1,674 research outputs found

    Productivity in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances

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    Using data on over 900 firms for the period 1988-2000, we estimate the effect on phase-specific biotech and pharmaceutical R&D success rates of a firm's overall experience, its experience in the relevant therapeutic category; the diversification of its experience, and alliances with large and small firms. We find that success probabilities vary substantially across therapeutic categories and are negatively correlated with mean sales by category, which is consistent with a model of dynamic, competitive entry. Returns to experience are statistically significant but economically small for the relatively straightforward phase 1 trials. We find evidence of large, positive, and diminishing returns to a firm's overall experience (across all therapeutic categories) for the larger and more complex late-stage trials that focus on a drug's efficacy. There is some evidence that a drug is more likely to complete phase 2 if developed by firms with considerable therapeutic category-specific experience and by firms whose experience is focused rather than broad (diseconomies of scope). Our results confirm that products developed in an alliance tend to have a higher probability of success, at least for the more complex phase 2 and phase 3 trials, and particularly if the licensee is a large firm.

    Corporate project management framework: a higher education approach

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    Project management is a growing area, proven to be successful in several industries. This success, led by the implementation of project management practices in a combined framework has been studied along time. However, despite the increase of its acceptance as a profession and the several research done on the topic, many industries still lack project management practices. This is the case of Universities, where risk management, quality management, leadership characteristics and stakeholder management are examples of critical knowledge areas found as essential to be integrated. This work consisted in responding to the need of integrating the mentioned practices, by developing a framework using as a basis the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. After the analysis of the several research done on the topic, the result consists in a framework that presents guidelines by the different process groups as well as the outputs for each step. A more complete description on the steps to be taken and an output is provided for the essential activities, namely the stakeholder register, project charter, risk management plan and performing a change request, as well as a schedule plan and cost plan document. This serves as a basis for any project managed and can be adapted to each University so that it can be implemented in the future

    Uma aboradagem lúdica do tema transversal cultura africana no ensino de matemática

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Ciências da Vida e da Natureza da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Especialista em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática. Orientador: Profa. Dra. Kelly Daiane Sossmeier.O universo pedagógico escolar deve ser construído de forma a assegurar não apenas a transmissão de conhecimentos aos alunos, mas a assimilação e contextualização destes conteúdos pelos mesmos, visando a construção, com bases sólidas, do conhecimento. Tratando-se do ensino de matemática, além do conhecimento evolutivo desta, o desafio é conseguir instrumentar o aluno sobre todas as bases fazendo-o perceber que estes conhecimentos estão presentes em quase todas as situações do seu dia a dia, seja de forma bastante direta ou seja indiretamente, vencendo a barreira pré-estabelecida de que esta é uma disciplina difícil ou desnecessária. A inserção de atividades lúdicas no ensino de matemática é uma ferramenta útil para vencer este desafio. No Brasil, a organização do conhecimento escolar é estabelecida através dos currículos e as práticas pedagógicas propostas pelos professores devem ser elaboradas de forma a abordar os conteúdos e temas constantes dos mesmos. Dentre os temas a serem tratados, alguns são determinados por leis. Este trabalho traz uma proposta metodológica que busca assegurar a implementação da Lei n° 11.645/08, que alterou a Lei n° 10.639/03 e incluiu, no currículo oficial da rede de ensino, a obrigatoriedade da temática “História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Indígena”. Apresenta-se uma proposta metodológica para uma abordagem lúdica do tema transversal: “Cultura Africana no Ensino de Matemática”, propondo-se a exploração pedagógica dos conceitos matemáticos presentes nos jogos africanos, voltada para alunos do Ensino Fundamental II. Os jogos africanos pesquisados e que se propõe explorar são: Mancala, Shisima e Yoté. O trabalho mostra que é possível trazer este tipo de atividade para a sala de aula, sendo que além de instrumentos para tratar as questões da transversalidade, como o tema Cultura Africana, e assegurar a implementação de leis que estabelecem as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, pode-se usar os jogos para abordar conteúdos específicos da disciplina de matemática.The scholastic pedagogical universe must be built to ensure not only the transmission of knowledge to students, but also for their assimilation and contextualization of these subjects, in order to build a solid foundation of knowledge. Regarding to the teaching of mathematics, in addition to its evolutionary knowledge, the challenge is to orchestrate the students on all bases making them realize that these skills are present in almost all situations of their everyday life, either in a direct or an indirect way, overcoming the this predetermined barrier that it is a difficult or unnecessary subject. The insertion of playful activities in mathematics teaching is a useful tool to surmount this challenge. In Brazil, the organization of school knowledge is established through the curriculum and teaching methods proposed by teachers and should be developed in a way to approach their constant contents and themes. Among the issues to be managed, some are determined by laws. This paper presents a methodological proposal that seeks to ensure the implementation of Law No. 11,645 / 08, which amended Law No. 10,639 / 03 and included in the official curriculum of the school system the theme "History and Afro-Brazilian Culture and Indigenous " to be mandatory. This paper presents a methodology for a playful approach to the cross-cutting theme: "African Culture in the Teaching of Mathematics." It is presented a playful way to approach African culture theme in math classes, proposing the pedagogical exploration of mathematical concepts featured in the African games, facing the Secondary School students. The researched African games intended to be explored are: Mancala, Shisima and Yoté. The study shows that it is possible to bring this type of activity to the classroom, and besides the instruments to address the issues of transversality and ensure the implementation of laws that establish the guidelines and bases of national education, it is possible to use the games to deal with specific content of mathematics discipline

    O cuidado confortador ao idoso crónico hospitalizado

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    Introducción y objetivos: La práctica de cuidados de enfermería geriátrica deben basarse en conocimientos científicos y justificar prácticas, contribuyendo al ejercicio del cuidado confortable. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las situaciones de atención de confort para los pacientes ancianos crónicos hospitalizados. Metodología: Hemos realizado un estudio etnográfico con un enfoque cualitativo. Llevamos a cabo entrevistas semi-estructuradas y observación participante de los pacientes con el fin de determinar los medios y medidas de confort. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 22 ancianos, en su mayoría mujeres, de edades comprendidas entre los 65 y los 90 años. Los medios y medidas de confort se centran en estrategias de promoción de la comodidad, llevadas a cabo por enfermeras y reconocido por los pacientes (información; disminución de estímulos ambientales externos; humor; sonrisa; contacto y otros) y, en particular, los momentos de confort ("cuidados de la tarde"; visita familiar; primer contacto y cuidados de higiene personal), que se reconocen como fundamentos del cuidado confortable. Conclusión: el cuidado Confortable se asume como un complejo proceso de ayuda, construido entre los ancianos y la enfermera, de manera que el estudio refuerza la idea de que existe una necesidad de investigación en diferentes contextos, con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento acerca de las mejores estrategias de confort.Introduction and aims: The practices of geriatric nursing care should be based on scientific knowledge and justified practices, contributing to the exercise of comfort care. This study aimed to identify the comfort care situations for hospitalised chronic elderly patients Methodology: We have carried out an ethnographic study with a qualitative approach. We conducted semi-structured interviews and participant observation to patients in order to identify ways and means of comfort. Results: The sample was composed of 22 elderly, mostly female, aged between 65 and 90 years old. The ways and means of comfort are focused on comfort promoting strategies, conducted by the nurse and recognized by the patients (information; decrease of external environmental stimulus; humour; smile; touch and others), and in particular comfort moments (“afternoon cares”; the family visit; the first contact and the personal hygienic care), that are recognized as foundations of comfort care. Conclusion: Comfort care assumes itself as a complex process of help, built between the elderly and the nurse, in a way that the study reinforces the idea that there is a need for research in different contexts, in order to increase knowledge about the best comfort strategies.Introdução e objectivos: As práticas de cuidados de enfermagem geriátricos, devem revestir-se de conhecimentos científicos e práticas fundamentadas, contribuindo para o exercício do cuidado confortador. Este estudo teve como objectivo identificar as situações de cuidados confortadores aos doentes idosos crónicos hospitalizados. Metodologia: Efectuámos um estudo etnográfico com uma abordagem qualitativa. Realizámos entrevistas semi-estruturadas aos doentes e observação participante de forma a identificar modos e formas de confortar. Resultados: A amostra ficou constituída por 22 idosos, a maioria do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre 65 e 90 anos. Os modos e formas de confortar centram-se em estratégias promotoras de conforto mobilizadas pelo enfermeiro e reconhecidas pelos doentes (a informação/esclarecimento; a diminuição de estímulos externos ambientais; o humor; o sorriso; o toque, entre outros), e em momentos particulares de conforto (“cuidados da tarde”; a visita da família; o contacto inaugural e os cuidados de higiene e arranjo pessoal), que se constituem como alicerçes do cuidar/cuidado confortador. Conclusão: O cuidado confortador assume-se como um processo complexo, de ajuda coconstruído entre o idoso e o enfermeiro, pelo que o estudo reforça a ideia de que há necessidade de investigações em diferentes contextos com vista a ampliar o conhecimento acerca das melhores estratégias de confortar.peerReviewe

    Efeito de um protocolo de exercícios baseado em realidade virtual sobre o equilíbrio postural e qualidade de vida de mulheres grávidas: ensaio clínico randomizado

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    Introduction - Pregnancy is a period of intense hormonal, physical and emotional changes that can result in altered postural balance (PB) and worsening of quality of life (QOL). Objective - The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the influence of an exercise protocol, based on virtual reality, on PB and QOL of pregnant women. Methodology - Randomized controlled clinical trial with a sample of 57 pregnant women divided into a control group (CG = 29) and an experimental group (EG = 28). Sociodemographic, clinical and obstetric information was collected, was evaluated the PB (Balance Master System®) and Wii Fit Plus® was used to train this body function. The evaluation of the quality of life was carried out through the Quality of Life Index of Ferrans and Powers. The CG participated in 12 meetings of the Preparatory Course for Gestation, Childbirth and Postpartum (PCGCP). The GE attended the PCGCP and, simultaneously, performed the training protocol, based on RV, which consisted in the execution of 5 games for postural balance, during 12 individual sessions, held three times a week. For statistical analysis were used Student's t-tests for independent samples, Mann-Whitney, Chi-square and repeated measures ANOVA (2x2). Results - The main result of this study was that there were no intra and intergroup differences for PB (P> 0.11) and QoL (P = 0.20), indicating maintenance of these variables with the progress of pregnancy and through the implementation of the two proposed interventions. Conclusion - The results suggest that health education interventions and training with Wii Fit Plus® prevent worsening of postural balance and quality of life, expected with the onset of the pregnancy period.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Introdução - A gravidez é um período de intensas modificações hormonais, físicas e emocionais que podem resultar em alteração do equilíbrio postural (EP) e piora da qualidade de vida (QV). Objetivo – O objetivo principal dessa tese foi investigar qual o efeito de um protocolo de exercícios, baseados em 12 sessões de realidade virtual, sobre o EP e QV de mulheres grávidas saudáveis. Metodologia – Estudo do tipo ensaio clínico controlado randomizado com amostra de 57 gestantes, divididas em grupo controle (GC=29) e grupo experimental (GE=28). Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas, clínicas e obstétrias, avaliado o EP (Balance Master System®) e utilizado o Wii Fit Plus® para treinamento desta função corporal. A avaliação da QV foi realizada por meio do Índice de Qualidade de Vida de Ferrans e Powers. O GC participou de 12 encontros do Curso Preparatório para Gestação, Parto e Pós-parto (CPGPP). O GE frequentou o CPGPP e, simultaneamente, realizou o protocolo de treinamento, baseado em RV, que consistiu na execução de 5 jogos para o equilíbrio postural, ao longo de 12 sessões individuais, realizadas três vezes por semana. Para análise estatística, foram aplicados os testes T de Student para amostras independentes, Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado e ANOVA de medidas repetidas (2x2). Resultados – O resultado principal desse estudo mostrou que não houve diferenças intra e intergrupos para o EP (P>0,11) e a QV (P=0,20), indicando manutenção dessas variáveis com o progredir da gravidez e mediante a execução das duas intervenções propostas. Conclusão – Os resultados sugerem que o treinamento com o Wii Fit Plus® não afeta o equilíbrio postural e a qualidade de vida de mulheres grávidas saudáveis

    Productivity in Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology R&D: the Role of Experience and Alliances

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    Using data on over 900 firms for the period 1988-2000, we estimate the effect on phase-specific biotech and pharmaceutical R&D success rates of a firm\u27s overall experience, its experience in the relevant therapeutic category, the diversification of its experience across categories, the industry\u27s experience in the category, and alliances with large and small firms. We find that success probabilities vary substantially across therapeutic categories and are negatively correlated with mean sales by category, which is consistent with a model of dynamic, competitive entry. Returns to experience are statistically significant but economically small for the relatively straightforward phase 1 trials. We find evidence of large, positive and diminishing returns to a firm\u27s overall experience (across all therapeutic categories) for the larger and more complex late-stage trials that focus on a drug\u27s efficacy. There is some evidence that a drug is more likely to complete phase 3 if developed by firms whose experience is focused rather than broad (diseconomies of scope). There is evidence of positive knowledge spillovers across firms for phase 1. However, for phase 2 and phase 3 the estimated effects of industry-wide experience are negative, which may reflect either higher Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval standards in crowded therapeutic categories or that firms in such categories must pursue more difficult targets. Products developed in an alliance tend to have a higher probability of success, at least for the more complex phase 2 and phase 3 trials, and particularly if the licensee is a large firm

    A responsabilidade civil decorrente da utilização de sistemas de IA no desporto

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    This study’s purpose is to discuss the use of artificial intelligence systems in sports and analyse how the current legal regime responds to the practice of illegal and culpable facts, originated by the use of these tools. We have no doubt that the introduction of these systems in sport contributes to a greater sporting truth, as these algorithms accurately detect compliance with the rules of the game. We cannot, however, forget that they will also be potentiators of facts that generate civil liability; O estudo que ora se dá tela tem como propósito trazer à colação a utilização de sistemas de inteligência artificial na prática desportiva e analisar a forma como o atual regime legal responde perante a prática de factos ilícitos e culposos, originados pelo emprego destas ferramentas. Não temos dúvidas que a introdução destes sistemas no desporto em tudo abona para um maior rigor desportivo, contudo, não podemos descurar que também serão potenciadores de factos geradores de responsabilidade civil

    Reading Literacy in EU Countries: Evidences from PIRLS

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    In this report we used data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011 in order to identify the school, class and individual student background factors that explain reading literacy achievement. We aim to identify the factors associated with achievement at different levels of analysis, both at the EU level and at the individual country level using a multilevel model. Additionally, we intend to establish trends in students reading achievement by comparing PIRLS 2006 and PIRLS 2011 cycles. For the data from 2011 we found that our aggregated model explains 37% of the variance in students’ achievement and that the variables with the highest impact on students´ overall reading score relate to home resources and practices, students´ attitudes toward reading and pre-reading knowledge. Moreover, the results of the country-level analysis indicate that the variables with the strongest influence on students’ reading performance are the same, despite of the wide variation across countries in terms of their magnitude due to the characteristics of each country. Furthermore, these findings are in line with the previous analysis performed for PIRLS 2006 (Araújo & Costa, 2012). Our results have important policy implications as they show which factors can be addressed by policy measures to improve students´ achievement.JRC.DDG.01-Econometrics and applied statistic

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Conjunctiva in a Patient With Previous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lower Lip

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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the conjunctiva is a rare malignancy that is part of the spectrum of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). Numerous non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors, such as male sex, age, cigarette smoking, and immunosuppression, have been identified. Any lesion of the conjunctiva requires a differential diagnosis between benign and malignant diseases, and all suspicious lesions should be biopsied. We present a case of SCC of the conjunctiva in a former smoker with multiple risk factors, including a previous SCC of the lower lip. Metastatic tumors rarely occur in the conjunctiva, but due to our patient's medical history, the exclusion of metastasis from the previous primary tumor was performed through whole-body imaging restaging. The patient underwent a no-touch wide resection, followed by adjuvant topical chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). After finishing treatment, the patient continues to attend regular ophthalmology and oncology appointments. Increasing population awareness of modifiable risk factors for OSSN is essential. Misdiagnosis can lead to a loss of time in treatment and progression of the disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio