape. This response to fragmentation was highly species-specific, with the smallest fish species (P. phoxinus) being slightly affected by fragmentation. On the contrary, fish species of intermediate body size (L. leuciscus and G. gobio) were highly affected, whereas the largest fish species (L. cephalus) was intermediately affected by fragmentation. We discuss the relative role of dispersal ability and effective population size on the responses to fragmentation we report here. The weirs studied here are of considerable historical importance. We therefore conclude that restoration programmes will need to consider both this societal context and the biological characteristics of the species sharing this ecosyste

    The spatiotemporal variations of microbial community in relation to water quality in a tropical drinking water reservoir, Southmost China

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    It is well-known that water quality has great significance on microbial community composition in aquatic environments. In this study, we detected water column indicates the microbial community composition of nine sampling sites over two seasons using Illumina TruSeq sequencing in Songtao Reservoir, Hainan Province, Southmost China. The study indicated that the dominant phylum was Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. The diversity parameters showed that the microbial community composition had significant spatiotemporal variations, including the significantly higher Shannon index and Simpson index upstream than those midstream and downstream. Besides, there were significantly higher Chao1 index, Shannon index, and Simpson index in winter than in summer. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) showed the microbial structural composition had significant seasonal differences. The results of microbial community composition further revealed that the eutrophication level upstream was higher than that of midstream and downstream. The redundancy analysis (RDA) diagram indicated that the abundance of microbiology species significantly correlated with temperature, total phosphorus, Se, and Ni. Furthermore, the mantel's test showed that the temperature and total phosphorus significantly affected the community composition of archaea and bacteria. Overall, our finding here partially validated our hypothesis that the spatiotemporal variations of microbial community composition are significantly related to nutrients, physicochemical factors and metals, which has been unknown previously in tropical drinking waterbodies. This study substantially contributed to understanding of the composition of microbial community in tropical drinking water reservoirs and the main environmental driving factors in tropical zones. It also provided a reference for the management of reservoir operation to ensure drinking water safe

    Étude des diatomées du lac de Reghaia, Nord de l’Algérie

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    En raison de leur importante capacité de réponse aux changements environnementaux, les diatomées sont depuis longtemps utilisées comme indicateurs biologiques de la qualité des milieux aquatiques. Cette flore a été très peu étudiée en Algérie et en Afrique du Nord ; pour cela l’objectif de cette étude est de décrire les variabilités spatio-temporelles des diatomées à l’échelle du lac de Reghaia, qui se déverse dans la Méditerranée, et les principaux facteurs abiotiques responsables de ces variabilités. D’octobre 2007 à septembre 2008, des études hydrobiologiques ont été entreprises dans ce lac. L'évolution mensuelle des paramètres physico-chimiques permet de classer cette eau dans la qualité médiocre. Les éléments nutritifs (PO4 et NH4), la température et l’oxygène marquent des fluctuations importantes et influent directement sur la répartition des diatomées. Nos résultats ont montré que les communautés diatomiques planctoniques récoltées se composent de 24 espèces, dont 10 ont été signalées pour la première fois en Algérie. L’espèce Cyclotella ocellata est la plus abondante avec des fréquences mensuelles qui varient de 4,7 % de la communauté diatomique totale (au mois de mars) à 97 % (au mois d’août). Quant à la variabilité spatiale, les stations de l’amont sont caractérisées par la dominance des espèces polluo-résistantes, ce qui est le témoin de la forte charge polluante affectant ces zones. Ces résultats montrent que les assemblages de diatomées sont influencés par les perturbations anthropiques et suggèrent qu’ils peuvent être utilisés comme indicateurs de la qualité de l’environnementOwing to their important capacity to answer environmental changes, diatoms have been used as biological indicators of the water quality for a very long time. Studies of the North African and, in particular, the Algerian diatom flora are few. The objective of the present study is to describe spatial and temporal changes of the diatom communities and the abiotic parameters in the Reghaia Lake, which flows in the Mediterranean Sea. From October 2007 to September 2008, monthly physico-chemical and algological samplings were undertaken in the pelagic zone of the Reghaia Lake. The physico-chemical data made it possible to classify this water as of poor quality. The nutritive elements (PO4 and NH4), the temperature and oxygen displayed important fluctuations both in space and time and influenced directly the distribution of the diatoms. Our results showed that the collected planktonic diatom communities are composed of 24 species, with ten taxa reported for the first time for Algeria. The species Cyclotella ocellata is the most abundant with monthly frequencies that vary from 4.7 % of the total diatom community (in March) to 97 % (in August). The spatial distribution is characterized by the presence of pollution tolerant species in upstream sites. These results show that the assemblages of diatoms are influenced by the anthropogenic pressure and suggest that the diatom communities can be used as sensors for the biomonitoring of the Algerian aquatic environmen

    Age, growth, mortality and recruitment of thin sharpbelly Toxabramis swinhonis Günther, 1873 in three shallow lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China

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    Despite being the most dominant and widespread small fish species in the lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin, Toxabramis swinhonis has been paid little attention by fisheries scientists and little is known about its population characteristics. For this reason, we estimated age, growth, mortality and recruitment of this species based on three shallow lakes, Biandantang Lake, Shengjin Lake and Kuilei Lake (BDT, SJH and KLH, respectively) in this region. A total of 13,585 (8,818 in BDT, 2,207 in SJH and 2,560 in KLH) individuals were collected during monthly sampling from July 2016 to September 2017. The results revealed that the age structures of T. swinhonis consisted of four age groups (0+–3+), with 0+–1+ year old fish comprising more than 98% of the samples. Allometric growth patterns were displayed by fish from all sampling sites and the von Bertalanffy growth functions estimated were Lt = 173.25 (1 – e−1.20 (t + 1.09)): BDT; Lt = 162.75 (1 – e−1.20 (t + 1.08)): SJH and Lt = 215.25 (1 – e−1.20 (t + 1.12)): KLH, respectively. The rates of total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) at BDT, SJH and KLH were computed as 5.82, 5.50 and 4.55 year−1; 1.89, 1.87 and 1.75 year−1; 3.93, 3.63 and 2.80 year−1, respectively. Meanwhile, growth performance indices (φ′) were 0.68 (in BDT), 0.66 (in SJH) and 0.62 (in KLH), which indicated that T. swinhonis were overfished slightly in all study areas. Area-specific recruitment patterns were similar to each other, displaying evidence of batch spawning, with major peaks in April and August, accounting for 92.21% (BDT), 88.21% (SJH) and 88.73% (KLH) of total recruitment, respectively. These results showed that brief generation-time, fast growth rate, relatively high natural mortality rate and strong reproductive capacity (r-strategies) are reasons why this species became the most dominant species in many lakes of China

    Comparative study of the reproductive biology of two congeneric and introduced goby species: implications for management strategies

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    A full understanding of life history characteristics of invasive species is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of management strategies. Two introduced goby species (Rhinogobius cliffordpopei and Rhinogobius giurinus) have established highly abundant populations in Lake Erhai (China). In the present study, we examined the reproductive biology of these two species with the aim of improving the efficiency of management strategy. The results indicated that R. cliffordpopei spawned from February to June, whereas R. giurinus spawned from April to August. Rhinogobius cliffordpopei showed higher gonado-somatic indices and had larger eggs than R. giurinus. The adult sex ratio of R. cliffordpopei was female skewed, but that of R. giurinus was equal. Rhinogobius cliffordpopei showed a male-skewed sexual size dimorphism, whereas the body size of R. giurinus varied only slightly between males and females. The different reproductive traits appear as a crucial biologic aspect for developing control programs. Specifically, control measures should be implemented and/or intensified from September to February for R. cliffordpopei and from January to April for R. giurinus. The body size of the smaller R. cliffordpopei females is the determinant for minimal mesh size of the nets used in physical removals of R. cliffordpopei.A full understanding of life history characteristics of invasive species is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of management strategies. Two introduced goby species (Rhinogobius cliffordpopei and Rhinogobius giurinus) have established highly abundant populations in Lake Erhai (China). In the present study, we examined the reproductive biology of these two species with the aim of improving the efficiency of management strategy. The results indicated that R. cliffordpopei spawned from February to June, whereas R. giurinus spawned from April to August. Rhinogobius cliffordpopei showed higher gonado-somatic indices and had larger eggs than R. giurinus. The adult sex ratio of R. cliffordpopei was female skewed, but that of R. giurinus was equal. Rhinogobius cliffordpopei showed a male-skewed sexual size dimorphism, whereas the body size of R. giurinus varied only slightly between males and females. The different reproductive traits appear as a crucial biologic aspect for developing control programs. Specifically, control measures should be implemented and/or intensified from September to February for R. cliffordpopei and from January to April for R. giurinus. The body size of the smaller R. cliffordpopei females is the determinant for minimal mesh size of the nets used in physical removals of R. cliffordpopei