839 research outputs found

    Perspectiva kantiana sobre el Estado y la educación

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    This paper analyzes the role of education in the practical philosophy of Immanuel The presentwork analyzes the position of education and the state in the practical philosophy of ImmanuelKant, for whom education is established as the essential task of humanity, not in vain he pointed outthat, that man can consider as the discoveries more difficult the art of government, and the art ofeducation, which is with which the process by which the human being becomes human begins; thatof civilization and culture, intrinsic elements in the sphere of education; which is the basis of thedevelopment of people in particular, and of humanity in general, for which the theses on educationin the text of pedagogy must be reviewed, which suggests that the cosmopolitan educational projectis the best way to promote an education that tends towards the universal good.However, in order for the Kantian proposal to be promoted from educational institutions, itis necessary to reconsider the task and function not only of parents, but also of the State in theeducational sphere and guide it according to the parameters of cosmopolitanism, a philosophy thatis both offered as an unavoidable duty and as a pervasive social need. The definition of cosmopolitaneducation is presented as a method of human growth that enables the identification of beings withmoral and legal personality in each of us.  Este trabajo analiza la posición de la educación y el Estado en la filosofía práctica de Immanuel Kant, paraquien la educación se establece como la tarea esencial de la humanidad, no en vano señaló que, “el hombre puedeconsiderar cómo los descubrimientos más difíciles, el arte del gobierno y el arte de la educación”, que es con lacual inicia el proceso por el cual el ser humano se hace humano a saber; el de la civilización y la cultura, elementosintrínsecos en la esfera de la educación que es la base del desarrollo de las personas en particular, y de la humanidaden general, por lo cual las tesis sobre educación en el texto de la pedagogía deben ser revisadas, sugiriendo que elproyecto educativo cosmopolita es la mejor vía para propiciar una educación que tienda al bien universal.Sin embargo, para que la propuesta kantiana sea impulsada desde las instituciones educativas, se requierereplantear la tarea y función no solo de los padres, sino también del Estado en la esfera educativa y orientarla segúnlos parámetros del cosmopolitismo, una filosofía que se ofrece como un deber ineludible y como una necesidadsocial generalizada. La definición de educación cosmopolita se presenta como un método de crecimiento humano que posibilita la identificación de seres con personalidad moral y jurídica en cada uno de nosotros

    Prehistoric mining and metallurgy in the Priorat and bordering areas (province of Tarragona). State of the issue

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    En los últimos 15 años se han desarrollado diversos proyectos de investigación centrados en la minería y la metalurgia prehistóricas en el Priorat. Gracias a estos, el conocimiento sobre este tema se ha visto notablemente incrementado hasta el punto de convertirse en el territorio del nordeste con más datos disponibles. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar este conjunto de nuevos datos (arqueológicos y arqueométricos) así como las interpretaciones que de ellos se derivan para avanzar en el conocimiento de la producción metalúrgica en las comunidades del Calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce.In the last 15 years a few research projects have been carried out focused on prehistoric mining and metallurgy in the Priorat area. Because of their results, knowledge on this subject has been increased significantly, to the point of becoming the territory of the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula with more data available. Is the goal of this article to expose this set of new data (archaeological and archaeometric) as well as to treat the interpretations derived from them, advancing in the knowledge of metallurgical production in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age communities

    Cost-effective analysis for selecting energy efficiency measures for refurbishment of residential buildings in Catalonia

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    © 2016. This version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper presents the results of a detailed method for developing cost-optimal studies for the energy refurbishment of residential buildings. The method takes part of an innovative approach: two-step evaluation considering thermal comfort, energy and economic criteria. The first step, the passive evaluation, was presented previously [1] and the results are used to develop the active evaluation, which is the focus of this paper. The active evaluation develops a cost-optimal analysis to compare a set of passive and active measures for the refurbishment of residential buildings. The cost-optimal methodology follows the European Directives and analysed the measures from the point of view of non-renewable primary energy consumption and the global costs over 30 years. The energy uses included in the study are heating, domestic hot water, cooling, lighting and appliances. In addition, the results have been represented following the energy labelling scale. The paper shows the results of a multi-family building built in the years 1990–2007 and located in Barcelona with two configurations: with natural ventilation and without natural ventilation. The method provides technical and economic information about the energy efficiency measures, with the objective to support the decision process.Postprint (author's final draft

    Planar Cell Polarity Signaling in Collective Cell Movements During Morphogenesis and Disease

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    Collective and directed cell movements are crucial for diverse developmental processes in the animal kingdom, but they are also involved in wound repair and disease. During these processes groups of cells are oriented within the tissue plane, which is referred to as planar cell polarity (PCP). This requires a tight regulation that is in part conducted by the PCP pathway. Although this pathway was initially characterized in flies, subsequent studies in vertebrates revealed a set of conserved core factors but also effector molecules and signal modulators, which build the fundamental PCP machinery. The PCP pathway in Drosophila regulates several developmental processes involving collective cell movements such as border cell migration during oogenesis, ommatidial rotation during eye development, and embryonic dorsal closure. During vertebrate embryogenesis, PCP signaling also controls collective and directed cell movements including convergent extension during gastrulation, neural tube closure, neural crest cell migration, or heart morphogenesis. Similarly, PCP signaling is linked to processes such as wound repair, and cancer invasion and metastasis in adults. As a consequence, disruption of PCP signaling leads to pathological conditions. In this review, we will summarize recent findings about the role of PCP signaling in collective cell movements in flies and vertebrates. In addition, we will focus on how studies in Drosophila have been relevant to our understanding of the PCP molecular machinery and will describe several developmental defects and human disorders in which PCP signaling is compromised. Therefore, new discoveries about the contribution of this pathway to collective cell movements could provide new potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for these disorders

    Consenso y disenso en la participación ciudadana

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    El espacio público es aquella esfera en la que se pone de manifiesto la actividad humana por excelencia, a saber: la política. La esencia, tarea principal u objetivo del espacio público es que las diferencias y pluralidades intrínsecas de la humanidad encuentren un lugar en común desde el cual se pueda trabajar para la construcción de acuerdos incluyentes; en este espacio se tiene que mostrar el consenso y el disenso; uno no puede mostrarse sin el otro, ambos deben mantenerse unidos como dos caras de la misma moneda. Si uno de ellos desaparece o es eliminado del espacio público, este pierde su esencia, deja de ser público y se convierte en un escenario más de la imposición y la represión. Una vía para tratar de mantener el equilibrio entre estos dos escenarios es, sin duda alguna, la deliberación

    Les claus del tio canya. Llengua, música i cançó reivindicativa: l’imaginari del grup valencià Al Tall

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    En la present tesi pretenem realitzar una anàlisi de la significació ideològica, sociocultural i musicològica del grup valencià Al Tall, al llarg de més de quatre dècades de trajectòria musical, en contextos sociopolítics diferenciats que compendien la història contemporània del País Valencià. El objectius generals del nostre treball són: - Descriure el funcionament de la cançó reivindicativa com a praxi musical que ha conjuminat valors estètics i projectes de transformació social en diversos contextos històrics contemporanis. - Contextualitzar la gènesi i la trajectòria musical del grup Al Tall des del tardofranquisme fins l’actualitat, tot mostrant l’evolució sociopolítica, musical i tecnològica del seu entorn. - Analitzar sistemàticament el corpus musical del grup Al Tall, tot relacionant els temes, estructures estròfiques i patrons musicals que conformen la seua discografia. - Valorar les influències musicals que convergeixen en l’obra del grup valencià i que es desenvolupen dins del context musical contemporani i posterior al període en actiu del grup, així com el seu llegat ideològic i estètic, referència indiscutible de multitud de grups i solistes dins els diferents corrents del panorama musical valencià. La metodologia emprada ha estat eclèctica i s’ha fet servir un enfocament interdisciplinar mirant de sintetitzat aportacions de camps diversos: història social contemporània, història de la cultura, sociologia de la cultura i del coneixement, literatura popular i comparada, etnomusicologia. Dins d’aquest eclecticisme metodològic es plantegen en concret les línies següents: - Revisió crítica de la bibliografia sobre la cançó en català, a partir de les coordenades de la història social i del coneixement de l’anàlisi comparada dels fenòmens culturals. - Anàlisi del corpus discogràfic d’Al Tall, tant en els textos com en el suport musical, per mitjà dels recursos de l’anàlisi del discurs, la literatura comparada i la musicologia. Si escau, es recorrerà a l’anàlisi de continguts i s’establirà la corresponent explotació estadística dels materials literaris i musicals. - Estudi numèric de les recurrències i citacions explícites d’Al Tall en la bibliografia musical de cada període (publicacions especialitzades i pàgines de cultura de la premsa generalista).This thesis aims to perform an analysis of ideological significance, socio-cultural and musical of the Valencian group Al Tall, over more than four decades of musical trajectory, in differentiated sociopolitical contexts that summarize contemporary history of the Valencian Country. The general objectives of our work are: - Describe the performance of the protest song as musical praxis that has combined aesthetic values ​​and projects of social transformation in different contexts contemporary historical. - Contextualize the genesis and musical trajectory of the Al Tall group from the late Franquism until the present, highlighting the socio-political, musical and technological environment. - Analyze the musical system of the Al Tall group, relating it to the topics, the strophic structures and the musical patterns that make up his discography. - Value the musical influences that converge in the objective of the entity and that develop within the contemporary musical context and after the active period group with its ideological and aesthetic legacy, indisputable reference of many groups and soloists among the different currents of the Valencian music scene. The methodology used has been eclectic and interdisciplinary trying to synthesize the contributions of diverse fields: social contemporary history, history of culture, sociology of culture and knowledge, popular and comparative literature, ethnomusicology. Within this eclecticism methodologically, the following lines are specifically proposed: - Critical review of the literature on the song in Catalan, from the coordinates of the social history of knowledge and comparative analysis cultural phenomena. - Analysis of Al Tall's record corpus, both in the texts and in the support musical, through the resources of discourse analysis, comparative literature and musicology. - Numerical study of recurrences and explicit quotations of Al Tall in the musical bibliography of each period

    Perspectiva kantiana sobre el Estado y la educación

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    Este trabajo analiza la posición de la educación y el Estado en la filosofía práctica de Immanuel Kant, para quien la educación se establece como la tarea esencial de la humanidad, no en vano señaló que, “el hombre puede considerar cómo los descubrimientos más difíciles, el arte del gobierno y el arte de la educación”, que es con la cual inicia el proceso por el cual el ser humano se hace humano a saber; el de la civilización y la cultura, elementos intrínsecos en la esfera de la educación que es la base del desarrollo de las personas en particular, y de la humanidad en general, por lo cual las tesis sobre educación en el texto de la pedagogía deben ser revisadas, sugiriendo que el proyecto educativo cosmopolita es la mejor vía para propiciar una educación que tienda al bien universal. Sin embargo, para que la propuesta kantiana sea impulsada desde las instituciones educativas, se requiere replantear la tarea y función no solo de los padres, sino también del Estado en la esfera educativa y orientarla según los parámetros del cosmopolitismo, una filosofía que se ofrece como un deber ineludible y como una necesidad social generalizada. La definición de educación cosmopolita se presenta como un método de crecimiento humano que posibilita la identificación de seres con personalidad moral y jurídica en cada uno de nosotros.//This paper analyzes the role of education in the practical philosophy of Immanuel The present work analyzes the position of education and the state in the practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant, for whom education is established as the essential task of humanity, not in vain he pointed out that, that man can consider as the discoveries more difficult the art of government, and the art of education, which is with which the process by which the human being becomes human begins; that of civilization and culture, intrinsic elements in the sphere of education; which is the basis of the development of people in particular, and of humanity in general, for which the theses on education in the text of pedagogy must be reviewed, which suggests that the cosmopolitan educational project is the best way to promote an education that tends towards the universal good. However, in order for the Kantian proposal to be promoted from educational institutions, it is necessary to reconsider the task and function not only of parents, but also of the State in the educational sphere and guide it according to the parameters of cosmopolitanism, a philosophy that is both offered as an unavoidable duty and as a pervasive social need. The definition of cosmopolitan education is presented as a method of human growth that enables the identification of beings with moral and legal personality in each of us

    La imparcialidad en la interpretación policial

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    The different codes of ethics applicable to interpreting in police settings include principles - confidentiality, fidelity, impartiality - that every interpreter should obey. The police setting, however, creates situations in which it is not possible to follow these principles. Taking this contradiction as a starting point, and focusing on the principle of impartiality, the aim of this study is to verify if there is, indeed, a divorce between theory and practice and to establish what determines the eventual divergence. In order to validate the hypothesis, the study describes five interpreting sessions between French and Spanish that took place at different police stations in Valencia. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire filled in by the interpreter-researcher. The results show that there is in fact a divorce between theory and practice and the analysis suggests the possible causes behind the tensions that the interpreter encounters when trying to keep the principle of impartiality in police interpreting