1,924 research outputs found

    O comportamento variável de (NDO) na fala seabrense

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo analisar o comportamento variável da consoante oclusiva /d/ no morfema (ndo) caracterizador de verbos no gerúndio no português falado em Seabra, município brasileiro do estado da Bahia, à luz da Teoria da Variação e Mudança Linguística (Weinreich; Labov; Herzog, 2006 [1968]; Labov, 2008 [1972]). A amostra analisada, pertencente ao banco de dados do Projeto Se abra à Chapada: coletando, explorando e mapeando dados sociolinguísticos, foi constituída de 18 entrevistas sociolinguísticas, estratificadas conforme a faixa etária (um: 18-33 anos, dois: 35-48 anos e três: 50+ anos), o sexo (masculino e feminino) e a escolaridade (fundamental, média e universitária). Após coleta, os dados foram submetidos a modelos de regressão logística de efeitos fixos e mistos, com o auxílio da linguagem de programação denominada R (R Core Team, 2020), cujos resultados obtidos apontaram correlação entre as variáveis preditoras sociais (escolaridade e faixa etária) e a variável de resposta

    O comportamento variável de (NDO) na fala seabrense: Uma abordagem sociolinguística

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the variable behavior of the stop consonant /d/ in the morpheme (ndo) that characterizes verbs in the gerund in Portuguese spoken in Seabra, a Brazilian municipality in the state of Bahia, in the light of the Theory of Variation and Linguistic Change (WEINREICH ; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006 [1968]; LABOV, 2008 [1972]). The analyzed sample, belonging to the database of the Projeto Se abra à Chapada: collecting, exploring and mapping sociolinguistic data, consisted of 18 sociolinguistic interviews, stratified according to age group (one: 18-33 years old, two: 35-48 years old and three: 50+ years), gender (male and female) and education (elementary, secondary and university). After collection, the data were submitted to fixed and mixed effects logistic regression models, with the aid of the programming language called R (R CORE TEAM, 2020), whose results obtained showed a correlation between the social predictor variables (schooling and age group ) and the response variable.Objetivou-se com este estudo analisar o comportamento variável da consoante oclusiva /d/ no morfema (ndo) caracterizador de verbos no gerúndio no português falado em Seabra, município brasileiro do estado da Bahia, à luz da Teoria da Variação e Mudança Linguística (Weinreich; Labov; Herzog, 2006 [1968]; Labov, 2008 [1972]). A amostra analisada, pertencente ao banco de dados do Projeto Se abra à Chapada: coletando, explorando e mapeando dados sociolinguísticos, foi constituída de 18 entrevistas sociolinguísticas, estratificadas conforme a faixa etária (um: 18-33 anos, dois: 35-48 anos e três: 50+ anos), o sexo (masculino e feminino) e a escolaridade (fundamental, média e universitária). Após coleta, os dados foram submetidos a modelos de regressão logística de efeitos fixos e mistos, com o auxílio da linguagem de programação denominada R (R Core Team, 2020), cujos resultados obtidos apontaram correlação entre as variáveis preditoras sociais (escolaridade e faixa etária) e a variável de resposta

    Imprensa como fonte: contribuições do fotojornalismo para pesquisas em história da educação

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    Resumo: No campo da História da Educação muitas pesquisas têm utilizado a imprensa e a fotografia como fonte de investigação. Importante salientar o papel memorável da fotografia para história da humanidade, elemento fundamental de registro do tempo social. Ao longo do tempo a fotografia avançou tecnologicamente, sofreu adaptação dos aparelhos, passou a ter mais estudos e foi modificando a forma de se fazer registros. Na história da imprensa, a fotografia ganhou um caráter informativo e constitutivo da notícia. De cunho qualitativo, esta é uma pesquisa bibliográfica, na qual são feitas análises por meio de artigos científicos, livros, homepages e outros saberes para discussão. Objetiva-se analisar o fotojornalismo como fonte de pesquisas em História da Educação por meio da imprensa. Primeiro, apresenta-se conceitos e reflexões sobre o fotojornalismo, depois, discute-se o uso da fotografia em pesquisas da História da Educação, e por fim, analisa-se o uso do fotojornalismo como fonte de pesquisa em neste campo de estudo. Portanto, o fotojornalismo é uma fonte conjunta com a imprensa, na qual possui e complementa elementos da informação jornalística. Ao utilizar a imprensa como fonte é necessário que haja inquirição do objeto investigado juntamente a fonte escrita, porque as imagens contêm discurso em relação ao objeto investigado em História da Educação.   Palavras-chaves: 1. História da Educação. 2. Fotojornalismo. 3. Imprensa. 4. Fonte de Pesquisa. 

    Immediate effects of a lumbar spine manipulation on pain sensitivity and postural control in individuals with nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: According to the American Physical Therapy Association, there is strong evidence to show that vertebral mobilization and manipulation procedures can be used to improve spinal and hip mobility and reduce pain and incapacity in low back pain patients that fit the clinical prediction rule. Objectives: To evaluate the immediate effects of high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation on pain and postural control parameters in individuals with nonspecific low back pain. Methods: This study used a participant-blinded and assessor-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial involving a single session, in which 24 participants were randomly distributed into control (simulated manipulation) and intervention (HVLA lumbar manipulation) groups. The primary (pain: subjective pain intensity and pressure pain threshold) and secondary outcomes (postural control: ellipse area, center of pressure [COP] excursion, COP RMS velocity, and differences between the COP and center of projected gravity) were evaluated before and after the session using a numerical pain scale, algometer, and a force platform. For all outcomes, multiple mixed 2 (group) × 2 (time) ANOVAs were performed. Results: For the subjective pain intensity, only time was significant as a main effect, where pre-intervention presented a greater value then post-intervention (F [1.44] = 4.377; p = 0.042; r = 0.30). For the pressure pain threshold no significant effect was found. For the postural control parameters, as a main effect, only the ellipse area was significantly greater in the control group (F [1.44] = 6.760; p = 0.013; effect size = 0.36). Conclusions: There was a reduction in subjective pain intensity, evaluated using a numerical scale, in both the intervention and control groups immediately after the intervention, suggesting that the spinal manipulation had a similar effect to the placebo procedure. No effect of HVLA lumbar manipulation was identified for postural control variables in either the intervention or control groups

    Nanostructured Polypyrrole Powder: A Structural and Morphological Characterization

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    Polypyrrole (PPY) powder was chemically synthesized using ferric chloride (FeCl3) and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Le Bail Method, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). XRD pattern showed a broad scattering of a semicrystalline structure composed of main broad peaks centered at 2θ = 11.4°, 22.1°, and 43.3°. Crystallinity percentage was estimated by the ratio between the sums of the peak areas to the area of amorphous broad halo due to the amorphous phase and showed that PPY has around 20 (1)%. FTIR analysis allowed assigning characteristic absorption bands in the structure of PPY. SEM showed micrometric particles of varying sizes with morphologies similar to cauliflower. Crystal data (monoclinic, space group P 21/c, a=7.1499 (2) Å, b=13.9470 (2) Å, c=17.3316 (2) Å, α=90 Å, β=61.5640 (2) Å and γ=90 Å) were obtained using the FullProf package program under the conditions of the method proposed by Le Bail. Molecular relaxation was performed using the density functional theory (DFT) and suggests that tetramer polymer chains are arranged along the “c” direction. Average crystallite size was found in the range of 20 (1) Å. A value of 9.33 × 10−9 S/cm was found for PPY conductivity


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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar os aspectos biológicos e ecológicos dos enxames migratórios e fixos encontrados na Região Metropolitana de Salvador, registrar as ocorrências e retirar as colônias nidificadas em caixas de captura e, quando possível, em condições naturais, visando à prevenção de acidentes à comunidade com estas abelhas. O estudo foi realizado no período de junho de 2006 a outubro de 2007, na cidade de Salvador-BA. Com o intuito de verificar a distribuição e os fenômenos envolvidos na migração (enxameagem) e nidificação dos enxames de abelhas africanizadas. Foram instaladas 40 caixas iscas em diversos pontos da cidade, 20 em áreas verdes e 20 em áreas urbanizadas. Registrou-se total de 219 enxames, 79% fixos e 21% migratórios, para 74 localidades da região metropolitana de salvador e cidades interligadas. Observou-se que 38,2% dos enxames migratórios ocorreram no verão, 27,6% no inverno, 23,4% no outono e 10,6% na primavera. Capturaram-se 18 enxames nas caixas-iscas sendo 72,22% em áreas verdes e 27,78% em áreas urbanas, o que demonstra uma tendência das abelhas nidificarem em áreas verdes mesmo dentro da cidade, essas acabam servindo de refúgio para as mesmas. Conclui-se que os enxames demonstram certa preferência em nidificarem na maioria das vezes em locais construídos ou modificados pelo homem e a instalação de caixas-iscas para captura de enxames é uma boa alternativa para minimizar os riscos de acidentes com estes insetos, devendo ser adotada esta prática como modo preventivo, instalando-as em pontos estratégicos e em locais possíveis de acidentes

    Mycoplasma agalactiae in Dairy Goat Flocks Bred in State of Ceará in Association with Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus

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    Background: Contagious agalactia is an infectious disease caused by Mycoplasma agalactiae (M. agalactiae) that occurs in small ruminants leading to productive and economic losses. Due to the similarity of clinical signs presented in Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE), which is a viral disease, a differential diagnosis is important. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the presence of anti-Mycoplasma agalactiae antibodies in dairy goat flocks in Ceará State and possible correlation with CAE.Materials, Methods & Results: The research was performed in four mesoregions in Ceará State (Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza-MRF; Northeast Ceará - NeC; North Ceará - NC; Sertões in Ceará - SC), from which 16 productions located in 10 cities with the highest representativeness for goat milk production within the State or mesoregion were sampled. A total of 417 females and 69 males (486 animals) of breeds with dairy production aptitude, pure or crossbreed, maintained in semi-intensive or intensive systems, were tested. Blood serum was obtained by venipuncture of the jugular vein with vacuum pressure syringe followed by centrifugation at 1,500 g for 10min. Antibodies against the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) were detected with micro technique of agarose gel immunodiffusion (AGID) and Western Blot (WB). The anti-Mycoplasma agalactiae antibodies were detected with commercial kit of enzymatic immunoassay (IDEXX Laboratories™). Seroprevalence of M. agalactiae in dairy goat flocks in Ceará State was 0.62% (3/486). From the total of 16 visited productions, 18.75% (3/16) had seropositive animals for M. agalactiae located in MRF, NC and SC mesoregions. CAE was diagnosed in 56.25% (9/16) of productions with AGID and in 81.25% (13/16) with WB. In addition, 5.2% (25/486) of animals were seropositive for CAE with AGID and 16.6% (80/486) with WB. Animals that reacted positive for M. agalactiae were all females of pure breed with milk production aptitude in distinct mesoregions submitted to intensive rearing system. None of these animals was positive in neither test (AGID or WB) for CAE. Therefore, no correlation of results obtained in diagnosis of M. agalactiae by ELISA and CAEV by AGID or WB (P < 0.05) was identified. However, two out of three productions that were positive for M. agalactiae presented positive results for CAEV with frequencies of 10% and 20%.Discussion: Seroprevalence of M. agalactiae in Ceará State was low in comparison with other Brazilian states and even other countries. However, the presence of the pathogen in more than one mesoregion indicates that the disease occurs in different locations within the State. Therefore, flocks in Ceará are susceptible to the infection, which may be favored by uncontrolled commerce that occurs with deficient surveillance, associated with the importation of animals to improve flock genetic quality. The presence of the pathogen in dairy goats may contribute to significant losses in the local production. On the other hand, CAE was diagnosedin nearly all productions proving the dissemination of this lentivirus infection among dairy goat flocks in Ceará State. Although an association between these diseases was not identified, the presence of a retrovirus in the organism may favor co-infection with another micro-organism, promoting the deficiency in the immune system of the host. In conclusion, M. agalactiae is present in different mesoregions of the Ceará State and control measures should be adopted in short term to prevent pathogen dissemination and, consequently reduce economic and productive losses in the local dairy goat production. No correlation was identified between the prevalence of infection by CAEV and M. agalactiae in this study.Keywords: correlation, diagnosis, caprine lentivirus, mycoplasmosis

    Bioactivity of Licaria puchury-major essential oil against Aedes aegypti, Tetranychus urticae and Cerataphis lataniae

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate an alternative controlling agent for greenhouse pests and the yellow fever mosquito larvae. The potential bioactivity of Licaria puchury-major (Mart.) Kosterm. (“puxuri”) was evaluated here against three most common pests in tropical and subtropical countries: Aedes aegypti Linn. Larvae, Tetranychus urticae Koch. mites and Cerataphis lataniae Boisd. aphids. The essential oil from seeds was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The major compounds were safrole (38.8%) and eucalyptol (21.7%). Phenylpropanes (51.7%) was the main group of compounds and oxygenated monoterpenes represented 28.8% of the total oil. The essential oil has shown no inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the tested concentrations. However, potential antioxidant activities were evaluated by different methods [DPPH: LD50 = (27.8 ± 1.0) µg/.mL; ABTS: (977.3 ± 25.2) µM TEs/g (Trolox Equivalents); FRAP: (548.2 ± 29.0) µM Fe(II)/g]. A significant larvicidal potential for 24 h of exposure was observed with LD50 = 98.9 µg/mL, being an indicative that the larval mortality may occur by ingestion or contact due to the no inhibition against AChE. Volatile phase effects were evaluated against T. urticae Koch. and C. lataniae Boisd. and LD50 were found about 30.8 and 13.5 µg/mL, respectively. These results are consistent with an octopaminergic effect, since some phenylpropanoids (such as Safrole, identified as the major compound in this work) can block octopamine, a multi-functional, naturally occurring biogenic amine. Then, this study clearly illustrated the efficacy of the investigated seeds, which encourages the development of a new potential natural controlling agent against these common pests due to the abundance of these seeds in the Amazon region and to the high essential oil yield. © 2018 ACG Publications. All rights reserved