7,566 research outputs found

    As representações de HOM(2) e SIM(2) no contexto da very special relativity

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    Orientadores: Dharam Vir Ahluwalia, Pedro Cunha de HolandaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: O presente trabalho é dedicado a um estudo sistemático das representações dos grupos HOM(2) e SIM(2), que são subgrupos do grupo de Lorentz. É sabido que teorias cujas simetrias são descritas por tais subgrupos preservam a constância da velocidade da luz, esse fato sendo referido como Very Special Relativity. É mostrado que existem representações de HOM(2) e SIM(2) redutíveis e de dimensão nita, que portanto não podem ser obtidas inteiramente de representações irredutíveis. Estas são obtidas diretamente das representações das álgebras de Lie hom(2) e sim(2), usando o conhecimento dos grupos de cobertura universal de HOM(2) e SIM(2), que também são apresentados no textoAbstract: The present work is devoted to a systematic study of the representations of the groups HOM(2) and SIM(2), which are subgroups of the Lorentz group. Theories with symmetries given by these subgroups are known to preserve the constancy of the speed of light, this fact being referred as Very Special Relativity. It is shown that there are nitedimensional reducible representations of HOM(2) and SIM(2) that are not completely reducible, and thus cannot be obtained entirely from irreducible representations. These are obtained directly from the representations of the Lie algebras hom(2) and sim(2), using the knowledge of the universal covering groups of HOM(2) and SIM(2), which are also presented in the textMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Does sacking a coach really help? Evidence from a Difference-in-Differences approach

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceThis project looks to evaluate if football clubs should or should not change their coach in order to improve their performance in the national league. For this analysis I selected, three of the most important European football leagues, La Liga (Spain), Serie A (Italy) and Premier League (England). The data used in this project was taken from the transfermarkt website, a large football platform. The data period is from season 2005-06 to season 2019-20 and has information about individual games results and squad value by player. The steps before the analysis were a data cleaning and consolidation of the information, creation of new features as a performance measure and selection of cases of interest for this analysis based on club and coach profile. Numeric variables were standardized to be on the same scale and make different seasons comparable. A K-means was applied to identify clubs according to their investments which has a proportional correlation with performance. Finally, a difference in differences analysis was applied to evaluate if a club would obtain a performance gain if they decided to sack their coach between game twelve and twenty-six of the season after a poor performance in consideration to squad price. As a general conclusion, it is possible to consider that on average the clubs in the treatment group and comparison group recover their performance after a period of underperforming, but the recovery of the clubs that sack their coach is lower compared with the clubs that keep them

    A multi-objective decision support methodology for developing national energy efficiency plans

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    Tese de Programa Doutoral. Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Distribuição espacial da matéria orgânica, grau de floculação e argila dispersa em água em área de vegetação natural em regeneração e pastagem.

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    Este experimento objetivou analisar as alterações no comportamento espacial dos atributos do solo: matéria orgânica (MO), argila dispersa em água (ADA) e grau de floculação (GF) em áreas ocupadas com vegetação natural em regeneração e em pastagem. As amostras de solo foram coletadas na profundidade de 0,0-0,2 m em uma grade amostral com 64 pontos, espaçados 10 m. Os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e, em seguida, foi realizada a análise geoestatística. Observaram-se os maiores valores para ADA e os menores valores de GF na área de pastagem. Todos os atributos apresentam dependência espacial para as duas áreas em estudo, com ajuste dos modelos esférico e exponencial. A confecção dos mapas temáticos por meio da krigagem ordinária permitiu melhor visualização da distribuição espacial dos atributos de solo