12 research outputs found

    Cranioplasty Using Autologous Fasciae Latae Graft for Nasal Bone Fracture Repair in a Dog

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    Background: In facial reconstruction, several kinds of grafts can be used, like bone grafting, cutaneous grafting, biological membranes, fasciae latae, biomaterials, and others. The advantage of using fasciae latae in the tissue reparation is the need of little blood supply, making it a viable option in the restoration of biological functions. The objective of this study was to describe the case of a female poodle, 12-year-old, and with subcutaneous emphysema due to fracture of the nasal bone, submitted to cranioplasty using fasciae latae.Case: It was attended a 12-year-old female poodle due to a traumatic brain injury. At physical examination, the animal had presented facial swelling and respiratory distress with inspiratory effort. Additionally, were verified subcutaneous emphysema and a depression in the nasal plane region with crepitus on palpation. Radiographic examinations revealed nasal bone and maxilla fractures. The animal was submitted to cranioplasty for nasal bone fracture repair. To access the nasal bone and frontal sinus was performed an incision in the dorsal midline from the level of medial orbital rim to the nasal plane. The subcutaneous tissue was divulsioned to allow the exposure of the nasal bone fracture, whose small fragments prevented the internal fixation. The bone defect was then repaired using free autologous fasciae latae of 2 cm wide x 3 cm long, sutured to the periosteum. Subcutaneous emphysema gradually decreased until its resolution at three days postoperatively. The surgical wound had complete healing at 10 days after surgery without concomitant complications.Discussion: The choice of the reconstructive technique is based on the operative planning and the surgeon’s experience. In the present case we opted for the autologous fasciae latae graft since its ready availability and lesser predisposition to immunogenic sensibilization and rejection. In addition, we opted for the autologous fasciae latae graft because it is an occlusive material that would prevent the air flow through it during the inspiration and expiration, and consequently the aggravation of the subcutaneous emphysema. In fact, the resolution of the subcutaneous emphysema occurred three days after grafting. Furthermore, the resolution of the subcutaneous emphysema was determined by the lower retraction of the autologous fasciae latae graft due to the scar fibrous tissue deposition. The choice of the reconstructive technique is also based on the viability of the recipient bed, which should provide adequate blood supply for the reception of the free graft. In the present case, however, the bone defect did not provide adequate blood supply and structural support. Due to this, the autologous fasciae latae graft was crucial to the verified results, since it requires less blood supply and structural support to remain the graft viable. We concluded that the autologous fasciae latae graft may be a viable option for the anatomical and functional reconstruction of traumatic lesions localized in the skull, particularly the nasal bone, due to the satisfactory follow-up in the present case without the occurrence of complications. A larger sample size, however, it is necessary to evaluate the real effectiveness of the autologous fasciae latae graft in reconstructive skull surgery on small animals

    Diferenciação osteogênica de células mesenquimais do cordão umbilical canino

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    This study aimed to isolate MSCs from canine Wharton's jelly umbilical cord and evaluate in vitro the effect of PRP and the MOD in osteogenic differentiation of these cells in the absence of osteogenic medium. Cells were isolated and characterized as undifferentiated mesenchymal cells with a phenotype fibroblasts-like and characteristic phenotype of confirmed by flow cytometry with CD44 +, CD105 +, CD271 +, CD34-and CD45-, plus the ability to differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteocytes. Except for the control group (MSCs), in all groups, G-PRP (PRP and MSCs), G-DBM (DBM and MSCs) and G-PRP + DBM (MSCs and PRP + DBM) was differentiation osteoblastic with production of mineralized bone matrix confirmed by Alizarin red staining. The measurement of alkaline phosphatase (AP) increased up to 14 days in all groups. Bone proteins were expressed in the polymerase chain reaction in real time and were able to confirm the differentiation bone in all groups. Osteopontin had its greatest expression in G- PRP to seven days followed by G-PRP + DBM, at other times the G-PRP + DBM had higher expression than the other groups. The osteocalcin and Runx2 were expressed more intensely in the G-PRP + DBM at the end of the experiment. It can be concluded that the PRP and DBM are capable of promoting osteogenesis mesenchymal cells in Wharton's jelly of the umbilical cord with canine, with advantage in the presence of DB

    Expressão dos fatores de crescimento obtidos do plasma rico em plaquetas, no tratamento de fraturas experimentais do radio de cães

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a cicatrização óssea de fraturas experimentais do radio de cães, tratadas ou não com o PRP autógeno, por meio de estudos radiográfico, densitométrico e histológico; bem como avaliar a expressão dos fatores de crescimento do PRP. Foram utilizados 21 cães inicialmente agrupados de acordo com o tempo de colheita de biopsia: aos sete dias (n=10) ou 60 dias (n=11) que foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais: o grupo controle (G-controle, n=11) e o grupo PRP (G-PRP, n=10). Todos os animais foram submetidos à osteotomia e osteossíntese (fixador esquelético externo) do rádio direito, gerando-se um “gap” de 2,0mm, que foi preenchido ou não com PRP. Os estudos radiográficos e densitométricos foram realizados no pós-operatório imediato e até 60 dias de pós-operatório. As avaliações histológicas e imunoistoquímicas foram realizadas aos sete e 60 dias. Os dados encontrados foram tratados estatisticamente (p<0,05). Houve diferença significativa nas avaliações radiográficas e densitométricas entre os grupos. A avaliação histológica evidenciou uma cicatrização óssea mais avançada aos 60 dias no G-PRP e união óssea tardia no G-controle. Houve imunomarcação intensa do PDGF-B e TGF-β no G-PRP aos sete e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Conclui-se, que o PRP pode ser utilizado como terapia adjuvante, pois promoveu melhor cicatrização óssea em fraturas experimentais (“gap” de 2,0mm) do radio de cães tratadas com fixador esquelético externo. Ainda houve maior expressão do PDGF-B e TGF-β nos períodos, precoce e tardio, dos animais tratados com PRPThe present article aimed to assess bone healing of experimental radial fractures, treated or not with autologous PRP, by means of radiographic, densitometric and histological studies and evaluate the expression of growth factors in PRP. Were used 21 dogs initially grouped according to the time of biopsy collection: seven days (n = 10) or 60 days (n = 11) were randomly assigned to two groups: the control group (G-control, n = 11) and the PRP group (G-PRP, n = 10). All animals underwent osteotomy and fixation (external skeletal fixation) of the right radius, generating a gap of 2.0 mm, which was filled or not with PRP. Radiographic and densitometry studies were performed in the immediate postoperative period and to 60 days after the surgery. The histological and immunohistochemical evaluations were performed at seven and 60 days. The data were treated statistically (p <0.05). There were significant differences in densitometric and radiographic evaluations between the groups. Histological evaluation showed a more advanced bone healing at 60 days in G-PRP and bone union late in the G-control. There was intense expression of PDGF-B and TGF-β in G-PRP from seven to 60 days postoperatively. It is concluded that the PRP can be used as adjuvant therapy, because it provided better bone healing in experimental fractures (gap of 2.0 mm) radius of dogs treated with external skeletal fixation. Although there was a higher expression of PDGF-B and TGF-β in periods, early and late, the animals treated with PRPFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Aspectos clínicos do enxerto conjuntival 360° e do implante da membrana amniótica criopreservada no tratamento de úlceras de córnea em cães

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    To evaluate the clinical application of implant of the canine cryopreserved amniotic membrane (DMEM plus DMSO 1:1) and 360° conjunctival flap in the treatment of progressive corneal ulceration. 10 dogs of the different breeds, males and females, aging four months to four years old with deep corneal ulceration and different clinical progression were divided in two groups: G1=360° conjunctival graft (n=5) and G2=implant of amniotic membrane, sutured at the edge of the ulcer with epithelial side facing up, associated with the third eyelid flap (n=5). The comparative analysis between groups was: complications, blepharospasm, ocular secretion, corneal vascularization, epithelial defect and corneal opacification in six moments (first emergency care, surgery and 3, 7, 15 and 30 days of postoperative). Without epithelial defect was evaluated quality of the scar. It was used score scale for subjective to qualify of the ocular signs. In G1, it was observed the non-adherence of the conjunctival graft to the ulcer (n=2), dehiscence of the suture (n=2), anterior synechia (n=2) and intense chemosis (n=1). In G2, it was not observed these complications. It was not significant difference between the groups to others ocular parameters, but it was different among the start and end moments of the same groups (ocular secretion, corneal vascularization, epithelial defect). The corneal opacity was more intense in G1. According to the clinical results, the cryopreserved amniotic membrane implant proved to be as effective in the corneal ulceration in comparison to the 360° conjunctival flap, because probably, the membrane promoted a trophic support for epithelialization, anti-inflamatory effect associated with important to the end result phenotype

    Efficiency of the aqueous extract Triticum vulgare in radiodermatitis treatment generated by the radiotherapy use in cats

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    The use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of oncological diseases in veterinary medicine has grown in recent years. In general, these animals are very well tolerated treatment with radioactive elements; however, the harmful effects that may occur are not always able to be controlled, particularly those relating to skin burns. Then, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare in treat of 10 cats’ radiodermatitis with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which were treated with radiotherapy as single modality treatment. We used the drug topically and daily until complete healing of wounds. Based on the findings, it was found beneficial effects of the drug, because it allowed the formation of granulation tissue and epithelization of wounds with epidermal repair not exuberant, good-quality cosmetics and, considering the deleterious effects that can result from cancer treatments.O uso de radiações ionizantes no tratamento de doenças oncológicas em medicina veterinária tem crescido nos últimos anos. De maneira geral, os animais têm tolerado muito bem os tratamentos com elementos radioativos, no entanto, os efeitos deletérios que podem ocorrer nem sempre são possíveis de serem controlados, principalmente àqueles relativos às queimaduras cutâneas. Sendo assim, este trabalho estudou os efeitos do creme de Triticum vulgare no tratamento de radiodermatites de 10 gatos portadores de carcinoma escamo celular (CEC) que foram tratados com a radioterapia como modalidade única de terapia. Utilizou-se o fármaco topicamente e diariamente até a completa cicatrização das feridas por queimadura. Frente aos achados, concluiu-se pelos efeitos benéficos do mesmo, pois ele permitiu a formação de tecido de granulação e epitelização das feridas com reparação epidérmica não exuberante, de boa qualidade e cosmética, considerando-se os efeitos deletérios que podem advir de tratamentos oncológicos

    Aspectos radiográficos e densitométricos de fraturas experimentais do radio de cães tratadas com plasma rico em plaquetas

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    The present article aimed to assess bone healing of experimental radial fractures, treated or not with autologous PRP, by means of radiographic and densitometric studies. Eleven dogs were randomly allocated in two experimental groups: control group (CG n=6) PRP group (PRPG n=5). All dogs underwent radial osteotomy and osteosynthese (external skeletal fixation) of the right forelimb, in which a 2.0 mm defect was created. The gap was filled PRP in the treated group (PRPG); wile CG received no treatment. Radiographic and densitometric studies were performed immediately at the end the procedure and 14, 21, 28, 35, 45 and 60 days after the surgery (M0, M14, M21, M28, M35, M45 e M60). Way repeated measures ANOVA with Tukey as post hock test; Friedman test and Dunnís post hock test were used to compare data in different moments; and Mann-whitney test in different groups (p < 0.05). About assessment to moments; radiographc scores and densitometric values changed significantly at moment 0 and 60 within the PRPG. Comparing groups radiographic scores changed significantly from M28 and densitometric values from M45 and M60. Concluded under the conditions of this study; that PRP can be used as an adjuvant therapy to improve bone healing of experimental radial fractures (gap 2.0 mm) of dogs treated with external skeletal fixation.O presente artigo teve como objetivo avaliar a cicatrizaÁ„o Ûssea de fraturas experimentais do radio de c„es, tratadas ou n„o com o PRP autÛgeno, por meio de estudos radiogr·fico e densitomÈtrico. Foram utilizados 11 c„es, alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais: o grupo controle (G-controle, n=6) e o grupo PRP (G-PRP, n=5). Todos os animais foram submetidos ‡ osteotomia e osteossÌntese (fixador esquelÈtico externo) do r·dio direito, gerando-se um gap de 2mm, que foi preenchido com PRP apenas no grupo G-PRP. Os estudos radiogr·ficos e densitomÈtricos foram realizados no pÛs-operatÛrio imediato e aos 14, 21, 28, 35, 45 e 60 dias de pÛs-operatÛrio (M0, M14, M21, M28, M35, M45 e M60). A an·lise estatÌstica foi realizada por meio da An·lise de Vari‚ncia com Medidas repetidas (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey para comparaÁ„o de mÈdias; teste de Friedman seguido do teste de Dunn para comparar os momentos em cada grupo e o teste de Mann-whitney para comparar os grupos em cada momento (p<0,05). Referente ‡ avaliaÁ„o entre os momentos houve diferenÁa significativa entre M0 e M60 nas avaliaÁıes radiogr·ficas e densitomÈtricas dentro do grupo G-PRP. Na comparaÁ„o entre os dois grupos houve diferenÁa estatÌstica na avaliaÁ„o radiogr·fica a partir de M28; e na avaliaÁ„o densitomÈtrica nos momentos M45 e M60. Conclui-se, nas condiÁıes deste estudo, que o PRP pode ser utilizado como terapia adjuvante, pois promove cicatrizaÁ„o Ûssea precoce em fraturas experimentais (gap de 2,0mm) do radio de c„es tratadas com fixador esquelÈtico externo.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Ropivacaína isolada ou associada à morfina, butorfanol ou tramadol pela via peridural em cadelas para realização de Ovariosalpingohisterectomia

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of ropivacaine combined or not with different opioids, for epidural anesthesia in bitches submitted to elective ovariosalpingohisterectomy (OSH). Thirty two mixed-breed female dogs, adults were used with medium weigh of 10.5kg. The animals were premedicated with acepromazine (0.05mg.kg-1, IM) and midazolam (0.2mg.kg-1, IM) and allocated in four experimental groups: group 1(n=8): ropivacaine: 0.3 mL.kg-1; group 2(n=8): ropivacaine + morphine (0.1 mg.kg-1); group 3(n=8): ropivacaine + butorphanol (0.1 mg.kg-1); and group 4(n=8): ropivacaine + tramadol (0.5 mg.kg-1) administered epidurally. Heart and respiratory rate; systolic arterial pressure; rectal temperature; arterial blood gas partial pressures; blood pH; sedation and muscular relaxation degree were evaluated at different experimental moments. The data were submitted to ANOVA and compared by Kruskal Wallis, Friedman, Dunn, Tukey and Chi-square test (p≤0.05). Minimum cardiorespiratory alterations were observed and the group of the ropivacaíne combined with the butorphanol (G3) presented a more cranial blockage, what allowed the accomplishment of OSH without induction in six animals (75%) whereas most of the others needed anesthetic rescue. The results allow us to conclude that the use of ropivacaine sole or combinated with morphine, butorphanol or tramadol, for epidural anesthesia, didn't promote significant cardiorrespiratory depression and the ropivacaine associated to the butorphanol allowed the accomplishment of OSH in bitches.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo investigar la utilización de la ropivacaina aislada o asociada a diferentes opióides para la anestesia peridural en perras sometidas a ovariosalpingohisterectomía (OSH) electiva. Participaron del estudio doble ciego, 32 perras sanas, adultas, de diferentes razas, de entre seis y 15 kg que fueron premedicadas con acepromacina (0,05mg/kg, IM) asociada a midazolam (0,2mg/kg, IM). Los animales fueron distribuidos en cuatro grupos: Grupo 1: ropivacaina: 0,3 mL/kg; Grupo 2: ropivacaina + morfina (0,1 mg/kg); Grupo 3: ropivacaina + butorfanol (0,1 mg/kg); y Grupo 4: ropivacaina + tramadol (0,5 mg/kg) administrados por vía peridural. Fueron medidas: frecuencia cardiaca; frecuencia respiratoria; tensión arterial sistólica; temperatura rectal; tensión parcial de gases sanguíneos (arterial); pH sanguíneo; además de la evaluación no-paramétrica del grado de sedación, grado de sangrado y de relajamiento muscular siguiendo tablas de puntuaciones. Los datos fueron sometidos a ANOVA y comparados por medio de las pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman, Dunn, Tukey y Chi-cuadrado (p≤0,05). Se concluyó que la utilización de la ropivacaina aislada o asociada a la morfina, al butorfanol o al tramadol por vía peridural no promovió depresión cardiorrespiratoria significativa y la ropivacaina asociada al butorfanol permitió la realización de OSH en perras.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a utilização da ropivacaína isolada ou em associação a diferentes opióides, na anestesia peridural de cadelas submetidas à ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) eletiva. Participaram do estudo, 32 cadelas sadias, adultas, de diferentes raças, com peso médio de 10,5kg, as quais foram pré-medicadas com acepromazina (0,05mg/kg, IM) associada ao midazolam (0,2mg/kg, IM), distribuídas em quatro grupos distintos: Grupo 1(n=8): ropivacaína: 0,3 mL/kg; Grupo 2(n=8): ropivacaína + morfina (0,1 mg/kg); Grupo 3(n=8): ropivacaína + butorfanol (0,1 mg/kg); e Grupo 4(n=8): ropivacaína + tramadol (0,5 mg/kg) administrados pela via peridural. Foram mensurados: freqüência cardíaca; freqüência respiratória; pressão arterial sistólica; temperatura retal; pressão parcial dos gases sangüíneos (arterial); pH sangüíneo; além da avaliação não-paramétrica do grau de sedação, grau de sangramento e de relaxamento muscular seguindo tabelas de escores. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA e comparados pelos testes de Kruskal Wallis, Friedman, Dunn, Tukey e Qui-quadrado (p≤0,05). Foram observadas alterações cardiorrespiratórias que não comprometeram os parâmetros fisiológicos dos animais, sendo que o grupo da ropivacaína associada ao butorfanol apresentou um bloqueio mais cranial, o que permitiu a realização de OSH sem necessidade de indução em 75% dos animais, sendo que 25% necessitaram de resgate anestésico. Concluiu-se que a utilização da ropivacaína isolada ou associada à morfina, ao butorfanol ou ao tramadol pela via peridural não ocasionou depressão cardiorrespiratória significante, sendo que a ropivacaína associada ao butorfanol permitiu a realização de OSH em cadelas

    Experiencia clínica del uso de la tepoxalina en el tratamiento conservativo de la ruptura del ligamento cruzado craneal en perros

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    The rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (CCLR) characterizes itself for a partial or a total laceration of the cranial cruciate ligament. Patients with ligament (partial or total) acute laceration present acute lameness, with total or partial incapacity of sustentation of their weight on the affected leg. The clinic therapy with conservative drugs must be used previously to the surgical treatment. The tepoxalin, a no steroid anti-inflammatory can be indicate in the reduction of the inflammatory process and relieve of the pain, caused by acute and chronic musculoskeletal disturbances. It promotes a balanced blockade of the brake of the arachidonic acid by the lipoxygenase and cycloxigenase rote of the inflammatory cascade. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the tepoxalin efficiency in CCLR conservative treatment, though specific clinical test, radiographic exams, and cytological analysis of the articular liquid. Ten dogs with CCLR, between male and female were enclosed on this study and they received a dose of 10mg/kg of tepoxalin daily. The lameness, arc movements test in maximum extension of the leg and digit pressure, as well as, the articular liquid analysis after 28 days of treatment, allow to conclude the effectiveness of the tepoxalin in the CCLR conservative treatment. It promoted the return to the normal deambulation in all treated cases, and it can be considerate one more option of AINE on the treatment of this artropathy.La ruptura del ligamento cruzado craneal (RLCC) se caracteriza por la laceración parcial o total del ligamento cruzado craneal. Pacientes con laceraciones agudas del ligamento (parcial o total) presentan claudicación aguda con incapacidad total o parcial de sustentación del peso en el miembro afectado. La terapia clínica con principios conservadores debe ser empleada previamente al tratamiento quirúrgico. La tepoxalina es un antiinflamatorio no esteroidal, indicado en la reducción de procesos inflamatorios y alivio del dolor causado por perturbaciones músculo-esqueléticas agudas y crónicas. Este medicamento promueve el bloqueo balanceado de la ruptura del ácido araquidónico por las vías de la lipoxigenasa y cicloxigenasa de la cascada de la inflamación. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo evaluar la eficacia clínica del uso de la tepoxalina en el tratamiento conservativo de la RLLC, por medio de test clínicos específicos, examen radiográfico y análisis citológico del líquido articular. Diez perros con RLCC, machos y hembras, fueron incluidos en este estudio y recibieron dosis diarias de 10 mg/kg de tepoxalina durante veintiocho días. La evaluación de la claudicación, los test de arco de movimiento en extensión máxima y dígito-presión, así como el análisis del líquido articular después del período de tratamiento, permitieron concluir la eficacia de la tepoxalina en el tratamiento conservativo de la RLCC. Su uso posibilitó el retorno a la deambulación normal en todos los casos tratados, siendo considerada una opción más de AINE para el tratamiento conservativo de esta artropatía