8 research outputs found

    Influence of lamine thickness on bifurcation appearance in ceramic laminate

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    Z důvodu rozdílných koeficientů délkové teplotní roztažnosti jednotlivých vrstev vzniká ve vrstvách keramického vrstevnatého kompozitního materiálů reziduální napětí. V průběhu chladnutí vrstevnatého kompozitu ze slinovací teploty jednotlivé vrstvy smršťují různými rychlostmi v závislosti na velikosti koeficientu délkové teplotní roztažnosti. Jestliže jsou tyto vrstvy spolu pevně spojeny vzniká v jednotlivých vrstvách různě velké trvalé zbytkové napětí. Velikost residuálního napětí je dána objemovým podílem obou složek v kompozitu. Tato práce byla zaměřena na přípravu a popis 7-mi a 9-ti vrstevných keramických laminátů složených ze střídajících se vrstev dvou rozdílných materiálů. Keramické lamináty byly připraveny pomocí metody suspenzního lití a elektroforetické depozice. U připravených laminátu byl sledován vznik tzv. hranových trhlin (edge cracks) ve vrstvách obsahujících tlaková zbytková pnutí. Výsledky pozorování přítomnosti hranových trhlin pro různou konfiguraci velikosti zbytkových napětí a tloušťky vrstev byly srovnány s teoretickou předpovědí vytvořenou pomocí parametrického 2D modelu. Vliv vzniklých hranových trhlin na průběh lomu byl studován pomocí 3D rekonstrukce lomového povrchu po ohybové zkoušce připravených vrstevnatých kompozitů.In layered ceramic composite materials the internal residual stresses occur due to thermal expansion coefficient mismatch of individual layers. During cooling of layered composite from sintering temperature the layers start to shrink with different rate according to the thermal expansion coefficient. Permanent compressive and tensile residual stresses generate in individual layers if they are strongly bonded together. Magnitude of the residual stresses is controlled by volume ratio between two combined materials. In this work, ceramic laminates consisted of 7 and 9 alternated layers combining two different ceramic materials were prepared by sequential slip casting and electrophoretic deposition and subsequently studied. The prepared laminates were analyzed for existence of edge cracks in layers containing compressive residual stresses. By using results of 2D parametric numerical model and combination of compressive residual stress and layer thickness, the prediction of presence and absence of edge cracking were compared with the actual presence and absence of edge cracks in compressive layers. The crack bifurcation caused by edge cracks presence was studied on the 3D fracture surfaces reconstruction of laminate prepared after testing of flexural strength.

    Electrochemical migration of lead-free solders and Ag-based electrically conductive adhesives in NaCl solution

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    In this article, the electrochemical migration of lead-free solders and electrically conductive adhesives with an Ag content of more than 70% was studied by using a water drop test in NaCl solution. The results of solder pastes were compared with the results of electrically conductive adhesives. It was found that some solder pastes with a low Ag content have a lower susceptibility to electrochemical migration than, for example, solder paste Sn42Bi58. The highest resistance to corrosion has a conductive adhesive CRM-1033B with an Ag content of 75%. Resistance and voltage during the water drop test. From the measured values, it was determined that the values of resistance and voltage decrease with dendrite growing. X-ray spectroscopy was also performed to determine the chemical elemental composition of dendrites. It was found that the dominant element of the dendrite of solder pastes was Sn. In the case of electrically conductive adhesives, Ag was the main element of the dendrite

    Energy Enterprise Risks Analysis Using Fuzzy Logic Methods

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    In Russia's contemporary conditions, enterprises fail to make the full use of the state-of-the-art financial risks management toolkit. Both diagnosing methods and criterial norms within the mechanism of managing the energy enterprises are not adapted to the current crisis conditions of economic management, which renders it essential to develop the financial management tools that will take into account the industry-related specific nature and anti-crisis constituent of the organizations. In the work, the opportunity of applying the fuzzy logic method for analyzing the financial risks of energy enterprises in Russia is explored. For this purpose, the analysis and assessment of financial situation have been performed for a modeled energy enterprise and bankruptcy risk of the enterprise has been analyzed using the fuzzy logic method. It is demonstrated that the process of managing financial risks at the enterprise using the fuzzy sets approach is relevant in the contemporary conditions of energy enterprises functioning in Russia. There has been found the problem of having to improve the integrated risk management of energy enterprises. Keywords: Energy enterprise; risk management; financial risks; bankruptcy risk; business activity indicator; concept of economic value added (EVA); fuzzy logic methods JEL Classifications: O13, P28, P48 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.795

    Andree - naisten mallisto omalle tuotemerkille

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on ensimmäisen pienen malliston luominen omalle vielä perustamattomalle vaatemerkille. Työn prosessissa valmistellaan Andree-tavaramerkkiä yrityksen perustamista ja tavaramerkin rekisteröintiä varten sekä suunnitellaan muunneltava naisten vaatemallisto ”Collection of Silk” kevät/kesä 2013 -sesongille. Lopputyössä perehdytään vaatteiden suunnitteluprosesseihin tuotannossa, jossa noudetaan kestävää kehitystä. Työssä tutustutaan muunneltavien naisten vaatteiden kysyntään ja nykypäiväisiin muotiennusteisiin sekä suunnitellaan pieni vaatemallisto oikeaa liiketoimintaa varten. Opinnäytetyön prosessin aikana löydetään silkki- ja vaatevalmistaja Kiinasta sekä merkkivalmistaja Intiasta ja tutustutaan niihin. Työn aikana tehdään englanninkielinen ohjeistus silkin ja kolmen vaatemallin tuotantoa sekä Andree-merkkien valmistamista varten. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on oman yrityksen toiminnan aloittaminen. Tavoitteena on siirtyminen liike-elämään valmistumisen jälkeen. Opinnäytetyön tietopohja perustuu kirjallisuuteen, virallisiin tietokantoihin sekä omaan kokemukseen vaatetusalalla. Ammattikorkeakoulussa saatuja tietoja käytetään laajasti ja pyritään syventämään ja soveltamaan niitä liike-elämässä. Lopputyön tuloksena on valmiiksi suunniteltu ja perustamisvalmis vaatemerkki, kolme hinnoiteltua tuotannolle valmista vaatetta ja yhteys hankintapaikkoihin. Andree-niminen yritys ja tavaramerkki rekisteröidään kesäkuussa 2012. Opinnäytetyön prosessin aikana suunniteltuja malleja valmistellaan heinä- elokuussa 2012.The subject of this Bachelor’s thesis is the creation of the first small clothing collection for a future fashion brand. In the process of this work Andree fashion brand was developed for a business start-up and for registration of the trademark and the convertible women's clothing line “Collection of Silk” for season spring/summer 2013 was designed. The work was focused on design of women's fashion clothing and on product development processes in clothing production in accordance with the sustainable development. During the work, the demand for modifiable women's clothing and fashion trends were examined and the small clothing line for ladies was designed for a real business. One part of the process was to find a Chinese silk and clothing supplier and an Indian label manufacturer. Manufacturing instructions in English were made for the production of silk, three clothing styles and labels. The theoretical basis of the thesis was on literature, the official databases and the author’s own experience in the clothing industry. Knowledge obtained in the Lahti University of Applied Sciences was used extensively and applied in the business world. The end result of this work was a ready designed clothing brand for a business start-up, three priced garments that are ready for production and cooperation with the Chinese silk and garment supplier and the Indian label manufacturer. Andree Company and the trademark will be registered in June 2012. Garments designed in the process of this Bachelor’s thesis will be ready in July or August 2012

    A Novel Approach for Temperature-Induced Ball Grid Array Collapse Observation

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    This study presents a new approach to investigating the impact of repeated reflow on the failure of ball grid array (BGA) packages. The issue with the BGA package collapse is that the repeated reflow can lead to short circuits, particularly for BGAs with a very fine pitch between leads. A novel approach was developed to measure the collapse of BGA solder balls during the melting and solidification process, enabling in situ measurements. The study focused on two types of solders: Sn63Pb37 as a reference, and the commonly used SAC305, with measurements taken at various temperatures. The BGA samples were subjected to three different heating/cooling cycles in a thermomechanical analyzer (TMA) at temperatures of 250 °C, 280 °C, and 300 °C, with a subsequent cooling down to 100 °C. The results obtained from the TMA indicated differences in the collapse behavior of both BGA solder alloys at various temperatures. Short circuits between neighboring leads (later confirmed by an X-ray analysis) were also recognizable on the TMA. The novel approach was successfully developed and applied, yielding clear insights into the behavior of solder balls during repeated reflow

    Identification of cases of pododermatitis in broiler chickens when feeding a probiotic feed additive

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    Pododermatitis is a major concern in broiler production and is used as an audit criterion for poultry health checks in the United States and Europe. Pododermatitis is often associated with wet litter or poor litter quality. It is considered painful for birds and reduces the number of times the affected bird approaches the feeders and drinkers. Reduced feed and water consumption has a significant impact on weight gain, feed conversion and overall herd performance. As a result of the studies carried out to assess the degree of pododermatitis, it was observed that the quality of the paws increases or decreases, depending on the composition of the feed consumed

    Effectiveness and safety of empegfilgrastim (Extimia®) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy: final results of the DEFENDOR study

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    Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Extimia® (empegfilgrastim, JSC "BIOCAD") in reducing the frequency, duration of neutropenia, the incidence of febrile neutropenia (FN) and infections caused by FN in patients with solid tumors receiving myelosuppressive therapy. Materials and methods. The paper presents the final results of a multicenter prospective observational post-marketing study of the safety and effectiveness of Extimia® (empegfilgrastim) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy. For the primary prevention of FN, all patients received empegfilgrastim at 7.5 mg subcutaneously once per course of chemotherapy (CT) 24 hours after the end of CT administration. The primary endpoint included an assessment of the relative dose-intensity (RDI) of the CT courses administered. The endpoints of interest included the assessment of the RDI of CT courses by nosology and CT regimen, the frequency of dose-limiting neutropenia, and the incidence of all adverse events (AEs) in patients who received at least one dose of the study medication, including serious AEs. Results. From February 2021 to December 2022, 3218 patients with various malignancies were included in 41 study centers of the Russian Fede- ration. Of these, 3217 (99.97%) patients received at least one dose of the study drug, and 2663 (82.8%) patients were included in the RDI evaluation population according to the study protocol. The mean age in this group was 56.9 (18–84) years. RDI ≥85% was achieved in 2,415 (90.7%) patients. The mean RDI was 96.2%, with a median of 100%. FN risk factors were present in 1216 (45.7%) patients, with age ≥65 years being the most common risk factor at 761/2663 (28.6%). It should be noted that in patients younger than 65 years, the RDI was 91.5%, and in elderly patients (≥65 years) 88.7%. Dose-limiting neutropenia was reported in 19 (0.7%) patients. There were 74 cases of grade 3–4 AEs (according to CTCAE v.5) in 59 (1.8%) patients. The most common were neutropenia, anemia, and diarrhea in 19 (0.7%), 7 (0.2%), and 6 (0.2%) patients, respectively. Serious AEs were reported in 17 patients (0.5%). Conclusion. Primary prophylaxis of FN with long-acting granulocyte colony-stimulating factor empegfilgrastim effectively maintains RDI in various nosological and therapeutic groups of patients with different CT regimens in real-world clinical practice