6 research outputs found

    A mass spectrometry approach for the identification and localization of small aldehyde modifications of proteins

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    Lipids containing polyunsaturated fatty acids are primary targets of oxidation, which produces reactive short-chain aldehydes that can covalently modify proteins, a process called lipoxidation. Improved mass spectrometry (MS) methods for the analysis of these adducts in complex biological systems are needed. Lysozyme and human serum albumin (HSA) were used as model proteins to investigate lipoxidation products formed by two short-chain aldehydes, acrolein and pentanal, which are unsaturated and saturated aldehydes respectively. The adducts formed were stabilized by NaBH4 or NaBH3CN reduction and analysed by MS. Analysis of intact modified lysozyme showed a pentanal modification resulting from Schiff's base formation (+70 Da), and up to 8 acrolein adducts, all resulting from Michael addition (+58 Da). Analysis of tryptic digests identified specific histidine, cysteine and lysine residues modified in both lysozyme and HSA, and determined characteristic amino acid-specific fragmentations. Eight different internal fragment ions were found that could be used as general diagnostic ions for pentanal- and acrolein-modified amino acids. The combined use of intact protein analysis and LC-MS/MS methods provided a powerful tool for the identification and localization of aldehyde-protein adduct, and the diagnostic ions will facilitate the development of targeted MS methods for analysis of adducts in more complex samples

    BioPAN: a web-based tool to explore mammalian lipidome metabolic pathways on LIPID MAPS.

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    Lipidomics increasingly describes the quantification using mass spectrometry of all lipids present in a biological sample.  As the power of lipidomics protocols increase, thousands of lipid molecular species from multiple categories can now be profiled in a single experiment.  Observed changes due to biological differences often encompass large numbers of structurally-related lipids, with these being regulated by enzymes from well-known metabolic pathways.  As lipidomics datasets increase in complexity, the interpretation of their results becomes more challenging.  BioPAN addresses this by enabling the researcher to visualise quantitative lipidomics data in the context of known biosynthetic pathways.  BioPAN provides a list of genes, which could be involved in the activation or suppression of enzymes catalysing lipid metabolism in mammalian tissues

    Evaluation of air oxidized PAPC: A multi laboratory study by LC-MS/MS

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    Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) has been shown to play a crucial role in the onset and development of cardiovascular disorders. The study of oxLDL, as an initiator of inflammatory cascades, led to the discovery of a variety of oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) responsible for pro-inflammatory actions. Oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PAPC) is frequently used by the scientific community as a representative oxPL mixture to study the biological effects of oxidized lipids, due to the high abundance of PAPC in human tissues and the biological activities of oxidized arachidonic acids derivatives. Most studies focusing on oxPAPC effects rely on in-house prepared mixtures of oxidized species obtained by exposing PAPC to air oxidation. Here, we described a multi-laboratory evaluation of the compounds in oxPAPC by LC-MS/MS, focusing on the identification and relative quantification of the lipid peroxidation products (LPPs) formed. PAPC was air-oxidized in four laboratories using the same protocol for 0, 48, and 72 h. It was possible to identify 55 different LPPs with unique elemental composition and characterize different structural isomeric species within these. The study showed good intra-sample reproducibility and similar qualitative patterns of oxidation, as the most abundant LPPs were essentially the same between the four laboratories. However, there were substantial differences in the extent of oxidation, i.e. the amount of LPPs relative to unmodified PAPC, at specific time points. This shows the importance of characterizing air-oxidized PAPC preparations before using them for testing biological effects of oxidized lipids, and may explain some variability of effects reported in the literature

    European contribution to the study of ROS:a summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)

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    Abstract The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) provides an ideal framework to establish multi-disciplinary research networks. COST Action BM1203 (EU-ROS) represents a consortium of researchers from different disciplines who are dedicated to providing new insights and tools for better understanding redox biology and medicine and, in the long run, to finding new therapeutic strategies to target dysregulated redox processes in various diseases. This report highlights the major achievements of EU-ROS as well as research updates and new perspectives arising from its members. The EU-ROS consortium comprised more than 140 active members who worked together for four years on the topics briefly described below. The formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) is an established hallmark of our aerobic environment and metabolism but RONS also act as messengers via redox regulation of essential cellular processes. The fact that many diseases have been found to be associated with oxidative stress established the theory of oxidative stress as a trigger of diseases that can be corrected by antioxidant therapy. However, while experimental studies support this thesis, clinical studies still generate controversial results, due to complex pathophysiology of oxidative stress in humans. For future improvement of antioxidant therapy and better understanding of redox-associated disease progression detailed knowledge on the sources and targets of RONS formation and discrimination of their detrimental or beneficial roles is required. In order to advance this important area of biology and medicine, highly synergistic approaches combining a variety of diverse and contrasting disciplines are needed

    European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)

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    The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) provides an ideal framework to establish multi-disciplinary research networks. COST Action BM1203 (EU-ROS) represents a consortium of researchers from different disciplines who are dedicated to providing new insights and tools for better understanding redox biology and medicine and, in the long run, to finding new therapeutic strategies to target dysregulated redox processes in various diseases. This report highlights the major achievements of EU-ROS as well as research updates and new perspectives arising from its members. The EU-ROS consortium comprised more than 140 active members who worked together for four years on the topics briefly described below. The formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) is an established hallmark of our aerobic environment and metabolism but RONS also act as messengers via redox regulation of essential cellular processes. The fact that many diseases have been found to be associated with oxidative stress established the theory of oxidative stress as a trigger of diseases that can be corrected by antioxidant therapy. However, while experimental studies support this thesis, clinical studies still generate controversial results, due to complex pathophysiology of oxidative stress in humans. For future improvement of antioxidant therapy and better understanding of redox-associated disease progression detailed knowledge on the sources and targets of RONS formation and discrimination of their detrimental or beneficial roles is required. In order to advance this important area of biology and medicine, highly synergistic approaches combining a variety of diverse and contrasting disciplines are needed

    European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)

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    The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) provides an ideal framework to establish multi-disciplinary research networks. COST Action BM1203 (EU-ROS) represents a consortium of researchers from different disciplines who are dedicated to providing new insights and tools for better understanding redox biology and medicine and, in the long run, to finding new therapeutic strategies to target dysregulated redox processes in various diseases. This report highlights the major achievements of EU-ROS as well as research updates and new perspectives arising from its members. The EU-ROS consortium comprised more than 140 active members who worked together for four years on the topics briefly described below. The formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) is an established hallmark of our aerobic environment and metabolism but RONS also act as messengers via redox regulation of essential cellular processes. The fact that many diseases have been found to be associated with oxidative stress established the theory of oxidative stress as a trigger of diseases that can be corrected by antioxidant therapy. However, while experimental studies support this thesis, clinical studies still generate controversial results, due to complex pathophysiology of oxidative stress in humans. For future improvement of antioxidant therapy and better understanding of redox-associated disease progression detailed knowledge on the sources and targets of RONS formation and discrimination of their detrimental or beneficial roles is required. In order to advance this important area of biology and medicine, highly synergistic approaches combining a variety of diverse and contrasting disciplines are needed