565 research outputs found

    Feeding the Future Meat Doesn’t Come Cheap

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    Cultured – or as it is referred to by companies innovating the technology clean – meat is expected to be the next innovation to change the way the world gets its animal protein. Meat from animal cells grown in a lab seems like science fiction but it is around the corner from hitting your supermarket shelves. The technology has been developed but how these companies intend on scaling up their production to meet retail demands remains a mystery. So far companies have relied on seed and early stage investment from venture capital companies and private sources to fund research. Predictions of the cost of large-scale production facilities so far outweigh what impact investing funds can manage. Link to capstone project: http://lukassouthard.com/portfolio/feeding-the-future-meat-doesnt-come-cheap

    Conventional intramuscular sedatives versus ziprasidone for severe agitation in adolescents: case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The objective of this study was to compare intramuscular (IM) ziprasidone to conventional IM medications (haloperidol combined with lorazepam) for the treatment of severe agitation in adolescents (age 12–17).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively identified consecutive severe agitation episodes (defined as requiring physical restraint) in adolescents treated with either IM ziprasidone or conventional IM agents in a psychiatric emergency room. For ziprasidone, the dosage was 20 mg for 23 episodes and 10 mg for 5 episodes. For 24 episodes treated with combined haloperidol and lorazepam, the dosages were 4.8 ± 0.3 SEM mg and 1.9 ± 0.4 mg respectively. Outcomes were the duration of restraint and need for adjunctive "rescue" medications within 60 minutes. These outcomes were decided prior to reviewing any records.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No difference was found in restraint duration (ziprasidone, N = 28, 55 ± 5 minutes; haloperidol with lorazepam N = 24, 65 ± 7 minutes, P = NS). Use of "rescue" medications did not differ between the two groups. No changes in blood pressure were found, but pulse decreased 8.3 ± 2.4 for haloperidol with lorazepam and 8.9 ± 4.24 for ziprasidone (P = NS). No instances of excessive sedation or extra-pyramidal symptoms were documented.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study, IM ziprasidone appeared effective, well tolerated, and similar in clinical profile to combined conventional IM medications for treating severe agitation in adolescents. Given the reportedly favorable acute side effect profile of parenteral atypical agents, they may provide an alternative to conventional antipsychotics for treating acute agitation in both adult and adolescent populations. Future randomized, controlled studies are needed.</p

    Adult enteric nervous system in health is maintained by a dynamic balance between neuronal apoptosis and neurogenesis

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    According to current dogma, there is little or no ongoing neurogenesis in the fully developed adult enteric nervous system. This lack of neurogenesis leaves unanswered the question of how enteric neuronal populations are maintained in adult guts, given previous reports of ongoing neuronal death. Here, we confirm that despite ongoing neuronal cell loss because of apoptosis in the myenteric ganglia of the adult small intestine, total myenteric neuronal numbers remain constant. This observed neuronal homeostasis is maintained by new neurons formed in vivo from dividing precursor cells that are located within myenteric ganglia and express both Nestin and p75NTR, but not the pan-glial marker Sox10. Mutation of the phosphatase and tensin homolog gene in this pool of adult precursors leads to an increase in enteric neuronal number, resulting in ganglioneuromatosis, modeling the corresponding disorder in humans. Taken together, our results show significant turnover and neurogenesis of adult enteric neurons and provide a paradigm for understanding the enteric nervous system in health and disease

    The transcription factor Sox5 modulates Sox10 function during melanocyte development

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    The transcription factor Sox5 has previously been shown in chicken to be expressed in early neural crest cells and neural crest-derived peripheral glia. Here, we show in mouse that Sox5 expression also continues after neural crest specification in the melanocyte lineage. Despite its continued expression, Sox5 has little impact on melanocyte development on its own as generation of melanoblasts and melanocytes is unaltered in Sox5-deficient mice. Loss of Sox5, however, partially rescued the strongly reduced melanoblast generation and marker gene expression in Sox10 heterozygous mice arguing that Sox5 functions in the melanocyte lineage by modulating Sox10 activity. This modulatory activity involved Sox5 binding and recruitment of CtBP2 and HDAC1 to the regulatory regions of melanocytic Sox10 target genes and direct inhibition of Sox10-dependent promoter activation. Both binding site competition and recruitment of corepressors thus help Sox5 to modulate the activity of Sox10 in the melanocyte lineage

    Mannosylation in C andida albicans : role in cell wall function and immune recognition

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    The fungal cell wall is a dynamic organelle required for cell shape, protection against the environment and, in pathogenic species, recognition by the innate immune system. The outer layer of the cell wall is comprised of glycosylated mannoproteins with the majority of these post-translational modifications being the addition of O- and N-linked mannosides. These polysaccharides are exposed on the outer surface of the fungal cell wall and are, therefore, the first point of contact between the fungus and the host immune system. This review focuses on O- and N-linked mannan biosynthesis in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans and highlights new insights gained from the characterization of mannosylation mutants into the role of these cell wall components in host-fungus interactions. In addition, we discuss the use of fungal mannan as a diagnostic marker of fungal disease

    Comparative Oncogenomics Implicates the Neurofibromin 1 Gene (NF1) as a Breast Cancer Driver

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    Identifying genomic alterations driving breast cancer is complicated by tumor diversity and genetic heterogeneity. Relevant mouse models are powerful for untangling this problem because such heterogeneity can be controlled. Inbred Chaos3 mice exhibit high levels of genomic instability leading to mammary tumors that have tumor gene expression profiles closely resembling mature human mammary luminal cell signatures. We genomically characterized mammary adenocarcinomas from these mice to identify cancer-causing genomic events that overlap common alterations in human breast cancer. Chaos3 tumors underwent recurrent copy number alterations (CNAs), particularly deletion of the RAS inhibitor Neurofibromin 1 (Nf1) in nearly all cases. These overlap with human CNAs including NF1, which is deleted or mutated in 27.7% of all breast carcinomas. Chaos3 mammary tumor cells exhibit RAS hyperactivation and increased sensitivity to RAS pathway inhibitors. These results indicate that spontaneous NF1 loss can drive breast cancer. This should be informative for treatment of the significant fraction of patients whose tumors bear NF1 mutations