17 research outputs found

    Citogenética Comparativa das Famílias Leptodactylidae e Hylidae do Cerrado Goiano

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    Resumo: este estudo descreve a diversidade citogenética de anfíbios anuros com ênfase nas famílias Hylidae e Leptodactylidae de diferentes localidades do cerrado goiano. Foram analisadas 10 diferentes espécies coletadas nos municípios de Rio Verde, Bela Vista, Serranópolis, Barro Alto, Pirenópolis e Nazário. Foram obtidos cariótipos com número diplóide variando de 2n=22 a 2n=24. Marcações para Regiões Organizadoras de Nucléolo foram obtidas no cromossomo 8 da espécie Leptodactylus fuscus. A grande variação cromossômica pode ser explicada pelo padrão reprodutivo diversificado destes animais. Palavras-chave: Citogenética. Anfíbios. Cariótipo. Cerrado. Nucléolo

    Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with autologous platelet concentrate applied in rabbit fibula fraction healing

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose is to study the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and autologous platelet concentrates in healing the fibula bone of rabbits after induced fractures. METHODS: A total of 128 male New Zealand albino rabbits, between 6-8 months old, were subjected to a total osteotomy of the proximal portion of the right fibula. After surgery, the animals were divided into four groups (n = 32 each): control group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy; autologous platelet concentrate group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy and autologous platelet concentrate applied at the fracture site; hyperbaric oxygen group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy and 9 consecutive daily hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions; and autologous platelet concentrate and hyperbaric oxygen group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy, autologous platelet concentrate applied at the fracture site, and 9 consecutive daily hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions. Each group was divided into 4 subgroups according to a pre-determined euthanasia time points: 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks postoperative. After euthanasia at a specific time point, the fibula containing the osseous callus was prepared histologically and stained with hematoxylin and eosin or picrosirius red. RESULTS: Autologous platelet concentrates and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, applied together or separately, increased the rate of bone healing compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and autologous platelet concentrate combined increased the rate of bone healing in this experimental model.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco Colegiado de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de CirurgiaUniversidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco Colegiado de Medicina VeterinariaSociedade Brasileira de Traumatologia Esportiva e ArtroscopiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Cirurgia104698SciEL

    Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with autologous platelet concentrate applied in rabbit fibula fraction healing

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose is to study the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and autologous platelet concentrates in healing the fibula bone of rabbits after induced fractures. METHODS: A total of 128 male New Zealand albino rabbits, between 6-8 months old, were subjected to a total osteotomy of the proximal portion of the right fibula. After surgery, the animals were divided into four groups (n = 32 each): control group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy; autologous platelet concentrate group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy and autologous platelet concentrate applied at the fracture site; hyperbaric oxygen group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy and 9 consecutive daily hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions; and autologous platelet concentrate and hyperbaric oxygen group, in which animals were subjected to osteotomy, autologous platelet concentrate applied at the fracture site, and 9 consecutive daily hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions. Each group was divided into 4 subgroups according to a pre-determined euthanasia time points: 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks postoperative. After euthanasia at a specific time point, the fibula containing the osseous callus was prepared histologically and stained with hematoxylin and eosin or picrosirius red. RESULTS: Autologous platelet concentrates and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, applied together or separately, increased the rate of bone healing compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and autologous platelet concentrate combined increased the rate of bone healing in this experimental model

    Remoção de matéria orgânica natural em águas usando cavitação hidrodinâmica e peróxido de hidrogênio (CH-H2O2)

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    The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in water does not present direct risk to the human body or to the environment. However, its presence along with other pollutants can lead to countless issues and damage human health and the environment. The hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) phenomenon started being used in the early 21st century as a process capable of treating supply-water and wastewater based on pollutant and pathogen degradation. Process effectiveness increases when it is combined to chemical agents, creating an advanced oxidation process (AOP). Although several studies have presented broaden applications for the HC process, its use for NOM removal from supply-water was not yet assessed; therefore, it remains a gap in scientific knowledge. The aim of the current study is to assess HC potential in NOM removal. In order to do so, the experiments were carried out in bench scale hydrodynamic cavitation system operated at batch model within 15-min duration period-of-time. In addition, decantation experiments (24-h period-of-time) were performed in order to check HC influence on molecules found in reaction medium after the exposure of NOM to the phenomenon. NOM was produced by a synthetic humic acid (HA) matrix at fixed concentration of 100 ppm. In total, 16 experiments were carried out; each experiment was featured by the following pair: pH (2.6, 3.0, 3.5 and 5.5) and hydrogen peroxide (0, 1, 5 and 30 mL). The best removal efficiencies (34%-36%) were observed in the most acidic pH ranges (2.6-3.0) at H2O2 concentration of 15mL. Results have presented high NOM removal efficiency (approximately 90%) after decantation at the most acidic pH ranges, as well. It can be explained by the fact that hydrodynamic cavitation in acid solution can break molecular structures suspended in the liquid medium, which favors decantation. Based on the present study, hydrodynamic cavitation with hydrogen peroxide addition can remove NOM from water; moreover, pH control is an essential factor for process development

    Remoção de matéria orgânica natural em águas usando cavitação hidrodinâmica e peróxido de hidrogênio (CH-H2O2)

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    The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in water does not present direct risk to the human body or to the environment. However, its presence along with other pollutants can lead to countless issues and damage human health and the environment. The hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) phenomenon started being used in the early 21st century as a process capable of treating supply-water and wastewater based on pollutant and pathogen degradation. Process effectiveness increases when it is combined to chemical agents, creating an advanced oxidation process (AOP). Although several studies have presented broaden applications for the HC process, its use for NOM removal from supply-water was not yet assessed; therefore, it remains a gap in scientific knowledge. The aim of the current study is to assess HC potential in NOM removal. In order to do so, the experiments were carried out in bench scale hydrodynamic cavitation system operated at batch model within 15-min duration period-of-time. In addition, decantation experiments (24-h period-of-time) were performed in order to check HC influence on molecules found in reaction medium after the exposure of NOM to the phenomenon. NOM was produced by a synthetic humic acid (HA) matrix at fixed concentration of 100 ppm. In total, 16 experiments were carried out; each experiment was featured by the following pair: pH (2.6, 3.0, 3.5 and 5.5) and hydrogen peroxide (0, 1, 5 and 30 mL). The best removal efficiencies (34%-36%) were observed in the most acidic pH ranges (2.6-3.0) at H2O2 concentration of 15mL. Results have presented high NOM removal efficiency (approximately 90%) after decantation at the most acidic pH ranges, as well. It can be explained by the fact that hydrodynamic cavitation in acid solution can break molecular structures suspended in the liquid medium, which favors decantation. Based on the present study, hydrodynamic cavitation with hydrogen peroxide addition can remove NOM from water; moreover, pH control is an essential factor for process development.A presença de matéria orgânica natural (MON) em águas não apresenta riscos diretos relacionados ao seu contato com o organismo humano e nem mesmo ao meio ambiente. Entretanto, sua presença, em conjunto a outros poluentes, pode acarretar inúmeros problemas e danos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. O fenômeno de cavitação hidrodinâmica (CH) passou a ser utilizado no início do século XXI como um processo capaz de realizar o tratamento de águas de abastecimento ou residuárias a partir da degradação de poluentes e patógenos. A efetividade do processo aumenta quando aliado à adição de agentes químicos no meio reacional, configurando um processo oxidativo avançado (POA). Por mais que diversos trabalhos apresentem amplas aplicações para o processo de CH, sua utilização para remoção de MON de águas de abastecimento ainda não foi avaliada e, portanto, apresenta-se como uma lacuna no conhecimento científico. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial da CH em remover MON. Para tanto, os experimentos foram realizados em um sistema de cavitação hidrodinâmica, em escala de bancada, operado em modo batelada com duração de 15 minutos. Adicionalmente, experimentos de decantação (período de 24 horas) foram conduzidos com intuito de verificar a influência da CH sobre as moléculas presentes no meio reacional após exposição ao fenômeno. A MON foi constituída por uma matriz de ácido húmico (AH) sintética à uma concentração fixa de 100 ppm. No total foram realizados 16 experimentos, no qual cada experimento foi caracterizado pelo par: pH (2,6; 3,0; 3,5; e 5,5) e peróxido de hidrogênio (0; 1; 15 e 30 mL). As melhores eficiências de remoção (34-36%) foram encontradas para faixas de pH mais ácidas (2,6-3,0), para uma concentração de 15 mL de H2O2. Após decantação, os resultados apresentaram uma elevada eficiência de remoção de MON (aproximadamente 90%), também para faixas de pH mais ácidas. Isso pode ser explicado pelo fato de que, em soluções ácidas, a cavitação hidrodinâmica consegue romper estruturas moleculares suspensas no meio líquido, favorecendo a decantação. Este estudo mostrou que a cavitação hidrodinâmica aliada a peróxido de hidrogênio é capaz de remover MON presentes em águas e que o controle do pH é fator crucial para o desempenho do processo

    Citogenética Comparativa das Famílias Leptodactylidade e Hylidae do Cerrado Goiano

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    Resumo: este estudo descreve a diversidade citogenética de anfíbios anuros com ênfase nas famílias Hylidae e Leptodactylidae de diferentes localidades do Cerrado em Goiás. Foram analisadas 10 espécies diferentes coletados nas cidades de Rio Verde, BelaVista, Serranópolis, Alto Barro, Pirenópolis e Nazário. Cariótipos foram obtidos com número diplóide variando de 2n = 22 a 2n = 24. Marcações para Regiões Organizadoras de Nucléolo foram obtidos no cromossomo 8 da espécie Leptodactylus fuscus. A grande variação cromossômica pode ser explicada pelo padrão reprodutivo diferentes desses animais. Palavras-chave: Amphibians. Karyotype. Cerrado

    Remoção de matéria orgânica natural em águas usando cavitação hidrodinâmica e peróxido de hidrogênio (CH-H2O2)

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    The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in water does not present direct risk to the human body or to the environment. However, its presence along with other pollutants can lead to countless issues and damage human health and the environment. The hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) phenomenon started being used in the early 21st century as a process capable of treating supply-water and wastewater based on pollutant and pathogen degradation. Process effectiveness increases when it is combined to chemical agents, creating an advanced oxidation process (AOP). Although several studies have presented broaden applications for the HC process, its use for NOM removal from supply-water was not yet assessed; therefore, it remains a gap in scientific knowledge. The aim of the current study is to assess HC potential in NOM removal. In order to do so, the experiments were carried out in bench scale hydrodynamic cavitation system operated at batch model within 15-min duration period-of-time. In addition, decantation experiments (24-h period-of-time) were performed in order to check HC influence on molecules found in reaction medium after the exposure of NOM to the phenomenon. NOM was produced by a synthetic humic acid (HA) matrix at fixed concentration of 100 ppm. In total, 16 experiments were carried out; each experiment was featured by the following pair: pH (2.6, 3.0, 3.5 and 5.5) and hydrogen peroxide (0, 1, 5 and 30 mL). The best removal efficiencies (34%-36%) were observed in the most acidic pH ranges (2.6-3.0) at H2O2 concentration of 15mL. Results have presented high NOM removal efficiency (approximately 90%) after decantation at the most acidic pH ranges, as well. It can be explained by the fact that hydrodynamic cavitation in acid solution can break molecular structures suspended in the liquid medium, which favors decantation. Based on the present study, hydrodynamic cavitation with hydrogen peroxide addition can remove NOM from water; moreover, pH control is an essential factor for process development