3,119 research outputs found

    A genetic network that suppresses genome rearrangements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and contains defects in cancers.

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    Gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs) play an important role in human diseases, including cancer. The identity of all Genome Instability Suppressing (GIS) genes is not currently known. Here multiple Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCR assays and query mutations were crossed into arrays of mutants to identify progeny with increased GCR rates. One hundred eighty two GIS genes were identified that suppressed GCR formation. Another 438 cooperatively acting GIS genes were identified that were not GIS genes, but suppressed the increased genome instability caused by individual query mutations. Analysis of TCGA data using the human genes predicted to act in GIS pathways revealed that a minimum of 93% of ovarian and 66% of colorectal cancer cases had defects affecting one or more predicted GIS gene. These defects included loss-of-function mutations, copy-number changes associated with reduced expression, and silencing. In contrast, acute myeloid leukaemia cases did not appear to have defects affecting the predicted GIS genes

    Bilingual and monolingual children prefer native-accented speakers

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    Adults and young children prefer to affiliate with some individuals rather than others. Studies have shown that monolingual children show in-group biases for individuals who speak their native language without a foreign accent (Kinzler et al., 2007). Some studies have suggested that bilingual children are less influenced than monolinguals by language variety when attributing personality traits to different speakers (Anisfeld and Lambert, 1964), which could indicate that bilinguals have fewer in-group biases and perhaps greater social flexibility. However, no previous studies have compared monolingual and bilingual children's reactions to speakers with unfamiliar foreign accents. In the present study, we investigated the social preferences of 5-year-old English and French monolinguals and English-French bilinguals. Contrary to our predictions, both monolingual and bilingual preschoolers preferred to be friends with native-accented speakers over speakers who spoke their dominant language with an unfamiliar foreign accent. This result suggests that both monolingual and bilingual children have strong preferences for in-group members who use a familiar language variety, and that bilingualism does not lead to generalized social flexibility

    A proposal to the supervision of processes in an industrial environment with heterogeneous systems

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    SOUZA, Rodrigo B. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; NASCIMENTO, João Maria A. ; GOMES, Heitor P. ; MAITELLI, André L. A Proposal to the Supervision of Processes in an Industrial Environment with Heterogeneous Systems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEEOF THE INDUSTRUI ELECTRONICS SOCIETY,32., Paris, 2006, Paris. Anais... Paris: IECON, 2006Abstract – The need to manage the production in different industrial sectors creates a strong demand for process information. Information is generated and presented by a supervisory system, by collecting and reating raw data from the processes. Data can arrive from different physical processes and through different communication protocols and/or access media. This paper proposes an acquisition methodology to allow the supervisory system to access data independently of these characteristics of the process and of the communication channe

    Relação entre a geodiversidade intrínseca e a estruturação de habitat na escala do geossítio: exemplos na Serra do Segredo e nas Pedras das Guaritas (Caçapava do Sul, RS, Brasil)

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    Geosites are points or areas that represent better the geodiversity of a territory, i.e. its natural range of geological elements. Among the criteria used for the quantitative assessment of geosites is its relevance for structuring habitat, related with its functional or ecological support value. This paper aims at presenting the relationships between the intrinsic geodiversity of a geosite (its geological features) and the existing habitat diversity. Thus, the geosites Serra do Segredo and Pedras das Guaritas, both located in Caçapava do Sul, south-central Rio Grande do Sul State, were analyzed in detail. Literature review, satellite and aerial photograph images were analyzed, as well as data collected during fieldtrips in different seasons. It is highlighted here the importance of depositional, tectonic and weathering features, at the geosite scale, for the structuring and maintaining various types of environments and organisms: from lichens to forest fragments, from amphibian tadpoles to medium-sized mammals.Os geossítios são locais ou áreas que melhor representam a geodiversidade de um território, ou seja, a variedade natural de elementos geológicos. Entre os critérios de avaliação quantitativa de geossítios está sua importância na estruturação de habitat, relacionado a seu valor funcional ou de suporte ecológico. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar as relações entre a geodiversidade intrínseca (de feições geológicas) de um geossítio e a diversidade de habitat e/ou abrigos existentes. Para isso, analisaram-se informações da bibliografia, imagens de satélite, fotografias aéreas e dados provenientes de saídas a campo em diferentes épocas do ano nos geossítios Serra do Segredo e Pedras das Guaritas, ambos no município de Caçapava do Sul, centro-sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Demonstra-se aqui a importância de feições deposicionais, deformacionais e intempéricas, na escala do geossítio, para a estruturação e a manutenção de diversos tipos de ambientes e organismos: de líquenes a fragmentos florestais, de formas jovens de anfíbios a mamíferos de médio porte

    Spinosaurid dinosaurs from the early cretaceous of north africa and europe:Fossil record, biogeography and extinction

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    We review the fossil records of spinosaurid dinosaurs in order to discuss this group’s evolution and distribution in Europe and North Africa during the Early Cretaceous. Along with their eastern Laurasian distribution during the Cretaceous, these theropods have been found in coastal deposits of Europe and North Africa dated from the Barremian to the Cenomanian. The main occurrences of spinosaurid remains are in the deposits of northern Gondwana and western Laurasia, which suggests that these regions were very important in spinosaurid evolution prior to the Cenomanian. Later, spinosaurids were seemingly replaced in northern Gondwana by other top predator groups, including the abelisauroids

    A cobertura fotográfica dos Jogos Paralímpicos na Folha de São Paulo

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    Objetivo: caracterizar a representação imagética do esporte e do atleta paraolímpico na cobertura fotográfica da Folha de São Paulo (FSP) nas últimas sete edições. Metodologia: estudo observacional de análise semiótica e análise dos enquadramentos fotográficos. Foram analisadas 146 imagens, identificadas em quatro categorias: 1) Esportividade; 2) Melancolia; 3) Nacionalismo; 4) Do grotesco ao ciborgue

    Taxonomic and non-taxonomic responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to metal toxicity in tropical reservoirs: The case of cantareira complex, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Benthic macroinvertebrates are organisms that are recognized as water quality bio-indicators. A wide variety of indices and metrics have been shown to respond to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, usually under a general condition of environmental impairment. The absence of a clear distinction in the relations between specific pollutants and biotic variables is very common and can lead to biased interpretation of biomonitoring. The aims of this research were to test taxonomic and non-taxonomic responses to specific environmental conditions instead to general conditions. For this purpose, we estimated the theoretical toxicity by comparing toxicity values published by EPA with metal concentrations in water and sediments. Then we tested the responses of biological variables to toxicity and other environmental conditions using the linear mixed effects models approach. We generated 32 models considering 24 different biological metrics and indices that were grouped in five levels. Taxonomic and abundance metrics were best predictor than functional or tolerance-based indexes. The strongest model was that which considered subfamily taxonomic resolution responding to Al_w and Cr_s.Fil: de Souza, Frederico Guilherme. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Cetra, Maurício. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Marchese Garello, Mercedes Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: López Dovál, Júlio César. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Rosa, André H.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Pompêo, Marcelo L. M.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Moschini Carlos, Viviane. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi

    Three-month vs. one-year detraining effects after multicomponent exercise program in hypertensive older women

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    Background: Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in older women. Physical exercise training programs promote beneficial effects for health and quality of life. However, exercise interruption periods may be detrimental for the hemodynamic and lipidic profiles of hypertensive older women with dyslipidemia. Methods: Nineteen hypertensive older women with dyslipidemia (exercise group: 67.5 ± 5.4 years, 1.53 ± 3.42 m, 71.84 ± 7.45 kg) performed a supervised multicomponent exercise training program (METP) during nine months, followed by a one-year detraining period (DT), while fourteen hypertensive older women (control group: 66.4 ± 5.2 years, 1.56 ± 3.10 m, 69.38 ± 5.24 kg) with dyslipidemia kept their continued daily routine without exercise. For both groups, hemodynamic and lipidic profiles and functional capacities (FCs) were assessed four times: before and after the METP and after 3 and 12 months of DT (no exercise was carried out). Results: The METP improved hemodynamic and lipidic profiles (p < 0.05), while three months of DT decreased all (p < 0.05) parameters, with the exception of diastolic blood pressure (DBP). One year of DT significantly (p < 0.01) decreased systolic blood pressure (7.85%), DBP (2.29%), resting heart rate (7.95%), blood glucose (19.14%), total cholesterol (10.27%), triglycerides (6.92%) and FC—agility (4.24%), lower- (−12.75%) and upper-body strength (−12.17%), cardiorespiratory capacity (−4.81%) and lower- (−16.16%) and upper-body flexibility (−11.11%). Conclusion: Nine months of the exercise program significantly improved the hemodynamic and lipid profiles as well as the functional capacities of hypertensive older women with dyslipidemia. Although a detraining period is detrimental to these benefits, it seems that the first three months are more prominent in these alterations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio