799 research outputs found

    Implementación de un receptor ILS mediante Raspberry Pi embarcable

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    The ILS system is an instrument approach system based on radiofrequency beams that provides positioning in latitude, longitude and radial precision during the approach and landing phase. The current calibration system, based on a cargo plane, is expensive, complex and impractical. The present project on the implementation of an ILS receiver using a Raspberry Pi is focused on offering a solution to the present problem. ILS signals have been simulated and a verification of the system’s performance has been done in MATLAB. Studies have been carried out based on different system variables to determine the optimal values and establish a relationship with the practical cases. Obtaining true ILS signals allowed to verify the functioning of the proposed demodulation circuit and the possibility of implementing this type of receiver in the future.El sistema ILS es un sistema de aproximación por instrumentos basado en haces de radiofrecuencia que proporciona posicionamiento en latitud, longitud y radial de precisión durante la fase de aproximación y aterrizaje. El sistema de calibración actual, basado en un avión de carga, es caro, complejo y poco práctico. El presente proyecto sobre la implementación de un receptor ILS mediante una Raspberry Pi embarcable se enfoca a ofrecer una solución a este problema. Se han simulado señales ILS y se ha realizado una comprobación del funcionamiento del sistema en MATLAB. Para ello se han realizado estudios en base a distintas variables del sistema para determinar los valores óptimos y establecer una relación con los casos prácticos. La obtención de verdaderas señales ILS permitió comprobar el funcionamiento del circuito de demodulación propuesto y la posibilidad de implementar este tipo de receptor en un futuro.Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Factors driving the biogeochemical budget of the Amazon River and its statistical modelling Facteurs denext term contrôle du bilan biogéochimique previous termdenext term l'Amazone et modélisation statistique associée

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    International audienceThe seasonal and interannual fluctuations of the biogeochemical budget (solutes, suspended matter, isotopes) of the Amazon River basin were analyzed, with a special focus on 44 physicochemical parameters monitored over the period 1982-1984 during the Carbon in the AMazon River Experiment (CAMREX) project. The relevant factors driving this variability were identified and sorted through the implementation of a statistical-regressive model coupled to variance analysis. Basically, the compositional fluctuations in the Amazon River are related (1) to the variable contribution of major tributaries (variable regional source) to the river flow but also (2) to the variable contribution of hydrological sources, (3) to river processes, i.e. in-stream diagenesis and sediment dynamics and (4) to the hydrological budget of the floodplains. Their respective contributions to the variability of chemical signals observed in the stream waters depend on which parameter was investigated but their combination explains on average 85% of the observed variability. The variability related to regional sources was captured by the compared measures of flow discharge and biogeochemical fluxes at the outlet of the major tributaries. The variability of hydrological sources was described by the variable contribution of three runoffs of distinct but constant composition: forwarded direct runoff, delayed floodplain runoff and baseflow. Several methods were tested to depict the seasonal and interannual variations of their individual discharges. Biologically-mediated processes were related to a hydrobiological index IBIO = [O2]-[CO2] which allows tracking the nature of the dominant ecological regime (autotrophy vs. heterotrophy). The alteration of chemical signals related to the intermittent discharge of the floodplains (where specific processes occur such as: gas exchanges at the air-water interface, sorption of dissolved organic matter, chemical weathering, deposition vs. remobilization of sediments, etc.) was simulated by taking into account the default of hydrological balance between inflows and outflows, used as a marker of floodplains discharge. This analysis shows that the chemical baseline observed in the waters of the Amazon River is mostly acquired upstream from the junction of major tributaries with the Amazon main reach. Les fluctuations saisonnières et interannuelles du bilan biogéochimique (solutés, matière particulaire, isotopes) du fleuve Amazone ont été analysées, avec une attention particulière apportée à 44 paramètres physicochimiques mesurés entre 1982 et 1984 dans le cadre du programme CAMREX. Les facteurs exerçant une influence significative sur cette variabilité ont été identifiés et hiérarchisés par le biais d'un modèle statistique couplé à une analyse previous termdenext term variance. Les variations previous termdenext term composition des eaux previous termdenext term l'Amazone sont fondamentalement associées (1) à previous termlanext term contribution variable previous termdenext term ses affluents majeurs (source régionale variable) au débit total, mais aussi (2) à previous termlanext term contribution variable des pôles previous termdenext term mélange hydrologiques, (3) à des processus fluviaux correspondant au régime hydrobiologique et à previous termlanext term dynamique sédimentaire et (4) au bilan hydrologique des plaines d'inondation. Leurs contributions respectives à previous termlanext term variabilité des signaux chimiques observés dans les eaux du fleuve dépendent du paramètre considéré, mais leur combinaison explique en moyenne 85 % previous termde lanext term variabilité observée. previous termLanext term variabilité associée aux contributions régionales variables est appréhendée en procédant aux bilans entrées-sorties des débits et flux biogéochimiques. previous termLanext term variabilité previous termdenext term contribution des pôles previous termdenext term mélange est décrite par previous termlanext term contribution variable previous termdenext term trois écoulements previous termdenext term compositions distinctes mais constantes : l'écoulement direct à expression précoce, l'écoulement local previous termdenext term vidange alluviale à expression différée et l'écoulement previous termdenext term base. Douze méthodes ont été testées afin previous termdenext term décrire les variations saisonnières et interannuelles des débits individuels previous termdenext term chaque pôle previous termdenext term mélange. Les processus contrôlés par le vivant sont appréhendés à partir d'un indice hydrobiologique IBIO = [O2]-[CO2] qui permet previous termdenext term déterminer previous termlanext term nature du régime hydro-écologique dominant (autotrophe vs. hétérotrophe). L'altération des signaux chimiques générée par previous termlanext term vidange intermittente des plaines d'inondation (au niveau desquelles ont lieu des processus spécifiques : échanges gazeux, sorption previous termdenext term matière organique dissoute, érosion chimique, dépôt vs. remise en suspension previous termdenext term sédiments, etc.) est simulée en prenant en compte le défaut previous termdenext term bilan hydrologique entrées-sorties utilisé comme marqueur previous termdenext term débit des plaines d'inondation. Cette analyse montre que le bruit previous termdenext term fond chimique observé dans les eaux du fleuve Amazone est principalement acquis en amont des confluences entre le tronçon fluvial étudié et les principaux affluents qui l'alimentent

    Investigação sobre a contribuição do SNAP® Feline proBNP Test como ferramenta de diagnóstico na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica felina

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaDentro do leque de doenças cardíacas felinas, a cardiomiopatia hipertrófica assume um papel preponderante e diversas são as etiologias que lhe dão origem. Para além da ecocardiografia que é o exame de diagnóstico gold standard, têm vindo a emergir novos exames que podem ajudar a orientar o diagnóstico na ausência ou na impossibilidade de realizar uma ecocardiografia. A quantificação dos biomarcadores cardíacos, como as troponinas e os peptídeos natriuréticos, assume esse papel. Com efeito, o SNAP® Feline proBNP Test é um teste rápido cuja função se prende na quantificação do peptídeo natriurético mais relevante – o NT-proBNP. Os principais objetivos deste projeto foram comprovar se o SNAP® Feline proBNP Test identifica corretamente gatos com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica, estudar a relação entre os resultados do SNAP® Feline proBNP Test com os parâmetros ecocardiográficos avaliados na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica felina e verificar se o hipertiroidismo, a hipertensão arterial sistémica e a doença renal crónica condicionam a positividade do SNAP® Feline proBNP Test. Para tal foram efetuadas ecocardiografias nos 21 gatos que constituíram a amostra e parte do sangue obtido para a realização de análises sanguíneas foi utilizada para realizar o SNAP® Feline proBNP Test. As únicas variáveis que estabeleceram uma associação estatística com o SNAP® Feline proBNP Test foram a PPVEd (parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo em telediástole) (p = 0.0413) e o ratio AE / Ao (ratio átrio esquerdo com a aorta) (p = 0.00539). A sensibilidade do teste neste estudo foi consideravelmente baixa (31.2 %), portanto a habilidade do teste em identificar gatos com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica neste projeto foi de alguma maneira questionável. Em contraste, a sua especificidade foi de 100 %, o que corrobora o seu potencial. De facto, como defende a literatura, o SNAP® Feline proBNP Test tem potencialidade para auxiliar num diagnóstico de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica assintomática, para detetar gatos com cardiomiopatia moderada a grave e para distinguir a etiologia de sinais respiratórios em gatos, justificando portanto uma investigação mais extensa.ABSTRACT - INVESTIGATION ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE SNAP® FELINE ProBNP TEST AS A DIAGNOSTIC EXAM IN THE FELINE HIPERTROPHIC CARDIOMIOPATHY - Within the range of feline heart diseases, hypertrophic cardiomiopathy plays a predominant role and there are different etiologies that give rise to this disease. Echocardiography is the gold standard exam. However, new diagnostic exams have been emerging that can help in the diagnosis in situations when it is not possible to perform an echocardiography. The quantification of troponins and natriuretic peptides takes on that role. As a result, the SNAP® Feline proBNP Test was launched on the market and its main purpose is to measure the most important natriuretic peptide – NT-proBNP. The main goals of this project were to assess if the SNAP® Feline proBNP Test correctly identifies cats with hypertrophic cardiomiopathy, to study the relationship between the results of the SNAP® Feline proBNP Test and the results from ecocardiographic exams and to verify if hyperthyiroidism, high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease contribute for a positive result of the SNAP® Feline proBNP Test. For such, echocardiography exams were performed on the 21 cats that were included in the study. Blood samples were collected aiming to perform biochemical and hematological analysis and SNAP® Feline proBNP Test. The only variables that had a significant result were the LVPWd (left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end diastole) (p = 0.0413) and the AE / Ao ratio (left atrium to aortic root ratio) (p = 0.00539). The sensitivity of the test was considerably low (31.2 %), therefore its ability to correctly identify cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was questionable. In contrast, the specificity of the study was 100 %, which corroborates its potential. In fact, as the literature advocates, the SNAP® Feline proBNP Test has the ability to help he diagnosis of asymptomatic cardiomyopathy, to differentiate cats with moderate to severe cardiomyopathy and to distinguish the etiology of respiratory clinical signs in felines. Therefore, a more extensive investigation must be performed.N/

    Biogeochemistry of the Amazonian Floodplains: Insights from Six End-Member Mixing Models

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    International audienceThe influence of Amazonian floodplains on the hydrological, sedimentary, and biogeochemical river budget was investigated along the Vargem Grande–Óbidos reach, by applying six mixing models based on variable regional and/or variable hydrological sources. By comparing the output of many different models designed for different purposes, the nature and the magnitude of processes linking water and biogeochemical budgets of the Amazonian floodplains were clarified. This study reveals that most of the chemical baseline of the Amazon River basin is acquired before the studied 2000-km Amazonian reach. However, the tight connection between the hydrograph stage of the river and the chemical signals provides insightful information on the dynamics of its floodplains. The chemical expression of biotic and abiotic processes occurring in the Amazonian floodplains can be particularly perceived during falling waters. It appears delayed in time compared to the maximum extension of submerged area, because the alternating water circulation polarity (filling versus emptying) between the main channel and the adjacent floodplains determines delayed emptying of floodplains during falling waters. It results also in a longer time of residence in the hydrograph network, which strengthens the rate of transformation of transiting materials and solutes. Biotic and biologically mediated processes tend to accentuate changes in river water chemistry initiated upstream, in each subbasin, along river corridors, indicating that processes operating downstream prolong those from upstream (e.g., floodplains of the large tributaries). Conversely, the flood wave propagation tends to lessen the seasonal variability as a result of the water storage in the floodplains, which admixes waters of distinct origins (in time and space). The morphology of floodplains, determining the deposition and the diagenesis of the sediments as well as the variable extension of submerged areas or the chronology of floodplains storage/emptying, appears to be the main factor controlling the floodplains biogeodynamics. By coupling classical end-member mixing models (providing insight on hydrological source) with a variable regional contribution scheme, relevant information on the biogeochemical budget of the Amazonian floodplains can be achieved

    The Dietary Intervention of Transgenic Low-Gliadin Wheat Bread in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) Showed No Differences with Gluten Free Diet (GFD) but Provides Better Gut Microbiota Profile

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    The study evaluated the symptoms, acceptance, and digestibility of bread made from transgenic low-gliadin wheat, in comparison with gluten free bread, in Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) patients, considering clinical/sensory parameters and gut microbiota composition. This study was performed in two phases of seven days each, comprising a basal phase with gluten free bread and an E82 phase with low-gliadin bread. Gastrointestinal clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaire, and stool samples were collected for gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) determination and the extraction of gut microbial DNA. For the basal and E82 phases, seven and five patients, respectively, showed undetectable GIPs content. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene V1-V2 hypervariable regions were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform and downstream analysis was done using a Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline. No significant differences in the GSRS questionnaires were observed between the two phases. However, we observed a significantly lower abundance of some gut genera Oscillospira, Dorea, Blautia, Bacteroides, Coprococcus, and Collinsella, and a significantly higher abundance of Roseburia and Faecalibacterium genera during the E82 phase compared with the basal phase. The consumption of low-gliadin bread E82 by NCGS subjects induced potentially positive changes in the gut microbiota composition, increasing the butyrate-producing bacteria and favoring a microbial profile that is suggested to have a key role in the maintenance or improvement of gut permeability.España, MINECO Projects AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R, AGL2013-48946-C and AGL2016-80566-

    Ajustamento Estrutural e Comércio na situação actual dos países da Africa Subsariana: estudo da região do Golfo da Guiné

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    Mestrado em Economia InternacionalMais de uma década decorrida sobre a implementação dos Programas de Ajustamento Estrutural das instituições de Bretton Woods nos países subsarianos e do Golfo da Guiné em particular, as estatísticas das economias em questão revelam sinais de uma mais sólida estabilidade macroeconómica e mesmo de aumentos no seu volume de comércio externo, mas não de uma plena liberalização de trocas e menos ainda, de uma diversificação da sua estrutura produtiva. No entanto, os referidos programas foram concebidos na expectativa de que o controlo dos défices correntes, da inflação e do câmbio, juntamente com a abertura ao exterior, seriam geradores de um círculo virtuoso de aumentos de receitas de exportações e do investimento privado. As reformas introduzidas consolidaram a exploração das vantagens comparativas nas abundantes reservas energéticas e minerais, mas em geral não impulsionaram o investimento em indústrias mais criadoras de emprego, como as manufacturas. Entretanto, a situação actual do endividamento externo da região inibe profundamente a acumulação de divisas e exacerba a lentidão e os custos do processo de ajustamento. Este prevê uma liberalização do comércio que constitui seguramente um instrumento crucial para a dinamização do tecido produtivo das economias subsarianas. Ora as barreiras pautais e não pautais à importação mantidas pelos Estados subsarianos constrangem os ganhos potenciais de comércio, decorrentes da abertura ao exterior, e comprometem o acesso das suas exportações aos mercados internacionais, devido a uma reacção dos seus parceiros comerciais, na maioria países industrializados. O presente trabalho realça a relativa eficácia dos P.A.E/s do Banco Mundial e do F.M.I. na estabilização macroeconómica, e o seu desaire no objectivo de induzir uma liberalização do comércio que contribua para o crescimento sustentado dos países costeiros do Golfo da Guiné. Por conseguinte, conclui que é hoje imperativo um reforço do compromisso das autoridades nacionais na prossecução das reformas e dos credores internacionais no seu financiamento, aliviando em última análise o peso do serviço da dívida.More than a decade after the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Programs conceived by the Bretton Woods institutions in Subsaharan countries and in the Gulf of Guinea in particular, satistical data on these economies reveal considerable progress in macroeconomic stability and external trade volumes, but insuficient trade liberalization and diversification. However, such programs were based on the assumption that reducing Current Account deficits and controlling exchange rates and inflation, along with an open trade regime, would generate both higher export revenues and a surge in private investment. The structural reforms implemented enhanced the exploration of comparative advantages in abundant energetic and mineral reserves, but generally failed in spuring investment in laborintensive industries, namely manufactures. Meanwhile, Subsaharan economies face an annual debt service which inhibits foreign currency accumulation and hinders the adjustment process. The latter insists on trade liberalization which certainly remains a crucial instrument for the promotion of economic transformation in the subcontinent. In that sense, the persisting tariff and non-tariff barriers to imports in Subsaharan states constrain the potencial trade gains from an open system, thus leading to restrictive trade policies on behalf of their international partners, mainly industrialised countries. In this context, real access to world markets is made more difficult for african exports. The present work underlines the effectiveness of World Bank and IMF Structural Adjustment Credits regarding macroeconomic stabilization, and their failure in inducing trade liberalization as an alternative for sustained growth in the economies of the Gulf of Guinea. Therefore, it concludes on the local authorities' point of view, that priority should be given to further commitment to the completion of reforms. Simultaneously, that international creditors are expected to raise the level of financial assistance, ultimately relieving the local debt service ratios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Celiac Immunogenic Potential of α-Gliadin Epitope Variants from Triticum and Aegilops Species

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    The high global demand of wheat and its subsequent consumption arise from the physicochemical properties of bread dough and its contribution to the protein intake in the human diet. Gluten is the main structural complex of wheat proteins and subjects affected by celiac disease (CD) cannot tolerate gluten protein. Within gluten proteins, α-gliadins constitute the most immunogenic fraction since they contain the main T-cell stimulating epitopes (DQ2.5-glia-α1, DQ2.5-glia-α2, and DQ2.5-glia-α3). In this work, the celiac immunotoxic potential of α-gliadins was studied within Triticeae: diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid species. The abundance and immunostimulatory capacity of CD canonical epitopes and variants (with one or two mismatches) in all α-gliadin sequences were determined. The results showed that the canonical epitopes DQ2.5-glia-α1 and DQ2.5-glia-α3 were more frequent than DQ2.5-glia-α2. A higher abundance of canonical DQ2.5-glia-α1 epitope was found to be associated with genomes of the BBAADD, AA, and DD types; however, the abundance of DQ2.5-glia-α3 epitope variants was very high in BBAADD and BBAA wheat despite their low abundance in the canonical epitope. The most abundant substitution was that of proline to serine, which was disposed mainly on the three canonical DQ2.5 domains on position 8. Interestingly, our results demonstrated that the natural introduction of Q to H at any position eliminates the toxicity of the three T-cell epitopes in the α-gliadins. The results provided a rational approach for the introduction of natural amino acid substitutions to eliminate the toxicity of three T-cell epitopes, while maintaining the technological properties of commercial wheats


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    Este artigo pretende trabalhar sobre o diagnóstico das psicoses ordinárias que se apresentam de modos mais sutis e que demandam uma análise mais minuciosa para serem notadas, pois encontram modos de estabilização diante da falha no enodamento que permitem um ajustamento ao meio. Dentre os modos possíveis de estabilização, este artigo pretende deter-se na melancolia, tendo como objeto específico de investigação a peculiaridade das psicoses ordinárias melancólicas. Para isso, usufruiu-se da literatura especializada da psicanálise de orientação lacaniana, iniciando com Freud para alcançar Lacan e Miller. Nesse sentido, foram estabelecidos três objetivos específicos, sendo eles: conceituar a psicose para a psicanálise; discutir sobre a formulação e especificidades das psicoses ordinárias e empreender uma leitura da melancolia como modo de estabilização nas psicoses ordinárias. Este último ponto, é realizado através de uma leitura de caso, para trabalhar as especificidades do diagnóstico a partir das externalidades millerianas.This article intends to work on the diagnosis of ordinary psychoses that present themselves in more subtle ways and that require a more detailed analysis to be noticed, because they find ways of stabilization in the face of the failure in the enodamento that allow an adjustment to the environment. Among the possible modes of stabilization, this article intends to dwell on melancholy, having as a specific object of investigation the peculiarity of ordinary melancholic psychoses. For this, it took advantage of the specialized literature of Lacanian-oriented psychoanalysis, starting with Freud to reach Lacan and Miller. In this sense, three specific objectives were established, namely: to conceptualize psychosis for psychoanalysis; discuss the formulation and specificities of ordinary psychoses and undertake a reading of melancholy as a way of stabilization in ordinary psychoses. This last point is carried out through a case reading, to work the specificities of the diagnosis from the Millerian externalities.Este artículo pretende trabajar en el diagnóstico de psicosis ordinarias que se presentan de maneras más sutiles y que requieren un análisis más detallado para ser notadas, porque encuentran formas de estabilización frente a la falla en el enodamento que permiten un ajuste al ambiente. Entre los posibles modos de estabilización, este artículo pretende detenerse en la melancolía, teniendo como objeto específico de investigación la peculiaridad de las psicosis melancólicas ordinarias. Para ello, aprovechó la literatura especializada del psicoanálisis de orientación lacaniana, empezando por Freud para llegar a Lacan y Miller. En este sentido, se establecieron tres objetivos específicos, a saber: conceptualizar la psicosis para el psicoanálisis; Discutir la formulación y especificidades de las psicosis ordinarias y emprender una lectura de la melancolía como una forma de estabilización en las psicosis ordinarias. Este último punto se lleva a cabo a través de una lectura de casos, para trabajar las especificidades del diagnóstico a partir de las externalidades millerianas.Este artigo pretende trabalhar sobre o diagnóstico das psicoses ordinárias que se apresentam de modos mais sutis e que demandam uma análise mais minuciosa para serem notadas, pois encontram modos de estabilização diante da falha no enodamento que permitem um ajustamento ao meio. Dentre os modos possíveis de estabilização, este artigo pretende deter-se na melancolia, tendo como objeto específico de investigação a peculiaridade das psicoses ordinárias melancólicas. Para isso, usufruiu-se da literatura especializada da psicanálise de orientação lacaniana, iniciando com Freud para alcançar Lacan e Miller. Nesse sentido, foram estabelecidos três objetivos específicos, sendo eles: conceituar a psicose para a psicanálise; discutir sobre a formulação e especificidades das psicoses ordinárias e empreender uma leitura da melancolia como modo de estabilização nas psicoses ordinárias. Este último ponto, é realizado através de uma leitura de caso, para trabalhar as especificidades do diagnóstico a partir das externalidades millerianas


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    A Rússia é o principal obstáculo às recentes atividades de diversificação da matriz energética europeia? No século XXI, a União Europeia utiliza estratégias para promover a diversificação das suas fontes de energia, objetivando maior segurança em seu aprovisionamento energético, um setor energético competitivo e sustentável, capaz de garantir estabilidade e abundância dos recursos energéticos à população europeia. Os hidrocarbonetos são as fontes de consumo energético mais utilizadas pelos europeus e a A Rússia é a principal fornecedora de petróleo, gás e carvão à Europa. Entretanto, cortes do fornecimento de gás a partir de 2006 envolvendo a Rússia e a Ucrânia prejudicaram o futuro da parceria energética russo-europeia frente aos seus defensores. Este artigo examina o impacto das decisões da União Europeia e como elas afetam os padrões de produção e consumo de energia no continente através de um estudo de caso sobre as suas relações com a Rússia em matéria de energia