24 research outputs found

    Diversity Species and Dominance of Gastropods on Lantebung Mangrove Ecosystem, City of Makassar

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    The Lantebung mangrove ecosystem in Makassar City is one of the mangrove ecosystems in Makassar City, which has been used by the community as a mangrove tourism area. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of species diversity and the dominate of gastropod species in the Lantebung Mangrove ecosystem, Makassar City. This research is an exploratory descriptive research. Determination of stations is done by purposive sampling with 3 research stations. Where is every station. At each station a 20 meter long transact was made with 5 subplots measuring 1m x 1m. The results of this study indicated that the index of gastropod diversity in the Lantebung mangrove ecosystem, Makassar City is in the medium class with a value of 1.235. The Dominance Index found that the Dominance of Gastropod Species was in the low class with a value of 0.388.

    Diversity Species and Dominance of Gastropod on Ekosistem Mangrove Ecosystem Lantebung, City of Kota Makassar

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    The Lantebung mangrove ecosystem in Makassar City is one of the mangrove ecosystems in Makassar City, which has been used by the community as a mangrove tourism area. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of species diversity and the dominate of gastropod species in the Lantebung Mangrove ecosystem, Makassar City. This research is an exploratory descriptive research. Determination of stations is done by purposive sampling with 3 research stations. Where is every station. At each station a 20 meter long transact was made with 5 subplots measuring 1m x 1m. The results of this study indicated that the index of gastropod diversity in the Lantebung mangrove ecosystem, Makassar City is in the medium class with a value of 1.235. The Dominance Index found that the Dominance of Gastropod Species was in the low class with a value of 0.388.

    Model Penataan Pemakaman Sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Makasar

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    RTH in urban areas has undergone many changes into built-up land so that it has changed its function into settlements, hotels, restaurants and others due to the very high growth of urban activities in Makassar City. Cemeteries have the main function as a place of public service for the burial of bodies. Cemeteries can also function as green open spaces to add to the beauty of the city and can function as water catchment areas, protectors, ecosystem supporters, and unifying urban spaces. The research aims to determine the design of the appropriate burial area model that functions as green open space and determine the potential of green open space that can be maximized from the Makassar City cemetery area. Research using survey techniques and descriptive analysis of 7 TPUs in Makassar City, was carried out from July to August 2021. The results show that dense cemeteries with high land cover have reduced the function of TPU as City Green Open Space. The design of the TPU in the context of optimizing the green open space increases the capacity of the tomb and improves environmental functions and religious norms, through the addition of facilities and diversity of vegetation

    Landslide susceptibility map using certainty factor for hazard mitigation in mountainous areas of Ujung-loe watershed in South Sulawesi

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    This study aims to build a landslide susceptibility map (LSM) by using certainty factor (CF) models for mitigation of landslide hazards and mitigation for people who live near to the forest. In the study area, the mountainous area of the Ujung-loe watersheds of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, information on landslides were derived from aerial photography using time series data images from Google Earth Pro© from 2012 to 2016 and field surveys. The LSM was built by using a CF model with eleven causative factors. The results indicated that the causative factor with the highest impact on the probability of landslide occurrence is the class of change from dense vegetation to sparse vegetation (4-1), with CF value 0.95. The CF method proved to be an excellent method for producing a landslide susceptibility map for mitigation with an area under curve (AUC) success rate of 0.831, and AUC predictive rate 0.830 and 85.28% of landslides validation fell into the high to very high class. In conclusion, correlations between landslide occurrence with causative factors shows an overall highest LUC causative factor related to the class of change from dense vegetation to sparse vegetation, resulting in the highest probability of landslide occurrence. Thus, forest areas uses at these locations should prioritize maintaining dense vegetation and involving the community in protection measures to reduce the occurrence of landslide risk. LSM models that apply certainty factors can serve as guidelines for mitigation of people living in this area to pay attention to landslide hazards with high and very high landslide vulnerability and to be careful to avoid productive activities at those locations

    Green Open Space Planning in Improving the Quality of Space in the Mamuju Urban Area

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    The increase in regional demographics certainly affects the use of energy for transportation and households which will ultimately have implications for greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions in the region. This study focuses on the planning of green open space in the Mamuju Urban Area in order to minimize the effects of greenhouse gases so that the quality of space in the area is maintained. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research that explores the condition of green open space in the Mamuju Urban Area and takes into account the existing emission potential. The data analysis used is AHP (scoring and weighting) to determine the value and influence of each thematic, image digitization and field observations to determine the existing green open space in the Mamuju Urban Area, and overlay using the ArcGIS 10.8 application to combine maps that be a research indicator. The results obtained from this study are that the Mamuju Urban Area continues to grow from time to time, the distribution of existing green open space continues to decrease along with land use changes that continue to occur, and from the analysis of potential emissions, the largest green open space planning directive is private green open space planning with an area of 354, 14 Ha

    Low Carbon Emission Development Model with System Dynamic approach in Luwu regency

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    Development of low carbon emissions System Dynamics Modeling that can be done is development in the mangrove sector. One of the forest ecosystems that is quite good at carbon sequestration is the mangrove ecosystem which can store four times more carbon than tropical forests The system dynamics approach is carried out by understanding the dynamic behavior of a phenomenon and identifying changes in mangrove cover and emissions. The method used to see land use changes from year to year is the spatial analysis method, then the data is analyzed using a dynamic system. This research will be conducted in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research was carried out for 2 months, namely October 2021 to November 2021. The results of the analysis revealed that the area of mangrove cover decreased in 2011 reaching 3,014 Ha until in 2020 it reached 1,677 Ha, there are several types of land use that have changed in area, one of which is a decrease in primary dry forest land cover and secondary dry forest and an increase in area in settlements and agricultural land.  The results of the model simulation show that in the existing condition the mangrove area in the luwu regency in 2011 was 3,014 ha and in 2020 it was 2,507 ha, based on the BAU, the condition of the mangrove area in 2030 is estimated to be 2,895 ha, in 2045 it will be 2,511 ha and in 2060 it will be 2,199 ha. Analysis of Low Carbon Emission Development in Mangrove Ecosystems in Luwu Regency shows that the proportion of mangrove emission release and absorption reaches equilibrium by 2047 in a fair scenari

    Analisis Perubahan Penutupan Lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai Kelara Menggunakan Citra Sentinel 2

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    Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Kelara terletak di Kabupaten Gowa dan Kabupaten Jeneponto Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang diduga mengalami perubahan tutupan lahan dikarenakan penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana pola ruang sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan yang berdampak pada fungsi hidrologi yang berujung terjadinya bencana alam. Perubahan penggunaan lahan dilakukan dengan menganalisis citra sentinel 2 tahun 2017 dan 2021 melalui proses digitasi on screen yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses tumpang susun (overlay). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan penutupan lahan pada DAS Kelara pada tahun 2017 – 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat delapan kelas penggunaan lahan di DAS Kelara yaitu hutan, lahan terbuka, pemukiman, perkebunan, pertanian lahan kering campur, sawah, tambak dan tubuh air, dan. Penutupan lahan yang mengalami penambahan luasan yaitu, pemukiman (3,79%), pertanian lahan kering campur (3,25%), sawah (0,49%), tambak (0,01%), dan tubuh air (0,33%). Penutupan lahan yang mengalami penurunan luasan yaitu hutan (1,98%), lahan terbuka, (0,70%) dan perkebunan (5,18%). Nilai matrik konfusi menunjukkan overall accuracy tertinggi pada tahun 2017 sebesar 92,23% dan terendah pada tahun 2021 sebesar 91,71%


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    Landslide is a movement of soil with slope direction and moves it on a slide. This study aimed to predict the landslide susceptibility map by using a frequency ratio. It used seven causative factors, such as slope, curvature, land use, lithology, distance to a river, distance to lineament, and rainfall. The result showed the AUC of success rate and predicted rate produced high accuracy with 0.907 and 0.904, respectively.  According to the frequency ratio, the slope was the most influential than the other causative factors with 7.15. The landslide susceptibility divided into five classes, i.e. very low, low, moderate, high, and very high.  Landslide susceptibility with very high and high was 19%.  Moreover, classes susceptibility of very low, low, and moderate were 71%. The presentation of very high and high susceptibility is low, but it was located on an upper stream, and it will be a danger if to the downstream.


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    Land use change in the Tanralili sub-watershed (upstream of the Maros watershed) is the main cause of decreased vegetation density and landslides. This study aims to identify land capability classes, analyze the suitability of land use with land capability classes and formulate land use directions based on Maros watershed land capability classes. The data obtained from laboratory analysis determined the land capability class; the land cover map was overlaid with the land capability class map to determine the suitability of land use and the next direction. The results of the land capability classification in the Maros watershed obtained six land capability classes, with Class IV dominating the land study with a total area of 37,792.34 ha (62.11%). The Maros watershed has 24,714.18 ha (40.62%) of unsuitable land. The direction for land management carried out on unsuitable land units is to direct community forestry activities (HKm) with an agroforestry system on the use of dryland agricultural land within forest areas through a supported talun-garden and grass-forest (silvopasture) model approach with vegetative conservation efforts.Peningkatan jumlah penduduk selalu jalan beriringan dengan kemajuan pembangunan. Pesatnya pembangunan untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan hidup manusia membutuhkan semakin banyak lahan, sedangkan luas lahan tetap sehingga menyebabkan penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kelas kemampuan lahan, menganalisis kesesuaian penggunaan lahan dengan kelas kemampuan lahan, dan merumuskan arahan penggunaan lahan sesuai dengan kelas kemampuan lahan DAS Maros. Hasil identifikasi kelas klasifikasi kemampuan lahan di DAS Maros diperoleh 6 kelas kemampuan lahan dengan Kelas kemampuan IV mendominasi areal penelitian dengan total luas mencapai 37.792,34 ha (62,11%). Diikuti dengan kelas kemampuan II seluas 13.614,84 ha (22,38%), kelas kemampuan III seluas 5.997,26 ha (9,86%), kelas kemampuan V seluas 2.130,03 ha (3,50%), kelas kemampuan VII seluas 1.206,01 ha (1,98%), dan kelas kemampuan VI seluas 103,16 ha (0,17%). Hasil uji kesesuaian penggunaan lahan DAS Maros dengan kelas kemampuan lahan dan kawasan hutan, DAS Maros memiliki luas lahan 24.714,18 ha (40,62%) yang penggunaan lahannya tidak sesuai sedangkan 59,38% lainnya sesuai. Arahan pengelolaan lahan yang dilakukan pada unit lahan yang tidak sesuai adalah dengan melakukan upaya konservasi secara vegetatif dan mekanik


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    This study examined water quality from various land cover in the Bialo watershed. Water sampling was carried out at three land cover namely, primary dryland forest, scrubland and dryland agriculture. sampling was carried out four times, two before rain and two after rain. The parameters measured were temperature, TSS, turbidity, color, pH, BOD, and DO. The results of water quality parameters are temperature values of 19.0-25.2 0C, turbidity ranged from 0.3-14,4 NTU, TSS 3.47-23.0 mg/l, color 0 Pt.Co- 39 Pt.Co, pH ranges from 6.99-7.16, BOD 0.29-2.05 mg/l and DO values ranged from 6.27-8.10 mg/l. The results of the study show that water quality in the Bialo Watershed from primary forest land cover is better than shrubs and dry land farming as indicated by the value of temperature, TSS, turbidity, color and BOD were low and high DO values. &nbsp