367 research outputs found

    Onychomycosis caused by Malassezia pachydermatis in a dog

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    Background: Malassezia species are commensal skin organisms of warm-blooded vertebrates that can act as opportunistic pathogens. Malassezia pachydermatis is of importance in both veterinary and human medicine. Recognised initially as causes of infection of the skin, they are now known to be superficial commensals as well as potential causes of infections in domestic animals and more serious human conditions such as fungemia. They have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of allergic and other inflammatory diseases. Onychomycosis is defined as fungal infection of the claw (nail disease) caused by dermatophytes (Microsporum and Trichophyton genus), non-dermatophyte molds (hyaline and dematiaceous) and/or yeasts. The objective of this work was to report a case of canine onychomycosis by Malassezia pachydermatis based on reference standard diagnostics of this pathology. Case: A 9-year-old male West Highland White Terrier presented history of claw abnormality: brown staining and partly brittle. The dog has no apparent history of trauma on the affected claw and no skin disease was reported. Direct examination of claw was performed using the tape strip technique revealed Malassezia organisms. Nail fragments were cultured onto Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol and Cycloheximide. After 10 days of incubation (32ºC) nail fragments allowed the isolation of pure colonies of Malassezia pachydermatis. The histopathological evaluation was performed by Sector of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Faculdade de Veterinária (FAVET/UFRGS) and fungal infection due to Malassezia pachydermatis was confirmed by histopathologic examination (Hematoxylin and eosin and Grocott’s methenamine silver stain) of the nail, that revealed abundant yeasts (blastoconidia). Discussion: Fungal infection of the skin, hair and nails are common and are primary caused by the dermatophyte molds. Non-dermatophyte molds isolated from nails constitute a long list, but only a few species cause onychomycoses. These include Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Fusarium sp., Acremonium spp., Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. Yeasts like Malassezia and Candida spp. usually are saprobics and usually represent incidental contaminants associated with a non-sterile specimen at mycological culture, however in some cases they may parasite the nails and become an etiological agent of the disease. M. pachydermatis, normally present on the skin and in the ear canal of dogs and cats, can act as opportunistic pathogenic microbe and frequently causes dermatitis and otitis in mammals. In the case of onychomycosis, there is little evidence that Malassezia yeasts are implicated in nail plate invasion, although this may be a rare occurrence. All species of the genus are obligatory lipid-dependent forms, with the exception of M. pachydermatis, as well as absence of keratinolytic ability. Malassezia organisms were commonly retrieved from the subungual claw fold region of normal healthy dogs (should be considered resident microflora of the normal canine claw fold). Some authors suggests that high numbers of yeast can be detected on cytological evaluation of the skin surface of the canine claw fold from allergic dogs in both the absence and presence of concurrent signs of pruritus and paronychia

    Müller´s Duct Persistence Syndrome Associated with Cryptorchidism, Sertoli Cell Tumor and Pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer

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    Background: Sexual development disturbances (SDD) are divided in SDD with XX genotype (SDD XX) and SDD with XY genotype (SDD XY). Among SDD XY, the Müller´s duct persistence syndrome (MDPS) is characterized by XY karyotype individuals with male external genitals; however, with internal female reproductive organs such as uterine horns, uterus, and cranial vagina portion. The MDPS cases and their related complications are considered very rare in veterinary medicine. The aim of the present case report is to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of a MDPS case associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer dog.Case: A 7-year-old male Miniature Schnauzer weighting 7 kg was brought to veterinary consultation due to owner´s complain of frequent vomiting, apathy, abdominal algia and progressive scrotal enlargement in the last two months. Physical exam reveals hyperthermia (39.7°C), discrete dehydration, enlarged popliteal lymph nodes as well as scrotum enlargement with only one palpable testicle. A blood sample collected for complete blood count showed regenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutrophilia with left shift in the leukogram. Abdominal ultrasound examination indicated the presence of a tubular structure filled by anechoic content extending from the scrotum to caudal abdomen. Moreover, a 6.39 x 8.54 cm heterogeneous mass in the medial mesogastric region became evident. The patient was hospitalized and submitted to exploratory laparotomy after 24 h due to rectal temperature increase (41°C), worsened abdominal pain and intense apathy. There was free purulent liquid in abdominal cavity and two uterine horns were documented. The left uterine horn passes through inguinal ring and both horns were filled by purulent material. At the right uterine horn extremity there was the mass previously document at ultrasound. The structures were removed and sent to histopathological examination. The microscopic exam confirmed testicular and uterine tissue; furthermore, a Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra were also characterized. The dog was kept at the hospital receiving fluid, antibiotics, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory therapy. After five days the animal was discharged with clear clinical recover. A sample for karyotyping was collected from the oral mucosa which reveals a XY karyotype in the dog. By this way it was concluded that the dog suffers from a SDD XY with MDPS associated to cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra.  Discussion: The MDPS cases are often associated with cryptorchidism and testicular tumors. Miniature Schnauzers is one of the most affected dog breeds with this condition, and the heritability pattern is already described. Most cases are identified in adult to old-aged dogs after vague clinical signs investigation such as apathy, anorexia and abdominal or inguinal enlargement, as observed in the present report. When Sertoli cell tumor are present, the hormone secretion pattern of this neoplasia may influence complications occurrence. Once higher estrogen levels may induce endometrial gland proliferation, hydrometra and pyometra are among these complications, as well as reduced hematopoiesis. Moreover, progesterone levels could be also increased favoring pyometra pathophysiology. By conclusion, despite very rare, MDPS should be investigated in Miniature Schnauzers with vague clinical signs, especially cryptorchidic ones. Karyotyping and histopathology were crucial to confirm the diagnosis. Moreover, no other case with MDPS, cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra was found in the published literature consulted.

    Müller’s duct persistence syndrome associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer

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    Background: Sexual development disturbances (SDD) are divided in SDD with XX genotype (SDD XX) and SDD with XY genotype (SDD XY). Among SDD XY, the Müller’s duct persistence syndrome (MDPS) is characterized by XY karyotype individuals with male external genitals; however, with internal female reproductive organs such as uterine horns, uterus, and cranial vagina portion. The MDPS cases and their related complications are considered very rare in veterinary medicine. The aim of the present case report is to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of a MDPS case associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer dog. Case: A 7-year-old male Miniature Schnauzer weighting 7 kg was brought to veterinary consultation due to owner’s complain of frequent vomiting, apathy, abdominal algia and progressive scrotal enlargement in the last two months. Physical exam reveals hyperthermia (39.7°C), discrete dehydration, enlarged popliteal lymph nodes as well as scrotum enlargement with only one palpable testicle. A blood sample collected for complete blood count showed regenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutrophilia with left shift in the leukogram. Abdominal ultrasound examination indicated the presence of a tubular structure filled by anechoic content extending from the scrotum to caudal abdomen. Moreover, a 6.39 x 8.54 cm heterogeneous mass in the medial mesogastric region became evident. The patient was hospitalized and submitted to exploratory laparotomy after 24 h due to rectal temperature increase (41°C), worsened abdominal pain, and intense apathy. There was free purulent liquid in abdominal cavity and two uterine horns were documented. The left uterine horn passes through inguinal ring and both horns were filled by purulent material. At the right uterine horn extremity there was the mass previously document at ultrasound. The structures were removed and sent to histopathological examination. The microscopic exam confirmed testicular and uterine tissue; furthermore, a Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra were also characterized. The dog was kept at the hospital receiving fluid, antibiotics, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory therapy. After five days the animal was discharged with clear clinical recover. A sample for karyotyping was collected from the oral mucosa which reveals a XY karyotype in the dog. By this way it was concluded that the dog suffers from a SDD XY with MDPS associated to cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra. Discussion: The MDPS cases are often associated with cryptorchidism and testicular tumors. Miniature Schnauzers is one of the most affected dog breeds with this condition, and the heritability pattern is already described. Most cases are identified in adult to old-aged dogs after vague clinical signs investigation such as apathy, anorexia and abdominal or inguinal enlargement, as observed in the present report. When Sertoli cell tumor are present, the hormone secretion pattern of this neoplasia may influence complications occurrence. Once higher estrogen levels may induce endometrial gland proliferation, hydrometra and pyometra are among these complications, as well as reduced hematopoiesis. Moreover, progesterone levels could be also increased favoring pyometra pathophysiology. By conclusion, despite very rare, MDPS should be investigated in Miniature Schnauzers with vague clinical signs, especially cryptorchidic ones. Karyotyping and histopathology were crucial to confirm the diagnosis. Moreover, no other case with MDPS, cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra was found in the published literature consulted

    Intestinal obstruction due to massive fat necrosis (lipomatosis) in a Jersey cow

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    Uma fêmea da raça Jersey com 9 anos de idade apresentou cólicas e dificuldade de defecação progressiva que evoluiu até completa obstrução intestinal. O animal morreu uma semana após uma tentativa infrutífera de corrigir cirurgicamente a obstrução. Na necropsia, as alças intestinais estavam distendidas por acúmulo de cont aeúdo fecal e havia massas de gordura necrótica circundando o segmento final do intestino. Os achados histológicos foram necrose da gordura associada à fibrose intersticial, inflamação crônica com células gigantes tipo corpo estranho, fendas de colesterol e mineralização. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA 9 year-old Jersey cow showed a clinical picture that initiated with colic, small amounts of feces, and progressed to the complete obstruction of the intestinal passage. The cow died one week after an unsuccessful cirurgic attempt to correct obstruction. At necropsy, the intestinal loops were distended by content accumulation and there were masses of necrotic fat surrounding the final segment of the intestine. The histological findings were fatty necrosis associated with interstitial fibrosis, chronic inflammation with foreign body type giant cells, cholesterol clefts and mineralization

    Cats with central nervous system cryptococcosis

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    Background: Cryptococcosis is a serious fungal infection contracted by humans and animals, and the most common systemic mycosis found in cats. This disease is often contracted through inhalation of fungal propagules. The Central Nervous System (CNS) may be infected through local extension (nasal and frontal sinuses) or via hematogenous route. Similarly to CNS bacterial infection, the clinical signs of neurological dysfunction may be attributed to mass effect (gelatinous mass of fungal microorganisms and fungal granuloma formation) or to a more disseminated inflammatory response to invading microorganisms. The objective of this study is to report one case of a patient with cryptococcal granulomas in the central nervous system and one case of a patient with neurological signs associated to a cryptococcosis. Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old male mixed breed feline was admitted to a veterinary clinic, located in Porto Alegre, RS, Southern Brazil. The patient presented unsourced behavioral changes, vestibular ataxia and dysphagia caused by inability of coordination. The following tests were performed: complete blood count test, biochemical analysis, computed tomography scan (CT scan), fluid analysis, radiography and toxoplasmosis test. The following medicine were administrated for treatment: fluconazole, dexamethasone, mannitol, phenobarbital and levetiracetam. Fluid therapy was also part of the treatment. Immediately after death, the cat was submitted for necropsy, and a fungal granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis was diagnosed. Cryptococcus sp. was identified as the causal agent through pathological findings, fungal culture and PCR analysis. Case 2. One year later, another feline was admitted to the same clinic (a 2-year-old female mixed breed) presenting hypersalivation, tremors and excessive vocalization. The patient had contact with the deceased feline. The following tests were performed: complete blood count test, biochemical analysis, computed tomography scan (CT scan), cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and radiography. The following drugs were administrated for treatment: fluconazole, prednisolone, phenobarbital, potassium citrate and cefalotine. This patient is frequently monitored by a veterinarian and presents adequate health conditions after the occurrence. Cryptococcus sp. was identified as the causal agent through fungal culture and cytology (cerebrospinal fluid). Discussion: Cats are the most frequently infected animals with the involvement of the upper and or lower respiratory tract, subcutaneous granuloma, and disseminated infections. These animals present a higher quality of life when the disease is diagnosed and treated early. Peripheral enhancement of intracranial cryptococcal granulomas has been demonstrated in felines. These fungal granulomas often present evidence of significant perilesional edema. The most substantial evidence for diagnosis of cryptococcosis is the identification of the microorganism in Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. The mechanism of the lesion is cellular death, probably caused by secondary atrophy from distortion and tissue compression due to the expansion of Cryptococcus cysts in the cerebral parenchyma. There are several reports of long-lasting remission or cure of CNS cryptococcosis treated with drug combinations, including flucytosine and/or triazole antifungal agents (itraconazole and fluconazole.) The isolated use of flucytosine may contribute to development of drug resistance. One controversial alternative that may be beneficial to the patient is the administration of low prednisolone doses in order to avoid perilesional edema in the initial stages of treatment. The utilization of glucocorticoids after diagnosis was associated to higher survival rates in animals

    Aspectos clínicos e patológicos de linfoma bovino afetando a medula espinhal

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    Clinical and pathological features of bovine lymphoma involving the spinal cord were evaluated through a retrospective study of the necropsy database from 2005 to 2017. Thirty-four cases of bovine lymphoma were found, 24 of which had central nervous system involvement restricted to the spinal cord. All cattle were Holstein cows 2.5-12 years-old (median age, six years-old). The clinical course was 7-21 days, and the main neurological sign was pelvic limb paresis (81.8%). The lymphoma often affected the spinal cord in a multifocal manner. Lumbar segments were the mostly affected sites (23/24), followed by the sacral segments and cauda equina (20/24), cervical (5/24) and thoracic (5/24) segments. Tumors were in the epidural space, peripheral to the pachymeninges (extradural) and between layers of adipose tissue. In addition, two cases had progressive hemorrhagic myelomalacia. Further organs affected included the lymph nodes (100%), abomasum (79.2%), heart (75%) and kidneys (45.8%). Microscopically, all lymphomas had a diffuse pattern, with no meningeal or medullar infiltration. According to the REAL/WHO classification, all these neoplasms were mature B-cell lymphomas. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was observed in 95.8% (23/24) of the cases. The following subtypes were observed in the DLBCL group in descending order: immunoblastic (60.9%, 14/23), centroblastic (26.1%, 6/23), anaplastic (8.7%, 2/23) and T-cell rich (4.3%, 1/23).Os aspectos clínicos e patológicos do linfoma bovino afetando a medula espinhal foram avaliados através de um estudo retrospectivo dos protocolos de necropsia durante o período de 2005-2017. De um total de 34 bovinos com linfoma, 24 apresentaram afecção do sistema nervoso central (SNC) restrito a medula espinhal. Todos os bovinos afetados eram fêmeas, da raça Holandesa, com 2,5 a 12 anos de idade (idade mediana de seis anos). Clinicamente, os casos tiveram uma evolução de sete a 21 dias, com a principal alteração neurológica caracterizada por paresia de membros pélvicos, a qual foi observada em 81,8% dos casos. O linfoma afetou frequentemente a medula espinhal de maneira multifocal. Os segmentos lombares foram os mais envolvidos (23/24), seguidos pelos sacrais e cauda equina (20/24), cervicais (5/24) e torácicos (5/24). Os tumores estavam localizados no espaço epidural, periférica à paquimeninge (extradural) e associada ao tecido adiposo. Em dois casos foi também observada mielomalacia hemorrágica progressiva. Os órgãos acometidos com maior frequência, concomitantemente ao espaço epidural, foram os linfonodos (100%), abomaso (79,2%), coração (75%) e rins (45,8%). Microscopicamente, todos os linfomas exibiam um padrão difuso, sem infiltração em meninges e medula espinhal (extradural). De acordo com a classificação da REAL/WHO, todos esses neoplasmas foram incluídos como linfomas de células B maduras. O linfoma difuso de grandes células B (LDGCB) foi observado em 95,8% (23/24) dos casos. Os subtipos classificados dentro do grupo dos LDGCB’s foram em ordem decrescente: imunoblástico (60,9%; 14/23), centroblástico (26,1%; 6/23), anaplásico (8,7%; 2/23), e rico em células T (4,3%; 1/23)

    Aspectos anatomopatológicos e o uso da imuno-histoquímica em suínos abatidos com lesões cutâneas de erisipela

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    Swine erysipelas is a disease of worldwide distribution, responsible for causing economic losses in swine and considered an occupational zoonotic disease. It is estimated that 30% to 50% of pigs are carriers and stress can predispose the appearance of clinical disease. The diagnosis of erysipelas in slaughter pigs becomes a challenge for pathologists, since scalding and dehairing, routine procedures in slaughterhouses, generate histological artifacts that often make the final diagnosis impossible. This study describes the anatomopathological aspects and evaluate the use of immunohistochemistry as a diagnostic tool in these cases. Forty-three cases of erysipelas in slaughter pigs were analyzed. Grossly, the cutaneous lesions were characteristic pink, red, or purple raised rhomboid, rectangular or square lesions (“diamond skin”). Histologically, in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, there were suppurative vasculitis, hidradenitis and folliculitis, as well as degeneration and necrosis of the vessel wall, thrombosis and multifocal areas of necrosis. Suppurative vasculitis and damage to the blood vessel wall were observed in all cases, with varying degrees of severity. The immunohistochemical technique proved to be an effective complementary method of diagnosis, with positive immunostaining in 93%. In most cases, we observed mild immunostaining (57.5%), moderate in 22.5% and marked in 20%.A erisipela suína é uma doença de distribuição mundial, responsável por causar prejuízos econômicos na suinocultura, além de ser uma doença zoonótica com caráter ocupacional. Estima-se que 30%-50% dos suínos sejam portadores e fatores estressantes podem predispor o aparecimento da doença clínica. O diagnóstico de erisipela em suínos de abate torna-se um desafio aos patologistas, uma vez que os processos de escaldagem e depila, rotineiros em abatedouros frigoríficos, geram artefatos histológicos que muitas vezes impossibilitam o diagnóstico final. Este trabalho descreve os aspectos anatomopatológicos e avalia o uso da imuno-histoquímica como uma ferramenta diagnóstica nestes casos. Foram analisados fragmentos de pele de 43 casos de erisipela em suínos de abate. Macroscopicamente, eram múltiplas lesões cutâneas romboides, retangulares ou quadradas rosa, vermelho ou roxo característicos (“pele de diamante”). Histologicamente, na derme e subcutâneo, havia vasculite, hidradenite e foliculite supurativas, bem como degeneração e necrose da parede de vasos, trombose e áreas de necrose multifocais. A vasculite supurativa e a lesão na parede de vasos sanguíneos foram observadas em todos os casos, em diferentes graus de severidade. A técnica imuno-histoquímica se mostrou um eficaz método complementar de diagnóstico, com imunomarcação positiva em 93%. Na maior parte dos casos observamos marcação discreta (57,5%), moderada em 22,5% e acentuada em 20%

    Sustainable Development of Tajikistan: Perspectives for Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO)

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    Energy efficiency is one the most pressing objectives of the XXI century. Energy efficiency is an intrinsic part of sustainable development of any country. But it is especially crucial for country like Tajikistan, which has an inefficient energy use pattern as a result of the legacy of Soviet era. Energy resources required for economic development can be obtained not only through increased extraction of raw materials, but also through improved energy efficiency at the demand side. Tajikistan imports about 35 percent of its energy needs, which makes the country extremely energy-dependent. That leads to an obvious inference that for Tajikistan to get on a sustainable development path, it is highly important to improve its energy efficiency and increase its energy security. The biggest energy consumer in Tajikistan is the Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO). According to the World Bank Energy Audit estimates from 2012, TALCO is the single largest power end-user in the country, which consumes 39 percent of total electricity generated. This research will explore the energy efficiency potential of TALCO. The research will use a core set of Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD) developed by UNDESA, the IEA, Eurostat and the European Environment Agency (EEA) to measure selected aspects of production and use of energy in TALCO. In particular, the research will focus on two of three dimensions of the EISD: Economic and Environmental dimensions. The objective of the research is to define the progress or the lack of progress towards sustainable development in Tajikistan. The research will provide information on current energy-related trends in the selected country and will attempt to provide a set of recommendation on alternatives and strategies to promote efficient and sustainable energy development

    Rinosporidiose em equinos

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    Rhinosporidiosis is a disease caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi, an aquatic protist of the class Mesomycetozoa. It primarily affects the nasal mucosa and transmission is associated with contaminated water contact. This report describes seven cases of rhinosporidiosis in horses in Rio Grande do Sul covering the period of 13 years. The disease predominantly affected Crioulo and thoroughbred horses. No apparent gender predisposition occurs, and age ranged from two to 25 years, with a median of 10 years. The gross aspects were characterized by unilateral (85.7%, 6/7) or bilateral (14.3%, 1/7) polyps. These were soft to friable, whitish to pink, cauliflower-like, with an irregular, sometimes ulcerated surface, measuring 2.5 to 6.0cm in diameter. There was a severe inflammatory infiltrate of the submucosa was observed, associated with moderate proliferation of the epithelium, and numerous rounded structures were identified compatible with sporangia of R. seeberi. Rhinosporidiosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of other conditions affecting the respiratory tract of horses, and it is important to perform histopathology for diagnosis.A rinosporidiose é uma doença causada por Rhinosporidium seeberi, protista aquático da classe Mesomycetozoa. Acomete principalmente a mucosa nasal e a transmissão está associada ao contato com água contaminada. Este trabalho descreve sete casos de rinosporidiose em equinos no Rio Grande do Sul em um período de 13 anos. A doença afetou predominantemente cavalos de raça, como Crioulo e Puro Sangue Inglês, sem predisposição sexual evidente e a idade variou de dois a 25 anos, com a mediana de 10 anos. Macroscopicamente foram caracterizadas por pólipos unilaterais (85,7%; 6/7) ou bilaterais (14,3%; 1/7). Os pólipos eram macios a friáveis, esbranquiçados a róseos, com aspecto de couve flor e com superfície irregular, por vezes ulcerada, medindo 2,5 a 6,0cm de diâmetro. Havia infiltrado inflamatório piogranulomatoso acentuado na submucosa associado à moderada proliferação do epitélio e numerosas estruturas arredondadas compatíveis com esporângios de R. seeberi. A rinosporidiose deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial de outras patologias que acometem o trato respiratório de equinos, sendo importante a realização da histopatologia para diagnóstico

    Estenose de traqueia em uma vaca holandesa

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    Tracheal stenosis, also known as “Honker syndrome”, is characterized by tracheal edema and hemorrhage, leading to partial obstruction of the lumen; therefore, death. Its etiology is not yet well elucidated. A 3-year-old Holstein cow, with a history of dyspnea, and a large amount of reddish foam flowing from the mouth and nose, had died after 10 minutes of clinical signs. Macroscopic examination revealed focally extensive hemorrhage and clot organization in tracheal mucosa extending to the submucosa, surrounded by well-differentiated fibrous connective tissue. In adjacent mucosa was observed moderate multifocal inflammatory infiltrate composed by lymphocytes and plasma cells, as well as moderate squamous cell metaplasia. The bacterial culture showed growth of contaminant and environmental bacteria and the RT-PCR to detect Herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) was negative. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first report of tracheal stenosis in South America, as well as the first report of this condition described in a Holstein cow.A estenose traqueal, também conhecida como “síndrome de Honker”, caracteriza-se pela formação edema e hemorragia na traqueia, causando obstrução parcial do lúmen e consequentemente morte dos animais. Sua etiologia ainda não está bem esclarecida. Descreve-se um caso de um bovino, fêmea de aptidão leiteira, três anos de idade com manifestação clínica de dispneia, e secreção de grande quantidade de espuma avermelhada pela boca e narina, e óbito após 10 minutos de evolução do quadro. No exame macroscópico, observou-se em traqueia área focalmente extensa de coágulo circundado por tecido conjuntivo na região dorsal, em áreas adjacentes havia espessamento da mucosa causado por edema e tecido conjuntivo. No exame microscópico observou-se em traqueia, hemorragia e coágulo em organização na submucosa estendendo-se para a mucosa, circundada por tecido conjuntivo fibroso bem diferenciado. Em mucosa adjacente, observou-se infiltrado inflamatório multifocal, moderado de linfócitos e plasmócitos e metaplasia escamosa do epitélio respiratório, multifocal moderada. Verificou-se no cultivo bacteriano que houve crescimento misto abundante somente de bactérias contaminantes e bactérias ambientais. Além disso, a técnica de RT-PCR para detecção Herpesvírus tipo 1 (BoHV-1) e 5 (BoHV-5) resultou negativa. Este foi o primeiro relato ao conhecimento dos autores, de estenose traqueal na América do Sul, bem como o primeiro descrito em bovino de aptidão leiteira