2,081 research outputs found

    Strategies of empowerment: two narratives by African American women

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    Hispanic, Latine, Latinx How Monolithic Terminology Can Amplify and Erase Millions of Voices

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    The use of the term Hispanic in the U.S. has long been used as a catchall for what is a remarkably diverse group of people. Often incorrectly interchanged with the term Latine, many do not understand why the term, along with others like Latine, and Latinx, is both important and problematic. The way people identify is incredibly personal and can be a result of a variety of experiences. Hispanics and Latines (the U.S. Census counts these groups as one) make up 18.7% of the U.S. population with non-Hispanic African Americans comprising 12.4% of the population (Jones et al., 2021). While the Census Bureau considers Hispanic and Latine as one group, it does at least recognize that these groups encompass various races and so it distinguishes race as separate, allowing people to acknowledge both their race and Hispanic and/or Latine origins. This is important to know because according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. saw a decrease in the non-Hispanic white-only population from 63.7% in 2010 to 57.8% in 2020 (US Census Bureau, 2021) and it is forecasted that the Hispanic/Latine population will grow to over 111 million by 2060 (US Census Bureau, 2018). This means that as the population grows, we will see (and are already seeing) a growth in Hispanic and Latine higher ed students. As academic librarians, it is important that we recognize and understand the differences in these terms and how our students use them, assuming they use them at all. To truly support Hispanic communities, and in the case of HSI students, it is important to know how the use of the term Hispanic in the U.S came about, the misconceptions around it that have caused strife among varying groups, and why this term (and others) can be problematic. In this chapter, I go over a summarized history of the term Hispanic, its use in the United States, and the ways it has both amplified, such as the classification of Hispanic Serving Institutions, and caused erasure among the Central American, Southern American, and Caribbean American people in the United States. I will also go over how some of the terms used in describing these groups of people came to be, the issues that surround them, and some of the political and immigrant complexities that exist within the community. While this chapter does not in any way pretend that the topics touched on are a comprehensive explanation of Hispanics and Latines in the U.S., it hopefully does give you a primer into the complexities of the community

    Job search during COVID: A new librarian navigating a new normal

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    For nearly the last two years, we have faced new challenges in unprecedented ways due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to current technology, however, we have been able to get creative to keep things moving as much as possible and find new ways to do things, including searching for jobs. Like many others, I found myself having to traverse a job search process that involved doing only virtual interviews. In my case, however, I am a new librarian (class of 2018) and this was my first full job search in the profession

    Análisis del uso de las TIC para el desarrollo de la expresión escrita en el aula de Inglés como lengua extranjera

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    The use of Innovation and Communication Technology (ICT) in educational settings has become of outmost importance during the 21st century. The countless benefits implying the application of these tools have strongly impacted on education as we know it nowadays. The benefits platforms provide, in combination with the practice of writing skills, are strongly highlighted. This chapter is mainly focused on using three widely known digital platforms ('Storyboardthat', 'Telegram' and 'Edmodo') to improve written production skills of English as a Foreign Language students. These proposal activities are intended to be a starting point of a combination of ICT platforms and the development of the writing skills of students who, in principle, need more engagement and motivation towards written production tasks. The activities also mean to encourage both teacher and peer feedback, as well as foster creativity and imagination.El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en contextos educativos ha adquirido una importancia vital durante el siglo XXI. Las incontables mejoras que implica la aplicación de estas herramientas han impactado fuertemente en la educación tal y como la conocemos hoy. Los beneficios que proporcionan las plataformas, en combinación con la práctica de las destrezas de escritura, destacan de una manera muy llamativa. Este capítulo en particular se enfoca en el uso de tres conocidas plataformas digitales (‘Storyboardthat’, ‘Telegram’ y ‘Edmodo’) para mejorar las destrezas de producción escrita en estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Estas propuestas de actividades pretenden ser un punto de partida en la combinación entre plataformas TIC y el desarrollo de las destrezas escritas de estudiantes que, en principio, necesitan de una mayor participación y motivación hacia las tareas de producción escrita. Las actividades también intentan alentar tanto la retroalimentación por parte del profesorado como de los estudiantes, así como fomentar la creatividad y la imaginación.Grupo de Investigación HUM-672 AREA (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA

    Análisis del uso de las TIC para el desarrollo de la expresión escrita en el aula de Inglés como lengua extranjera

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    The use of Innovation and Communication Technology (ICT) in educational settings has become of outmost importance during the 21st century. The countless benefits implying the application of these tools have strongly impacted on education as we know it nowadays. The benefits platforms provide, in combination with the practice of writing skills, are strongly highlighted. This chapter is mainly focused on using three widely known digital platforms ('Storyboardthat', 'Telegram' and 'Edmodo') to improve written production skills of English as a Foreign Language students. These proposal activities are intended to be a starting point of a combination of ICT platforms and the development of the writing skills of students who, in principle, need more engagement and motivation towards written production tasks. The activities also mean to encourage both teacher and peer feedback, as well as foster creativity and imagination.El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en contextos educativos ha adquirido una importancia vital durante el siglo XXI. Las incontables mejoras que implica la aplicación de estas herramientas han impactado fuertemente en la educación tal y como la conocemos hoy. Los beneficios que proporcionan las plataformas, en combinación con la práctica de las destrezas de escritura, destacan de una manera muy llamativa. Este capítulo en particular se enfoca en el uso de tres conocidas plataformas digitales (‘Storyboardthat’, ‘Telegram’ y ‘Edmodo’) para mejorar las destrezas de producción escrita en estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Estas propuestas de actividades pretenden ser un punto de partida en la combinación entre plataformas TIC y el desarrollo de las destrezas escritas de estudiantes que, en principio, necesitan de una mayor participación y motivación hacia las tareas de producción escrita. Las actividades también intentan alentar tanto la retroalimentación por parte del profesorado como de los estudiantes, así como fomentar la creatividad y la imaginación

    The Dos and Don\u27ts of Zoom Interviews: A New Librarians Navigating a New Normal

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    Poster presentation at the Nebraska Library Association College and University division conference and TSRT Spring Meeting. Poster covers the dos and don\u27ts of Zoom interviews for both interviewers and interviewees

    The portrayal of the school and education in the literary works of Agustín Fernández Paz

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    [Resumo] Realízase un percorrido por aqueles libros de Agustín Fernández Paz en que aparece a escola, co fin de analizar como plasmou nas súas ficcións un modelo de escola democrático, integrador e galeguizador, en claro contraste cun sistema caduco canto a procedementos e metodoloxías, que acolle a violencia e perpetúa as diferenzas. Dedícase tamén un apartado ás obras con que homenaxeou mestres e mestras represaliados durante a Guerra Civil española e a posguerra, así como as ideas educativas que estes defenderon na procura dunha sociedade xusta e igualitaria.[Abstract] The article peruses through all works of Agustín Fernández Paz in which school plays a significant role in order to analyze how the author reflected an all-inclusive, ‘galicianizing’ and democratic model of schooling in his fictional works – as opposed to an obsolete system in terms of procedures and methodologies, where violence is acknowledged and differences are perpetuated. There is also a separate section dedicated to the works intended by Fernández Paz to pay tribute to the teachers who were subjected to repression during the Spanish Civil War and the Post War years, as well as to the educational ideals they defended in pursuit of a more just and equal societ

    Problemas de proporcionalidad resueltos por campesinos chilenos

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    Este artículo -relativo a la proporcionalidad- forma parte de un trabajo anterior (Soto, 1992), en el cual se planteaba la interrogante sobre las estrategias y procedimientos de resolución de problemas y de operaciones utilizadas por algunos campesinos de Chile. Al revisar, aun de manera rápida y somera, algunos problemas o situaciones matemáticas -relacionadas generalmente con las matemáticas elementales-, que encontramos a diario en la vida profesional, familiar, política o social, podemos constatar que el concepto de proporcionalidad desempeña un rol fundamental, "sus aplicaciones son innumerables y están presentes en todos los sectores de la actividad humana" (Dupuis y Pluvinage, 1981, p. 167)

    Percepción del adulto mayor en atención a enfermedades crónicas recibida en Centro de Salud “Pedro Altamirano”, enfocado en el Modelo de Salud Familiar Comunitario, Managua, III Trimestre 2015

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    “El envejecimiento es un proceso ineludible y gradual que se manifiesta, principalmente, en cambios morfológicos y fisiológicos como consecuencia de la acción del tiempo sobre los organismos vivos”. León, Zunzunegui, Muñoz & Soria (1991, p. 105) En Nicaragua “El Gobierno creó una Ley de protección y beneficios del adulto mayor”, (Gaceta, 2010), que tiene por objeto establecer el régimen jurídico e institucional de protección y garantías para las personas adultas mayores, grupo poblacional que cada vez viene creciendo más y con menos oportunidades laborales, lo que les dificulta llegar a tener condiciones adecuadas para sobrevivir, de seguir esta situación afectará la salud de estos pacientes. Aún con sus limitaciones el Centro de Salud “Pedro Altamirano” está haciendo esfuerzos para lograr satisfacer estas necesidades, implementando acciones para elevar la calidad y calidez en la atención

    The role of the electrolyte on the SERS spectra of pyridine

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    SERS spectra of pyridine has been recorded on a silver electrode in a potential range from 0.0 to -1.20 V with a saline solution, pyridine / KCl (0.1M / 0.1M), by using the 514.5 nm exciting line by us [1]. Under these experimental conditions, the maximum intensity of the enhanced 8a and 9a bands is reached at -0.75 V and -1.20 V, respectively, being the 9a band what dominates the spectrum at negative electrode potential. Although this behavior has been explained under a resonant charge transfer mechanism, the nature of the electronic resonance processes involved in the enhancement of each band is different. The 8a band is enhanced due to an electronic excitation between the ground and excited charge transfer electronic state of the metal-adsorbate surface complex, while the activity of the 9a band is due to a plasmon-like excitation taking into account an overall electronic structure of small metal clusters [2] which is able to selectively modify the relative intensities of specific SERS band. We intend now to record pyridine SERS spectra under the same experimental conditions but varying only the type of electrolyte in order to check how it affects the relative intensities and vibrational wavenumbers of the bands as well as the electrode potential to which the enhanced bands reach the maximum intensity. Different electrolytes like KCl, NaCl, KBr, NaBr and Na2SO4, have been selected in such way that allows us to compare SERS spectra in which changes only the cation or the anion of the electrolyte. From the analysis of all these SERS spectra, it can be concluded that no significant wavenumbers shifts have been detected, while the relative intensities of the bands and the electrode potential to which the maximum intensity is reached are slightly modified. NaBr electrolyte requieres more negative electrode potential in order to enhance the 8a and 9a bands and to resolve the 12 and 1 pair. Acknowledgements We are grateful to the Spanish MINECO (CTQ2012-31846) and Junta de Andalucía (FQM-5156 and 6778), for financial support. References [1] J.F. Arenas, I. López Tocón, J.C. Otero, and J.I. Marcos, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 9254-9261 (1996). [2] J. Román-Pérez, I. López-Tocón, J.L. Castro, J. F. Arenas, J. Soto and J.C. Otero, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17, 2326-2329 (2015).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech