72 research outputs found

    Real-time intermembrane force measurements and imaging of lipid domain morphology during hemifusion

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    Membrane fusion is the core process in membrane trafficking and is essential for cellular transport of proteins and other biomacromolecules. During protein-mediated membrane fusion, membrane proteins are often excluded from the membrane-membrane contact, indicating that local structural transformations in lipid domains play a major role. However, the rearrangements of lipid domains during fusion have not been thoroughly examined. Here using a newly developed Fluorescence Surface Forces Apparatus (FL-SFA), migration of liquid-disordered clusters and depletion of liquid-ordered domains at the membrane-membrane contact are imaged in real time during hemifusion of model lipid membranes, together with simultaneous force-distance and lipid membrane thickness measurements. The load and contact time-dependent hemifusion results show that the domain rearrangements decrease the energy barrier to fusion, illustrating the significance of dynamic domain transformations in membrane fusion processes. Importantly, the FL-SFA can unambiguously correlate interaction forces and in situ imaging in many dynamic interfacial systems.open0

    Complete Budding and Asymmetric Division of Primitive Model Cells To Produce Daughter Vesicles with Different Interior and Membrane Compositions

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    Val201-peptidin vaikutus eturauhassyöpÀsoluissa

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    EturauhassyöpĂ€ on miesten yleisin syöpĂ€ ja toiseksi yleisin miesten syöpĂ€kuolemien syy Suomessa. Tutkimukset osoittavat, ettĂ€ osalla eturauhassyövistĂ€ kehittyminen ja kasvu ovat riippuvaisia androgeenivĂ€litteisestĂ€ sÀÀtelystĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ tieto on mahdollistanut uusien lÀÀkkeiden kehittĂ€misen eturauhassyövĂ€n hoitoon. Valirx on biolÀÀketieteellinen yhtiö, joka kehittÀÀ ja tuottaa teknologiaa sekĂ€ tuotteita syövĂ€n hoitoon ja diagnostiikkaan. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€mme testasimme Valirxille heidĂ€n kehittĂ€mĂ€nsĂ€ lÀÀkekomponentin Val201:n vaikutusta eturauhassyöpĂ€soluihin. KĂ€ytössĂ€mme olivat eturauhassyöpĂ€solulinjat PC-3 sekĂ€ LNCaP. Testasimme, kuinka Val201 vaikuttaa solujen lisÀÀntymiseen sekĂ€ kuinka Val201 vaikuttaa PSA:n erittymiseen soluista. Tavoitteenamme on tuottaa soveltamiskelpoisia tutkimustuloksia, joita Valirx pystyy hyödyntĂ€mÀÀn lÀÀkekomponentin kehittĂ€misessĂ€. KĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€mme menetelmĂ€t olivat WST-1 proliferaatio -menetelmĂ€, jota kĂ€ytimme solujen lisÀÀntymisen tutkimiseen sekĂ€ CanAg PSA EIA -menetelmĂ€, jolla mittasimme PSA:n erittymistĂ€ mediumiin. Molemmat ovat kaupallisia menetelmiĂ€. Suoritimme testauksen yhteistyössĂ€ Valirx:n tytĂ€ryhtiön (ValiFinn) kanssa. Saimme tuotettua merkittĂ€viĂ€ tutkimustuloksia Val201:n monipuolisista vaikutuksista syöpĂ€soluihin. Tulosten avulla voidaan pÀÀtellĂ€ lÀÀkekomponentin syöpĂ€soluja vĂ€hentĂ€vĂ€ vaikutus sekĂ€ androgeeniriippuvaisen ettĂ€ -riippumattoman eturauhassyövĂ€n yhteydessĂ€. EturauhassyöpĂ€diagnostiikassa kĂ€ytössĂ€ oleva PSA-arvo testissĂ€ vĂ€heni myös Val201:n vaikutuksesta.Prostatic cancer is one of the most common cancers among men and the second most common cause of cancer related deaths in Finland. Research shows that in some of the prostatic cancers the development and growth are dependent on androgen mediated regulation. This information has provided the possibility to develop new medication for prostatic cancer treatment. Valirx is a biomedical company that develops technology and products for cancer treatment and diagnostics. Valirx has produced a test peptide Val201 against prostatic cancer. The objective in this study was to investigate Val201’s impact on prostatic cancer cells. We used in our study prostatic cancer cells PC-3 and LNCaP. We investigated the effects of Val201 on cell proliferation with different concentrations and also how Val201 effects the secretion of PSA of the cells. PSA value is used in prostatic cancer diagnostic. Our goal is to produce material that Valirx can utilize in their development of the new drug. In our cell proliferation study we used a commercial WST-1 proliferation kit, and on PSA secretion study we used a commercial CanAg PSA EIA kit. Our study was conducted in cooperation with ValiFinn. ValiFinn is a subsidiary of Valirx. We were able to produce research results of the diverse effects of Val201 on prostatic cancer cells. Judging from the results, Val201 has a subtractive effect on both androgen depended and independent prostatic cancer cells. Val201 also reduced the PSA value

    Effects of ivabradine on hemodynamics and inflammation in LPS-induced endotoxemic shock in rats

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    International audienceMeeting Abstract: CO-033, 20e congrÚs de la Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique, Nancy, 19-21 avril 201

    Curvature-driven lipid sorting needs proximity to a demixing point and is aided by proteins

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    Sorting of lipids and proteins is a key process allowing eukaryotic cells to execute efficient and accurate intracellular transport and to maintain membrane homeostasis. It occurs during the formation of highly curved transport intermediates that shuttle between cell compartments. Protein sorting is reasonably well described, but lipid sorting is much less understood. Lipid sorting has been proposed to be mediated by a physical mechanism based on the coupling between membrane composition and high curvature of the transport intermediates. To test this hypothesis, we have performed a combination of fluorescence and force measurements on membrane tubes of controlled diameters pulled from giant unilamellar vesicles. A model based on membrane elasticity and nonideal solution theory has also been developed to explain our results. We quantitatively show, using 2 independent approaches, that a difference in lipid composition can build up between a curved and a noncurved membrane. Importantly, and consistent with our theory, lipid sorting occurs only if the system is close to a demixing point. Remarkably, this process is amplified when even a low fraction of lipids is clustered upon cholera toxin binding. This can be explained by the reduction of the entropic penalty of lipid sorting when some lipids are bound together by the toxin. Our results show that curvature-induced lipid sorting results from the collective behavior of lipids and is even amplified in the presence of lipid-clustering proteins. In addition, they suggest a generic mechanism by which proteins can facilitate lipid segregation in vivo
