32 research outputs found

    Antibiotic resistance patterns of bacterial strains isolated from Periplaneta americana and Musca domestica in Tangier, Morocco

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    Background: Flies and cockroaches are two insects in close contact with human beings. They are carriers of human pathogenic bacteria on the external areas of their bodies or in their digestive tracts. This study examines Periplaneta americana and Musca domestica collected from the residential areas of six districts in Tangier, Morocco. Methodology: In total, 251 bacteria were isolated from external areas of the participants' bodies and the antimicrobial susceptibility was calculated. Results: The predominant bacterial species included Escherichia coli (17.9%), Klebsiella spp. (14.7%), Providencia spp. (9.6%), Staphylococcus spp. (15.1%) and Enterococcus spp. (11.6%). The study showed no difference between the species of bacterial strains from American cockroaches and houseflies. Carbapenems and aminoglycosides were active against 100% of the Gram-negative bacilli isolated in this study. Staphylococcus spp. strains were susceptible to linezolid, vancomycin, daptomycin, levofloxacin and cotrimoxazole, and no antibiotic resistance was found in Enterococcus spp. Conclusions: In our setting, although both cockroaches and flies collected from residential areas may be vectors of human pathogenic bacteria, the infections caused by them are easily treatable as a result of the high susceptibility of their bacteria to antibiotics routinely used in the community or in hospitals

    Development and evaluation of a multiplex test for the detection of atypical bacterial DNA in community-acquired pneumonia during childhood

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    AbstractAn incorrect or late diagnosis can lead to an increase in the morbidity and mortality caused by pneumonia, and the availability of a rapid and accurate microbiological test to verify the aetiology is imperative. This study evaluated a molecular test for the identification of the bacterial cause of atypical community-acquired pneumonia (ACAP). Fifty-four children with pneumonia were studied using bacteriological cultures, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Legionella spp. serology, and Streptococcus pneumoniae and Legionella antigens. Simultaneously, the presence of bacterial and fungal DNA was tested for in respiratory secretion samples using the Vircell SL kit, including multiplex PCR and amplicon detection by means of line blots. There were 14 cases of ACAP caused by M. pneumoniae, with positive kit results for 13 of them, and two cases of Q-fever, with negative kit results for Coxiella burnetii. The test was negative in the remaining 38 cases (one staphylococcal pneumonia, 20 Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonias, and 17 probable viral pneumonias). The sensitivity of the test for the detection of M. pneumoniae was 92.8% and the specificity was 100%. The Vircell SL kit allows detection of M. pneumoniae DNA in respiratory secretion samples from children with ACAP

    Betalactamasas de espectro extendido en nuestro medio: Aportaciones científicas

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Microbiología. Leída el 15 de noviembre de 200

    Identificación del grado de lateralización en alumnos de 2º curso de la E.S.O y su relación con el fracaso escolar

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    Son muchos los trabajos de investigación y autores que relacionan parte del fracaso escolar y alteraciones de la lateralidad (contrariada, cruzada o mal definida). En el presente trabajo se les ha practicado un test de dominancia lateral a 44 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 15 años de segundo curso de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en un Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Pública de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, dónde se identifica la dominancia manual, pédica, visual y auditiva. A su vez, se ha empleado un instrumento por el cual se han obtenido las calificaciones de los sujetos en los dos primeros trimestres del presente curso escolar, valorando con ello el fracaso escolar, además de los resultados obtenidos en Lengua y Matemáticas. Según los resultados que se han obtenido, no hallamos relación estadísticamente significativa entre alteraciones de la lateralidad y el fracaso escolar o pobres calificaciones en las materias de Lengua y/o Matemáticas

    Microbios y Esquizofrenia. Una relación no descartada

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    Antimicrobial Activity of the Circular Bacteriocin AS-48 against Clinical Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number SAF2013-48971-C2-1-R and by the Research Group General (BIO160, UGR).The treatment and hospital-spread-control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important challenge since these bacteria are involved in a considerable number of nosocomial infections that are difficult to treat and produce prolonged hospitalization, thus also increasing the risk of death. In fact, MRSA strains are frequently resistant to all -lactam antibiotics, and co-resistances with other drugs such as macrolides, aminoglycosides, and lincosamides are usually reported, limiting the therapeutical options. To this must be added that the ability of these bacteria to form biofilms on hospital surfaces and devices confer high antibiotic resistance and favors horizontal gene transfer of genetic-resistant mobile elements, the spreading of infections, and relapses. Here, we genotypically and phenotypically characterized 100 clinically isolated S. aureus for their resistance to 18 antibiotics (33% of them were OXA resistant MRSA) and ability to form biofilms. From them, we selected 48 strains on the basis on genotype group, antimicrobial-resistance profile, and existing OXA resistance to be assayed against bacteriocin AS-48. The results showed that AS-48 was active against all strains, regardless of their clinical source, genotype, antimicrobial resistance profile, or biofilm formation capacity, and this activity was enhanced in the presence of the antimicrobial peptide lysozyme. Finally, we explored the effect of AS-48 on formed S. aureus biofilms, observing a reduction in S. aureus S-33 viability. Changes in the matrix structure of the biofilms as well as in the cell division process were observed with scanning electron microscopy in both S-33 and S-48 S. aureus strains.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness SAF2013-48971-C2-1-R BIO16