8 research outputs found

    Effects of wearing a full body compression garment during recovery from an ultra-trail race

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    In sport disciplines with high levels of muscle damage such as an ultra-trail competition, full body compression garments (FBCG) may have an ergogenic effect during the recovery process. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of FBCG worn for 24 h immediately after a 107-km ultra-trail on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle damage, inflammatory and renal response. Thirty-two athletes (19 males and 13 females; VO2peak: 54.1 ± 5.2 ml O2/kg/min) participated in the study. The following blood markers were analysed before, immediately after, at 24 and 48 h post-race: lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, C-reactive protein and creatinine. The glomerular filtration rate was also calculated. Delayed onset muscle soreness was evaluated before, immediately after and at 24 h post-race. On arrival at the finishing line, athletes were randomised into one of two recovery groups (FBCG and control group). The results showed that wearing FBCG did not influence the evolution of any of the blood markers up to 48 h after the race (p > .05). However, FBCG group presented a lower increase in posterior leg DOMS (11.0 ± 46.2% vs 112.3 ± 170.4%, p = .03, d = 0.8). Therefore, although FBCG is not useful for reducing muscle damage and inflammatory response after an ultra-trail race, its use may still be recommended as a recovery method to reduce muscle soreness

    Effect of mountain ultramarathon distance competition on biochemical variables, respiratory and lower-limb fatigue

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    The study aimed at assessing the acute physiological effects of running a 65-km vs a 107-km mountain ultramarathon. Nineteen athletes (15 males and 4 females) from the shorter race and forty three athletes (26 males and 17 females) from the longer race were enrolled. Body weight, respiratory and lower limb strength were assessed before and after the race. Blood samples were obtained before, after and 24-h post-race. Body weight loss did not differ between races. A decrease in squat jump height (p<0.01; d = 1.4), forced vital capacity (p<0.01; d = 0.5), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (p<0.01; d = 0.6), peak inspiratory flow (p<0.01; d = 0.6) and maximal inspiratory pressure (p<0.01; d = 0.8) was observed after the longer race; while, after the shorter race only maximal inspiratory pressure declined (p<0.01; d = 0.5). Greater post-race concentrations of creatine kinase (p<0.01; d = 0.9) and C-reactive protein (p<0.01; d = 2.3) were observed following the longer race, while high-sensitivity cardiac troponin was higher after the shorter race (p<0.01; d = 0.3). Sodium decreased post-competition only after the shorter race (p = 0.02; d = 0.6), while creatinine increased only following the longer race (p<0.01; d = 1.5). In both groups, glomerular filtration rate declined at post-race (longer race: p<0.01, d = 2.1; shorter race: p = 0.01, d = 1.4) and returned to baseline values at 24 h post-race. In summary, expiratory and lower-limb fatigue, and muscle damage and inflammatory response were greater following the longer race; while a higher release of cardiac troponins was observed after the shorter race. The alteration and restoration of renal function was similar after either race

    Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises

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    Abstract: Underwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) when exposed to ship and wind turbine operational noises was implemented and tested in a fixed commercial tuna feeding cage in the Mediterranean sea. Fish behavior was continuously monitored, combining synchronized echosounder and video recording systems. Automatic information extracted from acoustical echograms was used to describe tuna reaction to noise in terms of average depth and vertical dimensions of the school and the indicators of swimming speed and tilt direction. Video recordings allowed us to detect changes in swimming patterns. Different kinds of stimuli were considered during bluefin tuna cage monitoring, such as noise generated by feeding boats, wind farm operational noise, and other synthetic signals projected in the medium using a broadband underwater projector. The monitoring system design was revealed as a successful methodological approach to record and quantify reactions to noise. The obtained results suggested that the observed reactions presented a strong relationship with insonification pressure level and time. Behavioral changes associated with noise are difficult to observe, especially in semi-free conditions; thus, the presented approach offered the opportunity to link anthropogenic activity with possible effects on a given marine species, suggesting the possibility of achieving a more realistic framework to assess the impacts of underwater noise on marine animals.Versión del edito

    Pautes per a l’harmonització del tractament farmacològic de la incontinència urinària

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    Incontinència urinària; Tractament; AlgorismeIncontinencia urinaria; Tratamiento; AlgoritmoUrinary incontinence; Treatment; AlgorithmAquesta pauta té l’objectiu d’harmonitzar el tractament farmacològic dels pacients amb incontinència urinària i es dirigeix, principalment, als professionals de l’àmbit de l’atenció primària, comunitària i especialitzada. Es prioritzen les guies de pràctica clínica de referència vigents i s’identifiquen les revisions sistemàtiques i els assaigs clínics de rellevància que plantegen preguntes clíniques concretes. La pauta també incorpora la revisió de l’evidència científica generada després de la publicació de les esmentades guies i la utilització de criteris d’eficiència per a la realització de recomanacions de selecció i priorització de medicaments i/o grups terapèutics, d’acord amb la política farmacèutica del CatSalut.Esta pauta tiene el objetivo de armonizar el tratamiento farmacológico de los pacientes con incontinencia urinaria y se dirige, principalmente, a los profesionales del ámbito de la atención primaria, comunitaria y especializada. Se priorizan las guías de práctica clínica de referencia vigentes y se identifican las revisiones sistemáticas y los ensayos clínicos de relevancia que plantean preguntas clínicas concretas. La pauta también incorpora la revisión de la evidencia científica generada tras la publicación de dichas guías y la utilización de criterios de eficiencia para la realización de recomendaciones de selección y priorización de medicamentos y / o grupos terapéuticos, de acuerdo con la política farmacéutica del CatSalut.This guideline aims to harmonize the pharmacological treatment of patients with urinary incontinence and is aimed primarily at professionals in the field of primary, community and specialized care. Current clinical practice guidelines are prioritized and systematic reviews and relevant clinical trials that raise specific clinical questions are identified. The guideline also includes the review of the scientific evidence generated after the publication of the aforementioned guidelines and the use of efficiency criteria for making recommendations for the selection and prioritization of drugs and / or therapeutic groups, in accordance with the pharmaceutical policy of CatSalut