14 research outputs found

    A Brief on Home Automation Using IoT

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    With the recent advances in automation worldwide, items that are widely available to every person of the country are crucial to keeping their rapidly developing environment up to date. We are delighted to showcase our investigation using these items on an IOT-based home automation device designed, implemented and produced in India. Energy efficiency conservation is becoming a major challenge in developing countries worldwide, in particular. A key cause is the lack of knowledge among end-users (or customers), which may help mitigate the above-mentioned problem, of the employment of new and developing techniques and technologies e.g. Internet-of-things (IoT). This research presented the most advanced technology in the literature on IoT-compatible energy conservation methods. This study also points out aspects of the infrastructure and communication models utilised to create IoT-enabled applications in the literature

    Role of microbes in alleviating abiotic stress in plants

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    The leading threat to agricultural productivity is the recurrent variations in environmental conditions. A battery of abiotic stresses namely flooding, salinity, temperature, drought, heavy metal toxicities, nutrient deficiencies and oxidative stress causes irreversible damage resulting in loss of plant’s vigor and yield. The relationship between plants and microorganisms is a highly dynamic system. The plant microbiome consists of plant growth-promoting bacteria and fungi. In the last decade, many microbes that give hosts the ability to withstand abiotic stress have been characterized in detail. Their beneficial association with plants enables the plant to endure different stresses imposed on them thereby enhancing the plant's sustainability and productivity. For sustainable agriculture, it is very significant to comprehend microbiome-assisted mechanisms for mitigating abiotic stress. This review will shed light on the current knowledge about the roles of various microorganisms in mitigating against abiotic stresses. The understanding of these mechanisms will help to increase the yield of plants and meet the food demands of the expanding population

    Safety and effectiveness of intravenous iron sucrose versus standard oral iron therapy in pregnant women with moderate anaemia in India

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    Background: Aim of the study was to diagnose and treat pregnant females with iron deficiency anaemia, to reduce the complications associated with anaemia in pregnancy and to compare the efficacy, safety and side effects of iron sucrose with ferrous sulphate in the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. Methods: The subjects for study were enrolled on fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After detailed history, examination and investigations of patient the dose of intravenous iron sucrose was calculated by using the following formula: dose of iron: 2.4 x Hb deficit (11-patient’s actual Hb) x body weight in kg + 500. The following investigations were done on day 1: (a) complete blood count (CBC)- Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC and PCV; (b) urine examination. Patients was randomly allocated into two groups. Group-A: oral group- containing 150 pregnant females. Group-B: intravenous group- containing 150 pregnant females. Results: Majority of women (48%) were from lower middle class and lower class (30%). Only 5.3% were from higher socioeconomic class (p value 0.0001). Maximum women (60%) were primigravida and 40% were multigravida. which indicates that most ladies enter pregnancy with poor iron reserves. Improvement in the mean haemoglobin levels after 4 weeks of treatment was statistically significant in both the groups (p value 0.0001). Similarly rise in the mean PCV levels after 4 weeks of the treatment was significantly associated in both the groups (p value 0.0001). There was slight rise in the mean MCV and MCH after 4 weeks. Peripheral blood film had changed from microcytic hypochromic to normocytic normochromic after 4 weeks of the treatment in both the group (p value 0.004). Presence of side effects with the oral and parenteral treatment were 81.3% and 12% respectively (p value 0.0001). Conclusions: From our study, it can be concluded that intravenous iron sucrose has lesser side effects along with better absorption


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    Objective: Thiazolidinone, a saturated form of thiazole with carbonyl group on the fourth carbon, has been considered as magic moieties (Wonder nucleus) which possess almost all types of biological activities. This diversity in the biological response profile has attracted the attention of many researchers to explore this skeleton to its multiple potential against several activities Methods: Looking to the importance of N and S hetero cycles in the medical field, 4-thiazolidinone derivatives (3b,4b) have been synthesized by cyclization of substituted imines(1a,2a) with mercaptoacetic acid in presence of anhydrous ZnCl2 as a catalyst in DMF. The 4-thiazolidinone derivatives have also been tested against two bacterial strains viz. S. aureus and E. coli and two fungal pathogens viz. A. niger and C. albicans using Kirby-Bauer method. Result: New series of azomethines and 4 thiazolidinones compounds have been prepared. The synthesized compounds were characterized on the basis of IR, 1H-NMR, and elemental analysis. The purity of the compounds was checked using pre coated TLC plates (MERCK) using n-hexane: ethyl acetate (8:2) solvent system. The synthesized compounds show good antimicrobial acivity. Conclusion: The zone of inhibition is directly proportional to the degree of sensitivity of the bacterial, fungal strain and concentration of compound under test. A systematic perusal data of antimicrobial activity reveals that, with the increase in concentration of drug, increase in zone of inhibition occur in petridish. Better antimicrobial activity have been pointed out in synthesized compounds

    Public perceptions and experiences with the on-going COVID-19 immunisation programme in India: A survey based study

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    In countries with large population size, the process of spreading awareness about an entity is often a challenging task. India, ranking second in the world in terms of population, was one of the countries to produce effective vaccines and run a vaccination campaign in a span of months after the onset of COVID-19. The main objectives of the survey were to uncover the predilection of individuals regarding the available vaccines, the extent of safety and the necessity of vaccines. An attempt was made to find out the post-vaccination manifestations. The questionnaire was designed using Google forms which had a total of 31 questions and was circulated via various social media platforms. By the time of conduction of the survey, 18.40% of individuals had received both doses of vaccines and 58.10% of individuals had pain at the site of injection as the most common symptom irrespective of the type of vaccine they received. It can be concluded that the majority of individuals considered vaccination as the need of the hour. Covishield was the most favoured vaccine. Although most of the responses received were assertive, some of the respondents were still sceptical about the vaccination. It was found that vaccination helped in reducing the severity of disease and if coupled with other precautionary measures will lessen the transmission or spread of the virus

    A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Kasisadi Vaginal Pessary and Udumbaradi Tail Pichu in Management of Shweta Pradar (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge): A Double Arm Random Control Study

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    Shwetapradara, a symptom of many gynaecologic disorders, develop due to vitiation of Kapha predominant Doshas. Laghutriya described Shwetapradar. In Charak Samhita management of Shwetpradar is described under the description of Pandurasrigdara. Chakrapani has explained Pandura-Asrigdara as Shwetapradar in his commentary. Objectives: To draw Ayurvedic management to the disease with effective cure and no or minimal side effects, that can be easily administered and accepted by the patient. Materials & Methods: After obtaining Ethics Committee approval and informed consent, 210 patients were randomized into two groups. In one group, Kasisadi vaginal pessary in the night followed by Udumbaradi Taila Pichu for 2 hours in the morning was given while in another a vaginal pessary (clotrimazole+ tinidazole+ clindamycin) was given for 7 days. From baseline to 7th day on the bases of assessment criteria per-speculum examination was done. A comparison of categorical variables was done using an appropriate statistical test. Results: Uduambaradi Taila and Kasisadi vaginal pessary exhibited potentially comparable effects to the conventional treatment but the recurrence rate was found more in conventional treatment. Conclusion: Uduambaradi Taila pichu and Kasisadi vaginal pessary combination is an effective, side effects-free, patient-compliant herbal alternative for the management of abnormal vaginal discharge

    Management of Bandhyatava (Infertility) by Sodhan Followed by Shaman Chikitsa: A Case Report

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    As per Ayurveda Vandhyatva occurs due to the vitiation of Vata Dosha which affects basic four constituents of Garbha sthapana. In modern science Infertility is described as an inability to conceive despite unprotected sex for duration of one year or more and PCOS is a major causative factor behind it. PCOS results in deterioration of female reproductive health which leads to infertility. In Ayurveda Samhithas, vast range of treatment methods are described. The basic aim in Ayurveda is to correct Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja, the four basic factors for infertility by Shamana and Shodhan Chikitsa. Panchkarma provides best efficacy because it helps in balancing Doshas and Dushyas. Uttarbasti is also indicated for infertility which helps in detoxification of reproductive tract and balancing Vata Dosha, finally helps in retaining Garbha. In this case report importance of Sodhan Chikitsa before Shaman Chikitsa in case of infertility is emphasized

    EGFR and HER2/NEU immunoexpression in ovarian neoplasms in Bundelkhand Region

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    Introduction: Ovarian Cancers account for the greatest number of deaths from malignancies of female genital tract and it is the fifth leading cause of cancer fatalities in women. Surface epithelial tumours are the most common, followed by germ cell tumours. Objective: To analyse the expression of EGFR and HER 2neu using Immunohistochemisty in different Ovarian tumours with special reference to surface Epithelial tumours. Material and Methods: 52 cases of different ovarian tumours were studied. Cases included total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral saphingoophorectomy, oophorectomy, and cystectomy specimens. Expression of EGFR (ErbB1) and HER2-neu (ErbB2) was determined by immunohistochemical reactions performed with the Super SensitiveTM IHC Detection system by the BiogenixTM. Tests were performed according to the instructions of each kit. Results: The mean age of presentation for epithelial tumours was found to be 42.48 years. For malignant epithelial tumours mean age of presentation was found to be 51.1 years. EGFR positivity was found in 28.57 % of surface epithelial ovarians tumours, and HER2/neu positivity was seen in 20% of surface epithelial ovarian tumours. As far as malignant serous papillary adenocarcinoma is concerned, we found 33.3% positivity for HER2/neu and 50% positivity for EGFR

    Public perceptions and experiences with the ongoing COVID-19 immunisation programme in India: A survey-based study

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    140-161In countries with large population size, the process of spreading awareness about an entity is often a challenging task. India, ranking second in the world in terms of population, was one of the countries to produce effective vaccines and run a vaccination campaign in a span of months after the onset of COVID-19. The main objectives of the survey were to uncover the predilection of individuals regarding the available vaccines, the extent of safety and the necessity of vaccines. An attempt was made to find out the post-vaccination manifestations. The questionnaire was designed using Google forms which had a total of 31 questions and was circulated via various social media platforms. By the time of conduction of the survey, 18.40% of individuals had received both doses of vaccines and 58.10% of individuals had pain at the site of injection as the most common symptom irrespective of the type of vaccine they received. It can be concluded that the majority of individuals considered vaccination as the need of the hour. Covishield was the most favoured vaccine. Although most of the responses received were assertive, some of the respondents were still sceptical about the vaccination. It was found that vaccination helped in reducing the severity of disease and if coupled with other precautionary measures will lessen the transmission or spread of the virus