747 research outputs found

    Neo-liberalism, discursive change and European education policy trajectories

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    Neo-liberalism and continuing vocational training governance in the UK: an examination of three theoretical accounts

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    The paper analyses continuing vocational education and training policies in the UK in the period 1979-2010 with a focus on regulation and governance. It reviews Conservative and Labour party policies to ascertain their principal components and explore their evolution through time. More specifically, the paper reviews the paradoxical existence of three seemingly opposed accounts of recent dynamics in the management of continuing vocational training: one that sees it moving inexorably to the political right, one that emphasises the singularity of social-democratic policies and one that focuses on the difficulties of any movement, towards the political left or right. The paper concludes that while there has been a degree of convergence between right and left, differences remained in terms of their favoured institutional decision-making structures. However, Labour played a two-level game, which combined the establishment of new channels for dialogue and coordination with key stakeholders, with a limited scope for meaningful stakeholder input to policy

    Business plan for a new natural ingredient surf wax

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    This business plan is set upon the study and development of a new surf wax to be used in the practice of surf and related sports (with main emphasis on traditional surfing). This wax will be entirely produced using natural ingredients with the majority of the ingredients being of Portuguese origin. The project tries to answer the research question “Is it possible, in the current business environment, to gather the necessary strategic and operational conditions for creating a start-up surf wax company?”. The latter is answered through the thorough analysis of a systematic set of procedures and tools of qualitative nature. Operational and Marketing plans are explored as ongoing tools designed to help the business compete in the market for customers. Financial Valuation is assessed as a necessity to understand project viability. This project was also intended to help myself and future as well as current colleagues in understanding the true importance and necessary elements behind a real and complete business plan.Este plano de negócios tem como intenção o estudo e desenvolvimento de uma novo surf wax para ser usado na prática do surf e desportos relacionados (com ênfase principal no surf tradicional). Este wax (cera) será inteiramente produzida com ingredientes naturais sendo a maioria dos ingredientes de origem Portuguesa. O projeto procura responder à pergunta de pesquisa "É possível, no ambiente de negócios atual, reunir as condições estratégicas e operacionais necessárias para a criação de uma empresa start-up de wax?". Esta última é respondida através da análise minuciosa de um conjunto sistemático de procedimentos e ferramentas de natureza qualitativa. Um plano de marketing e um plano operacional são exploradas como ferramentas de desenvolvimento contínuo destinadas a ajudar a empresa a competir no mercado para os clientes. Uma avaliação financeira é realizada pela necessidade de compreender a viabilidade do projeto. Este projeto foi igualmente destinado a ajudar-me a mim própio e a futuros bem como actuais colegas a compreender a verdadeira importância e elementos necessários por trás de um plano de negócios real e completo

    The end of the credential society? An analysis of the relationship between education and the labour market using big data

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    A major focus of sociological research is on the role of the credential as a ‘currency of opportunity’, mediating the relationship between education and occupational destinations. However, the labour mar- ket has largely remained a ‘black box’ in sociological and education policy studies. This article draws on ‘big data’ from over 21,000,000 job adverts to explore how employers in the UK describe job requirements, with particular reference to the role of credentials. It challenges existing theories premised upon the notion that higher levels of formal education determine individual (dis)advantage in the competition for jobs. Although they have different views of the relationship between credentials, opportunity and efficiency, these theories assume that credentials largely determine occupational hiring. Our analysis suggests that formal academic credentials play a relatively minor differentiating role in the UK labour market, as the majority of employer’s place greater emphasis on ‘job readiness’. This raises a number of issues for sociological and policy analysis, including the future role of credentials in the (re)production of educational and labour market inequalities. Methodologically, the article highlights how the use of big data can contribute to the analysis of education, skills and the labour market

    OpenCases: catalogue of mini cases on open education in Europe

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    This catalogue brings 50 mini cases highlighting the practices of universities and educational institutions around open education in Europe. It showcases the different strategies undertaken by institutions that are embracing the open education movement and opening up their content, research, recognition mechanisms and teaching practices. The catalogue works as a 'taster' for what is being done and can be done in open education in the EU, prompting the reader to look further into the initiatives that raise their interest.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    The prospects for skills and employment in an age of digital disruption: A cautionary note

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    Almost in a blink of the eye the policy focus on the ‘knowledge’ economy, with mass ranks of high skilled workers, has given way to claims of widespread ‘technological unemployment’. This Working Paper will examine competing claims on the relationship between automation, skills and the future of work. It examines the research evidence on the scale of job losses anticipated as a consequence of digital disruption. It presents three scenarios of the impact of digital disruption on future skill requirements, before considering how evidence on automation and digital disruption is used to influence and inform UK government policy interventions on skills, employment and labour markets. In conclusion, we recommend caution in interpreting existing evidence. While high profile reports on digital disruption make for eye-catching headlines, they make for poor policy formulation. A key message is that technology is not destiny. It is human decisions that will determine the future of work

    Treatment of drug addiction and psychopathology: a field study

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    [Abstract] Field study to assess the concurrence of the psychopathology of drug addiction, and to evaluate the efficacy of pharmacological treatment versus drug-free treatments for the psychopathology of drug addiction. A total of 261 patients treated for drug addiction, 131 on a drug-free treatment and the remaining 130 patients received a drug regime, of which 113 were, according to the Prochaska and Decrement’s Transtheorical Model, in a initial phase of the treatment (from 15 days to 6 months of treatment) and 148 in a maintenance phase in drug treatment (> 6 months), were psychopathologically assessed using the SCL-90-R (Derogatis, 2002). A field study with a 2 X 2 design (treatment: drug-free vs. drug-regime) and (treatment phase: initial phase vs. maintenance in drug treatment) was carried out. The results support the hypothesis of a dual diagnosis, that is, the comorbidity of psychopathology and drug addiction. On the whole, treatment for drug addiction had a significant impact on reducing associated psychopathology. Finally, the results are discussed in the light of the implications for the treatment of drug addiction.[Resumen] Nos planteamos un estudio para conocer de un modo sistemático la psicopatología entre los drogodependientes, y contrastar la eficacia de los tratamientos farmacológicos y libres de drogas sobre la psicopatología de los pacientes. Para ello tomamos 261 pacientes a tratamiento de drogodependencia, 131 en un programa libre de drogas y 130 en tratamiento farmacológico, y, de acuerdo con el Modelo Transteórico de Prochaska y Diclemente, 113 en fase de acogida (de 15 días a 6 meses en el tratamiento) y 148 en fase de permanencia en el tratamiento (> de 6 meses de tratamiento), que fueron evaluados en la psicopatología mediante el SCL-90-R (Derogatis, 2002). Se planificó un estudio de campo con un diseño 2 (tratamiento: libre de drogas vs. tratamiento farmacológico) X 2 (tiempo de tratamiento: fase de acogida vs. fase de permanencia). Los resultados mostraron un apoyo a la hipótesis de un diagnóstico dual, esto es, la coocurrencia de patología psíquica y algún tipo de dependencia; y, en general, el tratamiento de la drogodependencia tiene unos efectos significativos en la reducción de la psicopatología asociada. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para el tratamiento de la drogodependencia