3,191 research outputs found

    Intrarow Plant Spacing and Family by Environment Interaction Effects on Sugarcane Cross Evaluation.

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    Progeny testing is practiced to select the best crosses (families) prior to individual plant selection and to guide decisions relative to hybridizing and seedling planting in many crops including sugarcane (Saccharum sp. hyb.). Research to optimize the progeny testing methodology examined its effectiveness relative to family, within family, environment, replication, and intrarow plant spacing. Variance-component analysis indicated that family by environment (locations, years) interaction was a minor inhibitor of selection effectiveness. Within-family variance was the largest source of variation for the five traits considered. For stalk weight, stalk length, and stalk diameter, a small majority of this variance was due to genetic within-family plant-to-plant variation. Partitioning genetic from environmental plant-to-plant variation for plant weight and stalks per plant was not possible. Family by spacing interaction was not important. Genetic correlations of family means of the same trait at different spacings essentially equaled unity. Response to selection estimates indicated family selection among wider spaced families (82 cm between plants) was up to 31% more effective than family selection using narrow plant spacing (41 cm between plants). Since family by environment variances were minor compared to other sources of variation, effectiveness of testing was mostly a function of plant number and spacing. Replication across environments only marginally improved selection effectiveness. Predicted family gain demonstrated a 20 to 31% increase in selection effectiveness by using wider plant spacing. Repeatability values were higher in wide than in narrow spaced families. Stalk number was the least repeatable trait. Genetic mechanisms acting upon plant weight and its components were similar in each of the three environments. Phenotypic and genotypic path analyses direct effect coefficients were all positive and similar in magnitude indicating that selection for any plant weight component would result in an increase in plant weight. The relative efficiency of selection indices was higher when all plant weight contributing traits were included along with plant weight. Results from this study strongly suggest that family selection for plant weight and its components using widely spaced plants would be more accurate than selection using narrowly spaced plants

    Success factors of CRM project management: a literature review

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    Há vários fatores que influenciam o sucesso da gestão de projetos de sistemas de Gestão do Relacionamento com o Cliente (CRM). Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura dos últimos quinze anos, identificando e discutindo os principais fatores de sucesso da gestão de projetos CRM. Os fatores de sucesso identificados foram estruturados em quatro dimensões: fatores estratégicos; fatores operacionais; fatores organizacionais; fatores tecnológicos. Os resultados obtidos permitem uma melhor compreensão dos fatores de sucesso relativos à implementação de projetos CRM e constituem uma base teórica para trabalhos futuros focados na avaliação deste tipo de projetos.There are many factors that influence the success of the management of Customer Relationship Management systems projects (CRM). This article presents a systematic review of the literature of the past fifteen years, identifying and discussing the key success factors in CRM project management. The identified success factors were structured into four categories: strategic factors; operating factors; organizational factors; technological factors. The obtained results allow a better understanding of the success factors for the implementation of CRM projects and provide a theoretical basis for further work focused on the evaluation of such projects.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    SMS-I: Intelligent Security for Cyber–Physical Systems

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    Critical infrastructures are an attractive target for attackers, mainly due to the catastrophic impact of these attacks on society. In addition, the cyber–physical nature of these infrastructures makes them more vulnerable to cyber–physical threats and makes the detection, investigation, and remediation of security attacks more difficult. Therefore, improving cyber–physical correlations, forensics investigations, and Incident response tasks is of paramount importance. This work describes the SMS-I tool that allows the improvement of these security aspects in critical infrastructures. Data from heterogeneous systems, over different time frames, are received and correlated. Both physical and logical security are unified and additional security details are analysed to find attack evidence. Different Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodologies are used to process and analyse the multi-dimensional data exploring the temporal correlation between cyber and physical Alerts and going beyond traditional techniques to detect unusual Events, and then find evidence of attacks. SMS-I’s Intelligent Dashboard supports decision makers in a deep analysis of how the breaches and the assets were explored and compromised. It assists and facilitates the security analysts using graphical dashboards and Alert classification suggestions. Therefore, they can more easily identify anomalous situations that can be related to possible Incident occurrences. Users can also explore information, with different levels of detail, including logical information and technical specifications. SMS-I also integrates with a scalable and open Security Incident Response Platform (TheHive) that enables the sharing of information about security Incidents and helps different organizations better understand threats and proactively defend their systems and networks.This research was funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement No 832969. This output reflects the views only of the author(s), and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. For more information on the project see: http://satie-h2020.eu/.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Breve história das tintas antivegetativas

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    Neste trabalho, os autores apresentam uma panorâmica geral sobre as tintas antivegetativas. Após a conveniente localização destas tintas no esquema de protecção anticorrosiva das obras vivas dos navios e/ ou outras estruturas móveis, fazem uma síntese dos principais tipos de produtos antivegetativos usados ao longo dos tempos, até aos nossos dias. Complementarmente, sistematizam as principais tipologias dos organismos vivos que se fixam nas obras vivas das embarcações e referem alguns tipos de fauna e flora predominantes em duas regiões da Ibero-América. Abordam também, ainda que sumariamente, os principais mecanismos básicos de funcionamento dos diferentes tipos de tintas antivegetativas. Finalmente, referem algumas das principais linhas de investigação actualmente em curso, no domínio da luta contra a fixação dos organismos marinhos nos cascos dos navio

    O jogo do beto no distrito de Guarda : estudo na freguesia de Maçainhas

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    Dissertação de licenciatura apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbr

    Espaço Alto Douro Vinhateiro : um modelo de gestão

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    Trabalho final do Diploma de Especialização em Gestão Pública - Porto 2009/2010Espaço Alto Douro Vinhateiro – um modelo de gestão. Porquê ? A constatação de um sentimento – por mais que se invista não se conseguiu atingir o “bem-estar” necessário. A população “autóctone” continua a demonstrar insatisfação. Terá o Estado falhado a sua função de impulsionar o desenvolvimento na região? A memória regista, desde 1974, uma preocupação constante pela remoção das vulnerabilidades do Alto Douro, definindo um conjunto de programas de desenvolvimento dos quais o PDRITM terá sido “pioneiro”. F. Gusmão – 1985:178 – afirmou “o projecto [PDRITM] não é o projecto definitivo de Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro; ele é o primeiro passo dum projecto […] a seguir a esta primeira fase, haverá outra fase e outra ainda, tudo dependendo da maneira como nós formos capazes de revelar eficácia no gastar dos meios que agora temos”. Não restam dúvidas quanto à intenção do Estado só que o desenvolvimento não consiste apenas no aumento do produto. Então onde falhou o Estado ? A diversidade de organismos públicos e instituições públicas e privadas que operam no Alto Douro Vinhateiro não indiciam ausência, antes pelo contrário. A proposta de inscrição na lista da UNESCO como património mundial resulta do valor que o Estado reconhece ao Vale. Entendemos por isso que o objecto deste trabalho deveria abordar o “modelo de gestão” que melhor se adequasse à procura do melhor estar e removesse esse sentimento de insatisfação, que quase se assemelha a uma doença endémica da população do Douro. “Development is a measure of Human freedom” (Amartya Sen) Sem dúvida que a população do Douro ao manifestar toda esta insatisfação está a expressar preocupação com questões como a racionalidade, a eficiência e a capacidade de intervenção do Estado. Metodologicamente o trabalho foi orientado para uma pesquisa sobre a génese da região demarcada, a presença do Estado na região e uma proposta de gestão fundada nos princípios da “good governance”

    O n.º 5 do artigo 855.º do Código de Processo Civil - o controlo jurisdicional provocado

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    A nova reforma de 2013 implementou três formas de processo – a execução de sentença judicial condenatória; a ordinária e a sumária, pretendendo desse modo, simplificar, tornar célere e eficaz, o poder executório do Estado. Por incumbência legal, regra geral essa tarefa cabe ao agente de execução, que apesar de ser um profissional liberal, exerce a sua atividade como um particular no exercício das funções públicas de auxiliar da justiça. Os poderes públicos transferidos para os particulares no âmbito das ações executivas, desde sempre suscitaram questões que envolvem a imparcialidade e a segurança contra abusos ou o desproporcional sacrifício dos direitos do executado perante o direito dos exequentes, assumindo a forma processual sumária um especial relevo. Não podendo todos os bens ser, no imediato, alvo da penhora que precede a citação, em sede de despacho liminar suscitado pelo agente de execução, compete ao Juiz uma apreciação liminar, quando se pretende penhorar determinados bens, sendo essa a temática que nos propomos a evidenciar e analisar, com espírito critico.Our legislator, when introducing new ways to execute judicial decisions, implemented three forms of process - the execution of a judicial sentence; the ordinary and the summary, to simplify and speed up, the executing of judicial orders, with specific agents, as a private person in the exercise of the public functions as justice assistance. The public powers transferred to these private individuals, have always raised questions involving impartiality and security against abuse or the disproportionate sacrifice of the debtor rights when compared the rights of the creditor, so the summary process takes on special importance to which attachment, by the inborn effects before the Judge analyzing, but the legislator foresaw specific cases, to prevent those effects, which we propose to show and analyze, with a critical spirit

    Gait Kinematics Analysis of Flatfoot Adults

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    Background: Foot postural alignment has been associated with altered gait pattern. This study aims to investigate gait kinematic differences in flatfoot subjects’ regarding all lower limb segments compared to neutral foot subjects. Methods: A total of 31 participants were recruited (age: 23.26 yo 4.43; height: 1.70 m 0.98; weight: 75.14 kg 14.94). A total of 15 subjects were integrated into the flatfoot group, and the remaining 16 were placed in the neutral foot group. All of the particpants were screened using the Navicular Drop Test and Resting Calcaneal Stance Position test to characterize each group, and results were submitted to gait analysis using a MOCAP system. Results: Significant kinematic differences between groups were found for the ankle joint dorsiflexion, abduction, and internal and external rotation (p < 0.05). Additionally, significant differences were found for the knee flexion, extension, abduction, and external rotation peak values (p < 0.001). Significant differences were also found for the hip flexion, extension, external rotation, pelvis rotation values (p < 0.02). Several amplitude differences were found concerning ankle abduction/adduction, knee flexion/extension and abduction/adduction, hip flexion/extension and rotation, and pelvis rotation (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Flatfooted subjects showed kinematic changes in their gait patterns. The impact on this condition on locomotion biomechanical aspects is clinically essential, and 3D gait biomechanical analysis use could be advantageous in the early detection of health impairments related to foot posture