436 research outputs found

    Ab initio Wannier-function-based many-body approach to Born charge of crystalline insulators

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    In this paper we present an approach aimed at performing many-body calculations of Born-effective charges of crystalline insulators, by including the electron-correlation effects. The scheme is implemented entirely in the real space, using Wannier-functions as single-particle orbitals. Correlation effects are computed by including virtual excitations from the Hartree-Fock mean field, and the excitations are organized as per a Bethe-Goldstone-like many-body hierarchy. The results of our calculations suggest that the approach presented here is promising.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. B. (Rapid Comm., Dec 15, 2004

    Ab initio Wannier-function-based correlated calculations of Born effective charges of crystalline Li2_{2}O and LiCl

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    In this paper we have used our recently developed ab initio Wannier-function-based methodology to perform extensive Hartree-Fock and correlated calculations on Li2_{2}O and LiCl to compute their Born effective charges. Results thus obtained are in very good agreement with the experiments. In particular, for the case of Li2_{2}O, we resolve a controversy originating in the experiment of Osaka and Shindo {[}Solid State Commun. 51 (1984) 421] who had predicted the effective charge of Li ions to be in the range 0.58--0.61, a value much smaller compared to its nominal value of unity, thereby, suggesting that the bonding in the material could be partially covalent. We demonstrate that effective charge computed by Osaka and Shindo is the Szigeti charge, and once the Born charge is computed, it is in excellent agreement with our computed value. Mulliken population analysis of Li2_{2}O also confirms ionic nature of the bonding in the substance.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Feb 2008

    Analisa Kecacatan pada Produksi Sepatu Nike G40 dengan Metode Fmea (Failure Mode And Effect Analysis) dan Merancang Perawatan Mesin Pu (Polyurethane) Sol Sepatu di PT Xyz

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    PT XYZ Merupakan Perusahan yang bergerak dibidang produksi sepatu, untuk kelancaran produksi di perlukan langkah perbaikan dalam beberapa kegagalan produk, setelah dianalisis ternyata pada sebuah produk sudah sering terjadi kecacatan akibat beberapa factor, hal ini di tunjukan dari penelitian yang dilakukan di PT XYZ Teridentifikasi bahwa banyak kecacatan dalam produksi sepatu pada mesin Pu sol sepatu Nike G40 dengan metode FMEA diantaranya pada proses: Cacat Cutting, Sewing, memiliki nilai RPN paling besar yaitu 576 dan 448. Dan semua itu terdapat akibat dari pengaruh maintenance terhadap mesin PU sol sepatu pada kecacatan sepatu Nike G40, pada penelitian ini kegiatan pelumasan secara rutin dapat mencegah terjadi kerusakan yang tanpa diduga, khususnya pada shelter oil mesin PU sol sepatu yang selalu berputar dan membawa beban yang berat, untuk mencetak outsole. Temperatur suhu pada tengki penampung material juga sangat berpengaruh dalam kematangan material saat dicampurkan dan masuk kedalam cetakan (mold), Pada mesin PU sol sepatu. Yang pada akhirnya waktu penggantian oli dan service berkala yang berlaku pada mesin PU sol sepatu seperti Inpeller dan Chamber harus bersihkan setiap 12 jam sekali untuk dilakukan pembersihan dan jika sudah melebihi 150 jam s/d 8500 jam perlu diperiksa atau diganti jika sudah tidak layak pakai

    PLL Synthesizer Untuk Memantapkan dan Mensintesis Frekuensi 88-108 MHz

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    Salah satu faktor penyebab ketidak setabilan frekuensi sebuah osilator adalah terjadinya perubahan karakteristik komponen aktif ataupun pasif yang disebabkan oleh perubahan suhu atau lamanya pemakaian, keadaan yang statis, dan hembusan udara. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dapat diterapkan PLL Synthesizer yaitu sebuah sistem pengandali umpan balik terkontrol yang menjaga perbedaan fase antar sinyal referensi dengan sinyal output osilator. PLL Synthesizer dapat dirancang untuk menstabilkan frekuensi keluaran VCO dari perubahan suhu, getaran dan hmbusan angin yang menyebabkan perubahan karakteristik komponen yang dipakai. PLL Synthesizer dapat dirancang untuk mengendalikan frekuensi keluaran VCO. Sistem dianggap berhail apabila PLL FM Synthesizer telah mampu mensintesiskan frekuensi keluaran pada rentang 88 sampai 108 MHz dengan step 100 KHz dan mampu mempertahankan (mengunci) frekuensi VCO sesuai keluaran frekuensi referensi

    Essential Ingredients for the Implementation of Quality 4.0: A narrative review of literature and future directions for research

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    Purpose Quality 4.0 is concerned with managing quality in the Industry 4.0 era. Specifically, its focus is on which digital tools are used to enhance an organization’s ability to reliably give customers high-quality products. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the key ingredients for the effective implementation of Quality 4.0. Design/methodology/approach A narrative literature review was conducted on the extant works to collate and analyse previous studies in this relatively new field. Findings The study revealed eight key ingredients for the effective implementation of Quality 4.0 in organizations, namely: (1) handling big data, (2) improving prescriptive analytics, (3) using Quality 4.0 for effective vertical, horizontal and end-to-end integration, (4) using Quality 4.0 for strategic advantage, (5) leadership in Quality 4.0, (6) training in Quality 4.0, (7) organizational culture for Quality 4.0 and, lastly, (8) top management support for Quality 4.0. These findings have provided a steer for the future research agenda of Quality 4.0. Practical implications Organizations can use the eight ingredients to perform a self-assessment on the current state of each element within their own organization. When implementing Quality 4.0, each ingredient should be effectively analysed, and measures taken so that the implementation of Quality 4.0 is effective. Originality/value The paper makes the first attempt to present the key ingredients an organization should possess to effectively implement Quality 4.0


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    The purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in Commercial Banks before and after the policy of The Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) Number 8/4/PBI/2006 concerning Good Corporate Governance Implementation for Commercial Banks. Center for Good Corporate Governance Universitas Gadjah Mada (CG CGCG UGM) rating model was employed to measure CG implementation in Commercial Banks which calculate both company organs and Corporate Governance (CG) basic principles in a universal framework. From the company organs perspective, a CG system consists of five (5) organs interacting each others, which are board of directors, board of executives, boards of commissioners/committees, auditors, and stakeholders. Meanwhile, from the CG basic principles perspective, a CG system should fulfill five (5) CG principles, which are Transparency, Accountability & Responsibility, Responsiveness, Independency, and Fairness. Therefore, the CG framework and rating model use The information technology as the main pillar in the application of CG. As for measuring banking performance, CAMEL ratio--which consist of the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Management (Man), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR)--was applied. In conclusion, Using CGCG UGM rating model, it is discovered hat CGimplementation at Indonesian banking system was improved subsequently to the issuance of PBI. Whereas on its performance, the significant changes were indicated by only two ratios, i.e. LDR and MAN. This research depicts Bank Indonesia effectiveness as regulator at providing CG implementation guide on PBI. This research reveals for the urge for Indonesian banking industry to boost GCG implementation for their rating and performanceimprovement. Keywords: corporate governance asessment, CAMEL, commercial banks, corporate governanc

    Shift in the Funding Theory Paradigm: From Newtonian-Positivistic to Critical-Phenomenology

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    Theories about funding have developed rapidly, it was starting from the traditional-rational theory to the behavior-based funding theory, which responds to the gap between the reality and financial theories. The theoretical developments can depict the real condition about financial management involving funding decisions, investment decisions, and dividend policies in an enterprise. These developments and evolution enable financial managers and also entrepreneurs to realistically apply them in their business activities. This research used meta synthesis analysis technique to integrate results from a number of different but inter-related qualitative studies. There has already been a shift in the funding theory paradigm from a Newtonian paradigm which emphasizes positivistic epistemology leading to a Critical paradigm, which places more emphasis on a phenomenological approach to see the reality. This shift has resulted in many changes related to the financial essence, research related to finance, as well as the advantages of the funding or financing theory in a company. A new essence about funding has surfaced, where funding and its benefits can solve company funding problems

    Pengaruh Mental Work Load dan Gejala Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Terhadap Kinerja Petugas Rescue di PT Freeport Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between mental workload and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms to the performance of PTFI rescue officers. The analysis includes descriptive analysis, bivariate analysis using Chi Square test, and Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis using Partial Least Squares (PLS) program. The calculation of the data shows that PTFI rescue officers have a high overall mental workload perception, the prevalence of PTSD symptoms is 10.48%, and the overall average performance is appraised as meet expectations. The results of the SEM-PLS analysis shows that mental workload has a significant effect on performance (p-values 0.045 sig.5%) and PTSD symptoms have no effect on performance (p-values 0.885 sig.5%) but has a significant effect on mental workload (p-values 0.026 sig.5%). The Chi Square test shows a significant correlation between the predictor of assignment location with PTSD symptoms (p-values 0.019 sig.5%) and performance (p-values 0.032 sig.5%). The managerial implications then proposed to obtain healthy mental and optimal productivity of PTFI rescue officers, including handling PTSD symptoms, facilitating coping strategies, analyzing the influence of competence to mental workload, implement structured program to deal with traumatic events exposure, measuring the stress level, and measuring behavioral elements that support employees' perceptions as citizen of the organization. Keywords: mental workload, performance, PTSD symptoms, rescue office

    Pendeteksian Bit Error dalam Transmisi Data dengan Menerapkan Cyclic Redudancy Check

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    The communication path that will physically connect the two technologies conceptually works together such as cables. A special feature of a channel that resembles a cable is where the bits will be forwarded in the same order along with the bits sent. Data link layers have specific functions, this function includes starting from providing interfaces for services that are good for the network layer. Communication flows often make mistakes, sometimes having limited data rates and experiencing propagation delays other than zero between when bits are sent when the bit is received. This limitation is an implication of the importance of the efficiency of data transfer. Delivery of information in the telecommunications world will often occur errors in the data to be sent. This error is caused by a disturbance at the physical level, which is a disruption of the transmission line media, such as interference with electromagnetic radiation, cross communication, lightning or noise disturbance. This interference causes the information received does not match the information sent. The Cyclical Redundancy Check method, or CRC, is a method for handling error detection, this method uses binary numbers. The CRC data detection model is sent perframe consisting of a long row of bits for each frame

    Sistem Informasi Penyusutan Aset Tetap Peralatan pada Kospin Jasa Cabang di Bandar Lampung

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    Aset tetap adalah aset berwujud yang diperoleh dalam bentuk siap pakai atau dengan dibangun terlebih dahulu, yang digunakan dalam operasi Perusahaan, tidak dimaksudkan untuk dijual dalam rangka kegiatan Perusahaan dan mempunyai masa manfaat lebih dari satu tahun. Permasalahan yang dihadapi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Jasa Cabang Bandar Lampung dalam mengolah data aset tetap adalah masih dilakukannya perhitungan secara manual, belum adanya format laporan yang baku, dan sering terjadi kesalahan dalam pelaporan perhitungan aset tetap peralatan dan penyusutannya. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan aplikasi aset tetap dalam mengelola peralatan sehingga dapat menghasilkan laporan yang akurat, relavan, dan tepat waktu. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi Sumber Data Primer, yaitu Observasi, Wawancara, Dokumentasi, Studi Pustaka, dan Sumber Data Sekunder, yaitu Waterfall meliputi Analisa Kebutuhan Sistem, Desain, Coding, Testing, Maintenance. Dengan adanya aplikasi Aset Tetap yang dibuat menggunakan aplikasi NetBeans dan bahasa pemrograman Java, dapat menghasilkan perhitungan, informasi serta laporan yang cepat dan akurat. Sehingga kesalahan dalam pencatatan nama dan nominal aset tetap peralatan dan penyusutannya dapat diminimalisir