42 research outputs found

    The usage of a binder system for frozen berries in the manufacture of confectionery

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    The aim of the research was to create binding systems for confectionery using gelling agents. The possibility of using partially hydrolyzed liquid egg white (egg hydrolyzate) in the binding system of gelling agents (egg hydrolyzate - agar (EG-A), egg hydrolyzate - starch (EG-S)) was determined to obtain the required mechanical characteristics when creating coatings, ornaments or fillers in confectionery with whole berries or pieces of fruit. In this regard, a technology has been developed for the hydrolysis of liquid egg white in the presence of an acidic reagent. The best rheological characteristics of the gelling agent from egg white were obtained under the following hydrolysis conditions: egg white : 1% HCl ratio = 1:2, process temperature - 66°C, duration - 40 minutes, the pH of the egg hydrolyzate was 6.53, the amount of dry solids was 11.78%. The newly created systems with agar (E406, Germany), chemically modified food starch (E1442, Germany) and hydrolyzed egg white (egg hydrolyzate) allow to adjust the properties of the coating for quick-frozen berries used in semi-finished confectionaries or cakes. It is established that the coating for quick-frozen berries, which includes a system consisting of 1% E406 and 0.5% egg hydrolyzate, should be carried out in 2 stages. In the first stage, a 10-minute exposure of the coating, which has a tensile strength of 580 g cm-2 , allows to create a strong capsule around the berry, which prevents the processes of destruction from proceeding. The second stage is necessary to obtain a uniform surface coating of the semi-finished mix from the berries. In this case, the tensile strength of the coating should be 480 g cm-2 . The system created from the E1442 and egg hydrolyzate gelling agents was also used in 2 stages when making cakes, which were subsequently baked at 180 °C. The content of the binding system in the coating applied to the test substrate was 6.9–7.7%, the effective viscosity of the coating was 120–180 Pa s. The content of the binding system in the coating of the surface of the berries in the second stage was 5.2–6.3% with effective viscosity values of 50–90 Pa s. Semi-finished berry products and ready-made baked cakes, produced with developed binding systems, can be stored at -8 °C for 10 to 12 days. After refrigerated storage, the separated moisture was not observed in the test samples. The absence of the phenomenon of syneresis with the indicated proportions of the introduction of gelling agents in coating systems has been established

    An integrated pan-European research infrastructure for validating smart grid systems

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    A driving force for the realization of a sustainable energy supply in Europe is the integration of distributed, renewable energy resources. Due to their dynamic and stochastic generation behaviour, utilities and network operators are confronted with a more complex operation of the underlying distribution grids. Additionally, due to the higher flexibility on the consumer side through partly controllable loads, ongoing changes of regulatory rules, technology developments, and the liberalization of energy markets, the system’s operation needs adaptation. Sophisticated design approaches together with proper operational concepts and intelligent automation provide the basis to turn the existing power system into an intelligent entity, a so-called smart grid. While reaping the benefits that come along with those intelligent behaviours, it is expected that the system-level testing will play a significantly larger role in the development of future solutions and technologies. Proper validation approaches, concepts, and corresponding tools are partly missing until now. This paper addresses these issues by discussing the progress in the integrated Pan-European research infrastructure project ERIGrid where proper validation methods and tools are currently being developed for validating smart grid systems and solutions.This work is supported by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014-2020) under project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113). Further information is available at the corresponding website www.erigrid.eu

    An Integrated Research Infrastructure for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    Renewables are key enablers in the plight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cope with anthropogenic global warming. The intermittent nature and limited storage capabilities of renewables culminate in new challenges that power system operators have to deal with in order to regulate power quality and ensure security of supply. At the same time, the increased availability of advanced automation and communication technologies provides new opportunities for the derivation of intelligent solutions to tackle the challenges. Previous work has shown various new methods of operating highly interconnected power grids, and their corresponding components, in a more effective way. As a consequence of these developments, the traditional power system is being transformed into a cyber-physical energy system, a smart grid. Previous and ongoing research have tended to mainly focus on how specific aspects of smart grids can be validated, but until there exists no integrated approach for the analysis and evaluation of complex cyber-physical systems configurations. This paper introduces integrated research infrastructure that provides methods and tools for validating smart grid systems in a holistic, cyber-physical manner. The corresponding concepts are currently being developed further in the European project ERIGrid.Comment: 8th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS 2017

    Модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном

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    Objective: to develop a model of a biomedical cell product that is consistent with the «homologous drug» strategy  based on protocols for preparing the cell component and scaffold carrier for preclinical studies on a large laboratory  animal (pig). Materials and methods. Biomedical cell products and skin equivalents (SE), were formed using  plasma cryoprecipitate prepared from blood plasma of healthy donors and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of  human adipose tissue. Cryoprecipitate from pig blood plasma and human adipose tissue-derived MSCs were used   to form model skin equivalents (mSE). Bright-field microscopy, phase-contrast microscopy (Leica DMI 3000B)  and fluorescence microscopy (Cytation 5 imager; BioTek, USA) were used to monitor the state of cells in the  culture and in the composition of the equivalents. Scaffolds for equivalents were tested for cytotoxicity (MTT test,  direct contact method). The cell distribution density was characterized by author’s method (Patent No. 2675376  of the Russian Federation). Results. An mSE was developed for preclinical studies on a large laboratory animal  (pig). In the mSE, components that change from halogen to xenogenic conditions during transplantation to the  animal were replaced. A comprehensive approach to preparing mSE was presented. It includes sampling of primary  pig biomaterial, extraction and characterization of adipose tissue-derived MSCs, preparation of a scaffold  carrier for the corresponding «homologous drug» strategy. Cytotoxicity of the mSE scaffold was evaluated. It  was shown that mSE provides mechanical support (similar to SE) to cells, as well as comparable development of  cellular events during cultivation. Conclusion. A model of a biomedical cell product was developed. This model  is consistent with the «homologous drug» strategy for preclinical studies on a large laboratory animal (pig). The  paper presented a comprehensive approach to developing a model equivalent based on protocols for preparation  and testing of the cellular component, the scaffold carrier and the ready-to-use model equivalent.Цель: разработать модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта, согласующуюся со стратегией «гомологичный препарат» на основе протоколов подготовки клеточной составляющей и скаффолда-носителя для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). Материалы и методы. Биомедицинские клеточные продукты – эквиваленты кожи (ЭК) формировали с использованием криопреципитата плазмы крови здоровых доноров и мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (MSCs) жировой ткани человека. Для формирования модельных эквивалентов кожи (мЭК) использовали криопреципитат плазмы крови свиней и MSCs жировой ткани свиней. Наблюдение за состоянием клеток в культуре и в составе эквивалентов проводили с использованием методов светлого поля, фазового контраста (Leica DMI 3000B) и флуоресцентной микроскопии (имиджер Cytation 5; BioTek, USA). Скаффолды эквивалентов тестировали на цитотоксичность (МТТ-тест, метод прямого контакта). Характеристику плотности распределения клеток проводили авторским способом (Пат. № 2675376 РФ). Результаты. Разработан модельный эквивалент кожи (мЭК) для проведения доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). В мЭК замещены компоненты, переходящие из алогенных условий в ксеногенные при трансплантации животному. Представлен комплексный подход для подготовки мЭК, включающий забор первичного биоматериала свиньи, выделение и характеристику MSCs жировой ткани, подготовку скаффолда-носителя, соответствующего стратегии «гомологичный препарат». Проведена оценка цитотоксичности скаффолда мЭК. Показано, что мЭК обеспечивает аналогичную эквиваленту кожи (ЭК) механическую поддержку клеток и сопоставимое развитие клеточных событий при культивировании. Вывод. Разработана модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта, согласующаяся со стратегией «гомологичный препарат» для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). Представлен комплексный подход, для разработки модельного эквивалента основанный на протоколах подготовки и тестирования клеточной составляющей, скаффолда-носителя и готового модельного эквивалента

    Factors associated with diversity, quantity and zoonotic potential of ectoparasites on urban mice and voles

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    Wild rodents are important hosts for tick larvae but co-infestations with other mites and insects are largely neglected. Small rodents were trapped at four study sites in Berlin, Germany, to quantify their ectoparasite diversity. Host-specific, spatial and temporal occurrence of ectoparasites was determined to assess their influence on direct and indirect zoonotic risk due to mice and voles in an urban agglomeration. Rodent-associated arthropods were diverse, including 63 species observed on six host species with an overall prevalence of 99%. The tick Ixodes ricinus was the most prevalent species, found on 56% of the rodents. The trapping location clearly affected the presence of different rodent species and, therefore, the occurrence of particular host-specific parasites. In Berlin, fewer temporary and periodic parasite species as well as non-parasitic species (fleas, chiggers and nidicolous Gamasina) were detected than reported from rural areas. In addition, abundance of parasites with low host-specificity (ticks, fleas and chiggers) apparently decreased with increasing landscape fragmentation associated with a gradient of urbanisation. In contrast, stationary ectoparasites, closely adapted to the rodent host, such as the fur mites Myobiidae and Listrophoridae, were most abundant at the two urban sites. A direct zoonotic risk of infection for people may only be posed by Nosopsyllus fasciatus fleas, which were prevalent even in the city centre. More importantly, peridomestic rodents clearly supported the life cycle of ticks in the city as hosts for their subadult stages. In addition to trapping location, season, host species, body condition and host sex, infestation with fleas, gamasid Laelapidae mites and prostigmatic Myobiidae mites were associated with significantly altered abundance of I. ricinus larvae on mice and voles. Whether this is caused by predation, grooming behaviour or interaction with the host immune system is unclear. The present study constitutes a basis to identify interactions and vector function of rodent-associated arthropods and their potential impact on zoonotic diseases

    Comparative life cycle assessment of mini combined heat and power plants

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    The article presents the results of an environmental study of the mini combined heat and power plants (mini-CHPs) life cycle with gas engines operating on natural gas and biogas, and with diesel engines. The calculation of material and energy flows, the environmental impact on the atmospheric air, water basin and soil has been carried out. The largest mass of harmful substances in wastewater has been observed with the account of the life cycle assessment (LCA) for the mini-CHPs in biogas, the smallest mass in diesel mini-CHPs. During the operation of biogas, gas piston and diesel PI, significant greenhouse gas emissions have taken place because of the fuel combustion. The article considers the issues of thermal pollution in the environment. It has been revealed that the life cycle of the bioenergy installations has a maximum impact on the environment, with the account of the fuel combustion in mini-CHPs with diesel engines. Biogas mini-CHPs have a greater advantage considering the processes of the operation and fuel combustion. The conducted research can help in choosing the type of the engine when designing a mini-CHP

    Environmental Component Economic Evaluation of the Renewable Energy Sources Life Cycle

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    Traditionally, renewable energy sources (RES) are considered the most environmentally friendly, but only the stage of their operation is evaluated. A method for the integrated assessment of the renewable energy environment sustainability has been proposed, taking into account their entire life cycle - from the extraction of natural resources for the production of a power plant to its utilization. An impact assessment of RES different types on the environment has been carried out in four areas: consumption of natural resources, pollution of water resources, pollution of the soil and pollution of the atmosphere. The comparison of the considered environmental components has been carried out on the basis of an environmental pollution economic assessment at the stages of the RES life cycle. Studies have shown that the life cycle of a solar power plant makes the greatest contribution to environmental pollution, but the mini-hydroelectric station - the smallest

    Research of experimental hybrid energy complex with fuel cells operating on biogas

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    The article deals with the development of a hybrid energy complex (HEC) based on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) operating on biogas. Low maneuverability of SOFC prevents a widespread use of such power installations in consumers’ power supply systems. The authors have developed the design of the HEC and an active-adaptive control system that allows solving the problem of SOFC low maneuverability. An experimental HEC consisting of a SOFC generation system, an accumulation system, a coupling system and a control system have been created. The research of the experimental HEC characteristics and the possibility of developing emergency situations during its operation has been carried out. The results of the charge and discharge characteristics of the accumulation system research, as well as the current and voltage dependences of the HEC coupling system are presented. The conducted studies have proved the effectiveness of the developed scientific and technical innovations


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    Abstract. Cytokine-producing potential of peripheral blood cells was determined as a stimulation index with polyclonal activators (i.e., a cytokine production ratio of stimulated versus resting cells), as well as concentrations of cytokines were investigated in blood serum of patients with chronic atrophic gastritis. It was revealed that the stimulation indices concerning production of TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10 by whole blood cells, along with serum concentrations of IL-8 and IL-18BP were increased in patients with epithelial dysplasia of stomach mucosa, as compared to patients without dysplasia. It was sahown, that the patients with higher polyclonal stimulation indices for IL-6 and IL-8 (resp., > 164 and > 38 arbitrary units) should be referred to a high-risk group for development of mucous epithelial dysplasia of stomach