381 research outputs found

    Induced biotic response in Amazonian ant-plants: the role of leaf damage intensity and plant-derived food rewards on ant recruitment

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    Although plant-ants respond to cues indicating the presence of herbivores, it remains unclear how ant workers are stimulated by herbivory cues with varying intensity. I hypothesized that ants respond more quickly to intense foliar damage, and ants inhabiting myrmecophytes that provide food resource recruit workers to any intensity of foliar damage. I tested the induced response in three ant-plant systems: two that provide food resources and another one that does not provide. I simulated leaf damage using different concentrations of foliar extracts. In all systems the plant-ant recruitment increased after damage simulations. In food providing system ants did not distinguish between different intensity damages, although one system have shown a mixed response to that intensity. This result indicates that ants defend more intensely their host plant to avoid damages that diminish food provisioning. In the non-food providing system ants responded more quickly to simulation of high foliar damage. This faster recruitment to leaves with high damage suggests that ants are searching for hot spots that potentially have more insects for feeding on. I suggested that future works could manipulate plant size and quality, and food provisioning to better understand why mutual ant-plant systems with very distinct characteristics are evolutionarily stabilized

    A Muhuraida (1785): o heroismo épico do bom colono

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    Muhuraida (1785), de Henrique João Wilkens, militar português, compõe o conjunto de textos da poesia luso-brasileira setecentista. Eclipsado por títulos como O Uraguay (1769) ou o Caramuru (1781) nos estudos de história literária, o poema é tido como um dos marcos inaugurais da literatura produzida na Amazônia e tem sido objeto de estudos contemporâneos, como Treece (1993), Caldas (2007), entre outros. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma leitura crítica que busca inserir o texto em seu presente político-econômico, qual seja, o das reformas conduzidas pela Coroa portuguesa no Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão, no que ficou conhecido como reformismo ilustrado

    Elogio dos soberanos: o reformismo ilustrado e a poética do encômio no Grão-Pará e Maranhão (século XVIII)

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    This work aims to explore the presence of topoi associated to the “Praise of Rulers” (CURTIUS, 1979) within the poetry produced in Grão-Pará and Maranhão in the second half of the Eighteenth century. According to our hypothesis, that production is based on the poetics of encomium, and, in this meaning, is linked to the Portuguese Crown’s demands on social organization and economic development of the region, which draw up a representation of the royal power as source of balance, harmony and progress, following the Illustrated Reformism discourse.Neste artigo, queremos explorar a presença da tópica associada ao “elogio do soberano” (CURTIUS, 1979) na produção poética no Grão-Pará e Maranhão da segunda metade do século XVIII. Segundo nossa hipótese, tal produção, ao se fundamentar em uma poética do encômio, põe-se em estreita ligação com as demandas de organização social e fomento econômico da Coroa portuguesa para a região, junto das quais se elabora uma representação do poder real enquanto fonte de equilíbrio, harmonia e desenvolvimento, segundo o discurso do reformismo ilustrado


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    Disentangling the phylogenetic and ecological components of spider phenotypic variation

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    An understanding of how the degree of phylogenetic relatedness influences the ecological similarity among species is crucial to inferring the mechanisms governing the assembly of communities. We evaluated the relative importance of spider phylogenetic relationships and ecological niche (plant morphological variables) to the variation in spider body size and shape by comparing spiders at different scales: (i) between bromeliads and dicot plants (i.e., habitat scale) and (ii) among bromeliads with distinct architectural features (i.e., microhabitat scale). We partitioned the interspecific variation in body size and shape into phylogenetic (that express trait values as expected by phylogenetic relationships among species) and ecological components (that express trait values independent of phylogenetic relationships). At the habitat scale, bromeliad spiders were larger and flatter than spiders associated with the surrounding dicots. At this scale, plant morphology sorted out close related spiders. Our results showed that spider flatness is phylogenetically clustered at the habitat scale, whereas it is phylogenetically overdispersed at the microhabitat scale, although phylogenic signal is present in both scales. Taken together, these results suggest that whereas at the habitat scale selective colonization affect spider body size and shape, at fine scales both selective colonization and adaptive evolution determine spider body shape. By partitioning the phylogenetic and ecological components of phenotypic variation, we were able to disentangle the evolutionary history of distinct spider traits and show that plant architecture plays a role in the evolution of spider body size and shape. We also discussed the relevance in considering multiple scales when studying phylogenetic community structure.An understanding of how the degree of phylogenetic relatedness influences the ecological similarity among species is crucial to inferring the mechanisms governing the assembly of communities. We evaluated the relative importance of spider phylogenetic rel9519FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçãosem informaçãoWe would like to thank M. Belisário, T.N. Bernabé, T.S. Coser, R. Marques, F. Moreira, D. Mota and E.S. Soeiro for their invaluable assistance in the field work. We thank N. Kraft, D.B. Provete, D.N. Reznick and anonymous reviewers for constructive comme


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    Este trabalho parte dos depoimentos cedidos por intelectuais paraenses como Bruno de Menezes, Max Martins, Cléo Bernardo, entre outros, ao Suplemento Arte Literatura do jornal Folha do Norte, no ano de 1947, os quais tematizavam a situação das letras modernas no estado do Pará. Encarando esses depoimentos como testemunhos da memória literária instrumentalizada segundo a intenção de presentificar o passado, conforme indica Walter Benjamin (1994) em seu Sobre o conceito de História, propõe-se sua análise no sentido de compreender as configurações e condições de produção cultural com as quais se defrontavam os autores, recuperando as dinâmicas sociais que constituíam as relações nos campos da cultura e da literatura. Para tal análise, é de fundamental importância perceber, como indica Bourdieu (2010), que as posições defendidas pelos entrevistados se situam dentro de um espaço social determinado, demonstrando valores e avaliações diferenciadas advindas das diferenças de posicionamento social. A partir da análise dos depoimentos, evidenciou-se que o fazer literário não se restringe a questões de ordem artística mas é atravessado pelas características sociais que o suportam e que se relacionam profundamente com a própria valoração estética

    Implementation of lean in health care environments: an update of systematic reviews

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    Purpose – Even though the implementation of Lean in healthcare environments is relatively recent, it has been receiving a lot of attention in recent years. Partly due to the fact that it is a recent field of practice and research and partly because the number of works developed in this field has grown rapidly, it is important to frequently update the perspectives on this field of investigation. Thus, this article aims to systematically review the implementation of Lean tools and techniques applied to hospital organizational areas in a 5-year period, between 2014 to 2018, complementing some of the most relevant reviews already published. The most important criteria such as tools, methods and principles, hospital areas intervened, improvements and difficulties were assessed and quantified. Methodology - As starting point for this systematic literature review, a set of selected pre-existing review publications was used to support the current work and as the ground base for the expansion of the studies about Lean Healthcare. The current study contemplated 114 articles from a 5-year period between 2014 and 2018. A subset of 58 of these articles was critically assessed to understand the application of lean tools and methods in different hospital areas. Findings - The thorough analysis of selected articles show a lack of works in Continuous Improvement approaches when compared to the application of work organization, visual management, and diagnosing and problem-solving tools. The reported improvement results demonstrate alignment with the principles and foundations of lean philosophy, but such results are presented in isolated initiatives and without robust evidence of long-term maintenance. Moreover, this study shows an evolution in the number of articles referring to lean implementation in hospital areas, but in its great majority, such articles report isolated implementations in different areas, not spreading those for the global organization. Thus, some of the main recommendations, are the need to implement studies on complete flows of patients, drugs and materials, instead of isolated initiatives, and strive to promote cultural change of hospitals through structural changes, following new visions and strategic objectives, supported by real models of continuous structural and sustained improvement. Originality – The current work develops a new perspective of the articles published under the thematic of Lean Healthcare, published in a recent period of 5 years, which are not completely covered by other works. Additionally, it explicitly applied, in an innovative way, an approach that used a set of previous reviews as the starting point for this SLR. In this way, it integrates approaches and categories from different SLRs, creating a framework of analysis that can be used by future researchers. Finally, it shows the most recent implementations of Lean Healthcare, exposing the current trends, improvements and also the main gaps.This work has been supported by FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020 and project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-03029


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    Este artigo apresenta algumas reflexões acerca da relação entre apreciação estética, valoração artística e a vida política, tendo como objeto as considerações da crítica literária publicadas nos anos de 1940 sobre a obra de Jorge Amado e a posição política dos periódicos que as veicularam.

    Food web structure shaped by habitat size and climate across a latitudinal gradient

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Habitat size and climate are known to affect the trophic structure and dynamics of communities, but their interactive effects are poorly understood. Organisms from different trophic levels vary in terms of metabolic requirements and heat dissipation. Indeed, larger species such as keystone predators require more stable climatic conditions than their prey. Likewise, habitat size disproportionally affects large-sized predators, which require larger home ranges and are thus restricted to larger habitats. Therefore, food web structure in patchy ecosystems is expected to be shaped by habitat size and climate variations. Here we investigate this prediction using natural aquatic microcosm (bromeliad phytotelmata) food webs composed of litter resources (mainly detritus), detritivores, mesopredators, and top predators (damselflies). We surveyed 240 bromeliads of varying sizes (water retention capacity) across 12 open restingas in SE Brazil spread across a wide range of tropical latitudes (-12.6 degrees to -27.6 degrees, ca. 2,000km) and climates ( mean annual temperature=5.3 degrees C). We found a strong increase in predator-to-detritivore mass ratio with habitat size, which was representative of a typical inverted trophic pyramid in larger ecosystems. However, this relationship was contingent among the restingas; slopes of linear models were steeper in more stable and favorable climates, leading to inverted trophic pyramids (and top-down control) being more pronounced in environments with more favorable climatic conditions. By contrast, detritivore-resource and mesopredator-detritivore mass ratios were not affected by habitat size or climate variations across latitudes. Our results highlight that the combined effects of habitat size, climate and predator composition are pivotal to understanding the impacts of multiple environmental factors on food web structure and dynamics.Habitat size and climate are known to affect the trophic structure and dynamics of communities, but their interactive effects are poorly understood. Organisms from different trophic levels vary in terms of metabolic requirements and heat dissipation. Inde971027052715FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFINANCIADORA DE ESTUDOS E PROJETOS - FINEPFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)sem informação550022/2014- 701.13.0353.00The authors thank three anonymous reviewers for the valua-ble comments on the first edition of this report. A. L. Mendonça helped with invertebrate surveys, and identifications were con-ducted by L. C. de Pinho (Chironomidae), A. L. Mendonça (Culicidae), M