505 research outputs found

    Consumer perception and application of edible coatings on fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

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    Plasticized whey protein coatings have been shown to extend the shelf life of fresh produce. This thesis research was designed to determine consumer acceptance and perception of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables (FCFV) and edible coatings (EC) and to determine effects of plasticized whey protein coatings on quality of fresh-cut apples. Two studies were conducted. In the first study, a questionnaire on FCFV and EC was prepared and completed by 611 consumers. The data were analyzed using Probit analysis. In the second study, physical and microbial quality of fresh-cut (FC) apples coated with three whey proteins (30% glycerol added) each at 5% and/or 10% concentrations and water (as control), were determined during 13-day storage at 2°C. Consumers (30%) preferred commercially available FCFV to whole FV due to less preparation time and serving portions. Females were more likely to consume/use FCFV than males. Hispanic/Spanish consumers were less likely to consume/use FCFV compared to Caucasians. As an income level decreased the probability of eating/using FCFV decreased and preference for canned FV to FCFV increased. Compared to Caucasians, Asians were more and Hispanic/Spanish were less aware of EC. Some consumers would not buy coated FCFV if coating materials were of animal origins. A 7% increase in purchase intent was observed after advantages of EC had been described to consumers. The 10%WPC coating was most effective in minimizing weight loss. There were no changes in color lightness of apples coated with WPC/WPI, whereas significantly decreased lightness was observed for control and PHWPC coated samples by the fourth day of storage. Firmness of coated samples did not change after 13-day storage compared to that of the control, which was undesirably soft. Overall, the total plate count ranged from 0-0.54logCFU/g for 10-days storage and no E.coli/Coliforms were detected. This study demonstrates potential of WPC as an EC for FC apples and helps the food industry meet consumer and market demand regarding FCFV

    Prana vayu and Loka vayu Relation w.s.r. to Prana vayu vikaar

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    Modern era has seen rapid rise in incidence of respiratory tract infections. The detrimental effects of air pollution on health have been recognized for most of the last century with episodes of Severe Smog which occurred due to rapid industrialization in developed countries.Vata, the most important among Tridoshas is described by Acharya as “Tantra Yantra dhara” and its function in the body is broadly mentioned as “vaa-Gati- Gandhanayoh.” Among the 5 types of Vata, Prana vayu is of utmost importance as the karya it performs help in sustenance of the body. The general functionof tantra yantra dharana of vayu can be attributed to Prana vayu. As it is Harshotsaaha yoni, it helps in sarvendriya udyoga and is shareerasya pravartaka. Loka vayu Karma as explained by Charakacharya aresimilar to prana vayu karma. Vikriti of loka vayu leads to Prana vayu vikriti, therefore, protection of Lok vayu is essential to avoid or minimize Prana vayu dushti.Loka vayu is the major requirement of all the living beings on the planet. As explained by Acharya Sharangadhara in Shwasaprashwasa Prakriya “Peetvaacha ambara peeyusham punaraayaati vegavat” indicates the importance of Prana vayu in respiration Process. If this is to be understood in today’s scientificterms ambara peeyusham here probably refers to Oxygen, thus indicating the basic survival need of human race. Prana vayu karya are disturbed due to prakopaka reduced quality of surrounding environment and internal environment. Keeping this in view Pathya sevana, Yogasana, Pranayama, rasayan and adjuvant therapy etc should be encouraged as a part of contemporary ayurvedic treatment practice, to increase the quality of life of susceptible individuals


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    Speaking skills are a process skill, the more you practice, the more mastered and skilled a person is at speaking. No one is immediately skilled at speaking without going through a training process. This research aims to determine the differences between story telling and role playing learning models in terms of speaking skills in chapter I class IV at SDN Gugus Kartini. This type of research is quasi-experimental research with a quasi-experimental research design in the form of a post-test only control group design with data collection techniques using speaking skills assessment instruments. The samples in this study were fourth grade students at SDN Mangunsari 07 (19 people) as experimental group I and SDN Kalicacing 02 (15 students) as experimental group II. The data analysis technique uses the T test. The research results show that the sig. two-sided p 0.002 < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The average post-test scores for story telling and role playing were 84.58 and 73.60. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there are differences between the story telling and role playing learning models on speaking skills in class IV students at SDN Gugus Kartini


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    Speaking skills are a process skill, the more you practice, the more mastered and skilled a person is at speaking. No one is immediately skilled at speaking without going through a training process. This research aims to determine the differences between story telling and role playing learning models in terms of speaking skills in chapter I class IV at SDN Gugus Kartini. This type of research is quasi-experimental research with a quasi-experimental research design in the form of a post-test only control group design with data collection techniques using speaking skills assessment instruments. The samples in this study were fourth grade students at SDN Mangunsari 07 (19 people) as experimental group I and SDN Kalicacing 02 (15 students) as experimental group II. The data analysis technique uses the T test. The research results show that the sig. two-sided p 0.002 < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The average post-test scores for story telling and role playing were 84.58 and 73.60. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there are differences between the story telling and role playing learning models on speaking skills in class IV students at SDN Gugus Kartini

    Size Effect of Clay Filler Particles on Mechanical Properties of Pultruded Polymer Composites Under Shear Loading

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    Polymer composites are finding a range of applications across different fields of engineering. Hence, there is a need to understand the properties of these polymer composites. Mechanical testing can be done to determine the properties but firstly the composite must be manufactured consuming time and money. However, if the properties gained differ from those expected from composite the obtained data is rejected, and a new composite must be manufactured consuming more time and effort. The micromechanical models play an important role in estimating the properties of the polymer composites. These models estimate the properties of the composite by estimating the properties of the constituents that build up the composite. However, these models fail to explain the effect of particle size on to the mechanical properties of the overall composites. The study reviews different micromechanical theories and focuses on the development of an analytical model that can accurately predict the effect of clay particle size on to the mechanical properties of pultruded polymer composites with clay filler particles and the numerical results are compared to experimental data to validate the analytical model

    Clinicopathological study of bacterial lesions in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The incidence of bacterial lesions has been on the rise over the decades. In our study, we assessed and studied the spectrum of bacterial lesions retrospectively for one year and their clinicopathological correlation which was diagnosed on histopathological examination in a tertiary health care center.Methods: The present study (retrospective) has been done to analyse the incidence of bacterial infections obtained in the histopathology laboratory and study its clinical correlation and significance. Clinical details of the cases were accessed from biopsy requisition forms and included tissues from various sites in the body. Special stains were done which included acid fast bacilli (AFB), Fite Farraco (FF) stain and gram stain for the identification of bacteria.Results: A total of 318 cases including 288 H. pylori infections, granulomatous inflammation 18, Hansen disease 9 and 3 actinomycosis infections.Conclusions: The histopathological diagnosis of bacterial lesions are of utmost importance as it is more reliable than culture in circumstances of reduced tissue availability. Early reporting is extremely necessary to reduce complications related to bacterial lesions

    Implementation of Embedded Student Day Book based on Biometric by using Raspberry PI

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    Students play an important role in building one s nation hence it is mandatory to have a glance on student attendance Generic methods is based on paper method which may create errors which is further modified to RFID in which each student has unique QR code for scanning though this doesn t create errors any student possessing card can misinterpret other s attendance in their absence All these limitations can be overcome in the proposed system where the aadhaar number of student is linked to scratch card Only the card bearer can enroll student attendance as it works on thumb impression Not only attending classes ensures responsibilities of student the complete academic information along with his personal details will be stored and there will be no misinterpretation as aadhaar is uniqu

    U.S. Forest Service and Partners Deliver Urban Wildlife Research in Support of Conservation and Management

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    Variation suggestive of horizontal gene transfer at a lipopolysaccharide (lps) biosynthetic locus in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the bacterial leaf blight pathogen of rice

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    BACKGROUND: In animal pathogenic bacteria, horizontal gene transfer events (HGT) have been frequently observed in genomic regions that encode functions involved in biosynthesis of the outer membrane located lipopolysaccharide (LPS). As a result, different strains of the same pathogen can have substantially different lps biosynthetic gene clusters. Since LPS is highly antigenic, the variation at lps loci is attributed to be of advantage in evading the host immune system. Although LPS has been suggested as a potentiator of plant defense responses, interstrain variation at lps biosynthetic gene clusters has not been reported for any plant pathogenic bacterium. RESULTS: We report here the complete sequence of a 12.2 kb virulence locus of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) encoding six genes whose products are homologous to functions involved in LPS biosynthesis and transport. All six open reading frames (ORFs) have atypical G+C content and altered codon usage, which are the hallmarks of genomic islands that are acquired by horizontal gene transfer. The lps locus is flanked by highly conserved genes, metB and etfA, respectively encoding cystathionine gamma lyase and electron transport flavoprotein. Interestingly, two different sets of lps genes are present at this locus in the plant pathogens, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). The genomic island is present in a number of Xoo strains from India and other Asian countries but is not present in two strains, one from India (BXO8) and another from Nepal (Nepal624) as well as the closely related rice pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoor). TAIL-PCR analysis indicates that sequences related to Xac are present at the lps locus in both BXO8 and Nepal624. The Xoor strain has a hybrid lps gene cluster, with sequences at the metB and etfA ends, being most closely related to sequences from Xac and the tomato pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato respectively. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of hypervariation at an lps locus between different strains of a plant pathogenic bacterium. Our results indicate that multiple HGT events have occurred at this locus in the xanthomonad group of plant pathogens

    Pengaruh Kepemilikan Insider dan Kepemilikan Institusional terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio dengan Mempergunakan Struktur Modal sebagai Variabel Kontrol pada Perusahaan yang Go Public di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of ownership structure on dividend policy on companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2013 with a sample of 54 companies. Data were obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and the Indonesia Stock Exchange website. There are two equations developed in this study. The first equation to examine the effect of the company\u27s ownership structure on dividend policy. While in the second equation entered the control variables, namely the debt-to-equity ratio to test the consistency of the company\u27s ownership structure influence on dividend policy. Techniques using multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing statistical t and F statistics. Hypothesis test results indicate that the stock insider ownership variable significant negative effect on the company\u27s dividend policy, while the institutional ownership variables significant negative effect on dividend policy. Taken together the ownership structure share a significant effect on the company\u27s dividend policy which go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Adjusted R2 values after admission control variable increased from 0,053 to 0,044 be inferred variable debt to equity ratio is a variable that helps to explain the variation in the dividend policy of the company went public in Indonesia Stock Exchange
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