575 research outputs found

    Efecto del sorgo de Alepo sobre la producción de soja, de maíz y de las malezas presentes en estos cultivos

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    p.123-129En dos lotes con diferentes historias agrícolas sembrados uno con maíz y otro con soja, se tomaron muestras de biomasa aérea cuando finalizó el ciclo de los cultivos. Se estudiaron las relaciones entre la biomasa aérea cosechada del sorgo de Alepo con la de las especies cultivadas y la de las otras especies de malezas presentes en las parcelas' muéstrales. Para ello se ajustaron los datos a modelos de regresión lineales y exponenciales. Sólo en uno de los lotes sembrados con maíz, cuya historia agrícola fue una larga monocultura de esa especie, el aumento de la biomasa de sorgo de Alepo se relacionó con disminuciones marcadas en la cantidad de materia seca del maíz y de las otras especies de maleza. La partición de la materia seca del cultivo entre el grano y la parte vegetativa se modificó en relación con la biomasa de sorgo de Alepo. En el lote sembrado con soja se observó una disminución de la materia seca de esta especie en relación con el aumento de la biomasa aérea del sorgo de Alepo, en cambio, la biomasa aérea de las otras malezas se mostró indiferente. Los modelos dé regresión exponenciales negativos fueron los más adecuados para describir las relaciones analizadas

    An explanation of the muon puzzle of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays and the role of the Forward Physics Facility for model improvement

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    We investigate the observed muon deficit in air shower simulations when compared to ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) data. Based upon the observed enhancement of strangeness production in high-energy hadronic collisions reported by the ALICE Collaboration, the concomitant πK\pi \leftrightarrow K swap is considered as the keystone to resolve the muon anomaly through its corresponding impact on the shower development. We construct a toy model in terms of the πK\pi \leftrightarrow K swapping probability FsF_s. We present a parametrization of FsF_s in terms of the pseudorapidity that can accommodate the UHECR data. Looking to the future, we explore potential strategies for model improvement using the massive amounts of data to be collected by LHC neutrino detectors, such as FASERν\nu and experiments at the Forward Physics Facility. We calculate the corresponding sensitivity to FsF_s and show that these experiments will be able to probe the model phase space.Comment: To be published in JHEA

    The Red seabream fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar: update of the available information from the fishery statistics and some considerations about the current knowledge on the target species growth

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from the last analyzed year, 2012. The document presents data about landings, LPUE, length frequencies and also some biological information about the species growth which should be useful to fishery management considerations.Versión del edito

    Updating the available information from Spanish Red seabream fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from 2015. This document presents data about landings, CPUEs, spatial distribution and landings length frequencies which should be taken into account to provide the 2016 scientific advice for Red seabream in ICES Subarea I

    Identification and mapping of a locus conferring plum pox virus resistance in two apricot-improved linkage maps

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    Sharka disease, caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), is one of the major limiting factors for stone fruit crops in Europe and America. In particular, apricot is severely affected suffering significant fruit losses. Thus, PPV resistance is a trait of great interest for the apricot breeding programs currently in progress. In this work, two apricot maps, earlier constructed with the F1 ‘Goldrich × Currot’ (G×C) and the F2 ‘Lito × Lito’-98 (L×L-98) populations, have been improved including 43 and 37 new simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, respectively, to facilitate PPV resistance trait mapping. Screening of PPV resistance on the segregating populations classified seedling phenotypes into resistant or susceptible. A non-parametric mapping method, based on the Kruskal–Wallis (KW) rank sum test, was initially used to score marker–trait association, and results were confirmed by interval mapping. Contrary to the putative digenic model inferred from the phenotypic segregations, all significant markers for the KW statistic (P < 0.005) mapped in a unique region of ~21.0 and ~20.3 cM located on the upper part of the G1 linkage group in ‘G×C’ and ‘L×L-98’ maps, respectively. According to the data, PPV resistance is suggested to be controlled by at least one major dominant locus. The association between three SSRs distributed within this region and the PPV resistance was tested in two additional populations (‘Goldrich × Canino’ and ‘Lito × Lito’-00) and breeding program parents. The marker ssrPaCITA5 showed the highest KW value (P < 0.005) in all cases, pointing out its usefulness in marker-assisted selection.This research was supported by a grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (AGL2004-04126-C02-02/AGR).Peer reviewe

    The Spanish Red seabream fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar: an update of the available information

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    This paper includes the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from 2016. So, data about landings, CPUEs, spatial distribution and landings length frequencies are presented and analyze

    Imaging the Kirkendall effect in pyrite (FeS2) thin films: cross-sectional microstructure and chemical features

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    This investigation provides novel data on the structure and chemical composition of pyrite thin films and new hints concerning their formation mechanism. From TEM-HAADF data, it has been found that the films are composed of two different layers: one is very compact and the other one is quite porous with many voids separating a few groups of grains. This porous layer is always in direct contact with the substrate, and its thickness is quite similar to that of the original Fe film. The average size of pyrite grains is equal in both layers, what suggests that the same process is responsible for their formation. Concentration profiles of sulfur, iron and some impurities (mainly sodium and oxygen from the glass substrate) through both layers are given in this work, and thus chemical inhomogeneities of the films are proved by the obtained stoichiometric ratios (S/Fe). Moreover, Na from sodalime glass substrates mainly accumulates at the pyrite grain boundaries and barely dopes them. The obtained results support the hypothesis that the iron sulfuration process essentially induces the diffusion of iron atoms, what leads to the porous layer formation as a manifestation of the Kirkendall Effect. Therefore, it seems that the same mechanisms that operate in the synthesis of surface hollow structures at the nanoscale are also active in the formation of pyrite thin films ranging from several tens to hundreds of nanometersMembers of MIRE Group acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MICINN under project RTI2018-099794-B-I00. E. Flores acknowledges the intramural CSIC project 2D-MeSes funding and the service from the MiNa Laboratory at IMN, and funding from CM (project SpaceTec, S2013/ICE2822), MINECO (project CSIC13-4E1794) and EU (FEDER,FSE). Financial support through the project UMA18-FEDERJA-041 is gratefully acknowledge

    The Blackspot seabream Spanish target fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar: updating the available information

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    This paper includes the available information of the Blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish “voracera” target fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar. The documents presented in previous years were updated with the 2020 information: data about landings, fishing effort, CPUEs and landings length frequencies are presented to its discussion within the 2021 WGDEEP

    The Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar: ICES Subarea IX updated data

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabrem fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from the last analyzed year, 2010. The document presents data about landings, LPUE, length frequencies and also observers on board programme information which should be useful for considerations about the fishery.Versión del edito

    Updating the available information from Spanish Red seabream fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from 2014. This document presents Spanish data about landings, LPUEs, and landings length frequencies