398 research outputs found

    Representações sobre a violência contra um Refugiado Negro no Twitter

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar a caracterização do migrante negro Moïse Kabagambe em um grupo de tuítes realizado em protesto ao seu assassinato. Os dados foram coletados e processados utilizando-se a linguagem de programação R de forma a gerar redes de palavras, suas colocações e concordâncias como forma de compreensão do espaço de significação representado pelo léxico. Os resultados mostram a presença de padrões discursivos que evidenciam o posicionamento político nos tuítes. Tais padrões revelam que o crime e suas repercussões serviram como um caminho de reflexão e mobilização em relação a causa dos migrantes, com especial repercussão sobre suas condições de sobrevivência no Brasil e na violência sofrida

    The hypothyroid brain

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      The thyroid gland is controlled by a feedback system, the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis, and produces thyroid hormone (TH), which plays a critical role in growth, development and cellular metabolism. Diseases of the thyroid are well defined clinically and biochemically and diseases affecting thyroid function can cause both clinical hypothyroidisms, the most common cause of thyroid dysfunction, occurs when there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, and hyperthyroidism, when there is an increase in hormone production. Common systemic manifestations of hypothyroidism include fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, hair loss, cold intolerance, hoarseness and constipation. Patients affected by this condition present a number of central and peripheral signs in the nervous system that may be neurological manifestations that occur along with the systemic disease. The conversion of thyroid hormone in the target tissue is done by three distinct deiodinases: type I, type II and type III. Each deiodinase has a different function in order to maintain thyroid hormone homeostasis in the tissues. Other proteins important for thyroid state are the TH transporters. MCT8, OATP1C1 and LAT1 and 2 transporters regulate T4 and T3 flow in the cells. The action of THs depends on the interaction of several proteins that are specialized in the control of thyroid hormone homeostasis not only in the brain but also in various tissues. THs are important for the maturation of the brain from the intrauterine period and remain important to adulthood. When there is some disturbance in the control mechanisms for the state of thyroid hormone, the consequences to the tissues, especially the CNS, can range from mild damage to severe impairment in neuronal development


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    The work aimed to characterize the wood of the species Ochroma pyramidale in the longitudinal and radial direction of the tree. For the study, five six-year old trees were used. Discs were removed at different heights of the stem. The samples were obtained from each disk in different regions between the pith and bark. The preparation and the anatomical analysis of the permanent and temporary slides, chemical analyzes, and basic density measure of the stem wood were carried out according to technical standards. As a result, it was observed that the highest averages for pore diameter and fiber length were found in the region close to the bark at all heights. Regarding to the rays, it was noted that there was an interaction between the longitudinal x radial factors for most of the parameters evaluated, except for the width of the rays. For fiber lumen diameter and vessel length, the same trend line was found, the highest average observed in the region close to the pith. In the chemical analyzes, it was possible to observe that there was no significant difference in the longitudinal direction of the wood except for solubility in cold water. For basic density, there was an increase in the region closer to the pith compared to the region closer to the bark. However, in relation to the longitudinal position of the bole, the highest values were found at the base of the bole. It could be seen that the Ochroma pyramidale species has potential use for products linked to thermal and acoustic insulation, production of particleboards and pulp and paper production

    Aspectos psicobiológicos da ansiedade: noradrenalina e suas implicações na performance esportiva

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    Um atleta altamente pressionado psicologicamente, seja pelo resultado, ou por qualquer outro fator estressante pode incorrer em erros técnico táticos que podem influenciar em sua performance esportiva. A ansiedade pré-competitiva é um estado emocional caracterizado pelo nervosismo gerado pelos nossos pensamentos ou por mecanismos fisiológicos e capaz de causar alterações bioquímicas no corpo do atleta, destacando a alta liberação de adrenalina e noradrenalina. O organismo humano prepara-se para um agente estressante como o exemplo de uma atividade competitiva observando-se os mecanismos próprios advindos da autopreservação e sobrevivência. O presente estudo tem por objetivo, através de revisão bibliográfica, identificar aspectos psicobiológicos da ansiedade pré-competitiva e apontar possíveis influencias da ansiedade pré-competitiva sobre a performance esportiva. Após a realização da pesquisa, consideramos que a alta taxa destes neurotransmissores na corrente sanguínea altera algumas funções biológicas, cujos efeitos podem implicar de forma negativa no rendimento do desportista, levando-se em conta a importância do funcionamento pleno do seu organismo para que este responda corretamente aos treinamentos e competições. Porém, se for controlada, a ansiedade pode atuar de forma positiva, principalmente, pela ação da noradrenalina no sentido de vigília, que pode melhorar a atenção durante a atividade competitiva

    Evidenciação dos ativos intangíveis pelas empresas de Tecnologia da Informação da B3

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    This study aimed to analyze the level of disclosure of intangible assets, in the information technology sector listed in B3, during the period from 2010 to 2017. For this purpose, a checklist was prepared, based on the disclosure criteria required by the Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis 04 (CPC, 2010). The Financial Statements of the companies in the information technology sector, listed on Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), were analyzed, identifying the items on the checklist, in order to measure the level of disclosure of these companies, based on the items served or not by the companies. companies. The results showed that the Company Senior Solution S.A. presented the highest level of disclosure. However, it is noteworthy that none of the analyzed companies fully complied with what is determined by CPC 04 (CPC, 2010). The least observed item of disclosure by companies was the disclosure of the income statement item in which any amortization has been included. The level of the disclosure presented by the companies was, on average, 81.72%, considering the total of items over the analyzed period. This study contributes by presenting aspects of the disclosure of intangible assets that have not been served by companies, allowing them to act to qualitatively improve the disclosure of these assets, in order to obtain positive reactions from the market.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o nível de evidenciação dos ativos intangíveis no setor de Tecnologia da Informação listadas na B3, durante o período de 2010 a 2017. Para isso, elaborou-se um checklist a partir dos critérios de divulgação exigidos pelo Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis 04 (CPC, 2010). Analisaram-se as Demonstrações Contábeis das empresas do setor de Tecnologia da Informação listadas na Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), identificando os itens do cheklist a fim de mensurar o nível de evidenciação dessas empresas, com base nos itens atendidos ou não por elas. Os resultados demonstraram que a Empresa Senior Solution S.A. apresentou o maior nível de evidenciação. Porém, cabe ressaltar que nenhuma das empresas analisadas cumpriu totalmente com o que é determinado pelo CPC 04 (CPC, 2010). O item de divulgação menos observado pelas empresas foi a evidenciação da rubrica da demonstração do resultado em que qualquer amortização tenha sido incluída. O nível de evidenciação apresentado pelas empresas foi em média de 81,72%, considerando o total de itens ao longo do período analisado. Este estudo contribui ao apresentar aspectos da evidenciação dos ativos intangíveis que não têm sido atendidos pelas empresas, permitindo que estas atuem para melhorar qualitativamente a evidenciação desses ativos, a fim de obterem reações positivas do mercado

    Ações do enfermeiro no cuidado ao usuário de álcool e outras drogas: estudo transversal em um município do Piauí

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    A assistência ao usuário de substâncias psicoativas vem sendo objeto de crescente atenção pelo sistema de saúde brasileiro nas últimas décadas. O que antes se mantinha centrado na exclusão social e na abstinência, agora procura se tornar mais abrangente e inclusivo. O objetivo do presente estudo é identificar as ações do enfermeiro direcionadas aos usuários de álcool e outras drogas nos serviços de atenção à saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo e transversal, desenvolvido com 56 enfermeiros da rede de saúde do município de Parnaíba, Piauí, Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu durante o mês de outubro de 2013. Os resultados apontaram que os enfermeiros costumam realizar ações de promoção e prevenção, redução de danos e reabilitação psicossocial. Informaram enfrentar desafios tais como a falta de capacitação/treinamento e déficit de estrutura física e material nos serviços de saúde, porém, buscam superá-los. Conclui-se que as ações desenvolvidas se encontram em consonância com a política nacional de atenção integral a usuários de álcool e outras drogas. Contudo, os profissionais em questão necessitam de melhor qualificação para a condução da assistência

    Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Revascularized Individuals Submitted to an Anaerobic Potency Test

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of autonomic modulation before, during and after the Modified Wingate Test (WanMT), through the analysis of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Six volunteers between the ages of 40 and 70, post-revascularization procedures (angioplasty and/or surgery, mean duration 10 months), were submitted to supervised training for at least 10 to 14 months. The following protocol, divided into 5 phases, was used: 1) Rest Phase (RP): 180 seconds; 2) Submaximum Phase (SP): 30 seconds; 3) Maximum Phase (MP): 30 seconds; 4) Active Recuperation Phase (ARP); 120 seconds and; 5) Passive Recuperation Phase (PRP): 180 seconds. For the WanMT Test, we selected the load of 3.75% of corporal weight for all volunteers. To analyze the HRV, we used the following parameters: the interval RRr, MNN, SDNN, RMSSD and PNN50. We only observed results for the group according to RMSSD parameters during the rest phase of the test protocol in which the group remained in vagal presence and during all other phases in vagal depression. However, when we analyzed the PNN50, we observed that the group was in medium vagal presence during all of the phases of the test though there was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between the phases. Therefore, we can say that all of the individuals had a similar profile in the autonomic response to the WanMT, confirmed by the parameters studied in the analysis of the HRV in the time domain

    Analysis of the cycle of domestic violence against women

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    Introduction: Violence against Women (VAW) has been produced under the hierarchical organization of male dominance in social relations between genders. It is a type of social relationship that is historically bounded, culturally legitimized and cultivated, in which the woman is exposed to objective and subjective aggression, both in public as well as private sectors. The consequences of the violence suffered by women materialize in biological, psychological and social harms that hamper them fully experiencing human and social equalities. The persistence and the multiplicity of forms of expressing violence against women, throughout history, indicate the importance of the theme and the need to investigate how this practice interferes with the process of living, illness and death of the victim. Objective: To analyse the cycle of domestic violence against women. Methods: This is a population-based survey, and cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive study, using a quantitative approach. The study was conducted in the city of Joao Pessoa-PB, from August 2013 to December 2015. The population consisted of 424 women over 18 years old, and residing in the city of study. For data collection, two instruments were used: the WHO VAW STUDY and the WHOQOL BREF scale, validated for assessing quality of life. A descriptive analysis was performed, from absolute and relative frequencies for the following variables: sociodemographic; Domestic Violence against Women (DVAW) and QOL, in addition to the average for continuous variables; under CAAE number 20418813.0.0000.5183. Results: The women averaged an overall score of 61.59 for the quality of life index, on a scale from 0 to 100. Regarding scores for each domain, the domain of social relations had the highest average among the domains (69.84), whereas the environment domain had the lowest average (51.03). Conclusions: Domestic Violence against Women directly and adversely affects the quality of life of the victimized women in numerous aspects, because it interferes with the physical and psychological health of women in society and in their social relations, also bringing consequences for the health system

    Effect of different surface treatments and multimode adhesive application on the Weibull characteristics, wettability, surface topography and adhesion to CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic

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    This paper aims to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on surface topography, wettability, and shear bond strength of resin cement to glass ceramic. Methodology: For SBS test, 32 blocks (7x7x2 mm) of lithium disilicate were obtained and randomly divided into eight groups (four blocks per group) according to each surface treatment (HF 20 s, 60 s, 120 s + silanization/S or Scotch Bond Universal/ SBU) and the Monobond Etch & Prime - MEP application followed or not by SBU. On each treated surface ceramic block, up to four dual-curing resin cement cylinders were prepared and light-cured for 40s (N=120/n=15). The specimens were thermocycled (10,000 cycles, 5-55°C, 30 s) and the SBS test (50KgF, 0.5 mm/min) was performed. Furthermore, failure analysis, wettability, AFM, and SEM were carried out. SBS data (MPa) were analyzed using Student's t-test, two-way ANOVA, Tukey's test (5%) and Weibull's analysis. Results: For HF experimental groups, two-way ANOVA presented the factors “etching time” and “bonding agent” as significant (p<0.05). After silane application, the HF groups presented similar bond strength. SBU application compromised the SBS, except for 120s etching time (HF120sS: 23.39ᵃ±6.48 MPa; HF120sSBU: 18.76ᵃ±8.81MPa). For MEP groups, SBU application did not significantly affect the results (p=0.41). The MEP group presented the highest Weibull modulus (4.08A) and they were statistically different exclusively from the HF20sSBU (0.58B). Conclusion: The HF 20s, 60s, 120 s followed by silane, promoted similar resin-bond strength to ceramic and the SBU application after HF or MEP did not increase the SBS