159 research outputs found

    A Alexitimia e a dependência de drogas : Os Sentimentos, o discurso e as drogas

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Port

    Facial emotional recognition in schizophrenia: preliminary results of the virtual reality program for facial emotional recognition

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    CONTEXTO: Pessoas diagnosticadas com esquizofrenia apresentam um défice significativo na cognição social com implicações negativas relativamente ao funcionamento interpessoal e social. A realidade virtual apresenta grandes potencialidades para a avaliação e o treino de competências em pessoas com doença mental. OBJETIVOS: Apresentar os resultados preliminares de um programa construído para avaliação do reconhecimento emocional de faces por pessoas com esquizofrenia, utilizando avatares 3D e realidade virtual. MÉTODOS: Apresentação de avatares 3D que reproduzem expressões emocionais, construídas por meio do FaceGen® e integradas num ambiente virtual tridimensional. Apresentou-se cada avatar a 12 doentes com esquizofrenia e a 12 pessoas sem patologia psiquiátrica, avaliando as respostas de reconhecimento e a atividade eletroencefalográfica frontal. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que as expressões de alegria e raiva foram as mais bem reconhecidas pelos dois grupos, enquanto de medo e nojo foram as de maior dificuldade. Verificaram-se alterações na atividade alfa frontal para os estímulos raiva e nojo na amostra de doentes com esquizofrenia. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de algumas expressões emocionais poderem ser melhoradas, o programa desenvolvido pode constituir uma mais-valia para o paciente e para o terapeuta, proporcionando a execução da tarefa em condições não ansiogênicas e aproximadas à experiência real.BACKGROUND: Significant deficits in emotional recognition and social perception characterize patients with schizophrenia and have direct negative impact both in inter-personal relationships and in social functioning. Virtual reality, as a methodological resource, might have a high potential for assessment and training skills in people suffering from mental illness. OBJECTIVES: To present preliminary results of a facial emotional recognition assessment designed for patients with schizophrenia, using 3D avatars and virtual reality. METHODS: Presentation of 3D avatars which reproduce images developed with the FaceGen® software and integrated in a three-dimensional virtual environment. Each avatar was presented to a group of 12 patients with schizophrenia and a reference group of 12 subjects without psychiatric pathology. RESULTS: The results show that the facial emotions of happiness and anger are better recognized by both groups and that the major difficulties arise in fear and disgust recognition. Frontal alpha electroencephalography variations were found during the presentation of anger and disgust stimuli among patients with schizophrenia. DISCUSSION: The developed program evaluation module can be of surplus value both for patient and therapist, providing the task execution in a non anxiogenic environment, however similar to the actual experience

    Reconhecimento emocional de faces na esquizofrenia: resultados preliminares do programa de realidade virtual para o reconhecimento emocional de faces

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    BACKGROUND: Significant deficits in emotional recognition and social perception characterize patients with schizophrenia and have direct negative impact both in inter-personal relationships and in social functioning. Virtual reality, as a methodological resource, might have a high potential for assessment and training skills in people suffering from mental illness. OBJECTIVES: To present preliminary results of a facial emotional recognition assessment designed for patients with schizophrenia, using 3D avatars and virtual reality. METHODS: Presentation of 3D avatars which reproduce images developed with the FaceGen® software and integrated in a three-dimensional virtual environment. Each avatar was presented to a group of 12 patients with schizophrenia and a reference group of 12 subjects without psychiatric pathology. RESULTS: The results show that the facial emotions of happiness and anger are better recognized by both groups and that the major difficulties arise in fear and disgust recognition. Frontal alpha electroencephalography variations were found during the presentation of anger and disgust stimuli among patients with schizophrenia. DISCUSSION: The developed program evaluation module can be of surplus value both for patient and therapist, providing the task execution in a non anxiogenic environment, however similar to the actual experience.CONTEXTO: Pessoas diagnosticadas com esquizofrenia apresentam um défice significativo na cognição social com implicações negativas relativamente ao funcionamento interpessoal e social. A realidade virtual apresenta grandes potencialidades para a avaliação e o treino de competências em pessoas com doença mental. OBJETIVOS: Apresentar os resultados preliminares de um programa construído para avaliação do reconhecimento emocional de faces por pessoas com esquizofrenia, utilizando avatares 3D e realidade virtual. MÉTODOS: Apresentação de avatares 3D que reproduzem expressões emocionais, construídas por meio do FaceGen® e integradas num ambiente virtual tridimensional. Apresentou-se cada avatar a 12 doentes com esquizofrenia e a 12 pessoas sem patologia psiquiátrica, avaliando as respostas de reconhecimento e a atividade eletroencefalográfica frontal. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que as expressões de alegria e raiva foram as mais bem reconhecidas pelos dois grupos, enquanto de medo e nojo foram as de maior dificuldade. Verificaram-se alterações na atividade alfa frontal para os estímulos raiva e nojo na amostra de doentes com esquizofrenia. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de algumas expressões emocionais poderem ser melhoradas, o programa desenvolvido pode constituir uma mais-valia para o paciente e para o terapeuta, proporcionando a execução da tarefa em condições não ansiogênicas e aproximadas à experiência real.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychological well-being and health perception: predictors for past, present and future

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    Background: Increasing evidence supports an association between psychological well-being and overall health, however, much remains to be understood about this association. Objectives: The current study addresses this issue by presenting a new perspective focusing on health perceptions. Additionally, it examines the impact of each of six dimensions of psychological well-being on health perception. Methods: Data for this study were collected from a sample of 1,155 Portuguese adults in various settings. Results: Findings reveal that psychological well-being dimensions' impact differently on prior, current, and health outlookperceptions. Furthermore, the dimension depressed mood influences current health perception; in turn, current health perception is the strongest predictor for psychological well-being. Discussion: Our results provide support for a bidirectional relationship between health perception and psychological well-being

    Depression as the Middle- and Long-Term Impact for Pre-Symptomatic Testing of Late-Onset Neurodegenerative Disorders: La Depresión como el Indicador de Impacto Psicológico a la Media y Largo Plazo de la Prueba Pre-Sintomática para Enfermedades de Aparición Tardía - A Depressão como Indicador do Impacto Psicológico a Médio e Longo Prazo do Teste Pré-Sintomático de Doenças Neurodegenerativas de Início Tardio

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    http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=1413-389XThis cross-sectional study investigated depression as the middle- (4 years) and long-term (7 and 10 years) psychological impact of pre-symptomatic testing (PST) for 3 autosomal dominant late-onset diseases: Huntington’s disease (HD), Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) and familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) TTR V30M. It included 203 subjects: 170 (83.7%) underwent the PST for FAP, 29 (14.3%) for HD and 4 (2%) for MJD. Of these 203, 73 were still asymptomatic carriers, 29 (14.5%) were symptomatic, 9 (4.5%) were FAP liver transplanted patients and 89 (44.5%) were non-carriers. Subjects were mainly women (58.1%) and married (66.5%). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to evaluate depression. Scores were higher for symptomatic carriers and for those who have made one or more psychological support consultations over the years. For the formers, the mean scores pointed to mild depression. Asymptomatic carriers and non-carriers had similar scores but it was impossible to differentiate the psychological impact between the medium and long-term. For symptomatic carriers, there were significant differences between the middle- and long-term. The study indicates that depression occurs only when subjects had previously manifested the first symptoms of their neurologic disease.Este estudo transversal investigou a depressão como indicador do impacto psicológico do teste pré-sintomático (TPS) a médio (quatro anos) e longo prazo (de 7 a 10 anos) de doenças neurológicas de início tardio: a doença de Huntington (DH), doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ) e polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar PAF (TTR V30M). 203 sujeitos participaram no estudo: 170 (83,7%) submetidos ao TPS para PAF, 29 (14,3%) para o DH e 4 (2%) para DMJ. Destes 203, 73 eram portadores assintomáticos, 29 (14,5%) já eram sintomáticos, 9 (4,5%) pacientes com PAF, já tinham realizado o transplante hepático e 89 (44,5%) eram não-portadores. A amostra era constituída maioritariamente por mulheres (58,1%) e por sujeitos casados (66,5%). Utilizou-se o Inventário da Depressão de Beck (BDI). Os scores mais elevados foram observados nos portadores sintomáticos e nos sujeitos que tinham realizado consultas de psicologia com scores indicadores de depressão leve. Os portadores assintomáticos e os não-portadores apresentaram médias semelhantes. Para os portadores sintomáticos, encontrámos diferenças signifi cativas entre o médio e o longo prazo. Este estudo conclui que a depressão pode ocorrer nos indivíduos que já manifestam os primeiros sintomas da respectiva doença neurológica.Este estudio transversal investigó la depresión a la media (4 años) y largo plazo (7 y 10 años) del impacto psicológico de la prueba pre-sintomática (PPS) para 3 enfermedades autosómicos, dominantes, de aparición tardía: la enfermedad de Huntington (EH), la enfermedad de Machado-Joseph (EMJ) y la polineuropatia amiloide familiare (PAF) o polineuropatia amiloide da transtiretina FAP (TTR V30M). Participaron 203 sujetos: 170 (83,7%) para PPS para PAF, 29 (14,3%) para EH y 4 (2%) para EMJ. De estos 203, 73 estaban todavía portador asintomático, 29 (14,5%) eran sintomáticos, 9 (4,5%) fueron PAF pacientes con trasplante hepático y 89 (44,5%) eran no-portadores. Eran en su mayoría mujeres (58,1%) y casados (66,5%). Se utilizó el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (IDB). Los puntajes fueron mayores para las portadoras sintomáticas y para aquellos que han hecho consultas de apoyo psicológico con puntuaciones medias de depresión leve. Los portadores asintomáticos y no portadores tuvieron puntajes similares. Para portadores sintomáticos, hubo diferencias signifi cativas entre el medio y largo plazo. Este estudio concluye que la depresión puede ocurrir en personas que ya muestran los primeros síntomas de la enfermedad neurológica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pre-symptomatic testing for neurodegenerative disorders: Middle- to long-term psychopathological impact: Pruebas pre-sintomáticas de enfermedades neurodegenerativas: el impacto psicopatológico a largo plazo

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    http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/0214-9915/Background. Over the past 20 years, studies have revealed that the communication of a pre-symptomatic test (PST) result for autosomal dominant late-onset diseases, such as Huntington's disease (HD), doesn’t cause psychological disturbance. This cross-sectional study investigated the middle- (4 years) to long-term (7 and 10 years) psychological impact in individuals who agreed to perform the pre-symptomatic testing for 3 autosomal dominant late-onset diseases: HD, Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) and familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). Method: The study included 203 subjects: 170 (84%) agreed to make the PST for FAP, 29 (14%) for HD and 4 (2%) for MJD. Subjects were mostly women (58%) and married (67%). Three cutoffs points were considered: 4 years (middle-term) and 7 and 10 years (long-term) indicating the time after receiving the PST results. Results: results showed that women and widows (oldest) participants presented the highest mean values for almost all BSI dimensions and the highest mean values correspond to the obsessive-compulsive BSI dimensions. Concerning the nature of the disease, MJD participants presented the highest mean values. No differences were found concerning the PST test results while participants are still asymptomatic. Psychopathology was only present in symptomatic carriers. Conclusions: The onset of the disease seems to assume the trigger for the presence of psychological disturbance in the subjects, regardless the time that has elapsed since the PST result communication or the individual carrier/non-carrier condition.Antecedentes: el presente estudio transversal investigó el impacto psicopatológico a medio (4 años) y a largo plazo (7 y 10 años) de la prueba pre-sintomática (PPS) para tres enfermedades autosómicas dominantes de aparición tardía: enfermedad de Huntington EH, la enfermedad de Machado-Joseph (EMJ) y la polineuropatía amiloide familiar (PAF). Método: participaron 203 sujetos: 170 (84 %) realizaron el PPS para PAF, 29 (14 %) para EH y 4 (2 %) para EMJ. La muestra, en su mayoría, estuvo compuesta por mujeres (58 %) y por personas casadas (67 %). Fueron considerados como puntos de corte los 4, 7 y 10 años después de haber recibido el resultado de la PPS. Resultados: las mujeres y los viudos presentan las medias más altas. Los participantes con EMJ presentaron las medias más elevadas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en lo concerniente a los resultados de PPS. La perturbación psicológica fue escasamente observada en los sujetos portadores que ya evidenciaban síntomas. Conclusiones: la aparición de los primeros síntomas parece constituir el detonante para la existencia de perturbaciones psicológicas, independientemente del intervalo de tiempo sucedido desde la comunicación de los resultados de la PPS o de la condición genética (portador/no portador).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mid- and long-term anxiety levels associated with presymptomatic testing of Huntington's disease, Machado-Joseph disease, and familial amyloid polyneuropathy

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    http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=1809-452XOBJECTIVE: To study anxiety as a variable of the mid- and long-term psychological impact of pre-symptomatic testing for three autosomal dominant late-onset disorders - Huntington's disease (HD), Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) and familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) TTR V30M - in a Portuguese sample. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 203 participants: 170 (83.7%) underwent pre-symptomatic testing for FAP, 29 (14.3%) for HD, and 4 (2%) for MJD. Of the 203 participants, 73 (36.0%) were asymptomatic carriers, 29 (14.5%) were symptomatic carriers, 9 (4.5%) were diagnosed with FAP and had a liver transplant, and 89 (44.5%) were non-carriers. Most were women (58.1%) and married (66.5%). The anxiety variable was assessed using the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS). RESULTS: The anxiety scores were higher for symptomatic carriers and for those who underwent psychological support consultations over the years. For symptomatic carriers, the mean scores were superior to 40 points, which reflects clinical anxiety. CONCLUSION: Although it was not possible to differentiate between the mid- and long-term psychological impacts, this study supports the conclusion that the proximity to the age of symptoms onset might be a trigger for anxiety.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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