164 research outputs found

    Uma Nota sobre a Prova do Teorema de Dirichlet e Conjectura de Goldbach

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    This article presents a alternative and simple proof to the Dirichlet's Theorem and a proof for the Goldbach's Strong Conjecture, using the Complex Wave Model and its properties. The Complex Wave Model allows the definition of an α function based on a sines product. As a consequence of the properties of trigonometric functions, with emphasis to its periodicity and symmetry, some of the questions regarding the prime numbers distribution, k-tuples and prime numbers arithmetic progressions, including the Dirichlet's Theorem and Goldbach's Conjecture, can be solved.Cet article présente une démonstration alternative et simple au théorème de Dirichlet et une preuve de la forte conjecture de Goldbach, en utilisant le modèle d'onde complexe et ses propriétés. Le modèle d'onde complexe permet la définition d'une fonction α basée sur un produit sinusoïdal. En conséquence des propriétés des fonctions trigonométriques, en mettant l'accent sur sa périodicité et sa symétrie, certaines des questions concernant la distribution des nombres premiers, les k-Tuples et les progressions arithmétiques des nombres premiers, y compris le théorème de Dirichlet et la conjecture de Goldbach, peuvent être résolues

    Calibration of catadioptric vision systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Effect of wood aging on wine mineral composition and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio

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    The evolution of mineral composition and wine strontium isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr (Sr IR) during wood aging were investigated. A red wine was aged in stainless steel tanks with French oak staves (Quercus sessiliflora Salisb.), with three industrial scale replicates. Sampling was carried out after 30, 60, and 90 days of aging, and the wines were evaluated in terms of general analysis, phenolic composition, total polysaccharides, multielement composition, and Sr IR. Li, Be, Mg, Al, Sc, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Sb, Cs, Ba, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu, Tl, and Pb elements and 87Sr/86Sr were determined by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS) and Na, K, Ca, and Fe by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Two-way ANOVA was applied to assess wood aging and time effect on Sr IR and mineral composition. Wood aging resulted in significantly higher concentrations of Mg, V, Co, Ni, and Sr. At the end of the aging period, wine exhibited statistically identical Sr IR compared to control. Study suggests that wood aging does not affect 87Sr/86Sr, not precluding the use of this parameter for wine traceability purposesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anti-slip sole for a sock

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    International Patent: USD903293S1Anti-slip sole for a sock

    Adaptação do programa PAC-Pórticos ao EC2 e sua integração com o conceito BIM

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    Atualmente existe uma grande variedade de programas de cálculo automático de estruturas de betão armado disponíveis no mercado, pois estes, cada vez mais, são inerentes ao desenvolvimento de cada projeto de estruturas. O PAC-Pórticos foi um dos primeiros a chegar ao mercado nacional surgindo no início da década de noventa. Foi totalmente desenvolvido em Portugal, tendo tido bastante sucesso nas suas vendas a nível nacional. O PAC-Pórticos não está preparado para operar diretamente nos mais recentes sistemas operativos nem foi programado para dimensionar os diversos elementos de betão armado seguindo os termos das normas mais recentes (Eurocódigos). O tema do presente trabalho vai de encontro aos atuais problemas do programa, assim sendo, definiu-se como primeiro objetivo a adaptação do PAC-Pórticos à regulamentação europeia para o betão armado. Numa 1ª fase, para a adaptação do PAC-Pórticos aos novos códigos, foi necessário estudar o programa em si, perceber o seu funcionamento e posteriormente realizar uma comparação entre a legislação para qual o software está programado, o Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (ainda em vigor) e a Norma Europeia correspondente a EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocódigo 2). Seguidamente, procedeu-se ao estudo e adaptação de todas as sub-rotinas de cálculo do PAC-Pórticos para o dimensionamento de vigas e pilares, tendo finalmente sido testado o novo código e comprovados os resultados obtidos com o mesmo. Na realização do presente trabalho, não foi ignorada a importância crescente da metodologia BIM que, nos dias de hoje, tende a ser implementada nos programas de cálculo de engenharia civil. Neste âmbito, o segundo objetivo é o de conseguir visualizar uma solução obtida do PAC-Pórticos numa qualquer ferramenta tridimensional BIM. Para tal, foram ponderadas várias hipóteses, mas optou-se por criar dois plug-in para o programa AutoCAD da Autodesk. O primeiro destes plug-in contempla o desenho das vigas e o segundo para os pilares, ambos em 3D e elaborados de forma automática.Currently there is a wide variety of programs available in the market for automatic calculation of reinforced concrete structures, because they are increasingly associated with the development of any structural project. The PAC-Pórticos was one of the first to reach the national market, emerging at the early nineties. It was fully developed in Portugal, having been very successful in sales at national level. Nowadays the PAC-Pórticos is not prepared to operate directly on the last operating systems and was not programmed to scale the various elements of reinforced concrete following the latest codes (Eurocodes). The theme of this work meets the current program problems, therefore, was defined as first objective to adapt the PAC-Pórticos with European regulations for reinforced concrete. To start to adapt the PAC-Pórticos to the new codes, it was necessary to study the program itself, understand how it works and after that make a comparison between the regulation that the software are programmed that is Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-esforçado - REBAP (still used) and the European one (Eurocode 2). Then proceeded to the study and adaptation of all the routines and subroutines PAC-Pórticos calculation for the design of beams and columns then it was tested all the new code and verified the results obtained with it. In this work, it is not ignored the growing importance of BIM methodology that, these days, tend to be implemented in civil engineering calculation programs. In this context, the second objective involves in seeing a solution obtained from the PAC-Pórticos in any three-dimensional BIM tool. To do this, several hypotheses have been considered, but it was decided to create two plug-in for the program AutoCAD of Autodesk. The first one of these plug-in includes the design of beams and the second the columns, both to create 3D drawings automatically

    Study of the impact of social learning and gamification methodologies on learning results in higher education

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    In this work, as the last step of a longitudinal study of the impact of so- cial learning and gamification methodologies on learning results in higher education, we have recorded the activity in a software platform based on Moodle, especially built for encouraging online participation of the stu- dents to design, carry out and evaluate a set of learning tasks and games, during two consecutive editions of an undergraduate course. Our aim is to confirm the relationships of the patterns of accomplishment of the gam- ified activities and the network structure of the social graphs associated to the online forums with knowledge adquisition and final outcomes. For this purpose we have offered two learning paths, traditional and novel, to our students. We have identified course variables that quantitatively explain the improvements reported when using the innovative methodolo- gies integrated in the course design, and we have applied techniques from the social network analysis (SNA) and the machine learning/deep learn- ing (ML/DL) domains to conduct success/failure classification methods finding that, generally, very good results are obtained when an ensemble approach is used, that is, when we blend the predictions made by different classifiers. The proposed methodology can be used over reduced datasets and variable time windows for having early estimates that allow pedagog- ical interventions. Finally, we have applied other statistical tests to our datasets, that confirm the influence of learning path on learning results

    Concrete reinforced by brained fibre composite rods

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    This paper describes the work that is being done at the University of Minho concerning the development of braided rods for concrete reinforcement. A preliminary research study has been conducted to understand the mechanical behaviour of braided fabrics. The tensile properties of these samples have been evaluated and the results presented. In order to produce braided reinforced composite rods to use as a concrete reinforcement, a special technique has been developed using a standard vertical braiding machine. Special samples have been prepared and tested to evaluate the adherence between both materials involved. The tensile and bending properties of braided reinforced composite rods have been evaluated and the results obtained presented and discussed. Concrete beams reinforced by braided composite rods, have been prepared and tested. The results obtained are presented and compared with those obtained for conventional concrete beams reinforced by steel rods

    Braided fibre reinforced composite rods for concrete reinforcement

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    This paper describes the work that is being done at the University of Minho concerning the development of braided rods for concrete reinforcement. A preliminary research study has been conducted to understand the mechanical behaviour of braided fabrics. Various samples have been produced varying the type of fiber (glass, polyester and aramid), the type of braided fabric (simple, hybrid and core reinforced) and in the latter case, the number of core reinforcing yarns. The tensile properties of these samples have been evaluated and the results presented. The influence of each factor on the tensile properties of braided fabrics has also been analysed and discussed. In order to produce braided reinforced composite rods to use as a concrete reinforcement, a special technique has been developed using a standard vertical braiding machine. The braided reinforced composite materials have been produced in a ribbed structure to improve adhesion between them and the concrete. Special samples have been prepared and tested to evaluate the adherence between both materials involved. The tensile and bending properties of braided reinforced composite rods have been evaluated and the results obtained presented and discussed