79 research outputs found

    La investigación en cooperación al desarrollo de un Dietista-Nutricionista

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    Miracle diets : when eating guidelines cause health problems

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    Globally, 1.9 billion adults are overweight, 650 million of which are obese, which in turn impacts both health and the economy. Treating obesity involves strategies such as physical activity and dietary planning, always under the supervision of healthcare professionals. Recent decades have brought many fad diets, although they originated at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, these can lead to health problems among their users. A practical way to detect them is that they promise rapid weight loss (more than 1 kg per week), are allegedly effortless, impose excessive energy restrictions, and exclude food or nutrients from the diet

    Applying systematic review search methods to the grey literature: a review of education and training courses on breastfeeding support for health professionals

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    Background: Currently, lactation training courses aimed at health professionals are important for informing and supporting mothers who are breastfeeding. In this review, we seek to analyze similarities and/or variations in course content, modes of delivery, costs, teaching style and learning strategies among courses. To our knowledge, a review of lactation training courses available worldwide is lacking. Thus, the aim of this review is to describe course models aimed at training health professionals in lactation support for mothers. Methods: Through searching grey literature, training courses were obtained from several directories, including the Alaska Breastfeeding Coalition, International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE), International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), Lactation Education Accreditation Association and Approval Review Committee (LEAARC), World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), World Health Organization (WHO), and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Results: Descriptions of ten training programs were included in the final review. Our group found variations in costs, modes of delivery and duration among courses. Conclusions: Certified training for health professionals in lactation is a promising approach for increasing and protecting breastfeeding. Breastfeeding mothers might also benefit from specifically trained health professionals, yet, well-conducted research on such training courses is still required. The variability in the mode of teaching, tuition costs and course content in breastfeeding education programs around the globe must be kept in mind when considering providing training on the optimal competency for health professionals

    Are There Any Parameters Missing in the Mathematical Models Applied in the Process of Spreading COVID-19?

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    On 11 March 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). As of 12.44 GMT on 15 January 2021, it has produced 93,640,296 cases and 2,004,984 deaths. The use of mathematical modelling was applied in Italy, Spain, and UK to help in the prediction of this pandemic. We used equations from general and reduced logistic models to describe the epidemic development phenomenon and the trend over time. We extracted this information from the Italian Ministry of Health, the Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs, and Social Welfare, and the UK Statistics Authority from 3 February to 30 April 2020. We estimated that, from the seriousness of the phenomenon, the consequent pathology, and the lethal outcomes, the COVID-19 trend relate to the same classic laws that govern epidemics and their evolution. The curve d(t) helps to obtain information on the duration of the epidemic phenomenon, as its evolution is related to the efficiency and timeliness of the system, control, diagnosis, and treatment. In fact, the analysis of this curve, after acquiring the data of the first three weeks, also favors the advantage to formulate forecast hypotheses on the progress of the epidemic

    IMC-BFMNU: Un índice estructural relacionado a la masa grasa

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    Introduction: Body mass index (BMI) provides little information on body composition. For example, two people with the same BMI might have different body compositions. In this sense, the development of a new BMI able to provide body composition information is of clinical and scientific interest. The aim of the study was to suggest a new modified BMI formula.Material and methods: A total of 108 subject, females 56 and males 52, 0-73 years old, in various physiopathological conditions were evaluated. Data were collected and processed by a program that through anthropometric measurements calculates classic BMI, volume, surface, V/S (that we can defined like a body-thickness “pseudospessore”) and the new BMI-BFMNU.Results: The basic formula (BMI =Body Mass [kg]/Height [m2]) uses the height squared as the value of the body surface, although this is only an approximation of the real surface, whereas using the real surface instead, the new BMI reflects better the ratio between the body volume and its surface. The ratio called "pseudospessore" is already used in literature from the BFMNU (Italian acronym refereed to Biologia e Fisiologia Modellistica della Nutrizione Umana) method and has been shown to be related to the amount of fat.Conclusions: Using the BMI-BFMNU, it is possible to obtain an indication of the body structure related to the amount of fat. The consequence is that the obtained numerical values do not coincide with the traditional BMI’s values and will refer to different normal ranges. For instance, a person may be in the range of normal weight for both BMI measurements, but only the BMI-BFMNU detects whether a person has a higher or lower fat content considering the individual’s category. This study opens up to new possible future developments on the application of the new BMI that will allow a more accurate assessment and classification of patients.Introducción: El índice de masa corporal (IMC) proporciona poca información sobre la composición corporal. Por ejemplo, dos personas con el mismo IMC pueden presentar composiciones corporales muy diferentes. Por tanto, sería de gran interés clínico y científico encontrar un nuevo IMC que proporcione información adicional sobre la composición corporal. El objetivo del estudio fue encontrar una nueva fórmula de IMC.Material y métodos: Un total de 108 sujetos, 56 mujeres y 52 hombres, de entre 0-73 años, con diversas condiciones fisiopatológicas fueron evaluados. Los datos fueron recolectados y procesados por un programa que a través de medidas antropométricas calculó el IMC clásico, volumen, superficie, V/S (que puede ser definido como pseudoespesor corporal “pseudospessore”) y el nuevo IMC-BFMNU. Resultados: La fórmula básica (IMC = Masa corporal [kg]/Altura [m2]) usa la altura al cuadrado como el valor de la superficie corporal, aunque esto es solo una aproximación de la superficie real, mientras que, al usar la superficie real, el nuevo IMC refleja mejor la relación entre el volumen corporal y su superficie. La proporción denominada "pseudoespesor" ya se utiliza en la literatura dentro del método BFMNU (acrónimo italiano referido a Biologia e Fisiologia Modellistica della Nutrizione Umana) y que se ha demostrado que está relacionada con la cantidad de grasa. Conclusiones: Utilizando el IMC-BFMNU, es posible obtener una indicación de la estructura corporal relacionada con la cantidad de grasa. La consecuencia es que los valores numéricos obtenidos no coinciden con los valores del IMC tradicional y se refieren a diferentes rangos de normalidad. Por ejemplo, una persona puede estar en el rango de peso normal para ambas mediciones de IMC, pero solo el IMC-BFMNU puede detectar si una persona tiene un mayor o menor contenido de grasa considerando la categoría del individuo. Este estudio se abre a nuevos posibles desarrollos futuros sobre la aplicación del nuevo IMC que permitirá una valoración y clasificación más precisa de los pacientes

    "Five Keys to Safer Food" and COVID-19

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    On 11 March 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and, up to 18:37 a.m. on 9 December 2021, it has produced 268,440,530 cases and 5,299,511 deaths. This disease, in some patients, included pneumonia and shortness of breath, being transmitted through droplets and aerosols. To date, there is no scientific literature to justify transmission directly from foods. In this review, we applied the precautionary principle for the home and the food industry using the known 'Five Keys to Safer Food' manual developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and extended punctually in its core information from five keys, in the light of new COVID-19 evidence, to guarantee a possible food safety tool

    Centros de recuperación nutricional: 1984-2011

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    Los centros de recuperación nutricional (CRN) fueron creados por el Dr. José María Bengoa en Venezuela. En el presente estudio se realizó una revisión sistemática cualitativa, de 1984 al 2011, que permitió analizar las modalidades de funcionamiento de los diferentes CRN en el mundo, mediante indicadores de: criterios de admisión, parámetros utilizados en estos centros, así como las modalidades de tratamiento, tiempo de estancia y criterios de alta. Se encontraron diecisiete artículos que describen algunos o todos estos indicadores. El uso de los CRN se encontró en cuatro países de África (Etiopía, Kenia, Malawi y Nigeria), cuatro de América (Bolivia, Brasil, Chile y Nicaragua) y dos en Asia (India y Nepal). Los resultados reflejan la importancia de los CRN en el tratamiento de la desnutrición, sobre todo si se acompaña con la educación de las madres sobre la alimentación, prácticas higiénicas, etc., para un mejor cuidado en el hogar. Nuevas evidencias en el tratamiento de la desnutrición han motivado la evolución de los centros, pero aún así, sus limitaciones persisten. No obstante, las ventajas de su uso son excepcionales. Se propone, de acuerdo con los diferentes tipos de centros, y en base a las deficiencias o limitaciones observadas en su conceptualización y designación, redefinir las NRC bajo el concepto de Centros Globales de Nutrición (GloNuCen) basados en la comunidad y la personalización nutricional, los cuales podrían ser centros fijos en el caso de hospitales y servicios ambulatorios, e instalaciones móviles para situaciones de emergencia que, si duran con el tiempo, puedan convertirse en centros fijos. ABSTRACT: The Nutritional Recovery Centers (NRC) were created by Dr. Jose María Bengoa in Venezuela. In the present study a qualitative systematic review was carried out, from 1984 to 2011, allowing us to analyze the operating modalities of the different CRNs in the world, by means of indicators of: admission criteria, parameters used in these centers, as well as their treatment modalities, time of stay and discharge criteria. Seventeen articles have been found that describe some or all of these indicators. The use of NRCs was found in four African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria), four in America (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Nicaragua) and two in Asia (India and Nepal). The results reflect the importance of NRC in the treatment of malnutrition, especially if it is reinforced with mothers' education about food, hygiene practices, etc., for better home care. New evidence in the treatment of malnutrition has motivated the evolution of the centers, but still, their limitations persist. Nonetheless, the advantages of their use are exceptional. It is proposed, according to the different types of centers, and based on the deficiencies or limitations observed in their conceptualization and designation, to redefine the NRCs under the concept of Global Nutrition Centers (GloNuCen) based on the community and nutritional customization, which could be fixed centers in the case of hospitals and outpatient services, and mobile facilities for emergency situations that, if they last over time, could turn into fixed centers

    The Tapeworm and Maria Callas' Diet: A Mystery Revealed

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    Maria Callas' diet, also known as the tapeworm diet, is a non-food-based hazardous treatment. This study aims to justify whether Maria Callas used this treatment for weight loss. To investigate this, we searched in the 'white', 'grey', and 'black' literature. The historical facts about the use of tapeworm pills seem to be inconsistent and include fake news. In the case of Maria Callas, it has been confirmed by her biography and personal communications that she was diagnosed with a beef tapeworm due to eating uncooked meat. This discredits the hypothesis that she consumed tapeworm pills

    The BFMNU method as an alternative to the methods in use based on energy: study of the correlation between food energy and body mass

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    Abstract Introduction: to establish slimming guidelines and any other changing treatments is useful to know the individual's energy expenditure due to the fact that, nowadays, the incidence of many diseases related to the loss of lean mass and the accumulation of adipose tissue has increased. The dietary treatments are carried out on calculating the energy contained in food, and then put in relation to the total energy expended by the body in order to produce changes in body mass. Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the food energy and body mass of different subjects in various pathophysiological conditions. Methods: one hundred and twenty subjects (male and female, aged 7-78 years old) were studied in various pathophysiological conditions and previously treated with the BFMNU (Biologia e Fisiologia Modellistica della Nutrizione Umana) method. Results: a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.1256 was found between food energy of the diet usually followed by the subjects and their body mass. The correlation between food energy and food mass was with R2 of 0.211. The correlation between ∆% of food energy and ∆% of body mass of the subjects, obtained through dietary treatment with the BFMNU method, was 95.77 percent. Conclusions: the correlation between food energy and body mass is not significant, being a critical point about the diets designed on an energy basis. However, the body mass of an individual is determined by mass balance, regulated by corresponding metabolic rate, calculated by the BFMNU method, thanks to which the macronutrients in the diet are absorbed, redistributed and eliminated. A significant correlation, although not straight, is demonstrated between ∆% of food energy, supplied after processing through the dietary BFMNU method, and the ∆% of body mass, obtained following the dietetic path. Resumen Introducción: con el fin de establecer pautas de adelgazamiento es necesario conocer el gasto energético del individuo, sobre todo porque hoy en día la incidencia de muchas enfermedades relacionadas con la pérdida de masa magra y la acumulación de tejido adiposo ha aumentado. Por lo tanto, los tratamientos dietéticos se basan en el cálculo de la energía contenida en los alimentos y luego se ponen en relación con la energía total gastada por el cuerpo para producir cambios en la masa corporal. Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio fue analizar la correlación entre la energía alimentaria y la masa corporal de diferentes sujetos en diversas condiciones fisiopatológicas. Métodos: la muestra consistió en 120 sujetos, varones y mujeres, de 7 a 78 años de edad, en diversas condiciones fisiopatológicas, previamente tratados con el método BFMNU (Biologia e Fisiologia Modellistica della Nutrizione Umana). Resultados: se encontró un coeficiente de correlación R2 de 0,1256 entre la energía alimentaria de la dieta habitualmente seguida por los sujetos y su masa corporal. La correlación entre la energía alimentaria y la masa alimentaria fue de R2 de 0,211. La correlación entre el ∆% de la energía alimentaria y ∆% de la masa corporal de los sujetos, obtenida con el tratamiento dietético por el método BFMNU, ascendió a 95,77%. Conclusiones: la correlación no significativa entre la energía alimentaria y la masa corporal plantea una gran pregunta sobre las dietas diseñadas sobre una base energética. En su lugar, la masa corporal de un individuo está determinada por el balance de masa, regulado por la tasa metabólica correspondiente, calculado por el método BFMNU, gracias al cual los macronutrientes en la dieta son absorbidos, redistribuidos y eliminados. Se demuestra una correlación significativa, aunque no lineal, entre ∆% de la energía alimentaria, suministrada después del procesamiento a través del método BFMNU de la dieta, y el ∆% de la masa corporal, obtenido siguiendo la pauta dietética

    La alimentación en los viajes espaciales tripulados: desde el Programa Gemini hasta la ISS/Shuttle

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    Space foods have had great importance in the development of manned space missions since they constitute the only source of energy and nutrients for the human being outside the planet Earth. These foods have undergone a great evolution since the beginning of the Mercury Program to current missions to the International Space Station (ISS). Initially they were designed to provide a great energy and nutrient density and currently priority is given to psychological and organoleptic characteristics since they contribute to increased consumption and a better nutritional status of astronauts. The aim of the present study is to make a retrospective analysis of what has been published until today about the space food, since in the context of a possible future mission manned to deep space, available food are not currently suitable for ensuring an optimal state of health of the astronauts. To search for these items has been used database PubMed and web of the jet propulsion laboratory (Jet propulsion laboratory) National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA articles published up to 2012.Los alimentos espaciales han tenido una gran importancia en el desarrollo de las misiones espaciales tripuladas ya que constituyen la única fuente de energía y nutrientes para el ser humano fuera del planeta Tierra. Dichos alimentos han experimentado una gran evolución desde el inicio del Programa Mercury hasta las actuales misiones a la International Space Station (ISS). En un primer momento eran diseñados para ofrecer una gran densidad energética y nutritiva y actualmente se da prioridad a las características organolépticas y psicológicas, ya que contribuyen a un mayor consumo y un mejor estado nutricional de los astronautas. El objetivo del presente estudio es hacer un análisis retrospectivo de las publicaciones hasta la fecha sobre alimentos espaciales para ver si los disponibles actualmente son apropiados para mantener un buen estado nutricional de los astronautas en el marco de una misión espacial tripulada al espacio profundo. Para la búsqueda de estos artículos se ha utilizado la base de datos de PubMed y de la web del Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), de los artículos publicados hasta el año 2012