5,876 research outputs found

    We Still Need to Talk About Norman:

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    Estrelada por Vera Farmiga (Norma Bates) e Freddie Highmore (Norman Bates), Bates Motel estreou em 2013 como uma série de TV derivada de Psicose (Robert Bloch, 1959; Alfred Hitchcock, 1960). A proposta é construir uma prequel contemporânea para a história, que promete mostrar um retrato de Norman Bates durante sua adolescência, revelando a complexa relação entre ele e sua mãe. Alguns elementos góticos são trazidos de volta pela série, como a casa abandonada; sombras projetadas; ações que se passam à noite; a prática da taxidermia; a questão do duplo, do estranho e da paranoia. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é observar como Bates Motel revive e expande a história original, sobretudo em se tratando do gótico contemporâneo, no qual temos a retórica da psicanálise como um tema bastante explícito na narrativa, e não apenas como ferramenta para a análise do texto. Dentro dessa perspectiva, registra-se a impossibilidade de harmonia familiar, assunto crucial na série, visto que cada relação esconde algum tipo de problema. Ainda, tem-se a mãe monstruosa, figura ambígua, que extravasa o seu amor descomedido, ciúme e superproteção; bem como o herói patológico, figura introspectiva, que oculta sua monstruosidade. Reviver essa história, portanto, não apenas nos permite recordar uma narrativa perturbadora, mas também experimentar algo novo, visto que esse é o propósito da ficção derivativa: criar uma nova trama a partir daquela já conhecida pelo público

    Pré-vestibular na unioeste campus de foz do iguaçu: um resgate histórico

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    Este artigo discute a partir de dados quantitativos e qualitativos o trabalho desenvolvido por discentes e docentes dos cursos de Enfermagem, Engenharia Elétrica, Engenharia Mecânica, Letras, Matemática e Pedagogia, vinculados ao projeto de extensão “Curso PréBVestibular” que acontece desde 2005 numa parceria entre a Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE Campus de Foz do Iguaçu, a Fundação Parque Tecnológico de Itaipu – FPTI e o Instituto de Tecnologia Aplicada e Inovação – ITAI e tem como objetivo principal preparar alunos carentes, oriundos da rede pública de ensino, que tenham boas notas e que pretendem prestar o vestibular na universidade pública. Os resultados ao longo dos anos mostram que o curso foi importante para potencializar as chances do aluno da escola pública em ingressar na universidade pública, permitindo que a universidade através de seus discentes e docentes cumpra com seu papel social e ultrapasse os muros acadêmicos chegando até a comunidade

    Agent-oriented constructivist knowledge management

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    In Ancient Times, when written language was introduced, books and manuscripts were often considered sacred. During these times, only a few persons were able to read and interpret them, while most people were limited in accepting these interpretations. Then, along with the industrial revolution of the XVIII and XIX centuries and especially boosted by the development of the press, knowledge slowly became available to all people. Simultaneously, people were starting to apply machines in the development of their work, usually characterized by repetitive processes, and especially focused in the production of consuming goods, such as furniture, clocks, clothes and so on. Following the needs of this new society, it was finally through science that new processes emerged to enable the transmission of knowledge from books and instructors to learners. Still today, people gain knowledge based on these processes, created to fulfill the needs of a society in its early stages of industrialization, thus not being compatible with the needs of the information society. In the information society, people must deal with an overloading amount of information, by the means of the media, books, besides different telecommunication and information systems technology. Furthermore, people’s relation to work has been influenced by profound changes, for instance, knowledge itself is now regarded as a valuable work product and, thus, the workplace has become an environment of knowledge creation and learning. Modifications in the world economical, political and social scenarios led to the conclusion that knowledge is the differential that can lead to innovation and, consequently, save organizations, societies, and even countries from failing in achieving their main goals. Focusing on these matters is the Knowledge Management (KM) research area, which deals with the creation, integration and use of knowledge, aiming at improving the performance of individuals and organizations. Advances in this field are mainly motivated by the assumption that organizations should focus on knowledge assets (generally maintained by the members of an organization) to remain competitive in the information society’s market. This thesis argues that KM initiatives should be targeted based on a constructivist perspective. In general, a constructivist view on KM focuses on how knowledge emerges, giving great importance to the knowledge holders and their natural practices. With the paragraph above, the reader may already have an intuition of how this work faces and targets Knowledge Management, however, let us be more precise. Research in Knowledge Management has evolved substantially in the past 30 years, coming from a centralized view of KM processes to a distributed view, grounded in organizational and cognitive sciences studies that point out the social, distributed, and subjective nature of knowledge. The first Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) were centrally based and followed a top-down design approach. The organization managers, supported by knowledge engineers, collected and structured the contents of an organizational memory as a finished product at design time (before the organizational memory was deployed) and then disseminated the product, expecting employees to use it and update it. However, employees often claimed that the knowledge stored in the repository was detached from their real working practices. This led to the development of evolutionary methods, which prescribe that the basic KM system is initially developed and evolves proactively in an on-going fashion. However, most of the initiatives are still based on building central repositories and portals, which assume standardized vocabularies, languages, and classification schemes. Consequently, employees’ lack of trust and motivation often lead to dissatisfaction. In other words, workers resist on sharing knowledge, since they do not know who is going to access it and what is going to be done with it. Moreover, the importance attributed to knowledge may give an impression that these central systems take away a valuable asset from his or her owner, without giving appreciable benefits in return. The problems highlighted in the previous paragraph may be attenuated or even solved if a top-down/bottom-up strategy is applied when proposing a KM solution. This means that the solution should be sought with aim at organizational goals (top-down) but at the same time, more attention should be given to the knowledge holders and on the natural processes they already use to share knowledge (bottom-up). Being active agency such an important principle of Constructivism, this work recognizes that the Agent Paradigm (first defined by Artificial Intelligence and more recently adopted by Software Engineering) is the best approach to target Knowledge Management, taking a technological and social perspective. Capable of modeling and supporting social environments, agents is here recognized as a suitable solution for Knowledge Management especially by providing a suitable metaphor used for modeling KM domains (i.e. representing humans and organizations) and systems. Applying agents as metaphors on KM is mainly motivated by the definition of agents as cognitive beings having characteristics that resemble human cognition, such as autonomy, reactivity, goals, beliefs, desires, and social-ability. Using agents as human abstractions is motivated by the fact that, for specific problems, such as software engineering and knowledge management process modeling, agents may aid the analyst to abstract away from some of the problems related to human complexity, and focus on the important issues that impact the specific goals, beliefs and tasks of agents of the domain. This often leads to a clear understanding of the current situation, which is essential for the proposal of an appropriate solution. The current situation may be understood by modeling at the same time the overall goals of the organization, and the needs and wants of knowledge holders. Towards facilitating the analysis of KM scenarios and the development of adequate solutions, this work proposes ARKnowD (Agent-oriented Recipe for Knowledge Management Systems Development). Systems here have a broad definition, comprehending both technology-based systems (e.g. information system, groupware, repositories) and/or human systems, i.e. human processes supporting KM using non-computational artifacts (e.g. brain stormings, creativity workshops). The basic philosophical assumptions behind ARKnowD are: a) the interactions between human and system should be understood according to the constructivist principle of self-construction, claiming that humans and communities are self-organizing entities that constantly construct their identities and evolve throughout endless interaction cycles. As a result of such interactions, humans shape systems and, at the same time, systems constrain the ways humans act and change; b) KM enabling systems should be built in a bottom-up approach, aiming at the organizational goals, but understanding that in order to fulfill these goals, some personal needs and wants of the knowledge holders (i.e. the organizational members) need to be targeted; and c) there is no “silver bullet��? when pursuing a KM tailoring methodology and the best approach is combining existing agent-oriented approaches according to the given domain or situation. This work shows how the principles above may be achieved by the integration of two existing work on agent-oriented software engineering, which are combined to guide KM analysts and system developers when conceiving KM solutions. Innovation in our work is achieved by supporting topdown/bottom-up approaches to KM as mentioned above. The proposed methodology does that by strongly emphasizing the earlier phases of software development, the so-called requirement analysis activity. In this way, we consider all stakeholders (organizations and humans) as agents in our analysis model, and start by understanding their relations before actually thinking of developing a system. Perhaps the problem may be more effectively solved by proposing changes in the business processes, rather than by making use of new technology. And besides, in addition to humans and organizations, existing systems are also included in the model from start, helping the analyst and designer to understand which functionalities are delegated to these so-called artificial agents. In addition to that, benefits as a result of the application of ARKnowD may be also attributed to our choice of using the proper agent cognitive characteristics in the different phases of the development cycle. With the main purpose of exemplifying the use of the proposed methodology, this work presents a socially-aware recommender agent named KARe (Knowledgeable Agent for Recommendations). Recommender Systems may be defined by those that support users in selecting items of their need from a big set of items, helping users to overcome the overwhelming feeling when facing a vast information source, such as the web, an organizational repository or the like. Besides serving as a case for our methodology, this work also aims at exploring the suitability of the KARe system to support KM processes. Our choice for supporting knowledge sharing through questioning and answering processes is again supported by Constructivism proponents, who understand that social interaction is vital for active knowledge building. This assumption is also defended by some KM theories, claiming that knowledge is created through cycles of transformation between two types of knowledge: tacit and explicit knowledge. Up to now, research on KM has paid much attention to the formalization and exchange of explicit knowledge, in the form of documents or other physical artifacts, often annotated with metadata, and classified by taxonomies or ontologies. Investigations surrounding tacit knowledge have been so far scarce, perhaps by the complexity of the tasks of capturing and integrating such kind of knowledge, defined as knowledge about personal experience and values, usually confined on people’s mind. Taking a flexible approach on supporting this kind of knowledge conversion, KARe relies on the potential of social interaction underlying organizational practices to support knowledge creation and sharing. The global objective of this work is to support knowledge creation and sharing within an organization, according to its own natural processes and social behaviors. In other words, this work is based on the assumption that KM is better supported if knowledge is looked at from a constructivist perspective. To sum up, this thesis aims at: 1) Providing an agent-oriented approach to guide the creation and evolvement of KM initiatives, by analyzing the organizational potentials, behaviors and processes concerning knowledge sharing; 2) Developing the KARe recommender system, based on a semantically enriched Information Retrieval technique for recommending knowledge artifacts, supporting users to ask and answer to each others’ questions. These objectives are achieved as follows: - Defining the principles that characterize a Constructivist KM supporting environment and understanding how they may be used to support the creation of more effective KM solutions; - Providing an agent-oriented approach to develop KM systems. This approach is based on the integration of two different agent-oriented software engineering works, profiting from their strengths in providing a comprehensive methodology that targets both analysis and design activities; - Proposing and designing a socially aware agent-oriented recommender system both to exemplify the application of the proposed approach and to explore its potential on supporting knowledge creation and sharing. - Implementing an Information Retrieval algorithm to support the previously mentioned system in generating recommendations. Besides describing the algorithm, this thesis brings experimental results to prove its effectiveness

    How individuals in a Mentalization-Based Treatment Group process and make sense of a Therapeutic Alliance Rupture

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    Research has shown evidence of the capacity for mentalizing being compromised in individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) whilst there is evidence of the positive effects of treatments that focus on repairing the mentalizing capacity in this group of patients, such as Mentalization-Based Treatment. As emotional regulation in close personal relationships is an area that is particularly impacted in individuals with BPD, this paper aims at exploring the therapeutic process in Mentalization-Based Treatment Group paying particular attention to how mentalization may be generated through this process. This is achieved through a review of the existing theoretical and research literature around this topic. This review aims to provide further knowledge to therapists and clinicians in the area and also to identify possible gaps in the literature and possibilities for further empirical studies

    Agent-oriented approach to develop context-aware applications : a case study on communities of practice

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    This paper presents and discusses the use of an agent-oriented context-aware platform to support the interactions of the participating actors of communities of practice in the health care domain. Our work is based on a scenario where communities of practice are applied in a hospital to enhance the knowledge sharing among the hospital staff members who share interests and goals. An agent-oriented modeling language (AORML) is used to support the analysis of contextual information and interaction between participating actors in the context-aware services platform. The chosen supporting platform is a context-aware services platform that uses semantic web services and runs on top of 3G networks

    Leitura e formação no Ensino Superior : problematização sobre a formação de leitores no Brasil e em Portugal

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    Neste artigo discute-se o problema da leitura e da formação de leitores no ensino superior, no Brasil e em Portugal, sendo nosso objetivo perceber se estes estudantes são ainda leitores em construção. A metodologia para a discussão centrou-se nas investigações em torno da formação leitora desses estudantes, o que permitiu chegar a algumas conclusões afins: são fundamentais estudos de maior dimensão nessas áreas; é basilar que todos os docentes do ensino superior tomem consciência das dificuldades desses alunos na leitura/escrita/literacias académicas e que nas suas disciplinas possam dar um contributo para colmatar esses problemas; os alunos do ensino superior são ainda leitores em construção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of chitosan-xanthan scaffolds for pontential application in periosteum-guided bone tissue regeneration

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    Orientadores: Ângela Maria Moraes, Diego MantovaniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: O periósteo é uma importante estrutura do tecido ósseo e se mostra fundamental no processo de cura de lesões ósseas, fornecendo compostos celulares e biológicos essenciais para sua regeneração. Scaffolds, capazes de mimetizar o periósteo são particularmente atraentes, pois podem melhorar significativamente a regeneração óssea em lesões graves. Estes dispositivos servem como suporte para a proliferação de células capazes de se diferenciar em linhagens ósseas e podem ser constituídos de polímeros naturais. A quitosana é um polímero biocompatível e biodegradável, que facilita a proliferação celular, e por isso é muito utilizada na produção de scaffolds. Para melhorar sua osteoindutividade, a introdução de grupos fosfato em sua estrutura, ou fosforilação, pode ser realizada. A xantana é um polissacarídeo capaz de interagir com a quitosana, resultando em complexos com propriedades superiores às dos polímeros isolados. Neste trabalho, scaffolds de quitosana (fosforilada ou não modificada) combinada com xantana foram produzidos, na presença ou ausência de um agente porogênico, o tensoativo Kolliphor® P188, e do gel de silicone Silpuran® 2130 A/B. A caracterização dos materiais produzidos foi realizada para validação de sua potencial aplicação como substitutos do periósteo. Materiais altamente porosos foram obtidos e a presença do silicone reforçou mecanicamente as matrizes, não impactando negativamente em suas propriedades físicas, físico-químicas e biológicas. A fosforilação da quitosana levou à obtenção de scaffolds com propriedades similares às dos materiais produzidos com o polímero não modificado, com potencial para concentrar proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas nativas in vivo, o que foi inferido pela maior adsorção de citocromo C apresentada por essas formulações. Além disso, não foram observados efeitos citotóxicos dos scaffolds, que mostraram, como vantagem adicional, cinética de degradação apropriada para a aplicação proposta. A análise do cultivo in vitro de células tronco derivadas do tecido adiposo nos scaffolds e de sua diferenciação em osteoblastos mostraram que modificações ou tratamentos adicionais na superfície dos materiais podem trazer benefícios quanto ao desempenho celular nos mesmos. Além disso, elevada deposição de minerais e formação de matriz extracelular foram observadas. Ensaios complementares são necessários para investigar de forma mais aprofundada a resposta gerada pelos materiais in vivo. Como conclusão geral, os resultados obtidos fornecem indícios de que as formulações propostas neste trabalho são promissoras para a aplicação na engenharia de tecido periosteal e reparo ósseoAbstract: The periosteum is an important structure of the bone tissue and is fundamental in the healing process of bone lesions, providing cellular and biological compounds essential for tissue repair. Tissue engineered scaffolds able to mimic the periosteum are particularly attractive because they can significantly improve bone regeneration in severely injured tissues. These devices function as support for cells that are able to proliferate and differentiate into bone cells and can be constituted of natural polymers, such as xanthan gum and chitosan. Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide that may interact with chitosan, a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer, resulting in complexes with improved properties in comparison to those of matrices produced with each polysaccharide alone. Chemical modifications, such as the phosphorylation of chitosan, can be performed to enhance the osteoinductivity of the resulting scaffold. In this work, chitosan (phosphorylated or chemically unmodified) scaffolds combined with xanthan were produced, in the presence or not of a porogenic agent, the surfactant Kolliphor® P188, and the silicone rubber Silpuran® 2130 A/B. The scaffolds were characterized to validate their potential application as periosteum substitutes. Highly porous materials were obtained and the presence of silicon mechanically reinforced the matrices, not negatively impacting their physical, physicochemical and biological properties. Formulations produced using phosphorylated chitosan presented similar properties to formulations produced with the unmodified polymer, with potential to concentrate native bone morphogenetic proteins in vivo, which was inferred by the higher adsorption of cytochrome C presented by these formulations. In addition, no cytotoxic effects of the scaffolds were observed, and they presented, as an additional advantage, degradation kinetics appropriate for the proposed application. The analysis of adipose derived stem cells culture n vitro on the scaffolds produced and of cell differentiation into osteoblasts showed that additional scaffold surface treatment or modification procedures may contribute to improve cell performance on the materials. Moreover, high deposition of minerals and formation of extracellular matrix were observed. Complementary studies are required to further investigate the in vivo response generated by these materials. As a general conclusion, the obtained results indicate that the formulations proposed in this work are promising for the application in periosteal tissue engineering and bone repairDoutoradoEngenharia QuímicaDoutora em Engenharia Quimica33003017034P8CAPE

    Sexting e Violência de Gênero entre Jovens: Uma Revisão Integrativa de Literatura

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    This review aimed to systematize the studies on sexting and gender violence published between 2000 and 2016 in national and international journals. The search was performed in the databases - BVS-Psi, Psychlit, Medline, LILACS, and Oasis. We found 383 articles. After applying the exclusion criteria, 21 articles were analyzed. The results showed that sexting is not an a priori risk factor. The risk is related to variables such as the content of the messages, when it expresses violence, and age of the practitioners, indicating that the younger the age the greater the risk. It has been found that there are modalities related to gender violence, such as revenge pornography and slut-shaming, but these contents are not inherent to sexting.Esta revisão teve como objetivo sistematizar os estudos sobre sexting e violência de gênero publicados entre 2000 e 2016 em revistas nacionais e internacionais. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados - BVS- Psi, Psychlit, Medline, LILACS e Oasis. Foram encontrados 383 artigos. Aplicados os critérios de exclusão, foram analisados 21 artigos. Os resultados evidenciaram que o sexting não é um fator de risco a priori. O risco está relacionado a variáveis como conteúdo das mensagens, quando expressam violência, e idade dos praticantes, indicando que, quanto menor a idade, maior o risco. Encontrou-se que existem modalidades relacionadas à violência de gênero, como pornografia de vingança e slut-shaming, porém esses conteúdos não são inerentes ao sexting

    Problema geométrico conexo de localização de instalações

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    Orientadores: Flávio Keidi Miyazawa, Rafael Crivellari Saliba SchoueryDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Esse trabalho visa estudar problemas da família Localização de Instalações. Nesses problemas, recebemos de entrada um conjunto de clientes e um conjunto de instalações. Queremos encontrar e abrir um subconjunto de instalações, normalmente, pagando um preço por cada instalação aberta. Nosso objetivo é conectar clientes a instalações abertas, pagando o menor custo possível. Esse problema tem grandes aplicações na área de Pesquisa Operacional e Telecomunicações. Estamos especialmente interessados no problema de Localização de Instalações Geométrico e Conexo. Nessa versão do problema, as instalações podem ser abertas em qualquer lugar de um plano de dimensão d, e pagamos um preço fixo f por cada instalação aberta. Também devemos conectar as instalações entre si formando uma árvore. Essa árvore normalmente recebe uma ponderação maior, uma vez que suas conexões agregam atendimento para quantidade maior de recursos. Para representar tal ponderação seus custos são multiplicados por um parametro M > 0 dado como parte da entrada. Apresentamos um Esquema de Aproximação Polinomial para a versão euclidiana do problemaAbstract: In this work we study problems from the facility location family. In this set of problems, we want to find and open a subset of given facilities. Usually, a price is paid for each opened facility. Our goal is to connect given clients to the closest opened facilities incurring in the smallest cost possible. This problem has several practical applications in Operations Research and Telecommunication. We are specially interested in the Geometric Connected Facility Location problem. In this version, facilities can be anywhere in the d-dimensional plane, and we have to pay a fixed price f to open each facility. We also have the requirement of connecting facilities among themselves forming a tree. This tree is usually weighted by a given parameter M > 0. We present a Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for the two-dimensional version of this problemMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação1406904, 1364124CAPE