10,198 research outputs found

    La función del ministerio fiscal en el concurso de acreedores

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    El objeto del presente trabajo consiste en el estudio de las funciones del Ministerio Fiscal fuera del sistema de justicia penal en las distintas fases del concurso de acreedores en España, a partir del análisis de la evolución histórica de la propia institución y de su caracterización como órgano constitucionalmente encargado de defender la legalidad, el interés público y promover el interés social ante los Tribunales de Justicia. Tras una exposición del marco de referencia comparado (Francia, Italia, Portugal, Brasil, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos de la América) se ofrece un estudio sobre las cuestiones de régimen jurídico más importantes que un Fiscal debe tomar en considerar para cumplirlas funciones que, como parte o como dictaminador, le atribuye la legislación concursal vigente: comunicación de indicios de insolvencia de responsables penales; declinatoria; adopción de medidas restrictivas de derechos fundamentales y calificación fortuita o culpable del concurso. A modo de conclusión se realizarán una serie de propuestas de lege ferenda dirigidas a mejorar la eficiencia de la actuación del Ministerio Fiscal en el concurso de acreedores y ampliar algunos de sus cometidos, ello a la vista de la tradición jurídica española y de las conclusiones del estudio de derecho comparado y en contra de la reciente propuesta de reforma del Texto Refundido de la Ley Concursal

    Executive MBA Programs: What Do Students Perceive as Value for their Practices?

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    This paper explores MBA students’ perceptions about their learning process and the outcomes of development of capabilities and competences. A qualitative exploratory study was conducted between 2004 and 2008 with 160 students enrolled in 6 different MBA programs in Brazil. The data were collected at group activities using a questionnaire to lead the participants to identify the contents and experiences from their MBA’s that were associated with the development of capabilities and competences relevant to practice. Examining the current literature and its indications of a myriad of pedagogical approaches, we discuss the MBA educators’ pedagogical planning for developing capacities and competences without considering which knowledge is valued as relevant by students. Our results identified three aspects as the most relevant in MBA students’ learning experiences: (a) openness to exploit new ways of interpreting the world; (b) development of specific capabilities; and (c) development of relational competence. The main contribution of our study is to highlight the students’ active engagement in the learning opportunities created by MBA educators and their outcomes. Based on the evidence, we argue that the pedagogical planning developed by educators should consider MBA students as the protagonist of their management education process

    Expectations of young people from public secondary education about study and work

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    O artigo analisa as expectativas de jovens do ensino médio de escolas públicas em relação à continuidade dos estudos e à inserção no mercado de trabalho. O principal procedimento da pesquisa foi a aplicação de um questionário a 1363 estudantes da região metropolitana de São Paulo. Em diálogo com as teorias críticas de Althusser (1999), Bourdieu e Passeron (1975), e Baudelot e Establet (1975), partimos da hipótese de que esses jovens possuiriam alta expectativa de ingresso no mercado de trabalho e baixa expectativa de continuidade dos estudos. Por um lado, os dados revelaram que os jovens pesquisados pretendem seguir estudando, e inclusive ingressar no ensino superior. Porém, por outro lado, foram constatadas desigualdades significativas de expectativas e avaliação de chances segundo as seguintes variáveis: autodefinição de raça; escolaridade e tipo de ocupação dos pais/responsáveis; autodefinição na estrutura de classes; experiência atual e anterior de trabalho. Tais desigualdades revelam a existência de um teto de vidro que reduz as chances de ingresso no ensino universitário (principalmente nas universidades públicas), segundo o grupo social considerado. Este artigo demonstra que conciliar estudo com trabalho é visto como a maior dificuldade e, ao mesmo tempo, como a principal estratégia para obter o nível superior, considerando os efeitos das políticas recentes de ampliação da oferta das vagas públicas e privadas.This article analyzes the expectations about study and work of secondary students from public schools. The main research tool was a questionnaire answered by 1363 students in the metropolitan area of São Paulo city. In dialogue with the critical theories of Althusser, Bourdieu and Passeron, and Baudelot and Establet, we started from the assumption that these young respondents have high expectations of entering the labor market and low expectations of continuing studies. However, the data revealed that the young people surveyed intend to continue studying, mainly by accessing higher education. Furthermore, we found significant inequalities of expectations and evaluation of chances related with: self-definition of race; the type of education and occupation of parents/guardians; self-definition in the class structure; current and previous experience in the labor market. Such inequalities reveal the existence of a glass ceiling that reduces the chances of entering higher education (mostly in public universities), according to the social group considered. This article shows that combining study with work is seen, at the same time, as the main difficulty and the main strategy to obtain a higher degree, considering the effects of recent policies to expand the supply of places in public and private universities

    Martini coarse-grained models of imidazolium-based ionic liquids:from nanostructural organization to liquid-liquid extraction

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) are remarkable green solvents, which find applications in many areas of nano- and biotechnology including extraction and purification of value-added compounds or fine chemicals. These liquid salts possess versatile solvation properties that can be tuned by modifications in the cation or anion structure. So far, in contrast to the great success of theoretical and computational methodologies applied to other fields, only a few IL models have been able to bring insights towards the rational design of such solvents. In this work, we develop coarse-grained (CG) models for imidazolium-based ILs using a new version of the Martini force field. The model is able to reproduce the main structural properties of pure ILs, including spatial heterogeneity and global densities over a wide range of temperatures. More importantly, given the high intermolecular compatibility of the Martini force field, this new IL CG model opens the possibility of large-scale simulations of liquid-liquid extraction experiments. As examples, we show two applications, namely the extraction of aromatic molecules from a petroleum oil model and the extraction of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from a fish oil model. In semi-quantitative agreement with the experiments, we show how the extraction capacity and selectivity of the IL could be affected by the cation chain length or addition of co-solvents

    Sistemas de drenagem urbana sustentáveis no mundo e no Brasil/ Sustainable urban drainage systems in the world and Brazil

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os diversos conceitos, medidas e/ou técnicas que são adotadas no mundo e no Brasil relacionados com a abordagem sustentável da drenagem urbana, suas respectivas características, origens e referências bibliográficas relacionadas. Conclui-se que, na temática de drenagem urbana sustentável, diversos termos são adotados no meio técnico pelo mundo, cada qual com seus objetivos associados a suas origens. No Brasil, os termos mais usados são “técnicas compensatórias” e “desenvolvimento urbano de baixo impacto” e, embora seja ainda observada no país predominância da adoção de práticas higienistas, a aceitação de concepções mais sustentáveis nos projetos de drenagem urbana tem aumentado nos últimos anos

    Does whole-body electrical muscle stimulation combined with strength training promote morphofunctional alterations?

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 8 weeks of strength training (ST) combined with whole-body electrical stimulation (EMS) on morphofunctional adaptations in active individuals. METHODS: Fifty-eight volunteers were randomly distributed into the following groups: an untrained control (UN) group (n=16), an ST group (n=21) or an ST combined with EMS (ST+EMS) group (n=21). Both intervention groups (the ST and ST+EMS groups) performed 3 exercises (biceps curl, back squats and high-pulley tricep extensions) twice a week for 8 weeks. The subjects performed 3 sets of 8 to 12 maximum repetitions (MRs) with a 90-second rest duration between sets. The ST+EMS group performed the resistance training exercises wearing a whole-body suit that provided electrical stimulation at frequencies between 80-85 Hz, with a continuously bipolar impulse duration and pulse breadth of 350 ms. The intensity for each muscle group was controlled by Borg’s category ratio (CR)-10 scale; the intensity started at 5-6 and eventually reached 7-8. One-repetition maximum strength (1RM) and muscle thickness (MT) were measured before and after the training intervention. MT was evaluated in the biceps brachii (BB), triceps brachii (TB), and vastus lateralis (VL). RESULTS: No differences (p40.05) were found between the ST and ST+EMS groups. Improvements (po0.05) in the absolute values of the morphofunctional parameters after the training protocol were observed. Significant differences were found between both the intervention groups and the UN group (po0.05). The ST+EMS group presented high percentage changes (po0.05) in muscular strength for the 1RMsquat (43.2%, ES=1.64) and the MT of the BB (21.6%, ES=1.21) compared to the ST (20.5%, ES=1.43, 11.9%, ES=0.77) group. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the combination of ST+EMS may promote alterations in muscle strength and MT in healthy active subjects