37 research outputs found

    Widespread Wolbachia infection in terrestrial isopods and other crustaceans

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    Wolbachia bacteria are obligate intracellular alpha-Proteobacteria of arthropods and nematodes. Although widespread among isopod crustaceans, they have seldom been found in non-isopod crustacean species. Here, we report Wolbachia infection in fourteen new crustacean species. Our results extend the range of Wolbachia infections in terrestrial isopods and amphipods (class Malacostraca). We report the occurrence of two different Wolbachia strains in two host species (a terrestrial isopod and an amphipod). Moreover, the discovery of Wolbachia in the goose barnacle Lepas anatifera (subclass Thecostraca) establishes Wolbachia infection in class Maxillopoda. The new bacterial strains are closely related to B-supergroup Wolbachia strains previously reported from crustacean hosts. Our results suggest that Wolbachia infection may be much more widespread in crustaceans than previously thought. The presence of related Wolbachia strains in highly divergent crustacean hosts suggests that Wolbachia endosymbionts can naturally adapt to a wide range of crustacean hosts. Given the ability of isopod Wolbachia strains to induce feminization of genetic males or cytoplasmic incompatibility, we speculate that manipulation of crustacean-borne Wolbachia bacteria might represent potential tools for controlling crustacean species of commercial interest and crustacean or insect disease vectors.This research was funded by a European Research Council Starting Grant (FP7/2007-2013 grant 260729 EndoSexDet) to RC and a Comité Mixte de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Tunisien grant to DB and FCC

    Using dense seismo-acoustic network to provide timely warning of the 2019 paroxysmal Stromboli eruptions

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    Stromboli Volcano is well known for its persistent explosive activity. On July 3rd and August 28th 2019, two paroxysmal explosions occurred, generating an eruptive column that quickly rose up to 5 km above sea level. Both events were detected by advanced local monitoring networks operated by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and Laboratorio di Geofisica Sperimentale of the University of Firenze (LGS-UNIFI). Signals were also recorded by the Italian national seismic network at a range of hundreds of kilometres and by infrasonic arrays up to distances of 3700 km. Using state-of-the-art propagation modeling, we identify the various seismic and infrasound phases that are used for precise timing of the eruptions. We highlight the advantage of dense regional seismo-acoustic networks to enhance volcanic signal detection in poorly monitored regions, to provide timely warning of eruptions and reliable source amplitude estimate to Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAAC)

    Microhabitat use by the white-clawed crayfish in a Tuscan stream.

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    Habitat modification, pollution, overfishing, poaching, competition from nonindigenous species, and diseases have led to the extinction in Europe of many populations of indigenous crayfish. Under the rationale that any programme of reintroduction should be preceded by a thorough understanding of habitat requirements of the species of concern, we studied the microhabitat use of an Austropotamobius pallipes population in Tuscany, central Italy. Microhabitat use was assessed for water depth, current velocity, substrate, percentages of boulders, underwater tree roots, and in-stream vegetation cover. Results show that A. pallipes’ habitat use is size-partitioned. Smaller individuals mostly occupy stream edges in shallow waters with submerged roots, whereas larger individuals use deeper waters, often associated with boulders. Crayfish spatial distribution is restricted mostly to the microhabitats characterised by extensive cover and slow current velocity. The study highlights the importance of habitat heterogeneity and cover elements for the protection of this indigenous species

    Modeling the vacuolar storage of malate shed lights on pre- and post-harvest fruit acidity

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    Background: Malate is one of the most important organic acids in many fruits and its concentration plays a critical role in organoleptic properties. Several studies suggest that malate accumulation in fruit cells is controlled at the level of vacuolar storage. However, the regulation of vacuolar malate storage throughout fruit development, and the origins of the phenotypic variability of the malate concentration within fruit species remain to be clarified. In the present study, we adapted the mechanistic model of vacuolar storage proposed by Lobit et al. in order to study the accumulation of malate in pre and postharvest fruits. The main adaptation concerned the variation of the free energy of ATP hydrolysis during fruit development. Banana fruit was taken as a reference because it has the particularity of having separate growth and post-harvest ripening stages, during which malate concentration undergoes substantial changes. Moreover, the concentration of malate in banana pulp varies greatly among cultivars which make possible to use the model as a tool to analyze the genotypic variability. The model was calibrated and validated using data sets from three cultivars with contrasting malate accumulation, grown under different fruit loads and potassium supplies, and harvested at different stages. Results: The model predicted the pre and post-harvest dynamics of malate concentration with fairly good accuracy for the three cultivars (mean RRMSE = 0.25-0.42). The sensitivity of the model to parameters and input variables was analyzed. According to the model, vacuolar composition, in particular potassium and organic acid concentrations, had an important effect on malate accumulation. The model suggested that rising temperatures depressed malate accumulation. The model also helped distinguish differences in malate concentration among the three cultivars and between the pre and post-harvest stages by highlighting the probable importance of proton pump activity and particularly of the free energy of ATP hydrolysis and vacuolar pH. Conclusions: This model appears to be an interesting tool to study malate accumulation in pre and postharvest fruits and to get insights into the ecophysiological determinants of fruit acidity, and thus may be useful for fruit quality improvement. (Résumé d'auteur

    Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness: Combined results from five European studies

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    Between September 2017 and February 2018, influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B viruses (mainly B/Yamagata, not included in 2017/18 trivalent vaccines) co-circulated in Europe. Interim results from five European studies indicate that, in all age groups, 2017/18 influenza vaccine effectiveness was 25 to 52% against any influenza, 55 to 68% against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, -42 to 7% against influenza A(H3N2) and 36 to 54% against influenza B. 2017/18 influenza vaccine should be promoted where influenza still circulates

    Émergence des plantules de carotte (Daucus carotta L) sous des obstacles mĂ©caniques superficiels

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    La phase d'implantation constitue une Ă©tape cruciale et difficile du cycle de culture de la carotte. Il importe de dĂ©celer les causes des faibles taux de levĂ©e et de l'irrĂ©gularitĂ© du peuplement vĂ©gĂ©tal frĂ©quemment observĂ©s dans la pratique et qui sont Ă  l'origine de rĂ©coltes trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Les Ă©tudes entreprises en laboratoire ont portĂ© sur l'effet de facteurs variant de façon importante dans les conditions d'implantation de la culture : poids de semences, profondeur de semis, tempĂ©rature, responsables de la variation de la force de croissance de la plantule que nous avons mesurĂ©e Ă  l'aide d'un dispositif mis au point au laboratoire. Ces forces, en moyenne infĂ©rieures Ă  10 g (0,1 N), sont d'une part faibles par comparaison avec d'autres espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales, ce qui peut expliquer l'importante sensibilitĂ© des plantules aux obstacles mĂ©caniques superficiels. D'autre part, ces forces prĂ©sentent une grande variabilitĂ© mĂȘme en considĂ©rant des plantules issues d'une mĂȘme classe de poids de semences et placĂ©es dans des conditions de milieu identiques, ce qui peut expliquer l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© d'un peuplement. Par ailleurs le taux d'Ă©mergence de plantules confrontĂ©es Ă  des croĂ»tes superficielles artificielles a Ă©tĂ© suivi et dĂ©terminĂ© en fonction des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques de ces obstacles. L'Ă©tablissement d'une relation entre les caractĂ©ristiques des obstacles mĂ©caniques et la force des plantules Ă  l'aide de la thĂ©orie de la flexion des plaques circulaires a permis d'Ă©laborer un modĂšle d'Ă©mergence.Emergence of carrot seedlings (Daucus carotta L) from under artificial obstacles. Carrot crop establishment is difficult and the percentage of emergence varies widely with soil properties, seedling environmental factors and seedling characteristics. This study took into account seed weight, sowing depth and seed-bed temperature, which influence the growth force of the seedling. The growth forces were measured in the laboratory (about 10 g or 0.1 N). They were lower than the growth forces of other species and very variable for the same experimental conditions. The effect of the surface soil layer on the percentage of emergence was also studied. The theory of bending circular brittle plates allowed us to obtain a relationship between the characteristics of the obstacles and growth forces, which provided the possibility of designing an emergence model

    Etude mecanique de l'emergence de la carotte a travers des croutes superficielles

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