29 research outputs found

    L'utilisation de la chanson en cours de FLE dans l'Enseignement Secondaire et le Bachillerato en Espagne: réflexions théoriques et propositions d'activités

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    Basándome en la importancia de la música en el día a día, he desarrollado unas reflexiones acerca de las ventajas que puede tener ésta para aprender. Así, a partir de pautas para su uso, y de propuestas de actividades basadas en soportes musicales, he dado ejemplos concretos de lo que se puede trabajar en una clase de FLE con canciones, y de qué manera se puede explotar este tipo de soporte

    Connecting the sustainable development goals by their energy inter-linkages

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    The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide guide-posts to society as it attempts to respond to an array of pressing challenges. One of these challenges is energy; thus, the SDGs have become paramount for energy policy-making. Yet, while governments throughout the world have already declared the SDGs to be 'integrated and indivisible', there are still knowledge gaps surrounding how the interactions between the energy SDG targets and those of the non-energy-focused SDGs might play out in different contexts. In this review, we report on a large-scale assessment of the relevant energy literature, which we conducted to better our understanding of key energy-related interactions between SDGs, as well as their context-dependencies (relating to time, geography, governance, technology, and directionality). By (i) evaluating the nature and strength of the interactions identified, (ii) indicating the robustness of the evidence base, the agreement of that evidence, and our confidence in it, and (iii) highlighting critical areas where better understanding is needed or context dependencies should be considered, our review points to potential ways forward for both the policy making and scientific communities. First, we find that positive interactions between the SDGs outweigh the negative ones, both in number and magnitude. Second, of relevance for the scientific community, in order to fill knowledge gaps in critical areas, there is an urgent need for interdisciplinary research geared toward developing new data, scientific tools, and fresh perspectives. Third, of relevance for policy-making, wider efforts to promote policy coherence and integrated assessments are required to address potential policy spillovers across sectors, sustainability domains, and geographic and temporal boundaries. The task of conducting comprehensive science-to-policy assessments covering all SDGs, such as for the UN's Global Sustainable Development Report, remains manageable pending the availability of systematic reviews focusing on a limited number of SDG dimensions in each case

    Histoire naturelle et évolution sous traitement d'adultes infectés par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine de type 2 en France

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    L'infection par le VIH-2 est différente de l'infection par le VIH-1 par sa moindre pathogénicité, mais les raisons ne sont pas clairement identifiées. Cette thèse aborde l'infection par le VIH-2 chez les adultes en France, s'appuyant sur les données recueillies dans le cadre d'une étude de cohorte prospective ouverte de patients infectés, initiée en 1994. Le travail présente l'analyse des données recueillies sous différents aspects. Les patients sont tout d'abord décrits sur le plan clinique, épidémiologique et immuno-virologique. Une étude de l'évolution clinique et des facteurs prédictifs de la progression de la maladie est ensuite présentée. La troisième partie aborde les traitements antirétroviraux avec une étude des effets secondaires des traitements, en particulier lipodystrophies et anomalies métaboliques, une analyse de l'incidence des événements cliniques selon le statut thérapeutique, et une analyse de la réponse immunologique et virologique sous trithérapie d'analogues nucléosidiques.The HIV-2 infection is different from HIV-1 infection in its least pathogenicity, but the reasons are not clearly identified. This thesis is about the HIV-2 infection in adults in France, based on the data collected within an ongoing prospective cohort study of infected patients, initiated in 1994. This work presents the analysis of the collected data under various aspects. First the patients are described on clinical, epidemiological and immuno-virological aspects. Then, a study of the predictive factors of clinical progression of the disease are presented. The third part tackles about the antiretroviral treatments with a study about the side effects of the treatments, in particular lipodystrophy and metabolic abnormalities, an analysis of the incidence of clinical events according to the therapeutic status, and an analysis of the immunological and virological response after starting a triple nucleosidic analogs combination treatment.BORDEAUX2-BU Santé (330632101) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Story to taste

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'.Story To Taste is a multidisciplinary project done in the context of the European Project Semester by six students with different nationalities at Artesis Plantijn Hogheschool in Antwerp, Belgium together with coach Frederik Picard and the major actionist of MEUG Jeroen Van Dyck. The project is about a social platform related with drinks which pretends be fun too. The goal of it is attract everyone who is interested in any drink, alcoholic or none to know stories behind drinks and the possibility to play different games while tasting them. We came up with a platform prototype which really differentiate from the competitors nowadays, it is not a boring platform in which you can read information, rate and leave a comment about the drink. Story To Taste offers real/fantastic stories about the brand and the different products it has, but the core of the platform is the blind tasting. Thought to be played with a high number of players or a reduced one, no matters. We make a first distinction between the host and the guests to initiate the game, the host has to scan by the mobile function the drinks she/he will offer to the guests and once scanned, we give different game levels, depending on the experience and knowledge on the world tasting. After the initiation process, the game starts and players have to taste their drinks and answers the scope of possibility we offer for each questions, selecting the most convenience depending on what they feel while tasting it. It will appear a final group and individual score related with the answers clicked, the result shown is a psychologic profile based on twelve archetypes made with the experience of the user through the tasting. We have related the words given in the answers with the different archetypes together with the drinks added on our platform. If is not enough with stories behind drinks and games we also offer the upcoming events related with drinks in the all the country (Belgium) and the possibility to buy the tickets, moreover users can create a personal profile, add personal notes for the drinks they taste and share and connect with social medias and others persons. Obviously the growing of the platform is not at once it has different parts, 3 parts by now which are explained on the report of how this platform will grow through the days and the producers we will add on the platform. In addition, our revenue model and screenshots of the prototype can be seen on the different documents done

    Improved Sensitivity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 Subtype B Plasma Viral Load Assay

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    We developed a new assay for human immunodeficiency virus type 2 plasma RNA quantification based on a previous format. The new version performed significantly better than the original regarding the detection of subtype B, allowing the detection of 14 out of 36 plasma RNAs in the subtype B-infected patients not detected with the original version

    Story to taste

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'.Story To Taste is a multidisciplinary project done in the context of the European Project Semester by six students with different nationalities at Artesis Plantijn Hogheschool in Antwerp, Belgium together with coach Frederik Picard and the major actionist of MEUG Jeroen Van Dyck. The project is about a social platform related with drinks which pretends be fun too. The goal of it is attract everyone who is interested in any drink, alcoholic or none to know stories behind drinks and the possibility to play different games while tasting them. We came up with a platform prototype which really differentiate from the competitors nowadays, it is not a boring platform in which you can read information, rate and leave a comment about the drink. Story To Taste offers real/fantastic stories about the brand and the different products it has, but the core of the platform is the blind tasting. Thought to be played with a high number of players or a reduced one, no matters. We make a first distinction between the host and the guests to initiate the game, the host has to scan by the mobile function the drinks she/he will offer to the guests and once scanned, we give different game levels, depending on the experience and knowledge on the world tasting. After the initiation process, the game starts and players have to taste their drinks and answers the scope of possibility we offer for each questions, selecting the most convenience depending on what they feel while tasting it. It will appear a final group and individual score related with the answers clicked, the result shown is a psychologic profile based on twelve archetypes made with the experience of the user through the tasting. We have related the words given in the answers with the different archetypes together with the drinks added on our platform. If is not enough with stories behind drinks and games we also offer the upcoming events related with drinks in the all the country (Belgium) and the possibility to buy the tickets, moreover users can create a personal profile, add personal notes for the drinks they taste and share and connect with social medias and others persons. Obviously the growing of the platform is not at once it has different parts, 3 parts by now which are explained on the report of how this platform will grow through the days and the producers we will add on the platform. In addition, our revenue model and screenshots of the prototype can be seen on the different documents done

    Plasma RNA Viral Load in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 Subtype A and Subtype B Infections

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) is much less pathogenic than HIV-1, and HIV-2 infection is associated with plasma viral loads significantly lower than those found in HIV-1 infection. We have developed a real-time quantitative PCR method for measuring the HIV-2 RNA load that covers the range of genetic diversity of HIV-2 isolates and that detects extremely low viral loads. Samples from 49 patients were studied. Proviral DNA was first detected and quantified. The strains that were detected were then genotyped: 21 patients were infected with HIV-2 subtype A and 15 patients were infected with HIV-2 subtype B; 1 patient was infected with a highly divergent strain. Env PCR failed for the remaining 12 patients, so subtypes could not be determined. For viral RNA quantification, a stock of HIV-2 strain NIHZ, which was counted by electron microscopy, was used as the standard. Several primer sets targeting the highly conserved gag region were evaluated. Various primer combinations failed to amplify subtype B strains. With the final primer pair selected, which detected both subtype A and subtype B strains, the sensitivity of the assay was 100% at a viral load of 250 copies/ml and 66% at a viral load of 125 copies/ml. We found a correlation between the CD4(+)-cell count, the clinical stage, and the plasma HIV-2 RNA level. The median plasma HIV-2 RNA value for the 33 asymptomatic patients was 2.14 log(10), whereas it was 3.1 log(10) for the 16 patients with AIDS (P < 0.01). Proviral DNA was detectable in 18 symptom-free patients with high CD4(+)-cell counts, in whom viral RNA was undetectable