437 research outputs found

    SIMBA: a web tool for managing bacterial genome assembly generated by Ion PGM sequencing technology

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    Background The evolution of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has considerably reduced the cost per sequenced-base, allowing a significant rise of sequencing projects, mainly in prokaryotes. However, the range of available NGS platforms requires different strategies and software to correctly assemble genomes. Different strategies are necessary to properly complete an assembly project, in addition to the installation or modification of various software. This requires users to have significant expertise in these software and command line scripting experience on Unix platforms, besides possessing the basic expertise on methodologies and techniques for genome assembly. These difficulties often delay the complete genome assembly projects. Results In order to overcome this, we developed SIMBA (SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies), a freely available web tool that integrates several component tools for assembling and finishing bacterial genomes. SIMBA provides a friendly and intuitive user interface so bioinformaticians, even with low computational expertise, can work under a centralized administrative control system of assemblies managed by the assembly center head. SIMBA guides the users to execute assembly process through simple and interactive pages. SIMBA workflow was divided in three modules: (i) projects: allows a general vision of genome sequencing projects, in addition to data quality analysis and data format conversions; (ii) assemblies: allows de novo assemblies with the software Mira, Minia, Newbler and SPAdes, also assembly quality validations using QUAST software; and (iii) curation: presents methods to finishing assemblies through tools for scaffolding contigs and close gaps. We also presented a case study that validated the efficacy of SIMBA to manage bacterial assemblies projects sequenced using Ion Torrent PGM. Conclusion Besides to be a web tool for genome assembly, SIMBA is a complete genome assemblies project management system, which can be useful for managing of several projects in laboratories. SIMBA source code is available to download and install in local webservers at http://ufmg-simba.sourceforge.net

    High accuracy monitoring of honey bee colony development by a quantitative method

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    Honey bees are key insect pollinators, providing important economic and ecological value for human beings and ecosystems. This has triggered the development of several monitoring methods for assessing the temporal development of colony size, food storage, brood and pathogens. Nonetheless, most of these methods are based on visual assessments that are observer-dependent and prone to bias. Furthermore, the impact on colony development (invasiveness), as well as accuracy, were rarely considered when implementing new methods. In this study, we present and test a novel accurate and observer-independent method for honey bee colony assessment, capable of being fully standardized. Honey bee colony size is quantified by assessing the weight of adult bees, while brood and provision are assessed by taking photos and conducting image analysis of the combs with the image analysis software DeepbeeVR . The invasiveness and accuracy of the method were investigated using field data from two experimental apiaries in Portugal, comparing results from test and control colonies. At the end of each field experiment, most of the tested colonies had the same colony size, brood levels and honey production as the control colonies. Nonetheless, continuous weight data indicated some disturbance in tested colonies in the first year of monitoring. The overall accuracy of the image analysis software was improved by training, indicating that it is possible to adapt the software to local conditions. We conclude that the use of this fully quantitative method offers a more accurate alternative to classic visual colony assessments, with negligible impact on colony development.This work was supported by European Food Safety Authority under grant OC/EFSA/SCER/2017/02; FCT provided financial support by national funds (FCT/MCTES) to CFE (UIDB/04004/2020) and CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020); NC was financed by FCT under PhD grant SFRH/BD/133352/2017; YLD by DCE (Danish Centre for Environment and Energy) under grant 21628-82105.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multifunctional Hybrid MoS2-PEGylated/Au Nanostructures with Potential Theranostic Applications in Biomedicine

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    In this work, flower-like molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) microspheres were produced with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to form MoS2-PEG. Likewise, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were added to form MoS2-PEG/Au to investigate its potential application as a theranostic nanomaterial. These nanomaterials were fully characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoelectron X-ray spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. The produced hierarchical MoS2-PEG/Au microstructures showed an average diameter of 400 nm containing distributed gold nanoparticles, with great cellular viability on tumoral and non-tumoral cells. This aspect makes them with multifunctional characteristics with potential application for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Through the complete morphological and physicochemical characterization, it was possible to observe that both MoS2-PEG and MoS2-PEG/Au showed good chemical stability and demonstrated noninterference in the pattern of the cell nucleus, as well. Thus, our results suggest the possible application of these hybrid nanomaterials can be immensely explored for theranostic proposals in biomedicine

    In Vivo Study of the Sorbicillinoid Gene Cluster in Trichoderma reesei

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    Sorbicillinoids are a diverse group of yellow secondary metabolites that are produced by a range of not closely related ascomycetes, including Penicillium chrysogenum, Acremonium chrysogenum, and Trichoderma reesei. They share a similarity to the name-giving compound sorbicillin, a hexaketide. Previously, a conserved gene cluster containing two polyketide synthases has been identified as the source of sorbicillin, and a model for the biosynthesis of sorbicillin in P. chrysogenum has been proposed. In this study, we deleted the major genes of interest of the cluster in T. reesei, namely sor1, sor3, and sor4. Sor1 is the homolog of P. chrysogenum SorA, which is the first polyketide synthase of the proposed biosynthesis pathway. Sor3 is a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent monooxygenase, and its homolog in P. chrysogenum, SorC, was shown to oxidize sorbicillin and 2′,3′-dihydrosorbicillin to sorbicillinol and 2′,3′-dihydrosorbicillinol, respectively, in vitro. Sor4 is an FAD/flavin mononucleotide-containing dehydrogenase with an unknown function. We measured the amounts of synthesized sorbicillinoids throughout growth and could verify the roles of Sor1 and Sor3 in vivo in T. reesei. In the absence of Sor4, two compounds annotated to dihydrosorbicillinol accumulate in the supernatant and only small amounts of sorbicillinol are synthesized. Therefore, we suggest extending the current biosynthesis model about Sor4 reducing 2′,3′-dihydrosorbicillin and 2′,3′-dihydrosorbicillinol to sorbicillinol and sorbicillinol, respectively. Sorbicillinol turned out to be the main chemical building block for most sorbicillinoids, including oxosorbicillinol, bisorbicillinol, and bisvertinolon. Further, we detected the sorbicillinol-dependent synthesis of 5-hydroxyvertinolide at early time points, which contradicts previous models for biosynthesis of 5-hydroxyvertinolide. Finally, we investigated whether sorbicillinoids from T. reesei have a growth limiting effect on the fungus itself or on plant pathogenic fungi or on pathogenic bacteria

    Desafíos políticos de los países de inmigración

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    13 págs.-- Publicado en "Confluencia XXI. Revista de Pensamiento Político" (México), nº 3 (Oct-Dic 2008) bajo el título monográfico "Migrantes: ¿Por qué se van? ¿Por qué se quedan?".Las migraciones, una práctica tan antigua como la propia condición humana, se han convertido en un factor estructural de primer orden, en uno de los macrofenómenos más definitorios de nuestra época y en un complejo reto para las sociedades contemporáneas. En prácticamente todos los países del mundo, todo lo que concierne a este complejo fenómeno ocupa un lugar destacado en la agenda política. La gestión, el control y la integración de los movimientos internacionales de personas se presentan como un policy field de creciente y prioritaria relevancia. No se trata, sin embargo, de una cuestión de mera moda: el número de países implicados de manera significativa en las migraciones internacionales ha aumentado considerablemente, hasta el punto de que resulta realmente difícil encontrar algún Estado que no sea bien un país de inmigración, bien un país de emigración o bien ambas cosas a la vez, cuando no al menos un país de tránsito. No ha de extrañar entonces que la mayoría de los gobiernos haya tomado conciencia de la necesidad de ofrecer una respuesta en términos legales e institucionales a un fenómeno de carácter permanente que puede llegar a alterar la estructura demográfica, social, cultural, económica y laboral de un país. Dada la complejidad de la cuestión, y por cuestiones de economía argumentativa, aquí se abordará de manera fundamental desde la perspectiva de los países receptores, que, por lo demás, es también la adoptada en forma habitual por los países europeos que registran mayor inmigración. Sin embargo, el fenómeno migratorio es fundamentalmente transnacional y tiene fehacientes repercusiones en los países de emigración.Peer reviewe

    Succinate causes pathological cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through GPR91 activation

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    Background\ud Succinate is an intermediate of the citric acid cycle as well as an extracellular circulating molecule, whose receptor, G protein-coupled receptor-91 (GPR91), was recently identified and characterized in several tissues, including heart. Because some pathological conditions such as ischemia increase succinate blood levels, we investigated the role of this metabolite during a heart ischemic event, using human and rodent models.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud We found that succinate causes cardiac hypertrophy in a GPR91 dependent manner. GPR91 activation triggers the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), the expression of calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IIδ (CaMKIIδ) and the translocation of histone deacetylase 5 (HDAC5) into the cytoplasm, which are hypertrophic-signaling events. Furthermore, we found that serum levels of succinate are increased in patients with cardiac hypertrophy associated with acute and chronic ischemic diseases.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud These results show for the first time that succinate plays an important role in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through GPR91 activation, and extend our understanding of how ischemia can induce hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.CAPESFAPEMIG (Pronex)INCT- Carbon NanotubesCNPqHHM