1,670 research outputs found
Motives and Giving Norms Behind Remittances: the Case of Filipino Overseas Workers and their Recipient Households
The literature has focused on motives to explain remittance behavior. But as non-anonymous transfers, remittances are liable to be influenced by giving norms as well. We formulate an empirical specification that takes account of remittance motives involving worker-household pairs. We find that altruism dominates the exchange motive among overseas workers who are likely to be the primary breadwinners of their recipient households. We also find that, in the subsample in which overseas workers are likely to be secondary breadwinners, (a) household labor income is an endogenous explanatory variable and (b) the error covariance of the household income and remittance selection equations is positive. A possible reason for (a) is that secondary breadwinners use household income as an imperfect signal of opportunity cost or to detect unobserved effort, i.e., moral hazard, in generating income. As for (b), we surmise that it indicates the presence of incentive-compatible mechanisms against moral hazard. On giving norms, we find that in samples that include overseas workers who are secondary breadwinners, remittance amounts are afflicted with negative selectivity. We present evidence that this is consistent with Filipino giving practices, in which everyone gives but in modest amounts.Remittances, remittance motives, giving norms
Trabajo en equipo : habilidad social a desarrollar en los ambientes de aprendizaje presencial y virtual de la Universidad
Soraya Julián (biografía): Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica, Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación, Especialidad en Educación en Entorno Virtual, Especialidad en Orientación Educativa Psicopedagógica. Licenciada en Teatro, mención Dirección Teatral; Licenciada en Psicología, Diplomado en Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Pedagógicas con mención en Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Experta en De Bono Thinking. Conferencista College Board de Puerto Rico y América Latina. Tiene cursos de inglés, portugués e italiano. Actualmente trabaja como psicóloga en el Departamento de Bienestar Universitario y como docente de las asignaturas Orientación Universitaria y Metodología de la Investigación Científica, en la Unapec. Escribe cuentos, obras de teatro y poesía, entre otros.En este trabajo la autora nos explica su experiencia docente con las llamadas Habilidad Trabajo en Equipo en unas veintiséis acotaciones. Indica que por lo pronto necesitamos nuevos entornos de aprendizaje, nuevos roles docentes y personales, nuevas competencias para integrar a nuestra forma de vida actual
Soraya Julián M. (biografía): Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica, Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación, Especialidad en Educación en Entorno Virtual, Especialidad en Orientación Educativa Psicopedagógica. Licenciada en Teatro, mención Dirección Teatral; Licenciada en Psicología, Diplomado en Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Pedagógicas con mención en Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Experta en De Bono Thinking. Conferencista College Board de Puerto Rico y América Latina. Tiene cursos de inglés, portugués e italiano. Actualmente trabaja como psicóloga en el Departamento de Bienestar Universitario y como docente de las asignaturas Orientación Universitaria y Metodología de la Investigación Científica, en la Unapec. Escribe cuentos, obras de teatro y poesía, entre otros
Morphological, electrophysiological and behavioral investigation of visual acuity of the juvenile loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)
A majority of the research on sea turtle vision focuses on the turtle\u27s ability to perceive shapes, colors and brightness cues on land. However, aerial vision is a minor component of the visual ability of sea turtles, potentially used only when surfacing to breathe, while basking, and during female reproductive activities. For my doctoral dissertation, I examined the aquatic visual acuity of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) by investigating the morphology of the eye, the electrophysiology of response to stimuli, and the behavior to specific stimuli. For the morphological experiments, eyes were obtained from loggerheads, euthanized due to injury, and histological techniques were used to identify both cell types as well as regionization of cell densities. For the collection of electrophysiological responses from healthy juvenile loggerheads, testing was performed using a water-filled goggle and subdermal platinum electrodes implanted over the optic nerve and contralateral optic tectum. Stimuli were flickering black and white gratings. Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were collected using an averaging computer and thresholds were measured from the recordings. Finally, for the psychophysical study, loggerheads were trained, in a 500-gallon tank, to discriminate between a vertical grating and a 50% gray panel using positive reinforcement. Thresholds were then recorded from incrementally smaller gratings. These data, from the three techniques used in this study, suggest that vision does play an integral role in the juvenile loggerhead\u27s perception of its surroundings. Higher concentrations of cone photoreceptors and ganglion cells were found in the dorsal region of the eye, indicating an area centralis. Furthermore, the cone and rod photoreceptor densities throughout the eye suggest that this animal is capable of both visual acuity and sensitivity. Acuity threshold, measured from the VEP recordings, was approximately 5.4 minutes of arc for all turtles tested. Moreover, the psychophysical experiment measured an acuity threshold of 12.9 minutes of arc. The regionalization of acuity in the dorsal hemisphere of the eyes as well as the acuity threshold levels recorded for juvenile loggerhead sea turtle suggests that loggerheads are using vision for foraging, predator avoidance, territory selection and defense, and other basic behaviors in their aquatic surroundings
Kontestasi Pemikiran Dasar Negara dalam Perwujudan Hukum di Indonesia
Pembentukan dasar negara menempati proses penting dalam sejarah kebangsaan.Dari sinilah kita dapat melihat negara ini mau dibawa ke mana oleh founding fathers. Saatmenilik proses kesejarahan panjang itu, tergambar bahwa kontestasi pemikiran pembentukandasar negara tidaklah sederhana. Para tokoh mencoba merebut simpati dan adu gagasan.“Pertaruangan” ide dan gagasan inilah yang menjadikan produk pemikiran dasar negarasenantisa dinamis hingga saat ini. Apalagi dalam perbincangan negara berdasar Pancasilaatau berdasarkan Islam. Peran tokoh nasionalis Islam sangat penting dalam Perumusan dasarnegara Indonesia. Terutama pada penghapusan kata-kata yang kurang berkenan pada butirpertama Piagam Jakarta, hal ini tidak lantas dipandang sebagai suatu kekalahan politik umatIslam. Sebaliknya hal ini harus dipandang sebagai sebuah sikap inklusif umat Islam yanghendak dikembangkan demi mewujudkan prinsip Islam sebagai suatu ajaran yang lebihmementingkan kemaslahatan bersama
A review of decentralization and local development initiatives in Egypt between the years of 1994 and 2011
The purpose of this research is to review what main decentralization initiatives have implemented in the area of decentralization and local development in Egypt, what has been achieved, and what is needed to be implemented in order to move forward in the decentralization process. Decentralization could be a solution to the local administration efficiency, which can be applied also at the central level. This research is a qualitative research done through structured interviewing and filled questionnaires from senior officials at the central government and by informant people that are experts in the area of decentralization improving local administration and development. The findings were concluded from historic data, previous research in the area, also from the responses of interviews with experts in the field as well as the assessments from donor organizations, donors evaluation sheets and general observation. The good governance model has been utilized for the review of key decentralization and local development initiatives in Egypt. Finally, alternative solutions to the asked question and policy recommendations are provided in order to move forward in the process of decentralization, aiming for a better future in Egypt
Pendidikan Agama Islam berperan penting guna membentuk moral maupun karakter dari setiap kaum Muslim. Namun, di era digital ini berdampak besar pada dunia pendidikan, serta memberikan tantangan baru. Berkembangnya teknologi yang kerap dikenakan sebagai alat informasi maupun komunikasi yang mampu dikenakan oleh seluruh kalangan. Sebagaimana telah ditinjau bahwasannya kaum milenial menilai pendidikan Agama Islam sangatlah sulit guna dipelajari serta media tersebut hanya mampu diakses dengan manual serta tergolong membosankan. ICT ialah sumber pembelajaran multimedia dapat menampilkan meragam jenis kombinasi dari grafik, teks, audio, video, maupun animasi. Banyaknya jenis ICT yang digunakan oleh tenaga pengajar guna menunjang cara menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, yakni teknologi komputer, internet, teknologi penyiaran (radio, televisi), telepon serta layanan berbasis jaringan lainnya. Penggabungan tersebut ialah suatu kesatuan yang dengan bersamaan menampilkan informasi, pesan, maupun isi dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini mengenakan metode studi pustaka yakni mereview penelitian sebelumnya. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan guna menganalisa perubahan dalam pendidikan agama melalui transformasi ICT
Vitamin C alleviates acute enterocolitis in Campylobacter jejuni infected mice
Human foodborne infections with the zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni are on the rise and constitute a significant socioeconomic burden worldwide. The health-beneficial, particularly anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin C (ascorbate) are well known. In our preclinical intervention study, we assessed potential anti-pathogenic and immunomodulatory effects of ascorbate in C. jejuni-infected secondary abiotic IL-10-/- mice developing acute campylobacteriosis similar to humans. Starting 4 days prior peroral C. jejuni-infection, mice received synthetic ascorbate via the drinking water until the end of the experiment. At day 6 post-infection, ascorbate-treated mice harbored slightly lower colonic pathogen loads and suffered from less severe C. jejuni-induced enterocolitis as compared to placebo control animals. Ascorbate treatment did not only alleviate macroscopic sequelae of infection, but also dampened apoptotic and inflammatory immune cell responses in the intestines that were accompanied by less pronounced pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion. Remarkably, the anti-inflammatory effects of ascorbate pretreatment in C. jejuni-infected mice were not restricted to the intestinal tract but could also be observed in extra-intestinal compartments including liver, kidneys and lungs. In conclusion, due to the potent anti-inflammatory effects observed in the clinical murine C. jejuni-infection model, ascorbate constitutes a promising novel option for prophylaxis and treatment of acute campylobacteriosis
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