27 research outputs found

    Wave modelling in the Ecuadorian Pacific using WAVEWATCH III and SWAN

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    During the last few decades, the study of ocean waves has been a focus of attention and, consequently, many developments in this field have been achieved (e.g., numerical wave models). Many of those numerical models are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (e.g., WAVEWATCH III, SWAN). The wind wave model WAVEWATCH III particularly has been widely implemented in many countries to predict and simulate wind waves, mainly in ocean scale domains. The SWAN model, on the other hand, is more specialized in regional and coastal domains. The present work is focused in the prediction of wind waves in the Ecuadorian Pacific, using the capabilities of these two models. The operational wave model implemented provides output (e.g., Significant wave height and Peak period) available at http://ocean.usfq.edu.ec. As part of this implementation, the influence of sea ice extent in the Antarctica was evaluated, showing situations of large impacts in the wave conditions at the Ecuadorian coast. Finally, different alternatives to specify boundary conditions for the coastal model SWAN were studied. The results shows that there is not a major difference between them for the cases studied. However, further research is needed for more general boundary conditions.Durante las últimas décadas, el estudio del oleaje ha sido un foco de atención y, consecuentemente, muchos avances han sido logrados en este campo (e.g., modelo numéricos de oleaje). Muchos de estos modelos numéricos son distribuidos bajo los términos de la Licencia Pública General de GNU (e.g., WAVEWATCH III, SWAN). El modelo numérico WAVEWATCH III particularmente ha sido implementado en varios países para predicción y simulación de oleaje, principalmente en dominios de escala oceánica. El modelo SWAN, por otro lado, es más especializado en dominios costeros y regionales. El presente trabajo se enfocó en la predicción de oleaje en el Pacífico Ecuatoriano, usando las bondades de estos dos modelos. El modelo operacional de oleaje implementado provee salidas (e.g, Altura significante y Periodo pico) disponibles en http://ocean.usfq.edu.ec. Como parte de esta implementación, la influencia de la extensión de la cobertura de hielo en la Antártica fue evaluada, mostrando situaciones de gran impacto en las condiciones de oleaje en la costa Ecuatoriana. Finalmente, se estudiaron diferentes alternativas para especificar condiciones de borde para el modelo costero SWAN (i.e., constante y distribuida). Los resultados muestran que no hay mayor diferencia entre ellas para los casos estudiados. Sin embargo, se necesita más investigación para condiciones de borde más generales

    A toolbox to quickly prepare flood inundation models for LISFLOOD-FP simulations

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    Hydrodynamic floodplain inundation models have been popular for many years and used extensively in engineering applications. Continental scale flood studies are now achievable using such models due to the development of terrain elevation, hydrography and river width datasets with global coverage. However, deploying flood models at any scale is time-consuming since input data needs to be processed from different sources. Here we present LFPtools, which is an open-source Python package which encompasses most commonly used methods to prepare input data for large scale flood inundation studies using the LISFLOOD-FP hydrodynamic model. LFPtools performance was verified over the Severn basin in the UK where a 1 km flood inundation model was built within 1.45 min. Outputs of the test case were compared with the official flood extent footprint of a real event and satisfactory model performance was obtained: Hit rate = 0.79, False alarm ratio = 0.24 and Critical success index = 0.63

    Sub-critical long-term operation of industrial scale hollow-fibre membranes in a submerged anaerobic MBR (HF-SAnMBR) system

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term performance of hollow-fibre (HF) membranes used to treat urban wastewater in a submerged anaerobic MBR when operating sub-critically. To this end, a demonstration plant with two industrial scale HF ultrafiltration membrane modules was operated under different conditions. The main factor affecting membrane performance was the concentration of mixed liquor total solids (MLTS). The reversible fouling rate remained low even when MLTS levels (about 25 g L−1) in the membrane tank were high. No chemical cleaning was conducted whilst operating the plant for more than one year because no irreversible fouling problems were detected. The almost complete absence of irreversible fouling was mainly attributed to: operating at sub-critical filtration conditions; establishing a proper membrane operating mode; and to the characteristics of the anaerobic environment. No chemical precipitation problems were observed in the membranes due to the relatively low operating pH (always below 7) of the sludge. The biogas sparging encouraged high levels of dissolved CO2 in the sludge, resulting in pH levels below 7 and alkalinity values around 600 mg CaCO3 L−1.This research work has been supported by the Spanish Research Foundation (CICYT Projects CTM2008-06809-C02-01 and CTM2008-06809-C02-02, and MICINN FPI Grant BES-2009-023712) and Generalitat Valenciana (Projects GVA-ACOMP2010/130 and GVA-ACOMP2011/1182), which are gratefully acknowledged.Robles Martínez, Á.; Ruano García, MV.; Ribes Bertomeu, J.; Ferrer, J. (2012). Sub-critical long-term operation of industrial scale hollow-fibre membranes in a submerged anaerobic MBR (HF-SAnMBR) system. Separation and Purification Technology. 100:88-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2012.09.010S889610

    Puerto Rico Probability of Flood Inundation Maps

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    This data accompanies the paper: Archer, et al., (2023) 'Current and Future Rainfall-Driven Flood Risk From Hurricanes in Puerto Rico Under 1.5°C and 2°C Climate Change', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons "CC BY-NC 4.0" license

    FABDEM V1-2

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    FABDEM V1-2, an update on FABDEM V1-0. Changes detailed in FABDEM-V1-2 Changelog.pdf. FABDEM (Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM) is a global elevation map that removes building and tree height biases from the Copernicus GLO 30 Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The data is available at 1 arc second grid spacing (approximately 30m at the equator) for the globe. The FABDEM dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0" license. For commercial use queries, please contact [email protected] This dataset is published in support of the paper "A 30 m global map of elevation with forests and buildings removed" published by IOP in Environmental Research Letters at https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac4d4f. A geojson of FABDEM tiles now also included A previous version of this dataset is available as FABDEM V1-0 at https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.25wfy0f9ukoge2gs7a5mqpq2j

    A flood inundation hindcast for Europe based on 26-year simulated river discharge

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    This data set contains hydrodynamic simulations at 1 km for Europe between 1990-2016 at a daily time step for 298 basins