1,269 research outputs found

    Perturbative Stability along the Supersymmetric Directions of the Landscape

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    We consider the perturbative stability of non-supersymmetric configurations in N=1 supergravity models with a spectator sector not involved in supersymmetry breaking. Motivated by the supergravity description of complex structure moduli in Large Volume Compactifications of type IIB-superstrings, we concentrate on models where the interactions are consistent with the supersymmetric truncation of the spectator fields, and we describe their couplings by a random ensemble of generic supergravity theories. We characterise the mass spectrum of the spectator fields in terms of the statistical parameters of the ensemble and the geometry of the scalar manifold. Our results show that the non-generic couplings between the spectator and the supersymmetry breaking sectors can stabilise all the tachyons which typically appear in the spectator sector before including the supersymmetry breaking effects, and we find large regions of the parameter space where the supersymmetric sector remains stable with probability close to one. We discuss these results about the stability of the supersymmetric sector in two physically relevant situations: non-supersymmetric Minkowski vacua, and slow-roll inflation driven by the supersymmetry breaking sector. For the class of models we consider, we have reproduced the regimes in which the KKLT and Large Volume Scenarios stabilise all supersymmetric moduli. We have also identified a new regime in which the supersymmetric sector is stabilised at a very robust type of dS minimum without invoking a large mass hierarchy.Comment: 44+11 pages, 10 figures, references added, minor corrections and clarifications, added comments by the refere

    The Role of Social and Institutional Contexts in Social Innovations of Spanish Academic Spinoffs

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    Social innovations developed by academic spinoffs (ASOs) are acquiring an ever-increasing relevance in the literature on academic entrepreneurship. Previous studies have considered the importance of the social and institutional contexts of entrepreneurial ecosystems for the development of these innovations, although a greater depth of analysis is required in this field of study. This research analyzes the influence of the frequency of contact with agents of social and institutional contexts of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on the social innovations of ASOs. From a sample of 173 Spanish ASOs, the results indicate that frequent contact with government and academic support units improves this type of innovation of ASOs. Regarding social context, an increase in the frequency of contact with customers, suppliers, and competitors favors the development of social innovation. However, frequent contact with venture capital firms inhibits the development of this type of innovation

    Historical evolution of the Abalario lagoon complexes (Doñana Natural Park, SW Spain)

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    This work aims to demostrate which factors have determined surface drainage and distribution of the present-day hygrophytic vegetation of Abalario, in Doñana Natural Park (Huelva). The area is difficult to interpret because its territorial framework is disfigured as a result of an intensive use of its natural resources having been superimposed in the normal territorial dynamics. The area occupied by lagoons has been reduced by more than 30 % in less than 40 years. This percentage is almost 90 % in the case of peat-bogs. Two large lagoons of which historical records exist have completely disappeared namely, Laguna de La Mediana (“the Median Lagoon”) and Laguna de Invierno (“the Winter Lagoon”). A subsidiary aim is to establish the usefulness of the methodology used, i.e. field work carried out in parallel with historical documentation using cartography and records of past land use. This combination of approaches provides a key to interpret actual surface hydrology and vegetation

    New class of de Sitter vacua in string theory compactifications

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    We revisit the stability of the complex structure moduli in the large volume regime of type-IIB flux compactifications. We argue that when the volume is not exponentially large, such as in K\"ahler uplifted dS vacua, the quantum corrections to the tree-level mass spectrum can induce tachyonic instabilities in this sector. We discuss a Random Matrix Theory model for the classical spectrum of the complex structure fields, and derive a new stability bound involving the compactification volume and the (very large) number of moduli. We also present a new class of vacua for this sector where the mass spectrum presents a finite gap, without invoking large supersymmetric masses. At these vacua the complex structure sector is protected from tachyonic instabilities even at non-exponential volumes. A distinguishing feature is that all fermions in this sector are lighter than the gravitino.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Hidrocefalia de presión normal idiopática. Volumetría de líquido cefalorraquídeo y su correlación con el test de infusión lumbar

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    [ES]La hidrocefalia de presión normal idiopática (HPNi) se caracteriza por la existencia de una dilatación ventricular activa no obstructiva, asociada a una triada de síntomas característica que comprende apraxia de la marcha, trastornos urinarios y deterioro cognitivo. No se conoce etiología, aunque se han implicado mecanismos relativos a la reabsorción y pulsatilidad del líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR), así como mecanismos de tipo isquémico. El diagnóstico es multimodal y se basa en las manifestaciones clínicas y el análisis de pruebas de neuroimagen, fundamentalmente la resonancia magnética cerebral. El tratamiento más aceptado es la derivación de LCR, siendo uno de los principales desafíos el identificar qué pacientes van a responder a dicha medida terapéutica. Para seleccionar candidatos a cirugía, se han empleado pruebas invasivas como la punción lumbar evacuadora, el drenaje lumbar externo, la monitorización de la presión intracraneal y el test de infusión lumbar con medición de la resistencia de salida del LCR (Rout). En este sentido, en los últimos años se ha prestado atención a la existencia de un compromiso de volumen en los espacios subaracnoideos de la convexidad cerebral alta y medial, asociado a una dilatación relativa de las cisuras silvianas. Este patrón morfológico, denominado ¿hidrocefalia con aumento desproporcionado del espacio subaracnoideo¿ y conocido como DESH, parece ser específico de la HPNi y asociarse a una respuesta positiva al tratamiento. Sin embargo no están claros los mecanismos por los que se produce esta desproporción, postulándose algún bloqueo suprasilviano en la circulación o en la reabsorción del LCR. Hasta el momento, no se ha demostrado dicha alteración, no existiendo actualmente publicaciones que relacionen el volumen de los compartimentos intracraneales contenedores de LCR con una resistencia elevada de salida del LCR o Rout. La hipótesis de trabajo primaria que se propone es que existe una correlación entre las proporciones de los espacios subaracnoideos intracraneales y el valor de la resistencia de salida del LCR obtenido mediante test de infusión lumbar. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 45 pacientes, todos ellos sometidos a estudio diagnóstico por sospecha de hidrocefalia de presión normal idiopática durante 6 años, entre el 1 de Enero de 2008 y el 31 de Diciembre de 2014, en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca. Para su inclusión en el estudio, se requirió cumplir, al menos, criterios de ¿HPNi posible¿ según las Guías Americanas y haber sido sometidos a estudio RM cerebral y pruebas de dinámica de LCR (test de infusión lumbar a volumen constante).Sobre los estudios de RM cerebral se efectuó, mediante aplicaciones informáticas una segmentación de determinados compartimentos intracraneales, obteniendo el volumen de cada uno de ellos de cara a correlaciones subsiguientes con el valor de Rout obtenido en cada paciente mediante el test de infusión lumbar. Adicionalmente se valoró la correlación de tales medidas volumétricas y variables radiológicas relacionadas con la hidrocefalia de presión normal (valor del ángulo calloso, tamaño de las astas temporales de los ventrículos laterales, vacío de señal en el acueducto de Silvio y signo del surco cingular). Por último, se examinó la relación de las medidas volumétricas con los resultados de la intervención quirúrgica mediante derivación ventrículo-peritoneal de LCR y se analizó la utilidad de incorporar dichas medidas al proceso diagnóstico de esta patología. Como resultado del estudio se concluye que: existe correlación estadísticamente significativa entre el valor de Rout y determinados valores volumétricos: un menor volumen del espacio subaracnoideo alto y medial se asocia a mayor valor de Rout, al igual que un aumento relativo del volumen de las cisuras de Silvio respecto a la talla ventricular y respecto al espacio subaracnoideo de convexidad alta y medial. Existe correlación significativa entre el valor del ángulo calloso y determinadas variables volumétricas: un menor volumen del espacio subaracnoideo alto y medial se asocia a un ángulo calloso más agudo, al igual que un aumento del volumen de las cisuras de Silvio neto y relativo a la talla ventricular y al espacio subaracnoideo de convexidad alta y medial. La presencia del surco cingular se correlacionó volumétricamente de forma similar al ángulo calloso. La anchura de las astas temporales únicamente se correlacionó con el volumen ventricular. No se detectó relación entre la presencia del signo del vacío acueductal y ninguna de las variables volumétricas examinadas. No se ha podido comprobar una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la respuesta a la derivación y las variables volumétricas examinadas. El cociente entre el volumen de las cisuras de Silvio y el espacio subaracnoideo presenta un elevado rendimiento diagnóstico, más del 88%, respecto al resultado del test de infusión lumbar. Para un punto de corte superior a 2,08, dicho cociente permite asumir un resultado positivo del test de infusión lumbar con una especificidad próxima al 100% y reclutar directamente al paciente para cirugía, según el nuevo protocolo propuesto

    Use of polar coordinates for improving the measurement of resistant cross-sections of existing timber elements combining laser scanner and drilling resistance tests

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    Historic timber structures typically have elements with irregular cross-sections often with decayed segments, making of extreme importance to have proper methods to obtain the resistant cross-section. Knowing as accurately as possible the measurements of the resistant section of these beams is fundamental for the structural safety analysis. Small changes on the size and geometry of the resistant cross-section may be fundamental in an intervention decision process. In this work an algorithm was created that allows to obtain the geometry of the resistant section of existing timber beams by use of data obtained by laser scanning of the external apparent sections combined with drilling resistance tests. The algorithm is based on polar coordinates and proved to obtain more reliable resistant cross-sections than those obtained solely by common practice using drilling resistant tests. The developed algorithm was calibrated with a laboratory beam and subsequently applied and validated in a case study.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the LASTING project (grant RTI2018-095893-B-C21) and SIRMA project, which is co-financed by the INTERREG Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with application code: EAPA_826/2018. Also, acknowl- edge to the University of Minho for the stay made by Manuel Cabaleiro (35563149C) in the academic year 2020-2021. This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R & D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) , under reference UIDB/04029/2020. Funding for open access charge: Universidade de Vigo/CISUG

    Post-Little Ice Age warming and desiccation of the continental wetlands of the aeolian sheet in the Huelva region (SW Spain)

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    During the last few decades, studies have been performed and evidence has been found concerning the importance of the climatic period known as the "Little Ice Age" (mid 15th century through late 19th century). However, most of the studies have been focused to more northern latitudes and, therefore, scarce studies have still been made on the Mediterranean latitudes. In this paper, an analysis is made of the effects of the post-Little Ice Age warming and on its consequences upon the continental aquatic ecosystems of the Doñana coastal area and its surroundings. The results of such analysis evidence that the end of this period -climatically more benign in our latitudes- implied the start of an irreversible regression and disappearance of a large part of the most typical wetlands in the SW of the Iberian Peninsula. The significant impact of the human exploitation of natural resources in the area has masked the effect of this recent climatic change. Furthermore, when compared with those from other latitudes, the results of this analysis evidence the global or supraregional features of the impact caused by the post-Little Ice Age warming. Additionally, these results are useful for indicating which will be the future changing trends in the wetlands under study as a result of global warming.En las últimas décadas se ha estudiado y puesto en evidencia la importancia del período climático conocido como Pequeña Edad del Hielo (mediados S. XV hasta finales del S. XIX). Sin embargo la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en latitudes más septentrionales, por lo que todavía son escasas las investigaciones sobre latitudes mediterráneas. Este trabajo analiza los efectos del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo (post-Little Ice Age warming), y las consecuencias que tuvo sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales del litoral de Doñana y su entorno. Los resultados de este trabajo desvelan que la finalización de este período -climáticamente más benigno en nuestras latitudes- supuso el inicio de la regresión y desaparición de forma irreversible de gran parte de los humedales más singulares del SW de la Península Ibérica. El gran impacto que tuvo la explotación de los recursos naturales de la zona por parte del hombre, ha ocultado el efecto de este cambio climático reciente. Asimismo los resultados de este análisis, al compararlos con otras latitudes, ponen en evidencia el carácter global o supraregional del impacto del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo. Además estos resultados sirven para indicar cuales serán las tendencias futuras de cambios, en estos humedales, como consecuencia del Calentamiento Global

    A produção acadêmica na área de educação em saúde: uma revisão em periódicos Qualis A1

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    This work is a State-of-the-Art research, which aimed to analyze the academic production about Health Teaching in Science Education journals with higher rating in Sucupira platform during the last decade (2010-2019). It was found two journals in the Qualis A1 layer, in which were it was made a search for articles in the Health Education subject. Within the stablished criteria, it was found and analyzed 29 articles. Through analyzes it was verified the most common research methodology as case study, confirming the growth of this methodology in educational research. The predominant themes in the researches were “didactic” and “qualification for professionals who work with Health Education”, showing up a concern about the future professionals’ qualification and alternatives for health teaching. The targetaudience found in the papers were mainly students, teachers and professors from different education levels, pointing out the researches’ focus in the formal education. The biggest part of the authors (80%) are graduate in Health Sciences and Biological Sciences area, linked to research or higher education institutions, however, none of them declared to be linked to basic education institutions or high schools. Most of the researches were developed in Brazil’s Southeastern region and are linked to this region’s research and teaching institutions. Meanwhile, Brazil’s Northern region had no papers related, despite of the more urgent needs in health care and education. From the higher education institutes related in the articles, 91% are public institutions, highlighting the importance of these institutions in Brazilian research. The data related to the publications’ years do not reveal any growing tendencies in the amount of publications. This research emphasizes that Health Education is an area full of work possibilities and with many demands to be dealt with, besides being an important tool for social transformation. It is expected to create a more complete view of the Health Education situation in Brazil from the expansion of the research corpus in future stages of the research.Este trabalho consiste em uma pesquisa de Estado da Arte, originada a partir de um trabalho de iniciação à pesquisa científica, que teve como objetivo analisar a produção acadêmica em Ensino em Saúde nos periódicos de Educação em Ciências de maior classificação na plataforma Sucupira no decênio 2010-2019. Foram encontrados dois periódicos no estrato Qualis A1, em cujos bancos de dados foram realizadas buscas por artigos com a temática de Educação em Saúde. Dentro dos critérios estabelecidos, foram encontrados e analisados 29 artigos. Através das análises foi verificado que a metodologia de pesquisa predominante foi o estudo de caso, ratificando o crescimento desse tipo de pesquisa na área de educação . Os temas predominantes foram “didática” e “formação de profissionais que trabalham com Educação em Saúde”, denotando uma preocupação com a formação dos futuros profissionais da área e com alternativas para o ensino em saúde. Os público-alvos predominantes nas pesquisas foram estudantes e professores de diferentes níveis de educação, pontuando o foco das pesquisas na esfera da educação formal. Os autores dos artigos analisados eram em sua maioria da área da Saúde e de Ciências Biológicas (80%), vinculados a IES ou instituições de pesquisa, contudo, nenhum autor apresentou vínculo com escolas do nível básico. A maior parte dos artigos foram desenvolvidos na região Sudeste e estão vinculados a IES dessa região, enquanto a região Norte não possui nenhum artigo encontrado, apesar da grande carência no atendimento em saúde. Das IES relacionadas aos artigos, 91% são instituições públicas, ressaltando a importância dessas instituições na pesquisa brasileira. Já os dados sobre os anos de publicação não revelam uma tendência de crescimento no número de publicações. O estudo ratifica a ideia de que a Educação em Saúde é uma área repleta de possibilidades para trabalho e com muitas demandas a serem tratadas, além de ser uma grande ferramenta de transformação social. Espera-se criar um panorama mais completo da situação do tema Educação em Saúde a partir da ampliação do corpus da pesquisa em etapas futuras de pesquisa

    Perfil microbiológico e parasitológico da Brassica Oleracea L. produzida em sistema convencional no Sertão Paraibano.

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    As hortaliças têm sido um dos alimentos mais relacionados a surtos de toxinfecção alimentar em nível mundial, especialmente por serem responsáveis por veicular microrganismos patogênicos de significância na saúde pública. Assim sendo, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil microbiológico e parasitológico em couve dos municípios de Patos e Teixeira no Sertão Paraibano. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas e parasitológicas em 30 amostras de couve (Bassica oleracea L.), sendo 15 amostras coletadas em diferentes propriedades rurais do munícipio de Patos e 15 no município de Teixeira, de acordo com Resolução - RDC n°12 de 02 Janeiro de 2001 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Desse total, constatou-se que 77% (10) das amostras coletadas no município de Patos estavam em níveis satisfatórios, enquanto que no município de Teixeira 3 (20%) amostras de produtores diferentes estavam contaminadas com valores altos para Coliformes Totais e Coliformes Termotolerantes. Não foi detectada a presença de Salmonella spp. no entanto, foi encontrada a presença de Escherichia coli em uma das amostras do produtor 1 da cidade de Patos. As amostras de ambos os municípios, apresentaram formas imaturas de nematódeos e protozoários e constatou-se que as amostras de couve estavam contaminadas por estruturas de parasitos de cães como o Toxocara spp. e Ancylostoma spp. e protozoários como Giardia e Toxoplasma. É necessário estudos mais aprofundados rastreando todo o sistema de produção, consistindo em analisar a qualidade da água utilizada para irrigação, quantidade de insumos (matéria orgânica), higiene e orientação dos manipuladores.Vegetables have been one of the foods most related to outbreaks of food poisoning worldwide, especially because they are responsible for transporting pathogenic microorganisms of public health significance. Therefore, this work had the objective of evaluating the microbiological and parasitological profile in cabbage of the municipalities of Patos and Teixeira in the Sertão of Paraíba. Microbiological and parasitological analyzes were carried out on 30 cabbage (Bassica oleracea L.) samples, of which 15 samples were collected in different rural properties of the municipality of Patos and 15 in the municipality of Teixeira, according to Resolution - RDC No. 12 of 02 January 2001 of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance – (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) ANVISA. Of this total, 77% (10) of the samples collected in Patos were at satisfactory levels, while in the city of Teixeira 3 (20%) samples from different producers were contaminated with high values for Total Coliform and Thermotolerant Coliforms. No evidence of Salmonella spp. however, the presence of Escherichia coli in one of the samples of producer 1 of the city of Patos was found. Samples from both municipalities showed immature forms of nematodes and protozoa and it was found that the cabbage samples were contaminated by structures of parasites of dogs such as Toxocara spp. and Ancylostoma spp. and protozoa such as Giardia and Toxoplasma. Further studies are needed to track the entire production system, consisting of analyzing the quality of the water used for irrigation, the amount of inputs (organic matter), hygiene and the orientation of the manipulators.Cape