413 research outputs found

    Theoretical and methodological foundations for identifying and assessing the economic stability of enterprises

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    На основі критичного аналізу та узагальнення існуючих вітчизняних та зарубіжних поглядів до трактування категорії «економічна стабільність підприємства» проаналізовано дефініцію даного поняття. Також в статті розглянуто суть поняття економічної стабільності підприємств та її складових. Зокрема, встановлено зв'язок між поняттями «економічна стабільність», «фінансова стійкість» та «економічна стійкість». Наведено практичні аспекти оцінки економічної стабільності підприємств, які базуються на основі емпіричних досліджень. Обрано методичний підхід щодо визначення інтегрального показника рівня економічної стабільності, що надає можливість оцінити рівень економічної стабільності підприємств та визначити організаційно-економічні чинники підвищення ефективності їх функціонування. Проаналізовано основні показники економічної стабільності та їх вплив на узагальнений показник, а саме, економічна безпека, фінансова стабільність, маркетингова стабільність, соціальна стабільність.Based on the critical analysis and synthesis of existing domestic and foreign views to the interpretation of the category of "economic stability of enterprise" analyzes the definition of this concept. Also in the article the essence of the concept of sustainability and its constituent companies. In particular, the connection between the concepts of "economic stability", "financial stability" and "economic stability." The practical aspects of assessing the sustainability of businesses that are based on empirical research. Chosen methodical approach to determine the integral index of economic stability that allows you to assess the level of sustainability of enterprises and to determine the organizational and economic factors improve their functioning. The basic indicators of economic stability and their impact on the general index, namely, economic security, financial stability, marketing stability, social stability

    Radiation chemistry provides nanoscopic insights into the role of intermediate phases in CeO<sub>2</sub> mesocrystal formation

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    The role of intermediate phases in CeO2 mesocrystal formation from aqueous Ce(III) solutions subjected to gamma-radiation was studied. Radiolytically formed hydroxyl radicals convert soluble Ce(III) into less soluble Ce(IV). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction studies of samples from different stages of the process allowed the identification of several stages in CeO2 mesocrystal evolution following the oxidation to Ce(IV): (1) formation of hydrated Ce(IV)-hydroxides, serving as intermediates in the liquid-to-solid phase transformation; (2) CeO2 primary particle growth inside the intermediate phase; (3) alignment of the primary particles into "pre-mesocrystals" and subsequently to mesocrystals, guided by confinement of the amorphous intermediate phase and accompanied by the formation of "mineral bridges". Further alignment of the obtained mesocrystals into supracrystals occurs upon slow drying, making it possible to form complex hierarchical architectures

    The Effect of Condensed Tannins in Lotus spp. on the Lesser Migratory Grasshopper

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    Hatchling grasshoppers (Melanoplus sanguinipes Fab.) fed one accession of field grown big trefoil (Lotus uliginosis Schkuhr) containing a tannin content of 56 mg. g-1 FW, had a significantly lower mean weight than hatchlings fed field grown Lotus species and accessions with lower tannin content. Adult female grasshoppers fed L. uliginosis foliage with 32.3 mg.g-1 FW tannin also ate more feed and had a 2-fold higher gut trypsin and chymotrypsin activity than adults fed low tannin L. corniculatus foliage (0.13 mg.g-1 FW tannin). In more controlled experiments, growth at 20o C or 30o C was used to increase tannin in rooted cuttings of L. uliginosis to concentrations ranging from 7 to 195 mg.g-1 FW. Hatchling weight decreased as a function of dietary tannin concentration when fed these clones. Both hatchling weight and survival were affected when hatchlings were fed pelleted wheat seedlings supplemented with purified L. uliginosis tannin preparations

    Strengthening of carbide cutting tool for heavy machinery on the base of surface and bulk modification by physical methods

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    Аналіз роботи та відмов інструменту при обробці на важких верстатах показав, що поряд з виходом з ладу інструменту внаслідок зносу майже половина відмов спричиняється крихким руйнуванням різальної частини твердосплавної пластини, яке проявляється у викришуванні різальних кромок та сколюванні різальної частини. Це зумовлює необхідність застосовування методів поверхневої та об’ємної модифікації для підвищення ресурсу й роботоздатності інструменту. Показано, що ефективним методом підвищення поверхневої міцності та зносостійкості твердого сплаву є нанесення PVD – покриттів дискретного типу з параметрами, які цілеспрямовано обираються за критеріями адгезійної та когезійної міцності. Отримано, що обробка твердосплавного інструменту імпульсним магнітним полем призводить до зростання границі міцності на згин при статичному навантаженні на 16…27%, підвищення періоду стійкості до руйнування на 17% та зменшує розкид величин показників, які характеризують експлуатаційну надійність різальних інструментів.Analysis of the tool work and refusals ,when heavy cutting, showed that in addition with the tool wear, almost half of refusals are caused by brittle fracture of the cutting carbides, which manifests itself in the microchipping of cutting edges and tool cutting part chipping. This determines necessity to use methods of surface and bulk modification to improve tool performance and life time. As the method of surface modification the plasma vapor deposition (PVD) was chosen and the pulsed magnetic field treatment was suggested as a method for bulk modification. It is proposed to create discrete surface topography coatings with purposeful chosen parameters that can prevent the loss of stability of coating elements under the action of compressive residual stresses and cohesion cracking under tensile stresses. For longitudinal compression, the discrete region size is calculated using the theory of stability of elastic systems; under tensile stresses сohesion cracking of a coating can be avoided if a coating region size would be determined from the calculated crack step. This increases the efficiency of PVD – coatings and extends the sphere of their application to carbide cutting tool for heavy machines. Tests in industrial conditions showed that the life time of replaceable insert SNMN 190912T with TiN discrete coating increases in 3.7 times and 1.45 times as compared with the uncoated tool and one with continuous coating. It is obtained that the treatment of carbide tool with pulsed magnetic field leads to an increase in bending strength limit under static load by 16 ... 27%. The dependence of this increase on the treatment regime and tool material was found. Laboratory tests for carbide cutting tool by "breaking feeding "method showed that the pulsed magnetic field treatment leads to an increase in the period of resistance to fracture by 17% and reduce the coefficient of variation by 34%. Application of pulsed magnetic field minimizes scatter values of indicators characterizing operational reliability of cutting tool. It is concluded that promising methods to improve tool performance and life time are techniques that combine surface and bulk modification

    Big Data Driven Customer Insights for SMEs in Redistributed Manufacturing

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier. Redistributed manufacturing (RdM) refers to manufacturing business models, strategies, systems and technologies that change the economics and organization of manufacturing, particularly related to location and scale. Small-scale manufacturing has the potential to help tailor products to satisfy the specific needs of consumers different in terms of geographical location, cultural roots, improve sustainability and drive the society towards circular economy. While RdM has the great potential to deliver this, currently, very little has been understood on how RdM could help SMEs for gaining economic benefits due to the constraint of their business model, lack of understanding on customers, limited resource commitment on R & D, marketing and sales, supply chain integration, etc. Similarly user-driven design and customer-insights delivered through 'big data' analytics has the potentially to be highly beneficial for manufacturing SME and little is known of how they can be combined with RdM to benefit SMEs. Hence, they may impose risks on the business and operation of SMEs should poor choices be made or systems be implemented badly. The economic importance of SMEs within the UK and Europe is long established with manufacturing SMEs accounting for 60% of all private sector jobs in the UK. Within the European Union the overwhelming majority of companies (trading in the non-financial sectors) were SMEs (99.8%), employing 89.7 million people (67.1% of the workforce). This paper reports some of the results of an initial exploratory survey of manufacturing SMEs within the United Kingdom. Focusing on their background and status, and their current understanding and interests in RdM, big customer analytics and related topics

    Employee health management as a modern tool of labor protection and organization

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    Питання підтримки і зміцнення професійного здоров'я набувають особливої значущості через змін, що відбуваються, концентруючи сьогодні необхідність створення умов для досягнення професійного довголіття. Стаття присвячена розгляду питання збереження і самозбереження професійного здоров'я працівників. Представлені результати наявних в зарубіжній практиці програм управління професійним здоров'ям. Встановлено, що за кордоном дані програми мають тривалу історію своєї реалізації, на відміну від вітчизняної практики управління. Розглянуто поняття професійного здоров'я і розкрито його актуальність. Визначено соціально-психологічні аспекти управління професійним здоров'ям. Підкреслено необхідність впровадження корпоративної системи управління здоров'ям співробітників, розкривається, наскільки це може бути економічно вигідно для організацій і корисно для співробітників.The main goal of any commercial organization is to generate profit, build financial capacity and maximize income. Important in this process is the work of the company's management to find any opportunities to reduce its costs. But nevertheless, the functioning of the organization is impossible without the use of human resources, their development in the future. The issues of maintaining and strengthening professional health acquire special significance due to the ongoing changes, which actualize today the need to create conditions for achieving professional longevity. The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of preservation and self-preservation of workers' professional health. The results of professional health management programs available in foreign practice are presented. It was found that abroad these programs have a long history of their implementation, in contrast to the domestic management practice. In Ukrainian companies, concern for employees, the development of corporate policy as a strategy for the future has not yet become ubiquitous. Many are looking for benefits in downsizing, lower wages, temporary employees, and effective management decisions. Objectively, companies want instant results without long-term and ambiguous investments. Meanwhile, in foreign countries, health management programs are reaching a new, progressive level, which provides not only for improving working conditions, but also for holding Health Days, changing the lifestyle of employees (promoting a healthy lifestyle, adjusting nutrition programs, increasing physical activity, etc.), as well as regular monitoring and monitoring of the health of employees. For many corporate health management systems in organizations, the period has come to reassess the system of work and develop new solutions The concept of professional health is considered and its relevance is revealed. The socio-psychological aspects of occupational health management have been determined. The necessity of introducing a corporate health management system for employees is emphasized, it is revealed how it can be economically beneficial for organizations and useful for employees

    Application of Klimaktoplan at menopausal disorders

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    Клімактерій – перехідний період в житті жінки від репродуктивної фази з регулярними овуляторними циклами і відповідними циклічними змінами в репродуктивній системі до стану після припинення менструацій. В період менопаузального переходу відмічається порушення судинних, дихальних, вегетативних реакцій та процесу адаптації організму до естрогенної недостатності. Більше 70 країн світу під егідою ВООЗ об’єднали свої зусилля для оптимізації лікування жінок в перименопаузі та покращенням їх якості життя

    Estimation of local strength and damageability of brittle materials on experimental data distribution of statistical parameters

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    Проведен статистический анализ результатов испытаний листового стекла и алюмокерамики при царпании со скалыванием индентором Роквелла. Определены параметры распределения Вейбулла для экспериментальных результатов. Получены статистически обоснованные значения параметра повреждаемости при вероятности разрушения от 0,01 до 0,99, что позволило уточнить характеристики локальной прочности стекла и керамики и повысить достоверность прогноза работоспособности материала при заданной вероятности разрушения ответственных изделий. Показана неприемлемость линейной аппроксимации зависимости разрушающей нагрузки P от расстояния разрушения L при локальном нагружении хрупких материалов. Для листового стекла в области малых нагрузок обнаруженa аномально высокая повреждаемость, характеризующаяся возможными размерами скола до 0,520 мм, что в три раза превышает предельные размеры сколов для керамики Al2О3-1. Результаты могут быть использованы при выборе и оптимизации технологии изготовления оптического стекла, дентокерамики и режущего керамического инструмента.Local strength and the edge damageability of amorphous and crystalline brittle materials are estimated by the methods of statistical analysis. The Weibull distribution is used to analyze experimental data of scratching with edge chipping for the samples of float glass and dense ceramics Al2О3-1. The shape and the scale parameters of the Weibull distribution for the experimental results on the edge destruction, depending on the distance from the edge are determined. A fundamental difference in the mechanical behavior of amorphous and crystalline brittle materials under the local loading is detected. Statistically valid values of damageability parameter L for the fracture probability in the interval 0.01...0.99 are obtained. This allowed specifying the characteristics of the local strength of glass and ceramics, and improving the reliability of the forecast performance of the material at a given probability of failure. It is obtained, that dense ceramic is characterized by non-linear S-shaped form of the plot of the fracture load P versus fracture distance L. In the range of high loads of glass, a similar to ceramic S-shaped dependence P = f (L) is observed. Abnormally high damageability for float glass in the range of small loads characterized by chipping to the possible size of 0.520 mm, which is three times the size for chipping of ceramic Al2O3-1, is detected. It is shown that the estimation error in the parameter of fracture resistance to chipping FRS at the failure probability of 1% as an average value of the ratio P/L was 64% and 391% for ceramics and glass, respectively, compared with the predicted resistance to chipping, defined on the basis of a probabilistic approach. This proves the unacceptability of the linear approximation of the dependence P = f (L), which has been adopted in literature, especially for critical parts made of the brittle materials. The results are the basis for a focused selection of brittle materials, depending on their function. The results can be used for selecting and optimizing the manufacturing technology of optical glass, dental ceramics and ceramic cutting tool

    An Automated Cloud-based Big Data Analytics Platform for Customer Insights

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    Product reviews have a significant influence on strategic decisions for both businesses and customers on what to produce or buy. However, with the availability of large amounts of online information, manual analysis of reviews is costly and time consuming, as well as being subjective and prone to error. In this work, we present an automated scalable cloud-based system to harness big customer reviews on products for gaining customer insights through data pipeline from data acquisition, analysis to visualisation in an efficient way. The experimental evaluation has shown that the proposed system achieves good performance in terms of accuracy and computing time