81 research outputs found

    Införa laddningsinfrastruktur för elbilar : lämplig placering i Landskrona kommun

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    Electric mobility is one of the most promising solutions towards decarbonizing the transport sector, especially in cities. It is favourable to use zero – emission vehicles, as conventional cars emit pollution, generate noise, and release particulate matter. Although electric vehicles (EVs) are infrastructure dependent, the distribution grid for electricity is available almost everywhere in Sweden. This basic prerequisite is therefore creating a favourable opportunity. Dependence upon public charging infrastructure will vary greatly among EV owners. For those that do not have a private parking space, public charging is inevitable, whilst others may charge at home or at work. However, to facilitate the large-scale adoption of EV’-s, the presence of public charging is of great importance. This thesis combines the theoretical framework and practical implications of EVs and charging infrastructure from both a general perspective and through a case study of Landskrona, Sweden. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are used to identify suitable placements for standard, accelerated and fast charging stations. Inverse Distance Weighted analysis (IDW), based on the number of potential customers - people living, working or travelling within in the area, is used as a tool to compute the suitability. The number of people and other chosen criteria are layered on top of each other in GIS and the analysis results in suitability maps for different charging stations. The maps are made on a raster basis using IDW, and cover the whole municipality in the first stage. As a second stage, results from a workshop with the main stakeholders are presented. The third stage presents identified placements of charging infrastructure on a local scale that combines results from the first and second stages of the process. The suitability of charging station placement is analyzed for the present (2016) as well as for the near future (2020), which takes into account proposed development of the municipality

    Liquid Biopsies in Multiple Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma is the second most common hematological malignancy. It is a heterogeneous disease characterized by focal lesions of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. Since bone marrow biopsy is a single-site procedure, its potential is limited in discovering the many clones present in each patient. Thus, a new approach, liquid biopsy, seems to be more relevant in today’s world. Liquid biopsy can analyze circulating tumor cells or various circulating molecules (cell-free DNA, microRNA, long non-coding RNA and many others) that originated from the various tumor sites and thus will represent many different subclones. This review summarized current situation in research of liquid biopsies in multiple myeloma

    CONSCIOUS curriculum projects

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    Rychlickova, J., Batuca, J. R., Nagy, V., Shiely, F., Cechova, Z., Nebeska, K., Souckova, L., Mouly, S., Kovács, G. L., Németh, A., Oliveira, T., Painho, M., Maia, S., & Monteiro, E. C. (2023). Building key competencies clinical trialists of the future: CONSCIOUS curriculum projects. Poster session presented at ORPHEUS2023, "Putting the i’s and o’s in Doctoral Training; International, Intersectoral, Interdisciplinary, and Open Science", Leuven, Belgium. --- This work was supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the Europe Union (2018-1-HU01-KA203-047811 and 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000023177).Investigator-initiated clinical trials (IIT) are a broadly interprofessional field that is becoming increasingly relevant to biomedical postgraduate students, especially to validate their research question in clinical practice. Indeed, IIT represent a way to develop individualized treatment and obtain objective evidence to answer questions of day-to-day practice. On the other hand, IIT place greater demands on investigators as they extend their position to include the coordination and management role of the sponsor. At the same time, little formal training in clinical trials is available across European countries in both undergraduate and postgraduate education, and the understanding of biomedical graduates in clinical research organization may not be optimal. A consortium of six European universities was established to fill this gap by preparing a highly practice-based and -oriented curriculum within two consequent projects – CONSCIOUS and CONSCIOUS II. Especially the CONSCIOUS II is focused on postgraduate students and provides them with e-learning lessons of practical guidance on how to design a research question and a clinical trial, the regulatory requirements that need to be met, how to conduct the trial, what activities can be delegated, and how to analyze the results. The second part targets transdisciplinary skills such as leadership, publishing, and teaching. The CONSCIOUS II pedagogical approach moves on to contextualized, case-based exercises allowing to test the acquired skills in simulated situations. Both CONSCIOUS projects thus offer a comprehensive, free-of-charge curriculum for biomedical students but will also open a pilot course with international participation as a further extension of this curriculum.publishersversionpublishersversionpublishe

    Pathway-specific effects of ADSL deficiency on neurodevelopment

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    Adenylosuccinate lyase (ADSL) functions in de novo purine synthesis (DNPS) and the purine nucleotide cycle. ADSL deficiency (ADSLD) causes numerous neurodevelopmental pathologies, including microcephaly and autism spectrum disorder. ADSLD patients have normal serum purine nucleotide levels but exhibit accumulation of dephosphorylated ADSL substrates, S-Ado, and SAICAr, the latter being implicated in neurotoxic effects through unknown mechanisms. We examined the phenotypic effects of ADSL depletion in human cells and their relation to phenotypic outcomes. Using specific interventions to compensate for reduced purine levels or modulate SAICAr accumulation, we found that diminished AMP levels resulted in increased DNA damage signaling and cell cycle delays, while primary ciliogenesis was impaired specifically by loss of ADSL or administration of SAICAr. ADSL-deficient chicken and zebrafish embryos displayed impaired neurogenesis and microcephaly. Neuroprogenitor attrition in zebrafish embryos was rescued by pharmacological inhibition of DNPS, but not increased nucleotide concentration. Zebrafish also displayed phenotypes commonly linked to ciliopathies. Our results suggest that both reduced purine levels and impaired DNPS contribute to neurodevelopmental pathology in ADSLD and that defective ciliogenesis may influence the ADSLD phenotypic spectrum.ID was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 754510, THS, JL, and SP were funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU; PGC2018-095616-B-I00 to THS, PGC2018-099562-B-I00 to JL, and BFU2017-83562-P to SP), the 2017 SGR 1089 (AGAUR), FEDER, the Centres of Excellence Severo Ochoa award, and the CERCA Programme. THS was supported by the NIH Intramural Research Program, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research. MP was funded by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG PH144/4-1 and PH144/6-1). MZ, OS, and VS were supported by Charles University, program PROGRES Q26/LF1. We would like to thank Biocev, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, for the opportunity to use their department’s equipment

    Status Update and Interim Results from the Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial-2 (ACST-2)

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    Objectives: ACST-2 is currently the largest trial ever conducted to compare carotid artery stenting (CAS) with carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in patients with severe asymptomatic carotid stenosis requiring revascularization. Methods: Patients are entered into ACST-2 when revascularization is felt to be clearly indicated, when CEA and CAS are both possible, but where there is substantial uncertainty as to which is most appropriate. Trial surgeons and interventionalists are expected to use their usual techniques and CE-approved devices. We report baseline characteristics and blinded combined interim results for 30-day mortality and major morbidity for 986 patients in the ongoing trial up to September 2012. Results: A total of 986 patients (687 men, 299 women), mean age 68.7 years (SD ± 8.1) were randomized equally to CEA or CAS. Most (96%) had ipsilateral stenosis of 70-99% (median 80%) with contralateral stenoses of 50-99% in 30% and contralateral occlusion in 8%. Patients were on appropriate medical treatment. For 691 patients undergoing intervention with at least 1-month follow-up and Rankin scoring at 6 months for any stroke, the overall serious cardiovascular event rate of periprocedural (within 30 days) disabling stroke, fatal myocardial infarction, and death at 30 days was 1.0%. Conclusions: Early ACST-2 results suggest contemporary carotid intervention for asymptomatic stenosis has a low risk of serious morbidity and mortality, on par with other recent trials. The trial continues to recruit, to monitor periprocedural events and all types of stroke, aiming to randomize up to 5,000 patients to determine any differential outcomes between interventions. Clinical trial: ISRCTN21144362. © 2013 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Karel Čapekin Kirjeitä Englannista : Kommentoitu käännös

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    Pro graduni tutkii tšekkikirjailija Karel Čapekin (1890–1938) Anglické listy (1924, suom."Kirjeitä Englannista") -matkakertomuksen ja pakinaromaanin suomentamisessa ilmenneitä käännösongelmia. Tutkielma on siis kommentoitu käännös, jossa tutkielman tekijä itse suomentaa lähtötekstin ja kommentoi käännösongelmiin löytämiään ratkaisuja. Työn teoreettisessa osassa painotetaan K. Reissin ja H. J. Vermeerin skopos-teoriaa ja sivutaan käännösprosessia ja -strategioita. Anglické listy -matkakertomuksen tapauksessa päädyttiin vieraannuttavaan ja lähdetekstille mahdollisimman uskolliseen kännösstrategiaan, jossa säilytetään tšekkiläisen lähdekulttuurin suomenkieliselle lukijalle vieraat piirteet. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään lyhyesti myös lähtötekstin kirjoittajan, Karel Čapekin elämää ja teoksia sekä mainitaan suomennokset. Analysoin lähtötekstin kirjallisen genren (román-fejeton) matkapakinaromaaniksi, jossa yhdistyvät todellisiin ihmisiin ja paikkoihin viittaava matkakertomus ja humoristinen, satiirinen ja subjektiivinen pakina. Työn toisessa osassa kommentoidaan käännöstyön aikana esiin tulleita käännösongelmia (vastineetonta sanastoa, erikoissanastoa ja pitkiä sanalistoja, arkaismeja, anglismeja, tekstin luettavuutta ja rytmiä, metaforia ja lukijan puhuttelua, kieli- ja lauseopilliset ongelmia, tyyliä ja eettisiä käännösongelmia). Samalla esitellään niihin sovellettuja käännösstrategioita. Tutkimuksessa todetaan, että ensi näkemältä ilmeisin ongelmaryhmä on vastineeton sanasto (kuten vajksle, joka viittaa johonkin hapankirsikan alalajeista), mutta vaikeimpia kääntää ovat pragmaattiset, mm. lähdekulttuuriin (esim.tšekkiläiseen tai Tšekkiin tai Böömiin) epäsuorasti viittaavat termit (esim. člověk od nás, suom. meikäläinen). Käännöksessä päädyttiin kääntämään tällaiset kohdat niin, että lukija itse päättelee kertojan puhuvan kotimaastaan ja -kansastaan (käännöksessä käytettiin alaviitteitä, jossa kerrottiin lukijalle, että kertoja on tšekki). Poikkeus tehtiin tekstin kohdassa, jossa oli tärkeää korostaa, että puhe on nimenomaan tekstin lähde- eikä kohdekulttuurista, ja tällöin käytettiin lisäystä. Poistoja käännöksessä käytettiin vain harvoin. Lisäksi Čapekin tyylille ominaisten pitkien sanalistojen ja lukuisten synonyymien kääntämisen todettiin olleen aikaavievää, mutta opettavaista

    Numerical simulation of turbulent flow affected by vortex generators in straight channel

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    The presented work is the next step after several experimental examinations of the vortex generator (VG) influence on flow separation occurring on a model of the NACA 63A421 airfoil with a deflected simple flap. The other purpose of this simulation is to obtain beneficial information that can be utilized for the preparation of the experimental investigation of the same configuration using Particle image Velocimetry method (PIV) in the future. The numerical simulation was performed for one single pair and two pairs of low-profile VGs of the same size, whose heights were smaller than the boundary layer thickness. The rectangular vane type VGs in such configuration, which generates counter-rotating vortices, was examined. The behaviour of vortices produced by VG pair or pairs in several positions downstream the VGs is investigated and will be used as a background of the measurement

    Long Non-Coding RNAs in Multiple Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematooncological disease of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. While new treatment brought unprecedented increase of survival of patients, MM pathogenesis is yet to be clarified. Increasing evidence of expression of long non-coding RNA molecules (lncRNA) linked to development and progression of many tumors suggested their important role in tumorigenesis. To date, over 15,000 lncRNA molecules characterized by diversity of function and specificity of cell distribution were identified in the human genome. Due to their involvement in proliferation, apoptosis, metabolism, and differentiation, they have a key role in the biological processes and pathogenesis of many diseases, including MM. This review summarizes current knowledge of non-coding RNAs (ncRNA), especially lncRNAs, and their role in MM pathogenesis. Undeniable involvement of lncRNAs in MM development suggests their potential as biomarkers

    Evaluation of the potential for caesium transfer from contaminated soil to the food chain as a consequence of uptake by edible vegetables

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    This paper analyzes the effect of caesium (Cs) concentration on seed germination, seedling growth, root uptake, and leaf uptake of Lactuca sativa to understand the potential transfer of the metal from contaminated soil to humans through the food chain. The results of germination experiments show that seed germination and seedling growth strongly depend on increasing Cs concentration, with a decrease in the number of germinated seeds compared to the control up to 13.6% and a reduction in seedling growth up to 10.3% at the highest Cs tested concentration (15 mM). Uptake experiments indicate a low transfer of Cs from soil to leaves and roots of the plants, ranging between 0.06% and 2.2%. The transfer is found to be a not-monotone function of soil potassium (K) content, with highest values corresponding to 1-2 mM K2SO4. Increasing concentrations of K lead to lower translocation of Cs from roots to leaves. Values above the average amount applied (20 and 40 mM K2SO4) almost stop the translocation, suggesting the use of a high amount of K2SO4 protects the food chain from Cs contamination