102 research outputs found

    E-Readers Are More Effective than Paper for Some with Dyslexia

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    E-readers are fast rivaling print as a dominant method for reading. Because they offer accessibility options that are impossible in print, they are potentially beneficial for those with impairments, such as dyslexia. Yet, little is known about how the use of these devices influences reading in those who struggle. Here, we observe reading comprehension and speed in 103 high school students with dyslexia. Reading on paper was compared with reading on a small handheld e-reader device, formatted to display few words per line. We found that use of the device significantly improved speed and comprehension, when compared with traditional presentations on paper for specific subsets of these individuals: Those who struggled most with phoneme decoding or efficient sight word reading read more rapidly using the device, and those with limited VA Spans gained in comprehension. Prior eye tracking studies demonstrated that short lines facilitate reading in dyslexia, suggesting that it is the use of short lines (and not the device per se) that leads to the observed benefits. We propose that these findings may be understood as a consequence of visual attention deficits, in some with dyslexia, that make it difficult to allocate attention to uncrowded text near fixation, as the gaze advances during reading. Short lines ameliorate this by guiding attention to the uncrowded span

    Shorter Lines Facilitate Reading in Those Who Struggle

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    People with dyslexia, who ordinarily struggle to read, sometimes remark that reading is easier when e-readers are used. Here, we used eye tracking to observe high school students with dyslexia as they read using these devices. Among the factors investigated, we found that reading using a small device resulted in substantial benefits, improving reading speeds by 27%, reducing the number of fixations by 11%, and importantly, reducing the number of regressive saccades by more than a factor of 2, with no cost to comprehension. Given that an expected trade-off between horizontal and vertical regression was not observed when line lengths were altered, we speculate that these effects occur because sluggish attention spreads perception to the left as the gaze shifts during reading. Short lines eliminate crowded text to the left, reducing regression. The effects of attention modulation by the hand, and of increased letter spacing to reduce crowding, were also found to modulate the oculomotor dynamics in reading, but whether these factors resulted in benefits or costs depended on characteristics, such as visual attention span, that varied within our sample

    Dual career couples in academia, international mobility and dual career services in Europe

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    The number of dual career couples in academia is growing due to the increasing proportion of women with a doctoral degree and the greater propensity of women to choose another academic as their partner. At the same time, international mobility is required for career advancement in academia creating challenges for dual career couples where both partners pursue careers. This paper has two objectives: a) to raise the increasingly important issue of dual career couples in academia and the gendered effect that the pressure for mobility has on career advancement and work-life interference, and b) to present examples of recently established dual career services of higher education institutions in Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, responding to the needs of the growing population of dual career couples. Due to long established practices of dual career services in the US, the European examples will be compared with US practices. This paper raises the significance of considering dual career couples in institutional policies that aim for an internationally excellent and diversified academic workforce. It will appraise dual career services according to whether they reinforce or address gender inequalities and provide recommendations to HEIs interested in developing services and programmes for dual career couples

    Network analysis of a stakeholder community combatting illegal wildlife trade

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    The illegal wildlife trade has emerged as a growing and urgent environmental issue. Stakeholders involved in the efforts to curb wildlife trafficking include non- governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, and state government/enforcement bodies. The extent to which these stakeholders work and communicate amongst each other is fundamental to effectively combatting illicit trade. Using the United Kingdom as a case study, we conducted a mixed methods study using a social network analysis and stakeholder interviews to assess communication relationships in the counter wildlife trafficking community. NGOs consistently occupied 4 of the 5 most central positions in the generated networks, while academic institutions were routinely the converse, filling 4 of the 5 most peripheral positions. However, NGOs were also shown to be the least diverse in their communication practices, compared to the other stakeholder groups. Through semi- structured interviews, personal relationships were identified as the biggest key to functioning communication. Participant insights also showed that stakeholder-specific variables (e.g. ethical/confidentiality concerns), and competition and fundraising, can have a confounding effect on inter-communication. Evaluating communication networks and intra- stakeholder communication trends is essential to facilitate a more cohesive, productive, and efficient response to the challenges of combatting illegal wildlife trade

    Widening the divide: the impact of school closures on primary science learning

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    Prolonged Covid-19-related school closures in the UK raised concerns that science teaching and learning at primary level would be negatively impacted. This paper reports the findings of phase 1 of a study that the authors are conducting with teachers and parents to explore this issue. We found that a significant proportion of teachers were providing less science during lockdown than in the normal school week. Teachers, particularly those working in more deprived areas, reported that translating the science curriculum for home learning had been difficult, with concerns around resources, internet access and parental ability to help. Some areas of the curriculum posed particular difficulties, leading to a narrowing of topics being taught. Both teachers and parents felt that schools prioritised English and maths above science. Meanwhile some parents reported that their children had engaged in sophisticated extracurricular activities, bolstered by resources available at home and knowledgeable adult help, but others said that their children had done no science at all. Parents who had studied science at post-compulsory level were much more comfortable in helping their children with science home learning. These factors combine to create conditions which may exacerbate existing inequalities as to who can access science education and careers

    Nanotechnology researchers' collaboration relationships: A gender analysis of access to scientific information

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    Women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, particularly at higher levels of organizations. This article investigates the impact of this underrepresentation on the processes of interpersonal collaboration in nanotechnology. Analyses are conducted to assess: (1) the comparative tie strength of women's and men's collaborations, (2) whether women and men gain equal access to scientific information through collaborators, (3) which tie characteristics are associated with access to information for women and men, and (4) whether women and men acquire equivalent amounts of information by strengthening ties. Our results show that the overall tie strength is less for women's collaborations and that women acquire less strategic information through collaborators. Women and men rely on different tie characteristics in accessing information, but are equally effective in acquiring additional information resources by strengthening ties. This article demonstrates that the underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has an impact on the interpersonal processes of scientific collaboration, to the disadvantage of women scientists.Villanueva-Felez, Á.; Woolley, RD.; Cañibano Sánchez, C. (2015). Nanotechnology researchers' collaboration relationships: A gender analysis of access to scientific information. Social Studies of Science. 45(1):100-129. doi:10.1177/0306312714552347S100129451ACKER, J. (1990). HIERARCHIES, JOBS, BODIES: Gender & Society, 4(2), 139-158. doi:10.1177/089124390004002002Aitken, C., Power, R., & Dwyer, R. (2008). A very low response rate in an on-line survey of medical practitioners. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32(3), 288-289. doi:10.1111/j.1753-6405.2008.00232.xAngrist, J. D., & Pischke, J.-S. (2009). Mostly Harmless Econometrics. doi:10.1515/9781400829828Baruch, Y., & Holtom, B. C. (2008). Survey response rate levels and trends in organizational research. Human Relations, 61(8), 1139-1160. doi:10.1177/0018726708094863Beaver, D. D. (2001). Scientometrics, 52(3), 365-377. doi:10.1023/a:1014254214337Boardman, P. C., & Corley, E. A. (2008). University research centers and the composition of research collaborations. Research Policy, 37(5), 900-913. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2008.01.012Bourdieu, P. (1975). The specificity of the scientific field and the social conditions of the progress of reason. Social Science Information, 14(6), 19-47. doi:10.1177/053901847501400602Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511812507Bourdieu, P. (1989). Social Space and Symbolic Power. Sociological Theory, 7(1), 14. doi:10.2307/202060Bouty, I. (2000). INTERPERSONAL AND INTERACTION INFLUENCES ON INFORMAL RESOURCE EXCHANGES BETWEEN R&D RESEARCHERS ACROSS ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES. Academy of Management Journal, 43(1), 50-65. doi:10.2307/1556385Bozeman, B., & Corley, E. (2004). Scientists’ collaboration strategies: implications for scientific and technical human capital. Research Policy, 33(4), 599-616. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2004.01.008Bozeman, B., & Gaughan, M. (2011). How do men and women differ in research collaborations? An analysis of the collaborative motives and strategies of academic researchers. Research Policy, 40(10), 1393-1402. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2011.07.002Bozeman, B., & Rogers, J. D. (2002). A churn model of scientific knowledge value: Internet researchers as a knowledge value collective. Research Policy, 31(5), 769-794. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(01)00146-9Bozeman, B., Dietz, J. S., & Gaughan, M. (2001). Scientific and technical human capital: an alternative model for research evaluation. International Journal of Technology Management, 22(7/8), 716. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2001.002988Brass, D. J. (1985). MEN’S AND WOMEN’S NETWORKS: A STUDY OF INTERACTION PATTERNS AND INFLUENCE IN AN ORGANIZATION. Academy of Management Journal, 28(2), 327-343. doi:10.2307/256204Chompalov, I., Genuth, J., & Shrum, W. (2002). The organization of scientific collaborations. Research Policy, 31(5), 749-767. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(01)00145-7Cook, C., Heath, F., & Thompson, R. L. (2000). A Meta-Analysis of Response Rates in Web- or Internet-Based Surveys. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 60(6), 821-836. doi:10.1177/00131640021970934Durbin, S. (2010). Creating Knowledge through Networks: a Gender Perspective. Gender, Work & Organization, 18(1), 90-112. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0432.2010.00536.xEcklund, E. H., Lincoln, A. E., & Tansey, C. (2012). Gender Segregation in Elite Academic Science. Gender & Society, 26(5), 693-717. doi:10.1177/0891243212451904Ensign, P. C. (2009). Knowledge Sharing among Scientists. doi:10.1057/9780230617131Etzkowitz, H., Kemelgor, C., & Uzzi, B. (2000). Athena Unbound. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511541414Flyvbjerg, B. (2001). Making Social Science Matter. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511810503FOX, M. F. (2001). WOMEN, SCIENCE, AND ACADEMIA. Gender & Society, 15(5), 654-666. doi:10.1177/089124301015005002Fox, M. F. (2010). Women and Men Faculty in Academic Science and Engineering: Social-Organizational Indicators and Implications. American Behavioral Scientist, 53(7), 997-1012. doi:10.1177/0002764209356234Fox, M. F., & Stephan, P. E. (2001). Careers of Young Scientists: Social Studies of Science, 31(1), 109-122. doi:10.1177/030631201031001006Fox, M. F., Sonnert, G., & Nikiforova, I. (2009). Successful Programs for Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Adapting versus Adopting the Institutional Environment. Research in Higher Education, 50(4), 333-353. doi:10.1007/s11162-009-9120-4Friedkin, N. (1980). A test of structural features of granovetter’s strength of weak ties theory. 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    Female senior secondary physics students’ engagement in science: a qualitative study of constructive influences

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    Background: Prompted by fewer females compared to males enrolling in physics and advanced mathematics at both secondary and university levels, our research investigated the views and experiences of female students currently studying upper secondary school physics. We interviewed 18 female students about influences they considered important to their own science education, interest in science, and future science-related aspirations. Our purpose was to identify the experiences that these students most strongly associated with the generation and maintenance of their engagement in science, particularly represented in this research by their enrolment in upper secondary physics. Results: The research team used a systematic, iterative process to identify the main themes in the transcribed interview data. We identified the influence each girl reported as the strongest (ranked first). We also combined all influences that the participants had nominated, regardless of their ranking, to further examine all factors participants suggested as influential in their sustained engagement in school science (represented by their decision to study upper secondary physics). Systematic analysis of the interview data confirms that the influences on these females’ choices to study physics at upper secondary originate from a combination of their teachers, their school’s science culture, members of their family, the participants themselves and their peers. Conclusions: The interviews highlighted the idiographic complexities in understanding the wide range of important influences on these students studying physics at upper secondary school and their engagement in science. The unique contribution of this work is giving voice to the participants and reflecting on what these high achieving females have to say about the influential factors in their decisions to pursue science. Supportive teachers and the school science culture play essential roles, and other cultural and/or social factors such as family members and peers are identified as important. References to the culture and expectations of the school, family holidays, and conversations with siblings are support factors that seem to interact and overlap. At the same time, the importance of policy-amenable factors such as competent and caring science teachers, and science-supportive school cultures should be emphasised and encouraged

    History of Reading Struggles Linked to Enhanced Learning in Low Spatial Frequency Scenes

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    People with dyslexia, who face lifelong struggles with reading, exhibit numerous associated low-level sensory deficits including deficits in focal attention. Countering this, studies have shown that struggling readers outperform typical readers in some visual tasks that integrate distributed information across an expanse. Though such abilities would be expected to facilitate scene memory, prior investigations using the contextual cueing paradigm failed to find corresponding advantages in dyslexia. We suggest that these studies were confounded by task-dependent effects exaggerating known focal attention deficits in dyslexia, and that, if natural scenes were used as the context, advantages would emerge. Here, we investigate this hypothesis by comparing college students with histories of severe lifelong reading difficulties (SR) and typical readers (TR) in contexts that vary attention load. We find no differences in contextual-cueing when spatial contexts are letter-like objects, or when contexts are natural scenes. However, the SR group significantly outperforms the TR group when contexts are low-pass filtered natural scenes [F(3, 39) = 3.15, p<.05]. These findings suggest that perception or memory for low spatial frequency components in scenes is enhanced in dyslexia. These findings are important because they suggest strengths for spatial learning in a population otherwise impaired, carrying implications for the education and support of students who face challenges in school